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Funny Man Page 66

by Patrick McGilligan

  Stiles, Norman, 365, 366

  Stiller, Jerry, 304, 306

  St. James Theatre, N.Y., 523, 534

  Stoker, Bram, 505

  Stoltz, Eric, 466

  Stone, Harvey, 42, 94

  Stone, Peter, 304

  Stoppard, Tom, 215

  Strasberg, Lee, 184

  Straw Hat Revue, The (Liebman/Tamiment show), 54

  Strickfaden, Kenneth, 345

  Striscia la Notizia (TV show), 512–13

  Stroman, Susan, 520–21, 522, 526, 530, 532, 533, 536, 537, 541, 542, 550

  Strouse, Charles, 149–50, 153, 165, 166, 173, 179, 184, 186, 188, 189, 193, 194, 198, 244, 365, 422

  Stulberg, Gordon, 338, 368

  Sturges, Preston, 388, 486, 490, 528

  Styne, Jule, 141

  Subject Was Roses, The (film), 289

  Sullivan, Ed, 51

  Sullivan’s Travels (film), 388, 486, 490

  Summer of ’42 (Raucher), 114

  Summer World, A (Kanfer), 131

  Sunday in New York (film), 213; MB ad spots for, 213–14

  Susann, Jacqueline, 295

  Susskind, David, 167–68, 178, 196, 198, 201, 220, 222, 223, 225, 236, 240, 241, 295, 303; Kelly and, 231, 233, 234, 251

  Swerdlow, Ezra, 473

  Talent Associates, 198, 201–2, 210, 231; Get Smart, 220–23, 225, 227, 229–31, 236–39, 240, 241; MB projects proposed, 303–4; “Triplets,” 225, 227, 240–41, 248

  Tambor, Jeffrey, 488

  Tamiment resort, 54, 55, 57, 61, 72

  Taps, Jonie, 102, 105

  Tars and Spars (variety show), 48, 52, 53

  Tati, Jacques, 347

  Taubman, Howard, 195, 200

  Taxi Driver (film), 32

  Taylor, Frances, 375

  Taylor, Renée, 260, 304, 440

  Taylor, Robert Lewis, 173

  Taylor, Rod, 213

  TCL Chinese Theatre, Los Angeles, 544

  Teachout, Terry, 540

  10 Rillington Place (film), 436

  Tessari, Duccio, 213

  Texaco Star Theater (TV show), 69, 71, 167, 177

  That Girl (TV show), 70

  That Was the Week That Was (TV show), 222

  There Should Have Been Castles (Raucher), 80–81, 90

  Turning Point, The (film), 390

  They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? (film), 325

  This, Too, Shall Pass (play), 47

  This Is Spinal Tap (film), 414

  Thomas, Dylan, 466, 467

  Thomas, Kevin, 460–61

  Thomas, Marlo, 70, 365, 369

  Thomashefsky, Boris, 10, 10n

  Thompson, Kay (Kay Thompson project), 148–50, 153, 156, 157

  Thousand Clowns, A (film), 261, 272

  Three for the Show (film), 105–6

  Threepenny Opera, The (musical), 196

  Three Stooges, The, 11, 131

  Thrill of It All, The (film), 204

  Thurman, Uma, 532

  Tiecholz, Tom, 524

  Time: MB cover dumped, 415; on MB stock offering, 484; review of Silent Movie, 375; review of The Producers, 283

  Time for Singing, A (musical), 262

  Times of London, The, 147

  Tinker, Grant, 229

  Tito, Josip Broz, 282

  To Be or Not to Be (film), 94, 445–62, 491; Bancroft and, 389, 445, 448, 451–57, 462, 463; billing for MB and Bancroft, 451; cast, 450–51, 450n; director, 446, 451–52; earnings, 462; editing, 456; gay character in, 448, 461; Hitler depicted in, 447–48; “Hitler Rap,” 461n; idea for and script, 389, 446–52; “Ladies,” 451; lawsuit, 449–50; MB and Bancroft promoting, 460, 462; as MB and Bancroft vehicle, 389, 451, 530; MB and Stadlen, 452–59, 538; MB as omnipresent, 451–59, 475; MB starring in, 445, 446, 447, 451; “Naughty Nazis,” 447; release of, 459; reviews, 459–62; soundtrack album, 461n; story credits, 449–50; writers, 446–50, 471

