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Origins Page 9

by Sandra Kaye

  “What do you mean? I didn’t hear you say anything.”

  “The air can do my bidding. No need for me to talk. All I had to do was think it and the message was whispered to her.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I told her my name and that you and your Gran were with me and that help was coming soon. Just not to say anything and to stay calm.”

  “Oh. Well, okay.” I felt like an ass, but how was I to know he had magic like that? I looked to Gran, but she just gave me the “you’ve been naughty” face and left to help the others clean up.

  “It’s fine. I understand you’re worried. I should have taken the time to explain. Now, if you can give me a few moments to gather my things, I have a car and we can head to find her.”

  “Sure, can Reya come? We have reinforcements back in town waiting for the go-ahead.”

  “That’s cool with me.”

  Once we were in the car, I made all the needed calls, so everything was ready when we reached the warehouse district.

  Chapter Seventeen

  We met the rest of the crew about a half mile from the building that Seslie and Teddy were being held in. It hadn’t dawned on me that we’d only found the two and not Gabe until one of the guys asked why we hadn’t mentioned him. I told him he wasn’t with them and that was all we knew. That would be our next problem. The mission of the moment was to get the two we had found out and to safety. Everyone agreed, and we split up to surround the building. We got lucky and whoever had placed the shielding spell hadn’t booby-trapped any of the entrances, but they had placed a magical “bomb” on the bindings that held them. Thankfully, Xavier made short work of them and Seslie and Teddy were out in under fifteen minutes. We then took them to a doctor who specialized in our kind to have their wounds tended.Both were pretty beat up. Teddy was worse than Seslie, by far. He had four busted ribs, a fractured arm that had to be rebroken since his shifter healing was setting it wrong, a healing wrist fracture, and several

  areas of internal bleeding that were healing but would leave him slow and sore. Seslie had a fractured orbital socket, three areas that needed sutures, a fractured ankle, and a wide assortment of bruises. Neither was in any shape after the doctor was done to stand up to questioning. Teddy’s body shut down to heal itself, and Seslie was so drugged on pain meds, it would be a few hours before she could tell us anything that made sense. Though, she kept calling for Gabe, which broke my heart, and mumbling something about a dark witch. Of course, from the spells we had to get past to find her and then that damn booby trap on their bindings, I should have guessed it was the work of a dark witch.

  While we waited, everyone sat around in the doctor’s waiting room drinking coffee and brainstorming about what might have happened and where Gabe was. At that point, I think we all believed the worst while hoping for the best. At some point, I called Gran and Henry. They had me switch the call to video, so they could see for themselves she was still with us. It was late and, after much arguing, I convinced Gran we could handle things. She wouldn’t stay away for long, but she didn’t need to be stuck sitting in the uncomfortable chairs waiting with us for them to wake up.

  Teddy woke first but wasn’t very coherent about what happened. He remembered the three of them going to the grave site and Seslie setting things up, then being hit from behind but not much else. He knew he woke up bloody, broken, and confused. He had no clue where Gabe had ended up. He didn’t remember seeing or hearing him while locked up. He knew Seslie was close but couldn’t do more than hear her from far away, which made sense since we found him in a basement and her in an upper office tucked in a broom closet. Without his shifter hearing, he wouldn’t have heard her at all.

  After he woke and wasn’t able to give us much to go on, the doctor let Reno take him home with a promise that he would hang with him for the next couple days. Teddy wasn’t pleased, but his other option was to stay there, so he voted for his bed and Reno as a sitter.

  It was late the next afternoon when Seslie awoke. I had sent everyone except Xavier away, not because I needed him, but because he was the only one I couldn’t convince or threaten into leaving. Once I thanked the Goddess one more time for letting us find her in one piece, I tried to gently ask her if she remembered what happened. She said three words I never thought I’d hear.

  “It was Gabe.”

  Since I’d filled Xavier in on Seslie and Gabe’s relationship, we were both floored. I didn’t know what else to say, so I just asked her what she meant.

