Feral Escape

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Feral Escape Page 5

by Autumn Jones Lake

  “Then how the hell did you end up down here?”

  “I had ties to this area no one knew about. When I got out, I settled here to be left alone.”

  His expression told her there was more to that story, but Molly didn't push him further.

  “So you're saying we're fucked then?”

  A small smile played over his full lips as he shook his head. “Not at all. I think we're on the winning side. Enforcers do their job because they're paid to do it. Onyx does what she does because she cares. All of you have conviction, or you wouldn't have risked everything. The others may not be as big and strong, but they care about each other. They care about you.”

  She snorted. “Oscar doesn't anymore.”

  “I don't know what to think about that. He acted pretty put out when we were searching for you. Definitely didn't like me being around.”

  Regret turned the corners of her mouth down. She wanted Ivan to understand she hadn't meant to lead Oscar on. “I didn't realize he liked me that much.” Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. “We didn't, uh, sleep together or anything. But we may have done some other stuff.”

  Ivan's jaw clenched, and his hands opened and closed into fists at his sides. Otherwise he remained still, so she forged ahead.

  “I feel terrible. I thought we were both on the same page. I can't get serious about anyone right now. I thought he understood that and felt the same.” Relieved she'd gotten through such an awkward conversation, she searched Ivan's face for signs her words struck a chord, but he gave away nothing.

  “I can understand that,” he said slowly.

  “Oh, I bet you can.” She gave him a saucy wink. What was it going to take to make him realize she wanted him? Oh hell, she could do better. She took a few steps toward him, letting her hips sway in a manner she hoped he found enticing. She really wanted to finish that searing kiss. Now.

  Ivan took a step back. “The full moon is in two days, are you going to be okay?”

  She stopped in her tracks and stared at him. “What are you asking me? You think I kissed you out there because I'm going into heat?” Anger and hurt flared inside of her making it hard to keep her voice down.

  “Yes.” Ivan was nothing if not honest and direct. Most of the time, Molly appreciated that about him. Now was not one of those times.

  “Fair enough, but I've been attracted to you from the minute I met you.”

  He kept his face a mask of calm, but she saw surprise register in his eyes. She continued before he interrupted her. “No, I couldn't take my medicine to suppress the heat while I was imprisoned. I took it today as soon as I got back to the house, but it's probably not going to be enough to keep me from being miserable during the full moon.” She took a step toward him, a wry smile curving one corner of her mouth up. “Unless you want to help me.”

  He groaned. The muscle in his jaw jumped.

  Her gaze slid down his neck, over his broad shoulders, down to his narrow waist and jean-covered hips. She wanted to get down on her knees in front of him and undo his belt buckle with her teeth—

  “Hey kitten, where'd you go?”

  Jerked into the present, Molly lifted her head and smiled.

  “I'm right here.”

  “You spaced out there for a second. What were you thinking about?” He came closer and skimmed his finger along her shoulder making her shiver. The scent of him begged the cat in her to stretch out and rub her body all over him. She grazed her head over his chest, rubbing herself against him.

  “You,” she finally answered pressing in tight against him. On her tiptoes, she reached up to cover his mouth with hers. He was the perfect height for kissing. The soft strokes of his hands over her skin brought out her inner feline. Wrapping his arms around her tight, he lifted her slightly off the ground. His strength amazed and aroused her.

  He broke the kiss and pulled his head back to look in her eyes. “What about me?”

  “This.” She felt him against her stomach. Hard. She shivered from desire. It had nothing to do with her impending heat, but he didn't have to know that. The look in his eyes as he pulled away and set her on her feet almost undid her. As his gaze slowly drifted down her body, a blush crept over her cheeks. She reached for the hem of her T-shirt and lifted it over her head, dropping it on the floor. She wanted to beg him to make love to her, but the words knotted on her tongue. Maybe she could manage to squeak out a fuck me, but that wasn't quite what she wanted.

