Children of the Moon 2

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Children of the Moon 2 Page 11

by Yvonne Robertson

  “India can tell when someone is lying; that would have been a useful tool for you too, uncle,” Bree said.

  “You bet it would.” He smiled.

  They sat down at the well-scrubbed table and he asked her how she came to be with the pack. She told him a condensed version about looking for the shifter in the woods and being attacked and then the pack finding her and then later, Imogen too.

  “Are you happy there, India,” he surprised her by asking.

  “Yes, I found my mate. My sister is there and I now have a huge extended family.” She smiled at Bree.

  “When my brother was alpha, he asked me repeatedly to come and live there with them. But he wouldn’t have accepted my wife unless she was changed, so I declined. We were never close, he was cold and uncompromising, sorry Bree, but he was. Now the people around here have started to make comments on my appearance and it's time to move on, make a fresh start. I thought about selling up and coming back home. My kids are all settled, and Anjelica would love to be closer to Bree, Hope and her idol, Seann.”

  “Does he have a mate yet?” Anjelica blurted out and India smiled, she had a huge crush on her cousin and no filter between her brain and her mouth.

  “Yes, she’s my sister, her name is Imogen.”

  Her face fell at the news her cousin was taken but brightened again when India opened her phone and offered to show her photos.

  “This is Imogen with Seann, she is pregnant too and due in a week or so, this is Garrett, my mate and this is Sophia, she is still human but lives with her sister and her boyfriend who are both wolves in the compound. She is around your age; I think you would get along well.

  “You have a human in the compound?!” Jay asked incredulously.

  “Yes. Seann wasn’t delighted about it, but he understood that it wasn’t her fault. Without her sister and her boyfriend, she would be completely alone in the world. She wants to transition but Seann wants her to wait until she is closer to eighteen. She isn’t allowed off the compound without security for the time being, but she is free to roam within the gates. She is happy enough with the arrangement.”

  “Seann is special,” Jay said thoughtfully. “Many alphas would have killed the girl, but I believe that is so wrong, there is always another way.”

  “Why can’t she transition now? I just turned seventeen and I transitioned almost a year ago,” Anjelica asked.

  “It’s different for bitten wolves, it’s better if they are closer to adulthood,” her father answered her, “Safer for them.”

  “She is pretty too, her wolf will be a lovely shade of brown,” Anjelica said going back to the photos on India’s phone.

  “Who is the baby?” she asked as she flicked through India’s photos.

  “Her name was Kali, she’s the reason we are going to the other pack. She was my mate's daughter, but she died not long after this picture was taken. Her mother ran off with another man, taking her with them and they came up here to be with his pack. Shortly afterward both she and her mother died in an auto accident and Garrett has hardly any photos of her, I snapped this from an old photo he has in his wallet and I wanted to see if anyone in the pack had anymore they would give me or if I could copy them. He has nothing else of hers at all.”

  “That’s so sad,” Anjelica said, her huge brown eyes filled with tears.

  “Give me the mother’s name and I will use the database to track down other relatives for you, maybe save you a little time,” Jay offered and took the phone his daughter handed him to look at Kali’s photo.

  “Garrett says he thinks they got married. Her name was Gabby, I don’t know her maiden name, and his is Ricky Edwards.”

  “How long ago did she die?” Jay suddenly barked out.

  “Just over six years ago, Kali would have been six, almost seven now,” India said puzzled by his change in demeanor.

  “This child is still alive,” he said, his eyes mirrored India’s shock.

  “You can tell that from a photograph?!” she asked, jumping to her feet.

  “No, of course not. I busted Ricky Edwards about six weeks ago for drug offenses, this is the third time we have picked him up and we took his six-year-old daughter to a local foster carer when she was found in the car with him. If I remember correctly the child's mother was listed as one Gabriella Edwards, deceased, but little Kali is very much alive.”



  Garrett was in such a shitty mood and Seann was getting pissed at him. India had only been gone for a day and he missed her like crazy. When had he turned into such a damn sap? He would have ribbed the hell out of any of the guys for the same thing.

  They had spoken on the phone and she still seemed a little off, but she told him she missed him too and he knew a few days wasn’t much to ask. She obviously had something on her mind and needed the space without him to work it out but then Imogen would give him sympathetic glances from time to time which only made him feel worse again. Did she know something he didn’t, was she hiding something?

  “Go home, Garrett,” Seann growled, “Or go visit your family, look for your sister, just get the fuck out of my office!”

  He knew Seann didn’t really mean it, but he had been a pain in the ass since she left, he knew it, he just didn’t know what to do about any of it.

  Rylee still hadn't called him back either and the only bright spot was that Cillian had gone home this morning. A few years between visits was more than enough for him, he didn’t like him very much and he knew India didn’t either. Her instincts were pretty good.

  He saw Kandis in the distance as she shifted and walked toward her cabin and it reminded him that he wanted to talk to her about India’s strange comment when she said she was glad Kandis was a kick-ass. Since when had she and India been friends. They had called a truce, but he would put money on it being temporary, they were both hot heads and were likely to clash more than once.

