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C-26 Page 10

by D. D. Lorenzo

  He opened the containers, filling their plates with fruit, cheese, and crackers. Handing one of the plates to her, he then took his own.

  “How did everything go on your trip?” She took a bite of cheese, then washed it down.

  Dash did the same, waiting until he swallowed before answering. “It went okay. We settled on a few branding ideas. Ian didn’t like some of them but he was outvoted by me and the guys. He thinks that stuff like the band’s logo on coffee cups and beer cozies is selling out. Me and the other boys think it’s smart merchandising.”

  Sky noted the drop in his tone. “Why do you all put up with him?”

  He shrugged. “He’s like the bratty little brother in a family full of boys. He’s a pain in our asses most of the time but, honestly, deep down inside, Ian’s got a good heart.”

  Skylar left the topic of Ian die with Dash’s last comment. It was apparent the subject weighed down his good mood, and on a beautiful day like today, the last thing she wanted to do was waste their time thinking about Ian.

  Chapter 16

  Dash pulled up outside his house. He turned off the engine and pressed the heel of his boot onto the kickstand. The metal tip scraped the asphalt driveway. It always amazed him how such a small piece of metal could support a nine-hundred-pound machine. Dismounting, he turned and extended a hand to Sky, assisting her off of the bike.

  He could tell her hips ached from the ride. It was her longest yet. Although getting her ass in the saddle in the first place had been a challenge, he was satisfied he could now put her in the seat and go. He was proud of her. She’s pushed past all her reservations to embark on a new experience. In return, he noted her every need. When a break was required, he’d stop. When she got a little anxious, he'd reach back to her with a reassuring pat. Hopefully, the time would come when they'd take a real road trip and explore the country.

  They’d started out at her house and ended the journey at his. His cock twitched at the idea of taking her to his house. He wanted time to reconnect and, hopefully, move to a new level in their relationship. The thought of Skylar bare and beneath him sent a rush of blood to fuel the fire within.

  Sky walked the path to the house in front of him. He studied her, noting every flex of muscle and every sway of her hips. If she could read his sinful thoughts, she’d run away screaming.

  He put the key in the door and pushed it open. The hallway led into the living room, although he would rather have headed to the bedroom. This was the longest he'd ever waited to get a girl into bed, but then Skylar wasn't any other girl. He felt something more with her, and, because of that, he wanted more from her.

  Dash plopped onto the sofa and pulled Sky down with him. The edges of the cushion bowed beneath their combined weight. As his legs spread and knees fell apart, her ass settled in the space in between. This was what he missed when he was away. The feeling of connection he felt whenever he was with her.

  Skylar draped her arms around his shoulders, studying his expression. For a moment, he was speechless. There was something about looking into her eyes. Some feeling at each reunion he couldn't describe. His body reacted, but not just his cock. His heart swelled inside his chest when he held her. She made him feel like a kid on Christmas morning.

  He took her chin in his hand and skillfully guided her lips to his. Primal craving swirled deep within him, driving the kiss with lust. His body demanded more. He wanted all of her, but he respected her caution and tried to move a little slower, leaving her with a taste of what was to come.

  "I made dinner," he announced. "It's in the crackpot."

  Surprised and amused, Sky's eyes widened, her blues still swimming in a lust-filled pool of his making. "You made dinner? And do you mean crockpot?"

  "Yeah. That. It's my first attempt." He shrugged. "I could have just made sandwiches, but I thought that you might want a real meal. I looked up a recipe online and dumped everything in there this morning. I figured it would cook while we were out. Hopefully, the food is edible."

  If he read her as well as he thought he did, she definitely just melted a little. That look on her face warmed his insides as much as a smooth whiskey. Christ, the girl affected him! He'd never get tired of studying her many expressions.

  "So, what do you want to do? You want to eat now or, maybe, watch a movie?"