  To Be or Not to Be (Lubitsch film, 1942), 389, 446–47, 448, 451, 452, 453

  Tolkin, Mel, 23, 54–59, 74, 75, 114, 142, 167, 202, 419, 441n, 443, 547; Admiral Broadway Revue, 54–59; Caesar’s Hour, 112, 122, 124, 126, 137; Caesar’s parties and, 415–16; Caesar specials, 156, 159–60, 255–56; Dave King Show, 158; Jerry Lewis and, 151; as MB’s mentor and father figure, 64, 75, 107, 280; MB’s stealing from other writers and, 127; MB’s “towering” rages and, 78–79; Sid Caesar Invites You, 144–45, 146, 147, 148; “Triplets” and, 241; 2000 Year Old Man and, 161–63; Your Show of Shows, 54–59, 62–66, 68, 70, 72, 77–81, 84, 99–101–102, 125, 255–56

  Tomlin, Lily, 352

  Tonight Show, The (TV show), 42, 150, 234; MB and, 204–6, 241–42, 395, 476, 489

  “Toot, Toot, Tootsie” (song), 13, 40

  Top Banana (musical), 90, 92, 98, 141

  Torch Song Trilogy (film), 464, 521

  Tormé, Mel, 479

  Torn, Rip, 245

  Toumanova, Tamara, 110

  Towering Inferno, The (film), 357

  Towne, Robert, 389, 446

  Toxton, Candy, 150

  Tracey Ullman Show, The (TV show), 485, 511

  Transylvania 6–5000 (film), 388, 487, 505

  Trial of Billy Jack, The (film), 357

  “Triplets” (TV pilot), 225, 227, 240–41, 248

  Troublemaker, The (film), 222

  Trumbull, Douglas, 338

  Twelve Chairs, The (film), 280–83, 286–88, 290–93, 295–301, 301n, 310, 322, 335, 347, 356, 487, 543; cast and crew, 286–88; earnings, 299; editing and postproduction, 296; filming, 282, 287, 290–93; “Hope for the Best, Expect the Worst,” 288; MB as Tikon, 290–91; MB’s on-set behavior, 292; nomination for best script, 301; release of, 297; reviews, 297–98, 299

  Twelve Chairs, The (Ilf and Petrov), 107, 280

  20th Century-Fox, 243, 337, 338–39, 399, 428, 464; Brooksfilms Limited and, 470; Fatso and, 391; High Anxiety, 383; History of the World, Part I, 410, 412; last MB comedy for, 504; MB leaves, 470, 486; MB’s contract, 339, 368, 405–7; MB’s lunch group, 518; MB’s office, 359, 365, 367, 370, 429, 472; pass on “Robin Hood” drama, 436; pass on Solarbabies, 468, 470; Robin Hood: Men in Tights, 497, 503, 504; Silent Movie, 377; To Be or Not to Be, 445, 451, 462; Young Frankenstein, 338–39, 345, 348, 363

  Two by Two (musical), 324

  Two for the Seesaw (play), 184, 295

  Two’s Company (musical), 98

  2000 Year Old Man, The, 89, 114, 123, 178, 188, 205, 210, 234, 256, 302, 317, 408, 476; children’s book, 548; Fields and, 141, 158, 175–76; Hart gala performance, 161–63; Judaism and, 132; origins of, 14, 83; LP albums, 175–78, 181, 186, 317, 317n, 510–11; Reiner and, 83, 89, 114, 123, 141, 158, 175–78, 205, 210, 317, 317n, 510–11, 548

  2001 (film), 289

  Tynan, Kenneth, 55, 58, 77, 161, 215, 239, 248, 299, 301n, 325, 359, 384, 390, 415, 538n

  Uger, Alan, 310, 312, 314–15, 318, 356

  Ullman, Tracey, 498, 501

  Ulysses (Joyce), 156, 249

  Ulysses in Nighttown (play), 249n

  Uncle Harry (play), 23–24

  United Artists, 211, 213, 308

  United Service Organizations (USO), 42

  Universal Marion (U-M, UMC), 251, 282–83, 302

  Universal Pictures, 241, 251, 322, 363, 379; The Elephant Man, 399–400; Frances, 432

