Hunted (The Half-Breed Prison Book 1)

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Hunted (The Half-Breed Prison Book 1) Page 4

by Jen L. Grey

  If I wasn’t one hundred percent sure I liked men, I might’ve given her a go. Somehow, her hair highlighted her features perfectly. Her olive skin was flawless, and her eyes were golden.

  “What is?” I realized I’d had some trouble comprehending her words. I was probably gawking.

  “Aaron normally doesn’t bring in the new ones.” She flipped her hair behind her shoulder. “His Dad is the warden, so he normally gets some perks.”

  “So another spoiled brat?” I’d seen those kinds too many times before. They usually were the ones with the biggest chips on their shoulders too.

  “Yeah, he is.” She nodded her head with a big smile on her face. “How’d you get caught?”

  “They broke into my home and got me when my parents weren’t around.” I should’ve seen that coming. I should’ve made my ass get up and go run the errand with mom.

  “Really?” Deissy took a step back and shook her head. “They normally don’t care. They killed my parents right in front of me.”

  This was worse than I had realized. “Are you serious?”

  “Do you think I’d kid around about that?” Her golden eyes flashed with anger. “And here I was being friendly.”

  “No, I’m sorry.” The last thing I needed to do was piss off someone who at least was sort of nice. “I didn’t mean it that way. It just shocked me.”

  “I guess I could see that.” She took a few steps toward me and looked me straight in the eye. “There’s two things you need to know. One, this may seem like a better version of a prison, but there’s more than what meets the eye here. And two, unlike most here, I’m willing to give the newbies a chance. However, if you screw me over or even hint at it, I’ll be your worst nightmare.”

  “That’s fair.” For some reason, I believed her. I glanced around the spartan cabin and realized how small it was. There were only a thin table and two chairs in what I guessed would be considered a living room. Right across from it was a bunk bed. “Which one is yours?”

  “The bottom.” She pointed to a thin sheet that had obviously been slept in. “Easier to get out if we need to run for our lives.”

  “Has that happened before?” There were no windows in here, so I wasn’t sure what she meant.

  “One time they tried, and I tore out their hearts with my claws.” An evil grin spread across her face. “The guards haven’t tried again as yet.”

  It took me a second for her words to sink in. “They were trying to come in for you?”

  “Yeah, and it wasn’t for their main job if you know what I mean. They were looking for an unapproved extracurricular form of exercise.” She arched an eyebrow and pointed at me. “This isn’t a happy place ... what’s your name again?”

  “Oh, it’s Lexy.” I had been worried about the male prisoners trying to break in for that exact reason. I hadn’t considered a guard doing it.

  “Okay.” She nodded her head and pointed her finger at me again. “This isn’t a happy place with rainbows and butterflies, Lexy. This is a kill-or-be-killed kind of place. You better get your head wrapped around it and fast. You’re a newbie, and you’ll have to earn whatever position you make for yourself. If you don’t make it, I’m not going down with you … Understand?”

  “It’s crystal clear.” I made my way over to the ladder and began climbing up. I hadn’t checked out the bathroom, but there didn’t seem to be a point. Aaron had already told me what to expect.

  “You better get your ass up.” Deissy moved close to my ear and talked louder. “The last thing you need is to be late on your first day. You’ll have more of a target on your back.”

  Something soft hit me on the head. I yanked it off my head and sat up. It was a huge bag that appeared to be made to wear across my body. “What’s this for?”

  “The cotton. You think it’s going to pick and store itself?” She had the same sort of bag and slipped it over her body. “They’ll be here any second. Get ready.”

  Not wasting any time, I jumped off the bed and slid my shoes on. “Is there a brush or anything?”

  “Yeah, it’s in the bathroom. You probably have two minutes, so get your ass moving.” She tapped her wrist where a watch would be.

