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Origins Page 7

by Sandra Kaye

  In the end, three others also agreed. We made an agreement to call Teddy after we did the spell to decide when we would meet again.

  Once everyone except our core group was gone, Gabe asked Teddy if he would like for him to try to request him as his personal feeder. That meant that Teddy would belong only to him. Before agreeing, Teddy questioned how that would work.

  “Because to be honest, man, the only thing that was making this something I could do was knowing that I can refuse to feed men. That’s just too weird for me and with knowing you, that would be even worse.”

  Gabe laughed lightly. “I wasn’t going to feed on you. I just thought it would keep you safe from others if I claimed you as mine.”

  Teddy seemed to consider before he replied. “If you don’t plan to feed on me but are willing to claim me, wouldn’t that keep you from feeding on anyone else?”

  “It would, but since I’m a hybrid, I don’t need as much blood as a full vampire does, so I can hold off for a while.”

  Seslie responded before Teddy could. “You can only go four days. It’s not like we can guarantee things will be resolved by then. Plus, we need you to keep your strength up.”

  Gabe seemed to consider his answer, but Teddy cut him off with a question of his own. “Could we draw my blood with a needle for you?”

  “I don’t see why not. If it hasn’t been out of your body long enough to cool, I think my body would accept it,” Gabe stated. “However, we would need to draw from somewhere that no one would notice the puncture site, and you would need at least one bite on your neck to keep up the charade.”

  “I think I can handle that.”

  With those things agreed on, Teddy asked if we needed back-up for our spell, but Gabe assured him there was no need. He left knowing I’d call as soon as we knew anything.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Being in a graveyard at night was beyond creepy. Being in one where people were killed was just plain crazy. Goddess help us, the things we did for our friends.The spell was a simple one, but the set-up was time-consuming. We had to do a protection circle to prevent alerting whoever was behind the murders. Powerful magic users could use a tracking spell similar to the one we were planning to lead them back to us. That was something we definitely didn’t need.

  Gabe stayed out of the way while we did what we needed to do. Once things were set up, Seslie and I stepped inside and closed the circle. We had done so many spells together, it required little conversation anymore. Since neither of us had ever done this spell, we had agreed beforehand who would complete which parts. While it could have been done by just one of us, it was easier to split the spell and cut the amount of power expended in half. That way, neither of us ended up depleted if something happened.Our spell built and flowed as expected, but once it peaked and should have directed us to the culprit behind the deaths, it just petered out. I’d never seen a spell do that. It was like we had done something wrong. We attempted twice more with the same results. At that point, both of our magic stores were running low, so we had to call it quits. There was obviously something faulty in the spell. We could figure it out, but not without rest and more power than either of us had at that moment. We cleaned up everything and left the crypt, both of us mulling over our lack of results.

  When we reached the car, Gabe asked what we found out. Seslie explained how the spell seemed to fizzle out instead of leading anywhere. Gabe questioned whether that meant we were being blocked or if the Raven Mockers were not what we were looking for. Ses looked to me. Since neither answer seemed to fit and I had no clue what did, I just shrugged as a reply. It was too early to know what had gone wrong, but I truly believed we were on the right track. I just wasn’t sure how to prove it. I wanted to keep those thoughts to myself, at least until I got a chance to think on it a bit more.

  The ride back to my place was long and silent. My sister and I were in our own world, and Gabe didn’t seem to know what to say to help so he kept silent. Had it been just Seslie and me, we would have been brainstorming as we drove. Having Gabe present threw off our dynamic. Not that he would interfere. He just wasn’t a witch. Ses and I had been doing this kind of thing for so long, we almost knew what the other was thinking.When we reached my place, I was surprised to see Seslie get out of the car after I did. She gave Gabe a kiss and waved him off, following me to my door. As I reached the sidewalk, I noticed her car was next to mine. I hadn’t realized she’d driven. I just assumed since she and Gabe were there that they come together. My bad. Instead of getting in, she followed me to the door and into the apartment. I grabbed a bottle of wine, and Seslie grabbed the glasses. We met on the couch. We had both been mulling over the spell the whole time.

