The Revelations of Jace Forester

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The Revelations of Jace Forester Page 3

by Rachelle Mealove

“Like I told you, after the revelation of laws that demons could not kill or hurt humans anymore, their anger aggravated. They wanted nothing more than revenge. As for the Angels, never had a being with the light in their blood killed another being. You however, sir, are ambiguous to such circumstances. If you were to commit such a crime, say kill a man, it would not only change you or possibly kill you, but it will be a spit right in the face of all those who are holy.” Owens went on “According to a prophecy, an Angel or a being with the blood of an Angel shall never willingly or unwillingly end the life of a human. If Blardan can break this prophecy, he will complete his goal. He will demean the Angels. We of course, cannot let that happen. That is why I am present here, Sir”

  Jace’s head felt like it would explode.

  All the information seemed unreal and dreamy. He always knew there was some secret that he was unaware of about his childhood and powers. But he always figured out that if he pretended that they didn’t exist, they wouldn’t.

  Clearly that was impossible.

  Especially with the introduction of the tall and muscular figure, Owens.

  He gave a smile that seemed too joyous for his serious face. At least he was trying to be not grim about the situation.

  “So why don’t the Angels just destroy this Blardan or whatever”

  “They cannot” blurted out Owens “It has been thousands of years since an Angel came in contact ith a Demon. We Griffins take care of the Zealots, and the Demons never show there face. Not until recently”

  “Not until recently what? What do you mean?”

  “Our peers at Castel detected Demonic presence here at Los Angeles a few years ago. We think it might as well have been Blardan. But you don’t have to worry there’s no way an elite Demon like his is going to show up and..”

  Owens stopped dead in the middle of the sentence and he bit his tongue. Right at that moment, Jace received a text from an ID named “Demon_Descending”

  It read “Time for the show little guy. Look up”

  Jace looked up and saw the clear sky of night.

  He looked back at Owens, who was now even paler than usual. He looked like someone who had just realized that they had dropped their phone in the taxi.

  “What is i…” and Jace felt it too.

  If he thought that he had a spidey sense, he was right.

  If he thought the tingling he got when Owens was around was severe, he was wrong.

  His hands and legs started to shake as if he was on the zenith of a hundred storey building in the middle of an earthquake. His legs felt like jelly. His stomach felt as if it was housing an overweight dancing gorilla.

  Just when he thought it couldn’t get worse, he dropped to the floor and followed Owens’ gaze upwards.

  A bird was zooming downwards. When it was hovering about thirty feet above the ground, Jace realized it was a man.

  The ground felt as if a horse was galloping when he landed with a loud thud.

  “Blardan” greeted Owens.

  Jace screamed in horror.

  Chapter 4

  Jace had heard a lot about demons when he was young.

  His mom would put him to sleep depicting numerous stories where the angels slay the demons, where the heroes defeat the monster.

  Light always won.

  He would hug his dog, Lucifer and go to sleep every night. He read about demons in books, he watched shows on Netflix which portrayed demons. He would always enjoy those while Lucifer would play with his ball in the corner.

  But never had Jace imagined a Demon to be so…strange.

  “So you mean to tell me you met a real Demon with wings yesterday and this man eating wafer like a hungry cat is some magical creation of Angels?” screamed Violet.

  “Ugh Owens you could at least show some table manners” exclaimed Jace.

  It was a sunny day, and at 12pm Jace found Violet sitting beside Joey, just like he told her to do in his text

  Joey had finally woken up, and Jace carefully introduced the duo to the Griffin, Owens.

  Joey lost consciousness due to the shock.

  “You could’ve died Jace” said Joey dreamily.

  “When did you wake up you pussy?” Violet said.

  Joey was apparently right.

  Yesterday, after Blardan descended from the bowels of Hell, he had made it pretty clear that he meant Jace harm.

  He looked just like and at the same time nothing like a man. He had gray eyes with pupils larger than anyone’s Jace had seen.