  I rushed into the bathroom to relieve myself and wash my hands. With the little bit of time left, I grabbed the hairbrush that had seen better days. It had a worn wooden handle with about half of the bristles left. Luckily there were a few ponytail holders left on the sink. Within thirty seconds, I pulled my light brown hair into a messy bun. I had a feeling that I was going to be working hard and getting hot.

  Right when I walked back into the living room, a guard was moving outside the door.

  “You lucky bitch.” Deissy smiled and shook her head. “You made it in the nick of time.”

  The door swung open, and a guy who couldn’t be much older than I was stood right in front of us. His hair was buzzed, and his red eyes took me in. “I see you got yourself a new roommate, Deissy. How long do you think this one is going to last?”

  “Don’t know and don’t care.” She shrugged and glanced my way. “If she’s anything like the last one, it won’t be long.”

  “You better be a light sleeper.” The guard chuckled. “The last roommate pissed off Deissy here and was killed somehow during the night.”

  Holy shit. I had a crazy roommate. I realized I’d better not make her mad.

  “I don’t like what you’re alluding to here, Pete.” Deissy placed her hands on her hips. “Remember the investigation was inconclusive.”

  “They tried to be thorough. One less of you is a blessing.” Pete waved us on. “Go get breakfast and get to the fields.” He nodded at Deissy. “Show her the ropes. You know the drill.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” She waved me forward. “Let’s go before all the good food gets taken.”

  My stomach growled at the thought. I hadn’t eaten in over twenty-four hours. No wonder I was starving.

  We passed the cabins as we made our way to the larger building. All sorts of different people were out moving around. All of them seemed to move with purpose. A few of the women turned and glared at me as I passed by.

  There was a woman who had a group of four women around her. The younger ones were hanging on her every word. As we walked past them, the woman with authority stopped and pointed at me. I could hear her whispered words. “We got a new one to break in.” Her cruel green eyes stayed right on my face as she flipped her red hair over her shoulder.

  “Oh, yes we do.” One of the girls laughed loudly and there was a darkness to it.

  “You better watch out for that crew.” Deissy waved to them and kept on going. “Jenee is the oldest one and the head bitch in charge. You better not get on her bad side. Prove your worth to her and fast. You got it?”

  No, I didn’t have it. Despite that fact, I could tell that it was something Deissy wouldn’t explain any further, so I nodded my head.

  As we stepped onto the porch of the larger building, something the guard said settled hard on me. “If they don’t mind us dying, then why are we here?”

  Deissy stopped in her tracks and turned around to face me. Something like approval shone in her eyes. “Maybe you aren’t so hopeless after all. You’re probably one of the quickest to ask that question. So think about it real hard. If they don’t mind us dying, there has to be an important reason for them to keep us around. It has to be something far worse than death. You’ll find out in due time just as the rest of us did.”

  Suddenly, I stopped feeling hungry. My mind swirled with options, but there was no way to figure it out… until my number was called.

  Chapter Five

  “Are you coming or not?” Deissy arched her brow as she turned my direction. “I’m not going to miss out on a good breakfast ’cause you’re processing.”

  “Yeah.” Sorry almost slipped past my lips, but somehow I caught myself in time. This wasn’t a place for apologies. I had a feeling that only made you look weak.

  A slight
grin tugged at her lips. “Then get your ass moving.”

  When we entered the building, I almost stopped in my tracks. The place was large, and the table layout reminded me of high school. There were six or seven tables connected and no telling how many rows.

  I followed Deissy right to a long buffet-type line. I grabbed a plate and filled it with eggs, hash browns, and sausage.

  “You may wanna get a few more sausages or bacon.” Deissy reached in and took a handful of bacon. “You’re going to need it.”

  “Isn’t there something to get the bacon with other than your hand?” That couldn’t be sanitary.

  “Ha. Cute.” She waved the bacon in my face. “Germs are the least of our worries.”

  A tall guy with dark brown hair and olive skin appeared on the other side. “This is going to be entertaining.” An evil smile spread across his face, and his jade eyes filled with disdain. “I can’t wait until the princess falls off her pedestal.”