  Going off a gut feeling he changed direction and turned toward her cabin and went to talk to her. Something was nagging him and the more determined he became to talk to Kandis, the stronger the feeling was. Liam was sitting on her front porch and shook Garrett’s hand.

  “I need to talk to Kandis, it’s important.”

  “Go right ahead, buddy.” Liam opened the door and called out to her that Garret was here. They went inside and Liam offered him a beer. It was a little early in the day but what the hell. He took the bottle and popped the cap and drank it down in one go. He stood with his back to the fire as Kandis came into the room, her hair wet from the shower.

  “I need to talk to you about India.” he watched her face and saw the tiny bit of hesitation before her mask was back in place and she shrugged.

  “What about her?”

  “Did something happen, she has been acting strangely for the last day or two before she went away with Bree and she made a comment about wishing she was as kick-ass as you were. I have never known her to send a compliment your way, Kandis.”

  “Gone with Bree, where has she gone!” she shouted, and Garrett was taken aback by her vehemence.

  “It doesn’t matter, just tell me what you know, Kandis.” he was getting angry now, but she stood her ground.

  Her face was white and she turned toward Liam, who came quickly to her side and put a hand on her shoulder and she turned back to face him.

  “I will tell you everything I know, Garrett, but where the fuck did she and Bree go, you must tell me!”

  “They have gone to visit Bree’s uncle and cousins.”

  “Jay Donovan?”


  “Garrett,” she put her hand on his arm, “I will explain everything on the way, but we need to go get her, she is in extreme danger. Liam, we need a fast car, now.”

  Liam ran out the door and Kandis pulled on her boots and jacket.

  “Kandis what the fuck is going on?” Garrett yelled.

  “All you need to know for now is that Cillian left this
morning to go visit Jay Donovan too, I guess someone in the Den told him where she had gone. I will tell you everything else when we are on the road.”

  “How do you know he is after India?” his blood ran cold as he thought about how she had been acting and his brother’s interest in her. He had thought he was only trying to make him jealous, being attentive to his mate and she had shown zero interest…. but maybe his intentions were more nefarious.

  She grabbed a bag and stuffed it with bottles of water and snacks.

  They heard the growl of an engine and ran outside, Liam jumped out and Garrett took the driver’s seat. He had taken Rafe’s pristine GT Mustang and he guessed it wasn’t with his permission. Better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission, right?

  “Tell Seann we will call him with an update, but that Cillian has gone after India, she is in extreme danger and we need to get to her before he does. Don’t say anything in front of Imogen.” Kandis instructed.

  She jumped in the passenger seat and they roared off toward the gate.

  “Start fucking talking, Kandis, leave nothing out.”

  The guard waved them out the gate and he gunned the engine, heading straight for the highway.

  “Why does Cillian want to hurt India, it can’t be just to make me jealous, that didn’t work when she ignored him. What does he want with her?”

  “Stop talking and I will tell you!” she barked, back and he took a few deep breaths to stop himself from lashing out at her again.

  “I pulled him off her in the woods the other day. I heard her howl and ran to her, I had to pull him off by the neck.”

  “He was attacking her!” he said.

  “Not quite, Garrett, he was trying to mount her. She fought him off several times, but he was just too strong, I got there just in time. She made me swear not to tell you, but I have been watching him ever since then to make sure he didn’t try again and when he left this morning, I thought we were in the clear. I heard him say he was going to visit Jay, but I didn’t know India had also gone there or I would have told you then.”

  The ferocious growl ripped through his body and he knew without a single doubt that he was going to kill his brother with his bare hands. His eyes that normally glowed soft green were dark and his fangs were painfully long in his mouth. Every muscle in his body rippled with the need to give over to his wolf and his instincts.

  “Wouldn’t I be quicker if I ran.”

  No, it’s too far but when we reach the edge of the forest you can run then, it should only take you an hour, I will follow by road, Garrett, but don’t do anything rash.

  He turned his head to look at her and she saw the depths of his despair beneath his anger.

  “I am going to rip his beating heart from his fucking chest, is that rash enough. I should have done something about him years ago. He is more than just selfish and spoiled, he is dangerous. He tried to mount my mate, Kandis, who the fuck does that to their brother’s mate.”

  She shrugged; he was right, and she wouldn’t try and stop him.

  Cillian had a three-hour start on them, but they would make up some of that with the Mustang and an hour more if he ran through the forest. He wanted to warn her, but he didn’t want to frighten her. No wonder she was acting strangely, and he knew she kept quiet to protect him, to stop him from taking his brother’s life.

  He swallowed down his anger and channeled it into getting there in one piece, as he expertly weaved in and out of the traffic. He needed to be strong for her, but he was struggling not to stop the car and take off through the woods, let his instincts take over.

  Kandis was smart enough to keep quiet as he smashed the speed limit and just over an hour later, he pulled into a rest stop and parked as far away from the other cars as possible. He went into the trees and stripped off and Kandis threw his clothes into the back seat of the Mustang and roared off as he ran through the trees to make sure he was alone before shifting and running like he never had before.

  He could already taste Cillian’s blood on his tongue as he ran for his life, for her life. His wolf was so distressed he tried to placate him but all he could think of was the pain when he lost Kali, he knew he couldn’t go through that again. India and the new baby, without them he didn’t want to survive.