  He had hair similar to his eyes, only they were a shade of silver as well as gray. He was tall and lean, and almost as tall as Owens. He wore a casual shirt, something anyone would wear in LA.

  What Struck Jace was how young he looked. His face revealed he was not more than twenty years of age, but his eyes gave everything away. They were ancient and resembled a cat.

  Blardan looked like an anime character too, but he was surely an evil super villain.

  HE had wings, yes. They were dark like that of a gargoyle and way too enormous for his body. The skin on his wings was like that of a snake, and when he talked, that smile, that smirk, filled every limb of Jace with hatred for him.

  “I see you’ve met the boy already, Griffin” hissed Blardan. He not only looked like a snake, he sounded like one too. His voice sounded sly and cunning, all too much like his smirk.

  “Blardan you will regret coming to earth. You should be in Hell where you belong, you rotten hideous”

  “Yeah yeah yeah cut the crap will you. Look what we have here” He enthusiastically pointed at Owens and Jace “A half-breed who doesn’t know what his powers are and a Griffin who was deemed too useless for the Castel. How lovely indeed. Now get on your feet mate I don’t you to lie down there and piss on yourself while I kill you” he bit the air, showing his razor like teeth.

  Any vampire would be scared of them. They looked like they could cut through lead.

  Indeed, he was a demon.

  Jace struggled back up, but his legs were still jelly. There was something about his peculiarly gray eyes that made him want to jump off a cliff. They smelled of despair and radiated darkness.

  “Now that you’re back up puppy, let’s talk business. NO don’t you interrupt me Griffin or I will skin you alive and burn your bones to ashes” He threatened Owens as he opened his mouth.

  Blardan’s threat seemed normal, but his ice cold voice and the manner in which he said it, like he wouldn’t even think twice before killing him, chilled Jace to the bones.

  Even Owens looked terrified.

  “I need you to kill someone Jace. I repeat, you little miscreant” now his voice was even more of a hiss as he lowered the decibels “I need you to act the extremely satisfactory act of taking a human being’s life. You need to kill. It is the only way I can get back at your daddy”

  “And what if..if I don’t?” Jace was surprised he had it in him to talk.

  Blardan merely revealed a cold smile that would convert the happiest person in the world depressed.

  “Then, everyone you love will die” he hissed

  “No! No you can’t kill humans! You can’t trick me you Demon”

  “While trickery is something I love doing, I am being, otherwise, blunt. I can always order my minions to do the dirty work, little boy.”

  “I will be there to stop your dirty Zealots, Blardan” Owens burst out. It seemed as if he wanted to say even more, but Blardan started speaking again.

  “Oh you’re still there Griffin totally forgot about you.” The Gray haired demon replied with no respect whatsoever “Oh yes I’ve heard you can conjure sparks from the wind yes yes. Even if you do all that, you are no match for me you puny scum”

  The hatred for Owens was clear. The way he looked at him, as if the Griffin was nothing but garbage.

  “No one can stop me. No one can touch me. I am destruction, I am your doom” he smiled again “Here’s a little demo for you Jace. I might not be able to kill anyone directly,
but accidents have nothing to do with me. The next time we meet, you’ll have blood on your hands”

  He extended the smile, something Jace thought to be impossible. He looked like a porcupine with sharp silvery hair and fair skin and dangerous looking cat eyes.

  He raised his hand just as a passerby was walking past him, obviously he saw no one but Jace in the dark street.

  Blardan lifted upwards, the force of his huge flapping wings sending Jace to the ground once again. A dustbin beside the street suddenly fell, and the street was clattered with trash.

  The passerby, an old man with a muffler around his neck, didn’t notice the trash.

  He kept walking and slipped on a can of Coke.

  He lost balance, and before Jace or Owens could run and catch him, he fell right in the middle of the dark street, out of the foot path.

  Just then, a car came running from behind Jace and ran over the old man.

  His glasses flew to the sky and landed on Jace’s feet.