  His eyes swept over her, lingering on her breasts. "I think I'd like to stay here and enjoy the view if you don't mind." His brow quirked as he watched her cheeks flame. He traced the line of material at her neckline and noted heat flash in her icy blues. His hand slipped from her waist to her ass. "Besides, I'm gritty from the road. I'm going to shower before we eat."

  She looked down at herself, suddenly aware that a thin, tacky mix of pollen and sweat clung to her exposed skin as well. She swiped her forearm with her hand. "I feel a little icky myself."

  Both brows inched up now, a playful arch forming between them. His whiskered jawline ticked as a hint of mischief stretched his mouth with a sly grin. "Want to join me?"

  Her expression blanked. His fantasies did not. The sudden reality of being wet and naked with Skylar caused a pinch as his member stiffened. He ached to be between her legs. His lip pulled up, the look on her face feeding his tell-tale erection with a new pulse of blood. "You say you care about the planet. Showering with me would save water, you know. Reduce your carbon footprint and all that shit."

  He teased her with the tone of his voice. The backhanded invitation was thick with lust. A tiny moan escaped her. It was so subtle he doubted she knew it had slipped between her lips. The sound caressed his ears. Excitement rushed through his veins, heating his blood. The warmth had his dick straining against the metal zipper. His eyes locked with hers. "You're thinking too hard about this, sweetness." His hand slipped off her ass. Gripping the bottom of his tee shirt, he pulled it up and over his head.

  A sexy grin played with her mouth. "Something tells me I might be in there long enough to get waterlogged."

  He responded with a quiet, affirming, growl. She averted her eyes, and his brain played tug-of-war with reality and fantasy. "You're so damn cute when you blush."

  A nervous laugh escaped her as heat continued to curl through his body. Like smoke, it wafted, invading sinew and bone. Its effect on him turning him from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde.

  While away from her he’d played this scene over and over in his imagination. Still, now that the reality was staring him in the face, he hoped to push her boundaries. His fantasies sat at the cusp of reality, and he eagerly awaited their realization with bated breath. He slid her legs off his until her feet hit the floor. Rising from the sofa, he took her hand. "Let's go."

  He steadied the beat of his heart as she trailed obediently behind him. He wanted to take his time and enjoy every inch of her. Intertwining their fingers, he took control. Unless she showed a serious inclination to disagree, he was playing this dream out. By night's end, he would be inside of her.

  When they reached the bathroom, Dash wasted no time shedding the rest of his clothes. He kicked them off to the side where they landed in the corner in a messy pile. Now, naked before her, the evidence of his desire was unmistakeable. His heart pounded but it wasn't fear that stroked the beat. Sex had always been a means to an end for him, but this was a deeper kind of need, and so much more poignant than just a physical act.

  A switch flipped in his mind as he engaged with his inner beast. A primal feeling came over him. He craved the taste of Skylar. The feel of her. Excitement gnawed at him from deep down inside, gripping him with an appetite that could only be satisfied once he'd claimed her.

  Chapter 17

  Seeing Dash bare before her, a pool of heat collected in her core. A slight tremble shook her knees. Though she tried to avert her eyes, she couldn't tear them away from his stiff, swollen erection. It stood proudly at attention, jerking beneath her gaze. His arousal fed her own, the shuddering inside her gripping her core with lust. She reveled in the feelings.

Still clothed, she dragged her eyes from his cock to his face. His stunning brown eyes had darkened to near black. His nostrils flared as he struggled to hold back his urges. He looked like an animal untamed, ready to devour her. A thrill rushed her veins. Carnal energy bounced between them as he filled her space and closed the distance between them. Her scalp tingled; a million bees buzzed beneath her skin with a vibrating pulse. Nothing could have prepared her for the effect of the raw desire Dash incited.

  The chaos inside of her head refused to quiet. The heady cocktail of longing and lust flushed her body with heat. Her gaze fell beneath the intensity of his, her view fixing on his bare feet. He caged her in as he moved each naked one outside of her booted ones.