  “Just what I said. It was Gabe. He did this.”

  “What happened? Explain. Please.”

  “Well, we all arrived. Teddy was showing me the crypt the deaths occurred in. They were outside while I was inside setting up for the spell. I forgot my dried lavender and sage in the car, so I walked outside, and Teddy was on the ground unconscious and bleeding I bent down to check on him. When I did, I heard someone behind me. I readied a knockback spell, but when I turned it was Gabe, so I let the power go, but he threw a potion at me that froze me. It was like my body had turned to ice, but it had a muddier feeling. I could tell it was crafted by a dark witch. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I was still hoping that I was mistaken. I wasn’t, Ana. He threw a damn spell at me. Then, I wake up and this dark angry witch is demanding to know where you are, and when I wouldn’t answer or call you, she beat the shit out of me while I was under another of her freaking freeze spells. Just like the one Gabe threw at me. I felt so fucking helpless. All my training and I’m nearly beat to death by a coward, because I can’t move. She kept saying she didn’t understand what he saw in me.”When she stopped to breathe, I knew the tears would come. She may not have been in love with Gabe, but she was in deep like and something like that had to hurt terribly. Not just the external pain his partner caused but inside. Betrayal like that was beyond unbelievable from Gabe. I thought he loved her. I guess I didn’t know him at all. I guess none of us did. When the tears finally came, I just held her and let her vent. Once she calmed down, we had to ask a few questions.

  “So, after the graveyard, did you see Gabe again?”

  “No. But I heard him twice after she started in with her questions.”

  “What did she want with me?”

  “She never said, but I think it was to keep us from exploring this problem with the vampires and Leon. I think she planned to kill us. All of us. That’s just a guess, though. I mean, if she had us both, the shifters and Leon would be S.O.L., right?”

  “I’m not sure. I guess it would make sense, but it’d be nice to know for sure.”

  “Did you search for Gabe when you searched for Teddy and me?”

  “We did, but we got nothing. Why?”

  “I just wondered. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for Gabe to do this. And no, before you even ask, it’s not my heart talking.”

  “How do you mean?” Xavier replied before I could. Not that I thought she was thinking with her heart. She was too smart for that, but I was wondering what her take was.

  “Well, we have Gabe, who’s part shifter, part vampire, working with a dark witch. To what end? And what does any of that have to do with them wanting Ana? If Gabe wanted Ana, why didn’t he just call her and pretend Teddy and I were in trouble and needed her. She would have come, no questions asked.”

  “She’s right. I would have done that.”

  “Then why would Gabe hit her with a spell then turn her over to someone else. If he wasn’t behind things, he wouldn’t have done that. Maybe he’s just not smart enough to think to call Analese with a fake distress call.”

  “Or maybe he thought I’d be at Gran's, and if he called, I’d bring her and the coven.”

  “No. He knew you were out on a date.”

  “Did he know what Xavier is?” I had to question.

  I wasn’t sure Gabe would know the power a Druid had. Until the spell to find Seslie and Teddy, I thought a Druid was just an elemental. But there was always the possibility he or
his dark witch knew more than I did.

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “Because if they thought there was a possibility I’d bring a Druid, they had need to worry.”

  “No offense to Druids or you, Xavier, but why would that matter?” Seslie questioned.

  I let Xavier answer that one, since he could explain his powers better than I could. “Seslie, what exactly do you know about a Druid’s power?”

  “Not a lot, I guess. Just that they can control the elements.”

  “We can. But more than that. When accompanied by a white witch, we can add to their powers and increase the spells by adding elemental magic, as well as break any spell, light or dark. We can find people, no matter where they are or how far away, even behind shields or blocking spells. Other stuff, too, but those are the main things.”

  He said that like it was nothing. Seslie’s mouth wasn’t the only one hanging open. That boy had some serious power. I mean, with a whole coven I was impressed, but if he could do all that on his own? Wow!

