The Mirage of Separation

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The Mirage of Separation Page 6

by Billy Doyle

  we were seldom really there

  present to the moment

  we were always somewhere else

  escaping, fixed on some object

  seeking after another mirage

  running away from ourselves


  all that is acquired

  will be lost

  all that is new

  will become old

  all that which was born

  will die

  all that which was learnt

  will be forgotten

  seek out only the Real

  the ever present


  what is this me

  a bundle of yesterday’s memories

  a mass of resistance to what is

  a non-acceptance of the moment

  a bodily contraction from the

  embrace of now

  a wanting to be somewhere else

  dreaming of a more perfect time

  a refusal of the gift in our hands

  but no need to resist this me

  invite it home, humour it

  and when loved

  can it resist any more


  all the pain, the insults, the fear

  welcome it all, embrace it

  until there’s no more to welcome

  only welcoming

  and nobody welcoming


  it is this, here, now

  but the mind would prefer

  an encyclopaedia about it

  than to be with the simplicity

  of this message

  we don’t want to hear this

  we would prefer a journey

  with the prospect of miraculous

  experiences along the way

  and to live forever in hope

  than to be with this, here, now


  have you noticed

  nothing ever really happens

  true, there’s a light show

  sound show, thought show

  and all that

  but the screen

  has it ever changed

  you may cross continents

  but presence is simply presence


  when there is a glimpse

  of our true nature

  we become orientated

  there’s simplicity

  no longer scattered

  here and there

  all the iron fillings

  are drawn back to the core

  only one question

  only one teacher

  only one


  in the moment there is no space

  for the past

  In the moment there is no space

  for the future

  In the moment there is no space

  for being a me and a you

  in the moment

  there’s nothing lacking


  the dark muddy river

  is enclosed in concrete underground

  the soul is smothered beneath

  the comfort of body and mind

  sometimes it tries to speak to us

  in the dark of the night

  but is forgotten by morning

  with the coming of light

  the stars are all but obliterated

  in our neon life

  who bothers to remember the soul

  though it’s all that we’ve got


  the greatest joy is to be

  free of the greatest burden, yourself

  that ton of bricks we carry

  with its labyrinth of tunnels

  corridors and lines of defence

  that we spend our life

  crawling round like automatons

  oblivious to the joy

  that is the Self


  silence, stillness

  for the mind, boring, an enigma

  like a dark cave

  but explore it

  go deeper into the darkness

  embrace it

  glimpses of light flicker

  until there’s only light


  nothing has ever been held back

  emptiness has always been fullness

  love has never kept anything for itself

  nothing is missing

  the well is always overflowing

  only in the dream

  is there a lack


  after a lifetime

  of struggling to know

  the surprise of finding home

  in not-knowing

  like a return to childhood

  without the child

  in this not-knowing

  nothing remains to be known


  knowledge brings innocence

  the sage is as a child

  happy for no reason

  his actions seem purposeless

  the future and its strategies

  are of no concern

  he is guileless

  for what does he lack

  his smile melts your defences


  it is born and then dies

  it is not I

  one day it is happy, another day sad

  it is not I

  it is accepted and adored

  then rejected and despised

  It is not I

  it feels rich and then

  complains of being poor

  It is not I

  it is in health and then sickness

  It is not I

  without a blemish

  what care I about such matters

  I am no-body, no-thing


  beyond all opposite


  who am I

  you may look under every stone

  search every nook and cranny

  but you won’t find very much

  just a collection of phantoms

  look deeper, deeper

  these disappear

  leaving only transparency and space


  here, if there can be a here

  as at the birth of time

  all is held in its potentiality

  and yes, too, the expression

  spread out across an infinity

  and yet in all this

  not a wave of a mine or a yours

  in this borderless expanse


  be detached from the world

  and be detached from

  he who would be detached

  and be detached

  from detachment


  all action by a me

  is tainted by the personal

  let life act through you

  in this volition-less volition *

  you’re free

  *An expression of Jean Klein


  joy needs no cause or excuse

  any more than the sun

  needs a reason to shine

  it is our essence

  that’s why we all seek it

  but it is us that pull the blinds

  when it does visit unexpectedly

  do not look for a reason