  "We could stand here all day like this, sweetness, but then we'd never get what we both want." He’d dipped his head, his words vibrating on the spot just beneath her ear. She sucked in a breath, her head falling to the side. A shiver possessed her as he inhaled a trail along her neck. From earlobe to the hollow of her throat, he took in her scent. He was so potently male that it unnerved her, the imbalance he set into motion tossing her senses into a tailspin. She lost herself in the intensity of the moment but needed to breathe.

  She pulled back to look into his eyes, the corners creasing beneath the tension of desire. He stalked her with his burning stare, snorting a fresh supply of oxygen. The primal effect shook her to her core, and her body responded, sending a rush of wetness to the apex of her thighs.

  These sensations were more than she could have anticipated, her experience had been limited at best. His intensity cut her like the blade of a knife. Craving erupted through the surface. She felt like she was drowning. The intense feelings were equally frightening and thrilling. Not even her wildest fantasies corrupted her thoughts like the current onslaught of feelings taking over her body.

  Suddenly, fear rippled her spine. Intense chills raced up the back of her neck. Skylar froze, barely breathing as her lungs struggled for oxygen. Dash was instantly aware, stepping back to give her an inch of space.

  "Skylar, stop. I'm not going to hurt you or do anything you don't want. Don't steal this moment away from us because you're afraid."

  His tone was commanding and had a drugging effect. Her neck and shoulders relaxed as he guided her few backward steps. He pushed her back until her butt rested against the edge of the vanity. With confident fingers, he undid the button on her jeans and lowered the zipper. His hands dipped inside the waistband, separating the hugging denim as his eyes bored into her.

  The space between her thighs was wet, but her mouth was dry. Excitement pitched a high ring in her ears. Her pulse beat a clamoring drum that kept pace with her racing heart. Tsunami strength emotions closed her eyes as she took a breathless moment to sink into the heady feelings. Dash's touch electrified her as he pushed her jeans and panties down over her hips. As he guided them over her ass and down her legs, his fingertips left a scorching trail. Down on one knee like a dark but charming prince, he unzipped her boots, removing them one by one. His thumbs hooked the rim of her socks, his calloused digits grazing her skin. Nerve endings stood at attention as they traveled the delicate arch in her foot, causing her toes to curl. As he looked up at her, the plea in his eyes begged her to surrender completely. Suddenly, she understood that a woman submitting to her own desires was the most significant power she possessed.

  The minute she let go, surrender unleashed a violent rush of carnality. Passion scratched its way through her core with blazing claws. She helped Dash remove her jeans and then moved so he could easily lift her other garments. After he tugged her shirt over her head and slid her bra from her shoulders, she gathered her hair and moved it to one side. His lips seared kisses on her neck, making her moan. His hands cupped her ass cheeks, and her hips writhed a response.

  "Maybe you should be afraid." Dash's low laugh tormented her sex. Moisture rushed to prepare her for his entrance. He claimed her lips, crushing them with his own. She welcomed the sweet bruising she was sure would follow.

  Reluctantly he released her. In his eyes was a wicked plan. He reached inside the shower and turned the knob. It took no time at all before heat-swirled steam filled the air. The foggy mist enveloped Skylar's skin with a slippery veil. Her muscles ached, especially her thighs. Straddling a leather seat for hours had caused the soreness. She was hopeful for pain of a different kind before the night was through.

  Dash stepped beneath the hot spray and extended his hand to her. She took it, catching her breath as the hot and heavy droplets softly pelted her sensitive skin. She tipped her face up for its full effect. Water streamedthrough her hair, saturating the strands as it washed over her head, face, and neck. The heat stole away the tension that remained between her body and mind. She closed her eyes and braced her hands up against the wall. She could feel Dash's naked body behind her as he closed the gap between them. Her desires sweltered, raising the heat within her core as her sex clenched.

  "Relax, baby. Let me take care of you."

  Her fingers curled into her palms as he kneaded her shoulders with steady hands. She groaned, her head falling forward as muscles unkinked and unraveled beneath his ministering touch. He trailed down her spine to her lower back. With her eyes closed and Dash’s erection throbbing against her backside, her thoughts tumbled into an erotic dream—except she wasn't dreaming. She was living out a fantasy.