  “Then why couldn’t we find Gabe, then?”

  “It’s one of two things. Either that’s not his real name or he’s dead.” Dang, that was harsh. I had to look to Seslie to know where to go with that. She seemed to ponder for a few moments before she replied.

  “Tell me about the spell you used to find us, please.”

  The request was clearly to Xavier, but I wasn’t sure what she was thinking.

  “Okay, sure. It was a three-part spell. We used two circles of power. Surrounded the outer with all the elements, to strengthen my elemental powers. Used thirteen witches in the outer circle, all female. Not my choice. That was an Alice decision and she believes that female witches are stronger than males. The inner circle was your most powerful connections and Alice, with Ana and me as a focal point. They also brought personal effects, but in truth, I used Ana’s emotional connection more than those. Her feelings were stronger and made it easier.”

  “Did you feel Gabe during the spell?”

  “We did not.”

  “But you felt me and Teddy?”

  “I did.”

  “But you did search, right?”

  “I did. Now, it was easier to zero in on you because you and your sister are close. Even your friend Teddy wasn’t hard, because again, Ana was close and had strong feelings for him. But even without the emotional attachment, the desire to find him, his personal belonging, and his name is usually more than enough. Can I ask what it is you’re thinking?”

  “Right now, I’m not sure. Just thinking is all. Gathering the facts, so to speak. If I want to try to find Gabe later, is that possible? Would you be willing to help me?”

  “Of course. Anything I can do to help.”

  I had to admit, I loved that he was willing to help my sister when he had no reason to.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Xavier didn’t leave until Reya was ready to go home. Then, he dropped her off, so we could be sure she was safe. Seslie continued to pout about being made to stay with me but not with any true anger. She slept a great deal and couldn’t even manage a trip to the bathroom without help. It hurt me to see her that way. When I found Gabe and that evil bitch, they were going to pay. No one hurt my family and got away with it. I was so worked up just thinking about it, I accidentally lit the hand towel in the bathroom on fire. I hadn’t lost control like that since I was twelve and got mad at Maddie Hawthorne for calling me names. I had grabbed her book bag as she was walking away, and it ignited. I learned the hard way what emotions could do to my magic. Things really had me on edge.

  I spent that night in the recliner next to her. I was so worried. Truth be told, there was a lot of guilt, too. If I hadn’t let her go without me, this wouldn’t have happened. There was no way Gabe and whoever was helping him could have taken me, Seslie, and Teddy. They probably wouldn’t have even tried.

  I didn’t go into work for the next couple of days. I wasn’t ready to leave Ses. We called Teddy every day to see how he was doing. He was still feeling rough. Reno said he had asked what happen, but he wanted to wait until I was able to tell him. I was holding off, because the doctor thought he would likely remember more if we gave him time. Plus, Seslie didn’t want him feeling guilty. We both agreed on that.

  Henry brought Gran on the third day, so she could see for herself that Seslie was in one piece. She had talked to us both multiple times, but still felt she needed to lay eyes on us after everything that had gone down. She brought several of her healing poultices to get Seslie up and moving better. They made a world of difference. She healed all her bruises and left several pouches to be applied to her fractured ankle. With their use, she was looking at a week of healing instead of the six to eight that a human would need. By the fourth day, she’d had enough of me holding her hostage. Her words, not mine.

  When Xavier came by to check on her and brought dinner, I finally agreed to let Reya come take her home. I knew it was coming. She wanted to get back to her life. It was still hard. While she was with me, I knew she was safe. I knew I could protect her. I’d do anything to protect her.

  Once she was gone, Xavier stuck around for a few glasses of wine. He apparently knew I didn’t want to be alone with my thoughts. We talked about how crazy the whole situation was and I thanked him again for helping. I was powerful, but without him, I didn’t want to think what may have happened in the time it would have taken to get past those spells.

  “I keep telling you there is no reason to thank me. I’m glad I was able to do it.”