  “It’s her first day. Give her space.” Deissy grabbed a cup of water and pointed to an open section. “I’m going over there.”

  “Befriending her so it’ll surprise her when you stab her in the back?” The guy shook his head and scowled. “That’s a coward’s way.”

  “See, it’s funny.” She spun back around to face him. “I really don’t give a flying fuck what you think, unlike all the other pathetic girls who pant around you.”

  It surprised me that she talked to him that way. He was sexy as hell, but there was a darkness to him that made him more mouthwatering … and scary at the same time.

  “That’s brave talk coming from you.” He took his plate and stepped in her direction. He stopped only a breath away from her. “Maybe it’s time you get knocked down a notch.”

  “Is your dick that small you get off on threatening people?” Things were about to go south between her and him, so of course, my big mouth ran.

  “What did you say?” The guy spun around and faced me. His eyes swirled with something akin to pain and anger.

  The tables closest had been loud, but now they were hushed.

  “I said is your dick that small …”

  “I heard you.” He cut me off and lowered his head slightly so he could glare at me. “You’re in over your head, princess, so I’d shut the hell up and walk away if I were you.”

  There has always been one common thing about me my entire life. I didn’t enjoy being told what to do by arrogant assholes. “Well, you’ll soon learn one thing about me. Assholes don’t intimidate me.”

  “Is that so?” He smirked and leaned back on his heel.

  “Come on, Lexy.” Deissy reached over and took a hold of my arm. “Let’s go.”

  “That would be a very smart thing to do right now.” The guy’s voice turned growly.

  “But…” I wanted to get some bacon.

  “No buts.” She tugged me after her. I didn’t have much of a choice but to follow if I didn’t want my food to end up on the floor.

  We moved several yards away and sat at a table that was mostly empty at the end.

  “You are insane.” Deissy laughed. “You can’t do that shit.”

  “Do what?” I picked my fork up and dug into my eggs.

  “Talk like that to Knox.” Deissy took a big drink from her glass. “He’s alpha to over half the people here.”

  “First off, alpha, really?” That was an odd choice of words. “You mean in charge. Who uses that term anymore?”

  “Wolves do for one.” Deissy took a large bite of bacon, but that didn’t prevent her from talking. “I’m half-wolf or, at least, close enough to say half.”

  “But I thought Jenee was in charge.” I was getting too many mixed signals here.

  She took another huge bite. “She is alpha over the other half that doesn’t follow Knox. It was a big deal when Knox got here a few years ago. Jenee has been here for decades. She got captured at sixteen and learned the ropes well. When Knox got here five years ago, he ruined her world. He was twenty and ready to make a name for himself and fast. At the end of the day, both sides are scared of them.”

  “This is very confusing.” Before I arrived here, all I had to worry about was who had the most money and wore designer things. Now I had to worry about alphas and who knew what else.

  “It’s almost as if you don’t know anything about the paranormal world.” She snorted and shoved three more pieces of bacon into her mouth.

  “Well, I don’t.” Maybe I shouldn’t have admitted that.

  “What do you mean, you don’t?” She smacked her jaws as she chewed.

  “Let’s just say I didn’t even know I was a supernatural until the hunters showed up.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “I still have a hard time believing that, but that’s pretty common around here. I mean, didn’t you always feel out of sorts?”

  “I did, and that’s when my mom told me that I was adopted.” I wasn’t quite sure why I was telling her this, but I had no one else to talk it out with. “Apparently, my biological parents left their phone number and told me to call if I started feeling strange.”

  “So you grew up with humans?” She stabbed her fork into a pancake and put the whole thing in her mouth.

  “Yeah.” That probably did sound weird to her. “Who raised you?”

  She huffed. “My parents, but unfortunately, when my powers came in at fifteen, the hunters came to kill them and took me. So after that, I was raised here. I got here about eight years ago and learned fast.”

  “That’s horrible.” She spent a large part of her teenage years here.