  Up the Down Staircase (film), 261

  USA Today, 507

  Ustinov, Peter, 289

  Vagrant, The (film), 493–94

  Vamp, The (musical), 115–16

  Van Dyke, Dick, 165–66, 216

  Vanity Fair magazine, 250, 268, 271

  Van Patten, Dick, 366, 381, 474, 501, 535

  Variety, 117, 173; on “All American”, 193, 195; on “Annie and the Hoods,” 353; on Blazing Saddles, 325, 346–47; on Blazing Saddles TV pilot, 339; on As Caesar Sees It, 202; on Caesar’s Hour, 122, 124; on The Elephant Man lawsuit, 427; on Fatso, 403; on High Anxiety, 383; on Les Visiteurs, 503; on MB, 179, 204, 256, 306, 323; on MB trailers and ad spots, 213, 214, 235
; on The Polly Bergen Show, 142; on The Producers film, 285, 286; on The Producers musical, 523; on Reiner, 66; review of “Annie,” 294; review of Get Smart, 236; review of NBC Caesar special, 155; review of The Comedians, 304; review of The Imogene Coca Show, 117; review of Your Show of Shows, 66, 70, 111; review of Your Show of Shows reunion, 255; reviews of MB’s works, 279, 299, 476, 477, 481; on Robin Hood: Men in Tights, 494; on Sid Caesar Invites You, 147; on Silent Movie, 375; on Spaceballs, 471; on To Be or Not to Be, 445–46; on Young Frankenstein, 337, 354, 356, 368

  Victor, Ed, 548

  Village Vanguard, N.Y., 185

  Village Voice, The, 308; reviews, 284, 347, 376, 460, 487, 489, 507, 525

  Violinist, The (animated short), 210

  Viorst, Judith, 295

  Virginia Military Institute, 36–37, 46–47

  Vivian Beaumont Theater, 285

  Vogel, Irving (“Speed”), 148, 150, 163–65, 166, 214

  von Sydow, Max, 419

  Voutsinas, Andréas, 259, 287–88

  Wagner, Robin, 526

  Walas, Chris, 466, 493

  Wald, Jerry, 102–3, 104–5

  “Walk This Way” by Aerosmith, 351n

  Wallace, Mike, 178, 196, 545

  Wallach, Ira, 118, 289

  Wall Street Journal, The, 477, 523, 540

  Walton, Brian, 500

  Walzer, Irene, 468

  Ward, Polly, 67

  Warhol, Andy, 245

  Warner, Jack L., 321–22

  Warner Bros. Records, 317

  Warner Bros. Pictures, 307, 308, 321–22; Blazing Saddles, 317, 333, 346; Blazing Saddles pilot, 339; The Prisoner of Second Avenue, 318; Young Frankenstein, 334

  Warren, Lesley Ann, 488, 490

  War Wagon, The (film), 243

  Washington Post, The, 111, 195, 277, 354–55; reviews, 298, 376, 383, 412, 442, 460, 469, 476, 489, 502, 507, 525, 540–41