  They left Bree’s car at Jay’s house and she jumped in beside him with Bree and Anjelica in the back seat. He was taking her to the temporary foster home to meet little Kali, but they couldn’t say too much to her, not until they had proof she was indeed Garrett's daughter. She desperately wanted to call him but didn’t want to lie to him again so contented herself with knowing this could be huge.

  “Why didn’t the pack keep her when Edwards went to jail?” Bree asked from the back seat.

  “He hasn’t lived with the pack for a while although I was told he left his daughter there most of the time with anyone who would take her. I put the word out, but the truth is she doesn’t have any blood relatives living there anyway; they couldn’t have claimed her even if they wanted to. Edwards hasn’t lived there for a few years, he bums around stealing whatever he can, I doubt little Kali has been to school very much in her young life. I hope for everyone’s sake she is Garrett’s daughter and she can go home where she belongs.”

  They pulled up in front of a large whitewashed house and got out of the car. Jay opened the gate and knocked on the door.

  A tall dark-haired woman in her thirties with a cranky baby balanced on her hip opened the door and smiled as she invited them in. She could hear raucous laughter coming from another room and they followed her toward the sound.

  “I must say Chief, I didn’t expect to see you here today. I am hoping it’s not to tell me you have another one for me, I kinda have my hands full at the moment with this lot,” she smiled as she wiped the baby’s nose and kissed his blonde head, “Justin here is teething and it’s not much fun, is it, buddy.”

  “No Darla, I think seven foster kids is enough for anyone to cope with at one time. We may have found relatives of the little girl that we brought to you a few weeks ago.” He smiled, and India realized that these two were good friends.

  He introduced them and India could sense Darla’s warm heart as she shook her hand, this was a woman who would do anything for the kids in her charge, a truly selfless person and she was glad for these kids, not many were lucky enough to have a Darla.

  She opened the door and they went into the playroom. There were three boys and two girls ranging from about five to ten years old as well as the baby in her arms.

  “Where’s young Alex?” Jay asked.

  “Soccer practice with Paul. That kid eats, breathes and sleeps soccer.” she grinned.

  India saw the little blonde girl sitting with her back to them playing with a doll’s house. The only other girl was older and dark-haired so this must be her. She was on her own and not really joining in with the other noisier kids and she was desperate to go to her but was taking her cues from Jay and held back until he nodded.

  “India, why don’t you go and say hi to Kali.”

  She approached the child, who didn’t even turn around and sat on the floor near her but not too close. She held her breath afraid that now she was here this would all be a cruel joke and the child would be someone else.

  “This is a beautiful doll’s house, Kali,” she said softly, and she watched as the little girl stilled for a moment and then continued as before. “Do you mind if I play with it, too?”

  She hesitated and then reached out her hand and gave her the tiny doll that was clutched in her hand. India took it and thanked her and peeked into all the rooms before putting the doll in the living room on a wooden chair.

  “There, now she can watch TV before she makes dinner.”

  “Mummies make dinner.” she said, nodding her head. India thought her heart might break. She leaned closer pretending to peer into the house and took a deep breath. She thanked the gods for this aw
esome gift they had bestowed upon her as she inhaled. The child smelled of soap and shampoo but beneath it all India could detect another all too familiar scent, wolf. Not just any wolf, she could smell Garrett, this little girl was Garrett’s child. Any grain of doubt she still had in her mind evaporated when she lifted her head to look at India and Garretts pale green eyes stared back at her.

  She held out her arms expecting her to turn away, but she climbed on her lap and buried her head into India’s shoulder. The gesture was so unexpected that India felt tears prick her eyes and she held Garrett’s daughter firmly in her arms.

  Jay gave her a questioning look and she nodded; her heart wanted to burst with happiness.

  He spoke briefly to Darla, telling her they would do a DNA test to confirm but that he was pretty sure they knew where the child’s father was and that she would be going home with them. He went into the hallway and called DFCS and Darla handed baby Justin to Bree while she went upstairs to pack Kali’s things. Being the chief of police, being trusted and respected in this small town was a distinct advantage.

  India hugged the little girl closer and she seemed content to be there.

  Darla came back with a small bag, Kali didn’t have much to call her own and India knew she was going to spoil this child as she deserved to be spoiled.

  Darla kneeled down beside her and explained to Kali that she was going to go home with India and the little girl accepted it easily. How many times had she been shipped out to another family? The thought made her angry, and she wanted to meet Ricky Edwards face to face. He knew she was alive and put Garrett through so much pain thinking his daughter was dead for six long years.

  India studied the little girl's face and noticed that she drew her brows together before she asked a question, just like Garrett did. How the hell was she going to tell him about this, it was the greatest news he would ever receive, but where did she even start?

  Jay came back into the room and told Darla he had cleared everything with Kali’s social worker and the sooner she bonded with her new family the better for everyone. Darla hugged her tight and shed a few tears and India vowed to do something to help this amazing woman and her husband who cared for all of these kids with their hearts wide open. She didn’t know how but she would do something.


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