Highlander’s Wicked Temptation: A Steamy Scottish Historical Romance Novel

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Highlander’s Wicked Temptation: A Steamy Scottish Historical Romance Novel Page 10

by Maddie MacKenna

  He’s just toying with me. Surely this is a ruse of some sort.

  Cleopatra stepped back and caught her breath as she dropped her eyes from him. She had hoped that she had some distraction from his gaze, but there was nothing. Not even the pain in her leg could provide her with an excuse to move away from him.

  “Thank you,” she said. Jude nodded as he slowly tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

  “Tis I who should be thankin’ ye for all that ye’ve done.”

  “It wasn’t anything, Lord,” she said, “perhaps we could go somewhere else?”

  “Such as?” Jude asked glancing around the open courtyard.

  “Do you happen to have a library? I would so love to see your collection of books.”

  Jude smiled as he extended his hand to the door. “Follow me.”

  Cleopatra smiled as she moved back through the line of stalls. Pulling in a deep breath she took in the hints of jasper and cinnamon from the spice cart. Her eyes skimmed over the small trinkets that shimmered from the brioches that were laid out for all to see.

  “Daenae be too disappointed when ye see the room,” Jude said. “I doubt I have as many books in me library as yer Faither does.”

  “Does not matter the number of volumes you have,” she answered. “But I’m hoping you have new ones for me to read. It would be a tragedy to have to read the same ones again.”

  There is something amiss here. Clearly, he is up to something. He has not spent any time with me since we got here, and yet, it seems as if he is trying to make me as comfortable as possible.

  Oh, dear, I am not leaving this place, am I?


  Jude’s heart fluttered as he led Cleo into the library. He wished more than anything to be able to read her mind as he pulled open the giant oak doors. Keeping his eyes locked on her, he smiled when her mouth popped open as she stepped into the room.

  “All of these belong to you?” she asked as she scanned the large room that was filled from floor-to-ceiling with books.

  “Aye they do. Do ye like them?”

  “It’s more than I have ever seen. I didn’t know that one man could own so many books, have you read them all?” she asked as she turned to Jude. There was no denying the fact that he was thrilled by her expression. It seemed as if the whole room got brighter with her smile.

  “Heavens, nay,” Jude said shaking his head. “Most of them were me faither’s. Me maither was an avid reader, much like yerself. He started the collection for her and now, they are yers.”

  Cleo’s eyes widened as she shook her head slowly. “I couldn’t. It wouldn’t be right.”

  “I insist. After all, ye’ll need books to teach Hugh. So, take yer pick.”

  “You mean it…” Cleo paused and drew her eyes to the walls lined with books. Jude couldn’t hide the smile on his face as he stepped closer to her and reached out, touching her shoulder.

  “Are ye all right?” he asked as he noticed tears swelling in her eyes.

  “My father never allowed me to enter his library, let alone take any of the books. I always had to sneak in to get them and return them before he noticed they were missing. Yet, here you are, freely allowing me to read?”

  “Forgive me,” Jude said tilting his head to catch her eye. “But if yer faither was so horrid to ye, why do ye want to go back to him?”

  “It’s complicated,” she answered wiping the tear that slipped from her eye.

  “I see,” Jude said stepping back from her. His heart tightened as he straightened his shoulders.

  She has a sweat heart. That could be the only explanation of why she’d want to return.

  Of course, she would. After all, she’s lovely and cunnin’. She must have a few admirers that are missin’ her. I’ve been selfish to keep her here. But then, what of her faither, the Earl? Did he nae practically hand her to me with nay further quarrel?

  “Now it is you who looks distraught,” she said turning her attention to Jude. “Will you tell me what’s ailing you?”

  “Tis nothin’,” he said pulling his eyes off her and trying to focus on the dust floating in the beams of light that trickled through the window.

  “I can see something is bothering you,” she said. His heart quickened as she placed her hand on his forearm. The worry in her eyes caused him more pain that it should have.

  How can she be so cruel to be leadin’ me on in such a manner? Or maybe, she’s just bein’ kind and I’m mistaken her kindness for somethin’ more. Oh me, she does smell lovely though.

  “I was just thinkin’ about this room is all,” Jude lied as he stepped away from her and moved to the floral couch and sat down. Crossing his legs, he dropped his head into his hand and sighed.

  “Does it hurt you to be in here?” she asked moving to him.

  “Nay,” he said drawing his eyes back to her. “It is filled with so much love. When me parents wed, me faither built the bookshelves and over the years, he offered her a new book for every month they were together.”

  If her heart belongs to another, I swear, I’ll bring her back home, despite her faither’s wishes.

  “That is very romantic. It sounds as if your father really loved your mother,” she said sitting next to him.

  “Aye, he did,” Jude said stealing a glimpse of her from the corner of his eyes. “And what of ye? Have ye found a love? Ye ken of me past wife. Any suitors that fancy yer hand back home?”