  Seslie broke the silence. “I’m not thinking we were blocked, but something wasn’t right, that’s for sure. Maybe the site was cleansed.”

  “I believe you’re right about not being blocked. It didn’t feel like that was the problem. At first, I felt like you. The site had been cleansed but I believe even if it had the spell would have worked. I mean, Emon gave us the spell and he is uber powerful, so I doubt there are many out there who could cleanse a site of murder well enough that his spell wouldn’t do anything. It was like we were in the wrong place. Could Gabe have got it wrong?”“Anything’s possible, I guess. So, you think we were in the wrong place altogether?”

  “If a murder took place there, we should have gotten some response. Even if it was a weak one. We got nothing.”“True. I felt the same after we were done. Maybe Gabe took us to the wrong crypt. After all, he wasn’t in town when everything happened, so he would be getting second-hand info. Right?”

  “Makes sense to me. Maybe we should have Teddy take us, so we can try again?”“Okay. How’s tomorrow night?”“Um, not good, actually,” I said shyly. I wasn’t sure why I was embarrassed all of a sudden. It was just a date. Nothing to be embarrassed about.“Oh, really? And just what do you have planned that is more important than finding our bad guy?” Seslie teased.I was pretty sure she had a good idea what my plans were, but, being the bratty little sister that she sometimes was, she was going to make me spit it out. I could feel my cheeks burning with color. “Just a first date with Xavier is all.”

  Her smile widened as she continued to tease me. “Huh. And that’s more important than our case? He must be one special guy.”

  “It’s not that and you know it. But we already made plans. It’d be rude to cancel. Besides, surely, it can wait one more night? We haven’t even mentioned it to Teddy yet.” I knew I was making excuses, but I really wanted to go on that date.

  “No worries, Ana. Go on your date with Mr. Hottie McDruid. You deserve it. I’ll go with Teddy and do the spell and loop you in after.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to put you at risk without me there to back you up.”

  “Teddy will be there and Gabe, too, if it makes you feel better?”

  “Yeah, I guess that will work. If you promise that at the first sign of trouble, you’ll call me?”

  “I promise if I run up against something that requires both of us, I’ll call for help.”

  It wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but even as my little sister, Seslie had a great deal of power. It shouldn’t be an issue for her to do the spell with Gabe and Teddy as back-up. “Okay, I guess that will do. I will call you as soon as I’m back from my date, so you can fill me in.”

  “Ditto on that. I want to hear all about that date when you get home.”

  That earned her a laugh. I loved that she was rooting for me. Having a little sister could sometimes be the greatest. Other times, not so much.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Work on Wednesday drug by so slowly, it felt never-ending. All I could think about was getting done, so I could go on my date. My body was full of nervous energy and, by the end of the day, my belly felt like it

  was full of pop rocks.

  It wasn’t because I hadn’t had a date recently. I just hadn’t looked forward to any like I w
as this one. Something about Xavier got me so excited. I prayed to the Goddess things turned out as well as I hoped.

  I didn’t remember leaving work, getting ready for my date or driving to the restaurant I just found myself sitting in my care outside The Roadhouse. I was more nervous than I could ever recall being walking in. I kept reminding myself that it was just a date, and he was just a guy. If only I could have believed it.

  He was already seated when I arrived, so I made my way to the table on trembling legs. As soon as he smiled, my nerves melted away. Returning his smile, I sat. The waitress took our order and walked away. The scent she was wearing tickled my nose and, as hard as tried, I couldn’t hold in the sneeze. When I sneezed, it blew out the candle. Before I thought about it, I relit the flame with a snap my fingers.

  Xavier’s expression as he looked around the room made me afraid someone had seen. I didn’t notice anyone looking, so I asked, “No one saw me, did they? I’m sorry, it was just instinct.”