  He gave her hair a tug, and her head fell back in response. An unsolicited moan escaped her, and his cock jerked out a reply. He thrust against the crack of her ass. As he continued his seduction, he reached around to her front. With both hands, he cupped her breasts and pulled her against him beneath the full force of the water.

  She gasped. Her nipples pebbled, the tips now hard and wanting. Dash massaged them as well. He teased and stroked as his hands traveled her wet skin, tracing beneath the heavy globes. With eager fingers, Dash moved lower, skating the tips over her hips and belly with just enough pressure to loosen the knots. When they reached the top of her legs, he pulled her hard against him. The feeling was sublime, sending a fresh coating to the inside of her thighs. He pressed his powerful, ripped chest to her back, her full, firm cheeks against his need.

  Chapter 18

  Skylar teetered on the edge of a shiver. Though she tried to stifle a moan, she wasn't successful. A feeling of satisfaction settled over him.

  "Feel good, baby?"


  Dash loved the guttural sound that came from deep within her throat. She responded beautifully to his touch. It never occurred to him that his calloused digits could give such pleasure. The skin on his fingertips was thick from years of wielding a guitar. Now he strummed Sky's body as skillfully as he did his strings. Her muscles obeyed his commands. As he continued to ply and press her flesh, he fisted her hair, catching her cheek in his hand. She turned toward him, and he claimed her lips. Their tongues tangled in a sensual dance. He slipped his hand between her legs, making her jump. She gasped.

  "Just let go, Sky. Let me love you." Her back arched as the connection sent a jolt through her. He nuzzled her neck, kissing, licking, and sucking her body into submission as his fingers moved to the hidden place. As he dipped his fingers inside the soft folds, his desire ramped up.

  As her body responded, each clench increased his girth. Dash turned her around, moving with her until her back hit the wall. Nudging her thighs open with his knee, he imprisoned her hands above her head. His arousal was painful, hard, and throbbing with a life of its own. He parted her folds, driving his erection between the tender flesh to ramp up her pleasure and his own.

  This intimate connection evaporated his thoughts as he spiraled into nothing but physical pleasure. The feelings he had for Skylar defied description. Nothing he'd experienced with any other woman had ever hit him so hard. All that mattered to him was dying that small, orgasmic death. His erection begged for relief. As an involuntary response raised her on tiptoe, he continued to stroke her sensitive bundle of nerv
es. She opened her eyes and he fell into her blue orbs. The silver particles within the hue flashed with a spark that made him shudder.

  He could become an addict to this raw power. Making love to Sky was a completely new experience. He'd always believed sex was nothing more than a mechanized act. Even his fantasies at his own hands had never conjured the force energizing his insides. Fuck. Come. Done. While that might have been true in the past, the act lacked finesse. Not this.

  As he watched her surrender to her pleasure, something inside of him changed. A switch flipped. This woman—this beautiful, complicated woman—was changing his perception of what lovemaking should be. He wanted to make her feel like a goddess. If she would let him love her completely, then maybe he could be loved simply for being himself. There was something magical about being with her. The two of them together were a rich orchestration of a beautiful song.

  He ached to be inside of her. Take her. Fill her. Drive himself into her until there was nothing left of them but shards of pleasure. This was connection, real and fierce. The animal raging inside of him thirsted to devour her.

  Dash nudged her opening with his tip. It took all his effort to control his entrance. He hooked his hands around the back of her thighs and lifted her. Cock to core, he pushed until he felt the hollow space. His eyes locked with hers, the anticipation of her release now too much to bear. He pulled his hips back and launched into her with a powerful thrust. Sky gasped as he filled her. He stilled to allow her to adjust to his size as pain and pleasure intermingled. Skylar held fast to his shoulders. As he prepared to thrust again, a loud banging noise came from the living room. Sky's fingernails dug into his flesh as both of them froze.

  "Dash! Where the fuck are you?"


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