  She backed away from him, and he followed. A pure predatory look twisted his face into something that sent a jolt of lust through her.

  Yes, chase me.

  She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her sweat pants and wriggled them, teasing him with a flash of lace.

  “Molly,” he warned in a tight voice. His gaze remained focused on her hands. She took a few more steps back, leading him toward the bedroom. He kept following until she hit the doorway. Molly waited until he stopped and met her gaze, then she pushed the sweatpants down and kicked them right at his midsection. He snarled and batted them away. She turned and darted into the bedroom with him hot on her tail. Ivan caught up to her fast, hooking his arms around her waist and hoisting her in the air. An excited squeal left her lips as he brought her down. She braced for impact, but she landed on the soft mattress with Ivan over her.

  “What do you think you're doing, kitten?”

  “I want you.”

  Ivan kept staring at her. “I don't want to hurt you.”

  She didn't think he was only talking about the sex.

  “You won't.”

  The muscles of his throat rippled, and he focused his gaze across the room. “I'm not mate material, Molly. You should know that before this goes any further.”

  “I'm not looking for a mate.” She cocked her head to the side and raised her hand to trail her fingers over his cheek. When he finally met her gaze, she whispered, “I'm not a virgin if that's what you're worried about.”

  “Far from it,” she added when he didn't look convinced.

  His eyes narrowed, his eyebrows forming a frown. She tried to wriggle out from under him, but he held her firm.

  “That's not what I was worried about.”

  She forced herself to smile, but her voice shook as she decided to take a more direct approach. “Then let's stop talking and start fucking.”

  His lips curved up in a slow, hungry smile. That mouth of his had fueled some very hot, naughty fantasies since the moment she'd met him, and now she wanted the make those dreams real.


  Ivan wrapped his arms around Molly and rolled onto his back, pulling her with him so that she ended up on top. She pressed her little hands into his chest to push herself up and planted a knee on either side of him. The way she straddled him, looking down at him with a grin on her face, sent blood racing to his dick. Somewhere in his addled brain he knew this was a bad idea, but it didn't stop him from wrapping his arms around her. Or sliding his hands down her sides to cup her butt. Pulling her closer, he felt the heat from between her thighs.

  She kept rocking and wiggling against him until he had to stop her or lose it completely. Ruining this moment with Molly was not an option. If they were going to do this, he wanted it to be perfect. Planting his hands on her hips to still her, he hooked his thumbs into the string of her panties. He rubbed small circles on the soft skin of her hips.

  Lifting her hands off his chest, she put her arms behind her back and unfastened her bra. But then she only let the straps fall, keeping the cups in place, drawing it out, teasing him. A low growl rumbled out of his chest, but he didn't move. He wanted to do things at her pace. After a few agonizing seconds, she dropped her hands and tossed the bra aside. The sight of her was enough to fuel his every single fantasy for the long, lonely winter ahead. But right now, he planned to savor the reality of a topless Molly sitting on him. She had the palest skin. He reached up to cup her full, round breasts and tease her perfect little pink nipples. He pinched her lightly, and
she dropped her head back, a soft moan escaping her lips. This was better than he could have imagined. Their first time together, away from everyone and everything. She swore she wanted him, not just because of her oncoming heat, and everything in him wanted to believe it.

  Her hoarse, throaty voice moaned his name, and she squirmed on top of him. He arched up and pressed against her.

  “Slow down, kitten.”

  “I can't. I want you too much.”

  “I'm here. Right under you.”

  That got her to open her eyes and look down at him. Her lips curved into a smile as she bent low and pressed her mouth to his. Her breasts flattened against his chest. He wanted to rip his shirt off, so they could be skin to skin, but he didn't want to break their contact. He slid his hands down her sides, cupped her rear, and yanked her tighter against him. It had been a long time since he'd been with another shifter. He'd forgotten what it felt like to be with someone whose body temperature matched his own. The heat came off Molly in waves, sinking into his bones.