  Cleo dropped her head and focused on her nails. Jude watched her chew on her lower lip as she pulled in a long, deep breath.

  “No,” she answered. Jude couldn’t believe the relief that lifted off his shoulders. It took all he had not to jump from the couch with excitement. “My father never introduced me to anyone,” she said. “The only ones missing me are the rabbits and the squirrels that frequently visited me in the forest where the ruins were.”

  “So, there’s nay one missin’ yer company? Nay one ye’re missin’?” Jude asked as he found his heart fluttering with hope of getting her to consent to stay with him.

  “No. There is no one missing me,” she said as she walked to the couch and sat. Keeping his eyes trained on her, he watched her cross her hands on her lap so elegantly that he could not help but wonder how her hands would feel on him.

  “But ye still want to go back?” he said scrunching his eyebrows with a confused look as he moved to her side.

  “What can I say? It is my home,” she answered. “Just as this room holds memories for you, each room in my father’s house holds memories for me. The sitting room in my father’s house has a painting of my mother. It is the only picture I have ever seen of her. Granted, I am not allowed in that room. But I’ve gone in from time to time. I’d like to think her ghost listens to me. Sometimes, I even feel a presence in the room, like she’s right there watching over me.”

  Cleo’s lips twitched into a half smile as she slowly drew her eyes to meet Jude’s.

  “I understand,” he said. “Loss is somethin’ that I am very familiar with.” Jude reached out and placed his hand on her knee. Air whistled through her lips as her eyes darted to his hand on her.

  She’s nae recoilin’ from me touch. That’s a good sign. Perhaps there is somethin’ between us after all.

  “Tell me,” Jude said. “Where do ye want to go? If ye could go anywhere in the world, nay matter the destination, where would ye run to?”

  “I don’t know,” she answered. “I always loved the ruins near my father’s manor. It was the only place I felt free and safe.”

  “Would ye consider stayin’ here, with me?” Jude asked finding himself gravitating closer to her.

  “Is that what you want me to do? You want me to stay here and give up my home?”

  “I would,” he confessed as he yearned to cup his hand around her face and stare into her eyes.

  Cannae ye see what ye do to me? Ye have ignited a fire in me that I thought had been extinguished.

  “At least for Hugh’s sake.
Ye’ve done so much for him. He’s improved in his studies and that is all thanks to ye. I can offer ye a position here. A place where ye are wanted.”

  Cleo’s lips parted a moment as if to say something, but then quickly closed them tight. She shook her head as Jude watched her struggle with the idea of staying.

  “Ye daenae have to give me an answer now,” he said inching closer to her as he dared to run his fingers over her delicate cheek.

  Cleopatra pulled in a sharp breath causing the air to whistle through her lips as she stared at him. She jumped to her feet and cleared her throat as her cheeks turned a dark red. Jude couldn’t hold back the desire that coursed through his body. Standing, he stepped to her filling the gap between them.

  Pausing, he gazed at her searching her eyes for some sign of resistance from her. Feeling her ragged breath on his lips, Jude leaned down and crushed his lips to hers. A moan escaped from her that tormented the passion within him. Slowly, he parted her mouth with his tongue and stepped closer still causing her to move back.

  Jude continued to steal each step he could until she bumped into something that he could use to pin her against. Cupping his hand to her face, he molded his lush lips to hers. Hungry for more, Jude ran his hand down the nap of her neck and found a strange delight in the way her body shivered against him.

  “Laird,” Cleo gasped as she pulled away.

  “Jude,” he said, “ye shouldnae be so formal with me.”

  “But,” she started as Jude pressed his finger to her lips to silence her.

  “Nay, I want ye here with me, cannae ye see that? Can ye nae feel that? Because I ken ye do. There is a spark between us. I’ve been tryin’ to deny it since I found ye in the tall grass, but ye were like a garden fairy, yer hair wild and free. I daenae want to tame ye, but I do want ye to say ye’re mine.”

  Jude ran his fingers down the length of her neck letting her hair tickle her as he stared into her eyes. She didn’t recoil from him, nor did she speak. Her mouth parted for a moment and he half expected her to raise her hand and slap him. Bracing for the impact of her wrath, he found her caressing him.

  “I do want to stay,” she whispered and for a moment Jude wasn’t sure he heard her clearly.

  Am I hearin’ her? Or just what I want to hear? Do I dare ask her to say it again in fear of bein’ rejected?

  She pulled away and slowly lifted her hand to him. Her fingers ran through his hair as she studied him. His heart pounded in his ears as every fiber of his being trembled under her touch. She was like a sea, wild and unpredictable as ever.

  Jude kept his eyes on her as he felt her light touch drift down the nape of his neck and run over his broad shoulders. Her eyes followed the path of her fingers as if she was trying to memorize every curve and arch of his body. Cleo leaned closer to him and pressed her breasts against his chest. Jude sucked in a deep breath savoring her floral scent when a rap on the door startled him.