  “At least I’m alive.” She put her fork on the plate and scowled. “That’s more than what my parents can say.”

  Yeah, I wasn’t going to ask about that. It would only make her relive those moments. “I think there is a cruel part inside everyone. The difference is some of us have a conscience.”

  “You know what.” She leaned back in the seat and chuckled. “I can agree with that. Maybe you and I will get along after all.”

  From my past experience, words were cheap. I had several people say they were my friends just to laugh at me behind my back with the other kids. “We’ll see.”

  “You know what?” She tilted her head and scanned me over. “You’re not what I expected.”

  “Make sure to keep that bar low.” All I cared about was surviving and getting the hell out of here.

  The sun shone bright overhead as I bent and grabbed another cotton ball from the blasted plant. They didn’t provide us gloves, so my hands were scratched and bleeding. At least they matched my wrists even though those were already scabbed over from yesterday.

  “You need to pick up your pace.” Jenee appeared behind me. “Or you won’t be allowed to eat dinner tonight.”

  This day kept getting better and better. “Let me worry about myself. It doesn’t involve you.”

  A smirk spread across her face, making her gray eyes look haunting. She had to be in her thirties. She chuckled as she tipped my bag over, causing all the cotton I’d collected to fall on the ground. “Oops.”

  The group of four women who were her shadows suddenly popped out and stole all the fruits of my labor. “Stop it. Now.”

  “Or what?” Jenee crossed her arms and leaned on one leg.

  I didn’t have a reply, and I wasn’t stupid. There were five of them against one of me.

  “Did the cat get your tongue?” The girl with long ash blonde hair cooed.

  “We heard what you said to Knox today, and we were expecting you to be a little more satisfying than this.” Jenee circled around me as the four girls finished taking the rest of my cotton. “I’m ready for my insult.”

  People like her were the worst kind. They fed off the weak. I refused to say anything because no matter what I chose, I was screwed.

  “Well, that wasn’t fun.” Jenee stepped into my personal space, and her rancid breath hit my nose. “Next time, I won’t be so nice.”

  “Noted.” R
ight now I wanted to scream at them, but all that would result in was me being beat to a pulp.

  “Come on, girls.” She motioned toward the dirt road. “Thanks to the new girl, we finished our work early.”

  The five of them walked off, not glancing behind them.

  If I wanted to have a chance to eat, I had to move fast. I began yanking the cotton as fast as I could.

  “Go Cujo.” Deissy’s light voice appeared out of nowhere. “Are you mad?”

  “Yeah, I am.” I had a feeling this was a hopeless mission. “Jenee and her goons took all the cotton I’d picked.”

  “Of course, they did.” She strolled over and glanced in my bag. “You’re not going to get enough in time.”

  “I figured it’s worth a shot.” I began moving as fast as possible again as she watched me.

  “You know what, I’m done. Let me help you.” She squatted beside me and began working too.

  “What’s the catch?” No one did things out of the kindness of their heart.

  “Nothing.” She paused for a moment and met my gaze. “You tried standing up for me with Knox, so I figured this was the least I could do.”

  So this was her paying off her debt. I was hungry enough to allow it. “Fine, let’s hurry.”

  I couldn’t believe that between Deissy and me, we both met our quota in time for dinner. We hurried back to the building that housed the food, and when we stepped in, Jenee immediately spotted me. A frown filled her face as she glared at me.

  “Jenee is super happy I’m here.” I talked in a hushed tone though the people closest to us could still hear me.

  “I’m sure she is.” Deissy marched toward the buffet.

  Within minutes, we took a seat in a corner far away from most of the crowd.

  “Hey, princess.” Knox’s voice startled me. “I thought you wouldn’t be at dinner tonight.”

  “Huh … Why?” I turned around even though I knew better.

  “The word on the street is that Jenee and her minions stole all your cotton so you wouldn’t meet quota.” His eyes raked over me as if I was some sort of puzzle.


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