  She brushed her hair over her shoulder and sat up. Her nails bit into his deltoids. Fascinated by the hard tips, he reached up to pinch and roll her nipples between his fingers. He curled himself up to capture one nipple in his mouth, sucking the hard little bud until she moaned. Then he gave the other one the same treatment. Anchoring her to him with one arm, he sat up straighter and tugged at his shirt.

  Molly helped him pull it off and toss it aside. Her dainty hands attacked his belt buckle, and he didn't have the strength or desire to slow her down. The frustrated little sounds that passed her rosebud lips almost made him laugh. While she busied herself freeing him of his jeans, he curved his fingers into the thin band of her panties and yanked hard. The ruined scraps fluttered to the floor. He slid one of his hands from her hip to the top of her thigh and then between her legs. Her breath hitched, and she met his gaze for a second before she closed her eyes. Silky wet heat greeted him as he rubbed her slit.

  Enough was enough. He flipped her back onto the bed, pushing her into the middle where he wanted her. He left her for an excruciating second to shed his jeans, then settled down on top of her. He didn't know where to start first. He wanted all of her at once.

  Molly couldn't take the anticipation any longer. The insistent pulsing in her clit became a problem she needed Ivan to solve. In slow motion, his big, rough hands parted her thighs, fingers lingering, tracing circles on the soft ticklish flesh. Instead of giggling, her breath jerked. The warm, moist heat of his mouth came closer. His fingers moved from her thighs to her outer lips, gently opening her. Her insides melted. The remaining fear and uncertainty from the last few days faded away with his touch.

  “I've thought about tasting you since the day we met.” His voice was nothing more than a low, rumbling purr.

  He wants this too. That was her last thought before he put his mouth over her, his tongue delving deep inside, obliterating everything but his touch. She bucked upward, shocked by the sudden, bold sensations his raspy tongue brought her. The heat of his lips and tongue against her left her breathless.

  Whatever the consequences, she desperately needed him to continue. He flicked his gaze up, meeting her eyes. That one glance managed to convey so much heat she feared she'd burn up from it. Her hands reached out, grabbing his head and holding him right where she needed.

  In response, he moved up, tasting her clit with the tip of his tongue, then sucking it into his mouth. Her hips lifted, and a small scream tore from her throat. She'd told him earlier she wasn't a virgin, but she'd never had someone make her spiral out of control so hard or so fast. A girl could easily get addicted to him.

  Ivan tilted his head to watch the aftershock of Molly's shattering climax. Her parted lips, flushed skin, and mussed hair made him want to roar with pride. He was painfully hard and reached down to stroke himself, easing some of the tension. He needed to be inside of Molly now. The desire to be with a female had never hit him with such force.

  And then he remembered he didn't have any condoms here.


  Or not.

  Since Molly was the first female to cross the threshold into his lair, it had never been necessary. There were lots of condoms stored at his house in town. Not going to be much use to him tonight. Why hadn't he thought to grab a handful or ten while he was there today?

  He pressed his lips to Molly's thigh, darted his tongue out to slide along her silky flesh. Damn, he couldn't get enough of her taste.


  He smiled at the hoarse, husky sound of her voice and looked up to tell her the bad news. “Uh, kitten, I don't have any condoms.”

  Well, that wiped the contented look right off her face. She pushed herself up on her elbows and stared down at him. A slight smile curved her lips.

  “I do.”

  He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Oh, really?”

  She dipped her head up and down. “In my makeup bag.”

  “And which of the five bags that I lugged up here was that?” He teased.

  She swung her leg up and over him, scooting to the edge of the bed. “I'll get it.” She leaned in close, brushing a kiss over his lips. “Don't move.”

  He turned to watch her run out of the bedroom. What a spectacular view. That cute little ass made him consider following her to the living room and bending her over the end of the couch. Instead, he flopped back on the bed the minute she left the bedroom and tried not to think of the implications of her carrying a bag of condoms around. He wasn't some conservative dipshit. Right now he thanked every damn god and goddess in the universe for her stash.