  He was dead with one swift thud.

  “Noooo” Jace screamed.

  Now, the day was a far cry to the dark night of yesterday.

  Jace would’ve even found it peaceful if Joey and Violet weren’t screaming their heads off.

  “I’m telling you we should call the police” screamed Joey.

  “Yeah we’ll need some Angelic Police to fight these demons cuz last time I checked the LAPD can’t even handle the local mob” Violet screamed back.

  “And what’s the deal with you, I mean you can disappear and appear whenever you want” asked Violet to Owens.

  “Oh no madam. Some of the Griffins at Castel do possess the ability to cloak visibility, while I do not. No, all Griffins have the ability to be invisible in front of humans. This ring” He held out the index finger of his left hand “Gives Griffins the ability to be invisible to mankind”

  “And I thought you were married” Joey tried to be sarcastic, but he was only met with a blank stare from the Griffin.

  Clearly they didn’t know sarcasm

  “So all of you Griffins have magical abilities Owens?” asked Violet

  “Well, yes sort of. We are not like the wizards Joey keeps mentioning about, but we do possess qualities unnatural to mankind” He replied

  “And what’re powers?”

  Jace wished Violet hadn’t asked.

  Owens had already given Jace numerous demos of his powers after their encounter with Blardan.

  He snapped both of his fingers, and all the electronic devices, from the cell phones to the ECG meters turned off.

  Then in an instant, the whole room became excessively cold.

  “And this is 0 degrees”

  An hour later, the two humans, one Griffin and one Half-Angel found themselves at McDonald’s as the sun was at its zenith.

  The doctors were reluctant release Joey, but Owens was persuasive enough.

  “I heard one of the nurses say you looked like Thor, Owens” said Violet

  “Yeah, I wish I had the looks and body of that guy” added Joey

  “And who is this Thor?” asked Owens

  “Marvel The Avengers? Heard of them?”

  “No who are they avenging?”

  “Damn, for someone who looks so much like Chris Hemsworth you could actually know who the guy is”

  “Wait he looks like me? We need to find him” replied Owens as he jumped from his seat excitedly, spilling Coke everywhere “I believe he is a shape shifting Zealot doing a Demon’s bidding. We must exterminate him!”

  The three friends looked at each other, and then at Owens who had all the seriousness in the world in his eyes.

  The three broke into laughter in unison.

  Owens looked at them in confusion.

  “So, the real question is what’re we going to do now?” asked Violet as she looked at the other three.

  Violet looked fragile once again. The cuts in her hand and face had almost completely healed, unlike Joey who looked like a stitched potato.

  The question was inevitable, they ha to make a decision.

  “Isn’t it obvious? I mean guys how many times have we seen this in movies. We have to stand our ground and fight this demon.” Said Joey “I mean look at us, we have a Half-Angel and a guy who can shoot lighting from his fingertips”

  “Stop it!” Jace screamed at hi, a little too loudly. He lowered his voice down a bit, trying his best to not let the anger of Joey’s stupidity consume him “Stop beig stupid, pal. We can’t fight him. From what Owens said Blardan is out of our league, even combined. There’s only one solution to this”

  “And what’s that?” asked Violet

  “Jace has to go to Castel” Owens replied for Jace.

  “No” said Violet and Joey in unison.

  “No chance. We can’t let you leave Jace” added Joey

  Violet was making a face which indicated she was about to burst any moment.

  “It’s not up to me guys. Look at it this way. If I leave now, everyone can be safe from all this bullshit. I can train myself at Castel and come back strong, ready to defend myself. Right now I don’t even know what my powers are” Jace, of course, wasn’t totally honest. He hadn’t told his friends that he had discovered he had powers long ago.