  He was such a sweet man. I slowly leaned in. He was close. I wanted him closer, though. I wanted to feel his succulent lips on mine again. I needed to taste him. I needed to feel his hands on my body. He moved slowly, cupping the nape of my neck with his large callused palm and drawing me nearer until our lips finally met. The contact was electric. His lips were warm and soft. He teased the seam of my lips with his velvet tongue. I eagerly allowed him entrance. His hand slid down my side, blazing a heated trail to where it stopped just above my hip. He used that hand to pull my body to him. I climbed up and straddled him, his bulge pressing firmly against my sensitive core. Warmth pooled in my pelvis. I rubbed shamelessly against him. My panties were instantly drenched with my hot juices. This man did things to me like no one before had.

  His hand found its way inside my shirt to my eager swollen nipples. He rubbed his rough palm over the sensitive area. I pushed harder into him and moaned into his mouth. I wanted him on a level I’d never known was possible. He lifted me off his lap, causing me to groan at the loss of pleasure. He gently laid me back on the couch and removed my jeans and panties. His gorgeous amber eyes locked with mine, begging for my permission, which I readily gave. “Please,” I managed to choke out. His hand trailed up my thigh ever so slowly. Finally, he found my junction, his fingers finding me wet. He stroked my slick folds, one finger slowly dipping inside and finding just the right spot. I nearly climaxed with that one touch. He continued to rub and stroke the most intimate part of me adding two and then three fingers, drawing out my pleasure until I reached a screaming climax. He pulled me against him. Laying us on the couch, he covered us with the blanket draped over the back of the sofa and buried his nose in my long blonde hair. I fell asleep with him spooning me.

  I woke the next morning to an empty apartment. I was devastated. How could a man pleasure someone like that and just run off? He left without a word. Apparently, he was one of those kinds of men. I stalked to the shower to wash his scent from my skin. If only I could wash away the hurt as easily. I stayed in the shower until all the hot water was gone. Reluctantly, I left the shower and walked to my room to find something to wear, settling on sweats and an oversized tee.

  When I started down the stairs, I heard movement in the kitchen. Instantly calling a large ball of energy to my hand, I made my way down the steps as silently as possible. Someone was standing in the kitchen with the fridge open. From where I was, I couldn’t make out who it was behind the refr
igerator door. When they stepped into my line of sight, I hurled the grapefruit-sized ball of energy at the intruder’s back. Too late, I became aware of who I had thrown it at.

  Xavier turned as he heard me, and the energy ball hit him square in the chest. I thought he was gone. I ran to where he lay on the floor, gasping for breath and writhing on the floor. I was devastated. If he didn’t hate me before, he would now. Kneeling next to him, my mind blanked on what to say or do. His gasping became slower, breaking my heart. Seeing him in pain because of me broke my heart. I wasn’t a violent person by nature.

  His hand reached up and brushed away a tear I didn’t know was there. They were flowing freely down my cheeks.

  “Ana, baby, don’t cry. I’m okay. You just knocked the wind out of me,” he eked out between gasps.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know it was you. You were gone. You left without telling me,” I accused.

  “I wanted to make you breakfast and all you had was fruit and creamer, so I went out and got stuff for omelets. I didn’t know you’d try to kill me. You sure do pack a punch. I take back what I said the night we met. Your magic is so not a light show.”

  I tried to smile as I helped him stand on unsteady legs. I wasn’t sure if I should apologize again, laugh, or what.

  Thankfully, I was saved by the doorbell.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Teddy was at the door, looking like his old self except for the dark areas under his eyes. He looked like he hadn’t been sleeping much, though I knew that wasn’t the case. I invited him in with a gentle hug as I closed the door. He followed me into the kitchen where Xavier was up cutting veggies for the omelets he planned to make. I was thankful he didn’t appear to be damaged in any way. I had no clue what voltage one of my energy balls had, but it had knocked plenty of shifters out for the count. That alone proved how strong he was.


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