  Wasserman, Lew, 251, 322

  Water Mill, Southampton, N.Y., 519, 546

  Wayne, John, 243

  We, the People (TV show), 83

  Weaver, Sylvester “Pat,” 54

  Webb, Charles, 254

  Weber, Steven, 506, 508

  Webster, Tony, 101, 106, 112, 121, 122, 124, 137, 149, 151, 203

  Weill, Kurt, 196

  Weinstein, Bob, 520

  Weinstein, Harvey, 520, 540

  Weiskopf, Bob, 416

  Weiss, Lou, 60

  Welles, Orson, 409

  We’re in the Money (Bergman), 308

  West Side Story (musical), 216, 261

  Whale, James, 11, 337, 345, 375

  What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (film), 207

  What Makes Sammy Run? (Schulberg), 104

  What’s Up, Doc? (film), 324

  When Things Were Rotten (TV show), 365–67, 404, 436, 480, 481, 494, 495, 498

  Where’s Poppa? (film), 301

  Whitlock, Albert, 381

  Wieseltier, Leon, 524

  Wigan, Gareth, 395

  Wild, Earl, 77–78, 113

  Wilder, Billy, 172, 255, 528, 543

  Wilder, Gene, 38, 245n, 260, 266, 305, 328, 329, 337, 338, 352, 360, 372, 380, 539, 547; Blazing Saddles, 316, 328–29, 334; breaks with MB, 368; Frito-Lay ads, 258; MB and, 212–13, 540; The Producers, 257, 259, 265–67, 270–71, 275, 279, 284, 288, 289; story credits, 367–68; as writer-director-star, 367–68; Young Frankenstein contract, 339–40, 367–68, 539; Young Frankenstein musical, 539–40; Young Frankenstein star and cowriter, 334–45, 348, 350–52, 354, 356–57, 367–68

  Wilder, Thornton, 253

  Wilk, Max, 118, 121

  William Morris Agency, 54, 60, 118, 153, 185, 309, 338; Curtain Going Up!, 84; MB as client, 72, 85, 117, 121, 138–39, 141, 156; Texaco Star Theater, 69

  Williams, Andy, 206, 216

  Williams, Emlyn, 436

  Williams, Kenneth, 191

  Williams, Stephen, 469

  Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 2–3, 6, 9, 16, 17, 20, 29, 133

  Willingham, Calder, 254

  Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (film), 328

  Wilmington, Michael, 489

  Wilson, Earl, 295, 351

  Winter Garden, 193

  Winters, Jonathan, 186

  Winwood, Estelle, 258

  Wolf, William, 375

  Wolfe, Fred, 69

  Wolf Man, The (film), 506

  Wolfson, Louis, 251, 282, 302

  Women’s Wear Daily, 375

  Wonderful Town (film), 141

  World of Henry Orient, The (film), 261

  World War II, 29–30, 33, 34–45, 46, 82, 94

  Wouk, Herman, 113–14

  Writers Guild of America (WGA); awards, 256, 288, 289, 356, 362, 369, 377; MB gets Laurel Award, 528; Minimum Basic Agreement of 1970, 340; “101 Funniest Screenplays,” 528–29; strike of 1981, 416; TV script credits and, 366; Written By article on Blazing Saddles, 316, 329; Young Frankenstein story credits, 368

  Wyner, George, 457, 474

  Yasbeck, Amy, 501, 506

  Yates, Marie, 429, 430, 431, 432, 434

  Yearling, The (Rawlings), 248

  Yentob, Alan, 544

  Yiddish Philosopher, The (radio show), 27, 83

  Yiddish theater, 10, 10n, 22

  Yorkin, Bud, 328

  Young, Gig, 325, 328

  Young & Rubicam ad agency, 234–35, 258

  Young Frankenstein (film), 51, 217, 341–45, 348–58, 362, 367, 371, 376, 381, 388, 406, 451, 474, 498, 505, 528–29; awards and Oscar nominations, 356–57; black-and-white photography, 337, 338, 398; cast, 334–35, 337, 440; early influences on MB and, 11; earnings, 357, 377; editing, 349, 351–52, 363; idea for and script, 334–40, 341–43; MB not acting in, 337; outtakes, 350; production team, 338, 344; “Puttin’ on the Ritz,” 12, 342–43, 345, 539; release of, 353, 356; reviews, 354–55; score, 345; set, 345; shooting, 348–51; story credits, 339, 368; story rights, 339, 340; 20th Century-Fox and, 338–39, 345, 348, 363; “walk this way” joke, 350–51, 351n, 517; Wilder as star and cowriter, 334–43, 348–52, 354, 356–57, 367–68

  Young Frankenstein (musical), 537, 539–43; cast, 540; investors, 540, 542; London production, 549, 550–52; MB’s remuneration, 542, 550; reviews, 540–41, 551; run of, 543; script revisions and, 549, 550; ticket price, 541–42; Tony nominations, 542