  “No, I don’t think they did.”

  “Then what did you give me that look for? I can abstain from magic if it makes you uncomfortable,” Of course, I felt bad. I thought since he was a Nat, too, it’d be okay. Maybe I was hoping for too much.

  “I apologize. It just took me by surprise that you have control of an element so easily.”

  “It’s just a flame. No big deal.”

  “Can your sister do that, too?”

  “No. Come to think of it, she hasn’t been able to master it, but she has other things she can do that I can’t.” I didn’t think it was a big deal, but I also didn’t want him to think I was bragging, because there were several spells Seslie could do that I couldn’t. The elements were easier for me, and tracking and visions were easier for her. After that, the subject was forgotten, because our meal came. We spent hours chatting and getting to know each other. The way he grew up was so different from what I could relate to. Learning about the things he’d done and the places he’d been was such fun. I felt like my life was boring compared to his.

  We finally left the restaurant when we noticed everyone else was gone. I’d never enjoyed just talking to someone so much that I was unaware of things happening around me. It was a great, but also scary, feeling to lose myself in the moment. Xavier walked me to my car, but I wasn’t ready for the night to be over. I wanted him, but I wasn’t a give-it-up-on-the-first-date kind of girl, so I asked if he’d like to go for drinks and talk some more. He agreed and followed me to Bennie’s. One drink became many. He asked about Seslie and Gran. I even told him stories of growing up with Teddy and how protective Henry was.

  He told me about his Druid father and Asian mother. He explained how Druids only ever had two children, generally, one of each sex. He told me about his sister and how they weren’t very close since they were five years apart and spent so much time in different places for training. He still loved her fiercely from the way he talked about her, though.

  We talked about how close my sister and I had always been and why we were raised by Gran and Henry. I talked about my Cherokee heritage and why I praised the Goddess and not the Great Spirit like most Native Americans. The only subject we never touched on was our jobs, human or supernatural. Not that it was anything to worry about, it just never came up. Considering how well the date went, I was sure there’d be plenty of time on future dates to talk about anything we missed.

  I loved everything about him so far. He even seemed to get how important Seslie was to me. He called her my Rí Dtús, which he told me meant the right-hand man in Irish. It was a very good analogy, as far as I was concerned.

  Around midnight, I could no longer stop yawning. I wasn’t bored, I had just had a long few days and it seemed they were choosing that moment to catch up to me.

  “I’m so sorry to be keeping you up,” he teased.

  “Oh no, you’re not. I’m enjoying myself,” I attempted to say around another yawn. At that very minute, I hated my stupid body and its limitations. Witches didn’t get super endurance, or anything cool like vamps or shifters. We tired just like humans.

  Xavier was having none of it, though. He had already paid our tab and was helping me into my jacket. He took my hand and led me to my car. I kept trying not to stare at him as he guided me across the lot toward my car. Unfortunately, my body betrayed me. It was impossible for me to look away from him for long. Once we reached my car, the look in his eyes had me melting on the spot. Then, he kissed me. A hot, branding kiss that curled my toes and had me wide awake and wanting. He gripped the back of my neck and ran his tongue along my bottom lip, asking permission. I eagerly granted and moaned at how wonderful it felt. This man’s kisses could melt the iron-clad panties off a nun. We may have been standing in a parking lot, but all I saw as he tucked me into my car were his beautiful caramel eyes and kiss-swollen lips. I wanted to groan in protest when he closed the door and promised to call.

  The entire ride home, I kept replaying that scorching kiss in my mind. I could not wait for more. I was exhausted by the time I got home and knew the five-and-a-half hours until my alarm went off were going to fly by. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Amazingly enough, Thursday at work, I wasn’t tired at all. My morning flew by in a daze. After lunch, Celia cornered me.

  “Okay, chick. What gives? I haven’t seen you so bubbly and smiley in ages. Did you get laid last night? Because if you did, keep it up. I like this side of you,” she taunted.