  we were simply open

  and not pulling the blinds


  what you are needs no embellishment

  there is no place to hang earrings

  there is no
face to paint

  nothing needs to be added or subtracted

  gilding this lily only buries it

  its joy is its nakedness

  free of man and woman, you and me

  free of the drapery

  of high office or low office

  it needs no formulation

  it shines of itself


  you would like to give up

  all you are not

  the insanity of individuality

  piece by piece

  but there’s always another

  subtlety lurking below

  the real giving up

  is seeing that there

  is nobody to give up anything


  wisdom is understanding

  the nature of subject and object

  that I am the ultimate subject

  and the body, senses and mind

  and hence the world

  are my objects

  and then to go one step further

  and see the apparent subject

  and the apparent object

  are one


  there is only this

  there is no other shore

  but this shore

  there is no other consciousness

  but this consciousness

  there is no other enlightenment

  but this enlightenment

  there is no other to become

  but what I am

  one step away

  and I’m already lost

  there is only this


  what you are is non-conceptual

  it is prior to the conceptual

  so you cannot possibly think it

  the mind is not the appropriate tool

  it is clarity itself

  and nothing you can do

  or say about it

  try as you may


  the moon has no light of its own

  it borrows its light

  from the sun

  the body-mind has no light

  of its own

  it is borrowed from consciousness

  you are the light

  that illuminates all that is


  peace is not the peace

  you feel at the end of the day

  silence is not the silence

  when the noise stops, or a thought ceases

  beauty is not

  the beauty in the sunset

  peace, silence, beauty

  have never come into being

  and have never departed

  nothing can destroy

  for they are not of time


  thoughts come and go

  in the vastness

  feelings come and go

  in the vastness

  bird song comes and goes

  in the vastness

  all are but ripples

  in the vastness


  do not go the temple

  leave not your home

  do not climb the holy mountain

  leave not your home

  do not wonder along

  the path to some nirvana

  leave not your home

  enough of all this acquiring and seeking

  leave not your home

  for the seeker is the sought

  leave not your home


  that which you seek

  is not to be found

  it is much too close to touch

  much too close to see

  it is the touching

  it is the seeing

  there are not two

  or some other

  the necklace you thought was missing

  is still around your neck


  follow the language

  that has no letters, no words

  that nobody can speak

  that nobody can hear

  listen deeply

  be open to it

  let it embrace you

  it is only this language

  that will take you

  to the secret garden



  there was life …………………………………………


  can I live with the question ……………………….


  the great understanding …………………………..


  time is not ……………………………………………


  you say the journey needs time …………………


  we’re invited to sit at the king’s table …………


  on hearing the fish in the water …………………


  the sunlight cannot penetrate through ..………


  to see the orchid ……………………………………


  Proprietor: Can I help you? ……………………..

  10 & 11

  the ego seems to take on………………………….


  the little I that has taken ………………………….


  what you really desire is me………………………


  desire is a black hole ………………………………


  when you’ve gone to the ………………………….


  bring back your centre of gravity ……………….


  why do we impose ………………………………….


  when you take yourself ……………………………


  when you use the word I ………………………….


  pure subjectivity ……………………………………


  form is an expression of the formless………….


  after eliminating each layer ………………………


  in the Self …………………………………………….


  the scent of the rose ……………………………….


  meditation ……………………………………………


  there is not …………………………………………..


  volition is the devil …………………………………


  your compassio
n for the world is admirable ….


  fighting the ego is a great battle ………………..


  the ego is as sticky as glue ……………………….


  the winds of thought ……………………………….


  not the faintest whiff of objectivity …………….


  There was once a fish ……………………………..


  There was once a king …………………………….


  you know the world around you ………………..


  it is ignorance to know …………………………….


  the tree you can touch …………………………….


  don’t try to be aware ………………………………


  it’s before you see ………………………………….


  the concept is an abstraction ……………………


  the ego is a prison …………………………………


  the ego is like the devil …………………………...


  the sky is deep blue ……………………………….


  the sun shines ………………………………………


  don’t stoke up the fire …………………………….


  that whole tale of a me ……………………………


  eternity is in this moment ………………………..


  discover what is not born ………………………..



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