  “We can’t agree to this” Joey protested

  “You don’t understand Blardan will kill you.” Owens explained “He will have nothing to do with it directly. But one of Blardan’s demonic abilities is to predict and influence events through patterns”

  “What does that mean?” Joey was lost

  “Remember how Blardan killed a normal pedestrian by just dropping a soda can, while he didn’t even touch it. He just lifted upwards; the wind from his wings was not of his concern. See, it’s as if he can see the future, he can predict what will happen. He is right almost always. He can flap his wings in the North Pole and a man will die in the South Pole.”

  “What are his other abilities? You said this was one of his abilities?”

  “As far as we Griffins know, he has only revealed three out of four powers. Any Demon with four powers is termed as Elite. There are Demons who have five and a maximum of six powers, but they haven’t been seen in millions of years. For now, Blardan is one of the most dangerous Demons we know of and he has made it his motive to destroy the sacred virtues of the Angels. And unfortunately, the only thing between him and his goal is Jace”

  The group talked for a few hours in McDonald’s, and Jace notice the sun beginning to descend.

  He was reminded how Blardan had descended, every bit of his demonic presence spreading dread.

  Finally, after hours of intense debate, Joey and Violet were convinced to let Jace go, only if he promised to return to them soon. Something he intended on doing no matter what.

  They had devised a plan.

  The group was going to reunite near the remains of CominCafe.

  Jace was to pack his entire luggage and bade goodbye to his mother.

  Joey was going to help Jace convince his mom.

  Violet was going to pack all the food and necessities for Jace’s travel.

  Owens was going to make all the arrangements for their travel and arrival at Castel.

  Jace was going to Castel, where he belonged.

  It had taken a great amount for him to think, and maybe it was the Angel blood in him, but he could not stand and let his loved ones get hurt.

  They were all innocent, and just because a Demon wanted to tarnish the name of the Angels, Jace’s loved ones shouldn’t be harmed in the way.

  The pieces had been set, and it was a waiting game now.

  Jace reluctantly went home. He explained to his mother that he and Joey would go on a two weeks trip to Washington DC to attend an education carnival.

  Joey would return alone, and Jace would Facetime his mother to inform her that he had been selected by something he hadn’t decided yet, and would take a while to return back.

  Joey and Violet would have to
cover a lot for his disappearance.

  After hours of scolding for the last minute notice, Jace’s mom agreed to his proposal

  He was finally going to Castel.

  Jace hugged his dog Lucifer.

  “I’m gonna miss you so much Luci” said jace “Take care of mom and don’t let any demons come near her” He smiled

  The dog only gave a confused look.

  Lucifer had been Jace’s companion for so long, the separation hurt more than he thought it would.

  Jace and his chubby best friend planned and discussed how they would cover his disappearance.

  Joey hated to let Jace wander off with a stranger to a strange land. But even Joey realized that even Jace’s safety was a threat beyond the safe walls of Castel.

  It was said to be a safe haven, where only those who have light in their blood could enter. It was a perfect place for a Half-Breed to grow up.

  “Even if he makes you kill someone, who would you kill” asked Joey

  “I’m never killing anyone, my friend”

  And the two set out for CominCafe.

  It was a chilly night. There was no snow but the wind felt like gamma rays, penetrating through Jace’s bones.

  He had bent a steel spoon with one hand to show Joey his strength.

  Apparently, he wasn’t so good in the cold weather.

  They arrived at the pile of rubble where the remains of their old hangout lay.

  There was no moon present, and the sky was too cloudy to spot any stars, engulfing the scene in darkness.

  They waited for around twenty minutes before a silhouette presented itself from the west end of the street.

  A very tall body with dark hair and brown eyes

  “Our car should arrive in a few minutes.” Announced Owens

  “Wait you’re taking a car to Europe?” asked Joey.

  “No, fat friend” replied Owens “it will take us to the airport. From there we will catch an airplane. I tried persuading one of my peers to portal us to Castel, but apparently all of them are busy planning something. Something big”

  “What’s more important to them than the honor of Angels?” asked Jace.

  He was confused. From what he had heard, the Griffins were devoted to the welfare of Angels. Neglecting their duties in securing Jace, what could be so important?


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