  Youngman, Henny, 373, 409

  Young Winston (film), 305, 363, 402, 464

  Your Show of Shows (TV show), 55, 56, 61–80, 97–101, 106–7, 109–14, 117, 136, 165, 245, 262, 381; Emmys, 76–77, 101; foreign films parodied, 91; From Here to Eternity love-on-the-beach spoof, 110–11, 114; Judaism and, 131–32; Liebman and, 61–65, 70, 71; MB as writer for, 62–80, 98–101, 188; MB gets screen credit, 72, 77, 99; My Favorite Year based on, 437–44; premiere, 65; production costs, 71, 106, 111; ratings, 76, 98, 106; reunion special, 254–55; reviews, 66, 70, 100, 111; squabbling Hickenloopers, 70, 72, 110, 125; “This Is Your Life” sketch, 84; troupe of performers, 58, 61, 65–67, 70, 71, 76, 155; William Morris Agency and, 72; writers, 62–66, 68–72, 77–80, 82, 84, 99–101, 106–7, 110, 112, 119, 124, 188, 355n, 443–44 (see also Club Caesar)

  Zeffirelli, Franco, 382

  Zelinka, Sydney, 156, 159–60

  “Zero Hour” (TV special), 257

  “Zero Mostel Show, The” (TV pilot), 196–97, 256

  Ziegfeld Theatre, 67

  Zinnemann, Fred, 103, 110–11

  Zoetrope, 431

  Zola, Marion, 423–25

  Zombie Survival Guide, The (M. Brooks), 531–32, 548

  Zucker brothers, 413

  Zuniga, Daphne, 466, 473–74

  Photo Section

  Baby Melb’n (photographed in 1927) started getting laughs in the cradle.

  Melvin Kaminsky, senior class, from the 1944 Eastern District High School yearbook.

  Melvin with older brothers in arms (left to right) Bernard, Leonard, and Irving.

  Brooks began as sidekick and stooge to Sid Caesar, the “Apollo of the Mountain
s,” but from the beginning there was also genuine rapport and friendship.

  Persistence got Brooks into the writers’ room of Your Show of Shows. He is seen here huddling with (from left) Sid Caesar and the original writing team of Mel Tolkin and Lucille Kallen.

  Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca were the nonpareil stars of Your Show of Shows.

  The world’s greatest second and third bananas, Carl Reiner (right) and Howard Morris, became lifelong Brooks friends.

  Club Caesar circa 1956: (front row from left) Gary Belkin, Sheldon Keller at the typewriter, Michael Stewart, and Brooks; (back row) Neil Simon, Mel Tolkin, and Larry Gelbart. (Photofest)

  An early 1950s photograph of Brooks and Florence Baum when they were still a stealth couple.

  The seemingly happy young marrieds on the beach at Fire Island with baby Stefanie, their firstborn.

  Relatives visiting the couple on Fire Island included Kitty Kaminsky (with glasses), standing close to her granddaughter, baby Stefanie, held in the arms of Florence Baum’s mother. Florence Baum’s father stands in the background.

  Eartha Kitt played the sultry cat Mehitabel in Shinbone Alley, and had a backstage fling with Brooks.

  A later iteration of Club Caesar with Brooks in full jumping-on-the-desk mode and (left to right) Woody Allen, Mel Tolkin, and Sid Caesar, writing the 1958–59 television specials.

  The first 2000 Year Old Man LP took off in hip popularity and became the tail that wagged the dog in Brooks’s career.

  The brain trust behind the ill-fated “All American”: (left to right) lyricist Lee Adams, composer Charles Strouse, director Josh Logan, and Brooks, the musical’s librettist. (Photo by Friedman-Abeles@New York Public Library for the Performing Arts)

  With Anne Bancroft and Cary Grant, a fan of the 2000 Year Old Man, at the 1962 Hollywood premiere of The Miracle Worker. (Photofest)

  Get Smart secret agents Don Adams and Barbara Feldon.

  The first-time director shows Zero Mostel how to make love to “Hold Me, Touch Me” (actress Estelle Winwood).

  Brooks and Alfa-Betty Olsen, his frequent amanuensis in the 1960s, at work on The Producers script on Fire Island in the summer of 1966. (Courtesy of Alfa-Betty Olsen)

  Brooks gleefully displays his own dance moves for the cameras while staging “Springtime for Hitler.”


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