  He pressed his fingers against his temples. Man was he ever a tool. This could only end one way. Bad. But he still couldn't stop himself.

  Her bare feet made whispery noises over the stone floor as she scurried back into the room, pulling him out of his negative frame of mind. He sat up to watch her return, appreciating the bounce and sway of her breasts. She clutched a shiny, pink envelope-sized bag in her hands. Stopping at the foot of the bed, she stayed just out of his reach and waved the bag at him.

  She cocked her hip out and planted her hand on it. “How bad do you want it?”

  A growl erupted from his throat. He lunged at her and pulled her onto the bed. Once he had her where he wanted, he plucked the case out of her hand and set it on the nightstand.

  “Very, very bad,” he scolded.

  She stared up at him with the sweetest, most trusting expression. Part of him wished she didn't trust him so damn much. He never wanted to hurt her, but a small part of his brain kept screaming that hurting her was inevitable. If she got involved with him, she'd end up damaged one way or another.

  Except they were already involved. Intertwined actually at the moment. Her soft fingertips rested on his cheek for a second, then her hand snaked around the back of his head to pull him down for a kiss.

  His body responded immediately. Little moans and sighs left her mouth. Her scent surrounded him; her skin grew warmer against his. In seconds, she was panting and arching up against him. This was what he was made for. He had incredible stamina, and he was definitely up for the challenge Molly presented.

  He arranged her on the bed the way he wanted and stretched his body over hers. Kissing behind her ears, nibbling at her throat.

  “Ivan, please. Do the seduction thing later. I need you inside of me. Now.”

  He choked out a strangled laugh.

  “Yes, princess.”

  He reached over, grabbed her pink bag, and took a peek inside. He looked back up at her. “What exactly were you preparing for?”

  Her face flushed the prettiest shade of crimson. “You never know.”

  He growled his approval as he pawed through the bag until he found what he wanted, tossing the rest back on the nightstand. Sheathing himself seemed to take an eternity. Especially with Molly's hot, hungry gaze focused on him the entire time. He eased over her, nudging her legs farther apart. The crown of his cock pressed ag
ainst her entrance. His hands gripped her hips to keep her where he wanted her. She brought her little hands to his shoulders, and he turned to kiss her arm. Entering her slowly, sliding in inch by inch, he tried to resist the urge to slam into her. She was soaked and so ready for him that he gave up and thrust in all the way.

  Molly screamed, pleasure twisting her features. He stared down into her eyes, almost frightened by the squeeze of his heart. He flexed his hips, sinking deep inside of her once more. A little gasp of satisfaction echoed in his ears. He pressed his lips to hers swallowing her moans and sighs as their tongues played out the motion of their bodies. His mind went blank, white, numb. Only her slick, heat against his cock registered in his brain.



  She took everything he gave and kept mewling for more. He flicked a glance at her, meeting her eyes to make sure she was okay. None of this mattered if he hurt her. Pleasure reflected in her eyes.

  Everything else surrounding them slipped away. No threats. No Enforcers. Nothing but the mindless, perfect pleasure of the two of them together. No worries about what all of this meant. Deeper he sank his cock into her until his balls rested against her. She tipped her head back, arching her breasts up. Her legs hitched higher, heels digging into his back. A savage roar tore from his throat as he pulled back, then hammered into her. The entire bed rocked and thumped against the stone floor as he thrust over and over again. She sunk her teeth into her bottom lip, stifling her cries.

  “Nuh-uh, kitten, scream for me,” he panted.

  Her eyes flew open, their gazes locking. Every muscle in her body tensed, so tight. Dear god, her snug little pussy gripped him like a vise. Then the sweetest keening spilled from her lips, splitting the air around them. Liquid, molten heat surrounded him. He held her gaze and pounded forward, once, twice, before his own release erupted. Searing bliss blinded him for a moment, his hips still jerking as he emptied himself.


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