  “Yuck! Don’t be vulgar. No, I didn’t get laid.” Of course, the mere mention of why I was so happy had me blushing so bad I could feel my ears heating. I was not about to tell her why I was so happy, though, despite my face being flushed from memories of that kiss. No, not happening.

  “Are you sure? Because you are blushing a lot right now.”

  “I’m only blushing because of the way you were talking.” Okay, so that wasn’t the truth, but she didn’t need to know that.

  “Then why the happy, happy, smiley face?”

  “Can’t I just be having a good day?”

  “You could, but I know you, girl, and this is more than a good day. Even if you are acting like a prude.”

  “I had a date last night. You happy now? And I’m not a prude.”

  “I knew it. You let a man screw you happy. It’s okay. I’m not judging. It’s a good thing. You needed it, girlfriend. You have been uptight lately.”

  “Like I said, there was no sex. By the way, you are crude. Just a nice date with a sexy Druid.”

  “Oh, now we're getting somewhere. Spill, girl.”

  “There’s not much to spill. His name’s Xavier. He’s a Druid. He’s new to town. We met Saturday, and he gave me his card and said to call, since I wouldn’t give a strange man my number. Even if he was the finest specimen I’d ever seen. I called, and we went out last night. It was wonderful, and he gave me a soul-branding kiss goodbye. That’s it.”

  “Dang, girl. If a kiss does this to you, I can’t wait to see what the whole package does,” Celia taunted.

  I knew it was a losing battle, so I just went back to work and tried to ignore her knowing smile.

  Not that she was completely wrong. Xavier was having an effect on me. One that I liked.

  After work, I realized in my excitement that I hadn’t followed up with Seslie on what she found out with Gabe and Teddy, so I headed to her place. When I got there, Teddy’s, Reya’s, and Seslie’s cars were all there. I released a breath I hadn’t known I was holding as I parked and got out.

  Reya met me before I was halfway to the door. “Tell me you’ve heard from them and that everything is fine,” she demanded.

  Every hair in my body stood on end. She couldn’t be saying what I thought. “What are you talking about?”

  “You haven’t talked to Ses?”

  “No, not since Tuesday after Gabe took us to the graveyard. Did they go out again last night with Teddy?”

  “Yes. That’s what I
’m saying. They went, but they never came home, and none of them are answering their phones. They’re all going straight to voicemail. Ana, I’m worried. This isn’t like your sister. She’s beyond reliable. It’s been all night, and now all day. Seslie said they shouldn’t be more than a couple hours. Where could they be?”

  “I don’t know, Reya. I thought since she never called, she didn’t have any luck. Just like the other night when we tried with Gabe. I even made her promise to take both Gabe and Teddy, so she was safe. I can’t believe something could take all of them. I refuse to believe that.” I headed back to my car. I didn’t have a plan, but I was going to get to the bottom of things and find my sister. Reya followed me and jumped in the car before I could back out. I didn’t have the time or energy to argue with her, so I just let her tag along.

  First, I had to figure out where they had gone for Seslie to try the spell again. Neither Reya nor I had that info, so I called Reno. He had to know where they went, or at least know someone who did. He had to. I couldn’t deal with any other possibility.

  Reno answered after a very long three rings.

  “Reno, hey, it’s Analese Ravenwood. Have you heard from Teddy or Gabe since last night?”

  “Can’t say that I have, little lady. Why, what’s up? You sound upset.”

  He had no clue how true that statement was. “Seslie went out to one of the grave sites last night with Gabe and Teddy to attempt a tracking spell, and now we don’t know where they are and none of them are answering their phones. Do you know where they went?’

  “Well, not which site they went to, no. But I do know all the sites, so I could check if you like.”

  “That would be wonderful, but can I come along? I need to be doing something.”

  “Sure, little miss. You’re more than welcome to tag along. Where are ya? I’ll meet you.”

  “We’ll come to you. I’m already headed your way. I can be there in ten minutes. Will that work?”


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