  Hugh’s voice rocked him to his core. Jude spun around to find his boy in the doorway with a smile stretching across his face.

  “Hugh,” Cleo said gasping as she pushed Jude from her and brushed her hands on her skirt. “What brings you here?”

  “I thought ye told me to come to the library before dinner,” Hugh said as his eyes flickered from Jude to Cleo and back to his father.

  “That I did,” Cleo said as she inched out from between the desk and Jude. Sighing heavily, Jude stepped aside, feeling the fire of passion scorch every inch of him. “And what shall we read today? Do you want to read of pirates? Or perhaps the Piper of Kilbarchan?”

  Jude watched as Cleo moved to Hugh’s side and lured the boy to the settee near the fire. She sat down beside Hugh as he walked to the bookshelf to scan the titles.

  “Can we do somethin’ else?” Hugh asked glancing over his shoulder to Cleo. With wide eyes, Cleo looked to Jude. He could see the same fire consuming her as she stared at him.

  “What did ye have in mind?” Jude asked.

  “Would you like to play a game of chess?” Cleo asked arching an eyebrow. Hugh’s face dropped and scrunched with disapproval.

  “I take it you don’t like to play chess?” Cleo said laughing.

  “It’s borin’,” Hugh said. “There must be somethin’ to do.”

  “What were you thinking of?” Cleo said as Jude moved around the couch and sat down beside her. Feeling her leg pressing against his sent a rush of new pleasures coursing through him. It was as if she could sense his want for her and teased him every chance she got.

  Jude shifted his weight trying to get closer to her. He needed to feel the warmth of her body against his once again. As Cleo rose to move to Hugh, a loud ripping sound filled the room. Instantly, Cleo’s eyes shifted to her dress.

  “Oh my,” she said as Jude quickly lifted his foot. A tinge of glee pricked him as he noticed he must have stepped on her dress when he scooted closer causing it to rip when she stood.

  “I’m terribly sorry,” Jude said seeing Cleo’s horrified expression. “It was me fault.”

  Jude tried to contain his smile. There was no denying the fact that he had thought of undressing her in such a manner just moments before. And now that he saw the embarrassment on Cleo’s face, the glee was quickly replaced by remorse.

  “If you’ll excuse me,” Cleo said reaching down to hold her skirt together. Jude’s eyes lingered on her leg as the fabric was not enough to keep all of her leg concealed from his prying eyes.

  “Aye,” Jude said, “I’ll fetch ye a seamstress. Cannae have ye walkin’ about in ruins,” Jude said as Hugh covered his hand to his mouth trying not to laugh.

  “Thank you,” Cleo said as her brow dropped as the white of her eyes turned red.

  “Daenae worry,” Hugh said. “It’s nay so bad.”

  “Aye, a problem easily remedied,” Jude said. Rising to his feet, Jude walked to the door. Although a part of him wasn’t concerned with what Cleo wore, he knew that fashioning her another to replace the one he ripped was the proper thing to do.

  “Aidan,” Jude said, calling for his guard. “Fetch the seamstress and have her meet Cleo in her room.”

  Aidan popped his head into the door and scanned the room a moment before nodding. Despite the pleasure of getting a flash of Cleo’s leg, he could only imagine her embarrassment.

  “Go,” Jude said, “and get yerself ready. Dinner will be ready soon enough and I’m sure the seamstress will be able to mend what I have broken.”

  “Thank you, my Laird,” Cleo said as she curtsied to him. Her cheeks were red as she moved swiftly past him. Jude reached out for her and grabbed her by the wrist stopping her.

  “I am sorry,” he whispered, “it was careless of me. But I will see ye for dinner will I nae?”

  “I will see you then,” Cleo said as her eyes shifted to Hugh and she brandished a weak smile before exiting the room.

  “And I’ll be waitin’.”


  Breathing in deeply, Cleopatra glanced at the mirror to admire the dress the seamstress had fitted for her.

  “This is beautiful,” Cleopatra said running her fingers over the soft, smooth fabric.

  “Aye, it was me daughter’s,” the seamstress said. Cleopatra couldn’t help but admire how the dress flowed off her shoulders like the clouds that she had seen drifting down from the mountain pass they trekked through from her father’s lands. The skirt swayed around her ankles like the brook she had stepped in to collect the water. A smile played on her lips as she let the candlelight catch the fabric making it shimmer.

  “This is lovely,” Cleopatra gasped as her eyes shifted to the seamstress.

  “That’s how the Laird wished for ye to look,” the woman said. “If ye’re pleased, then I shall take me leave.”

  “Yes, of course, and thank you.”

  Cleopatra’s heart swelled as she spun around admiring the dress made for her.

  I wonder what Jude will say when he sees m
e. I hope he does not step on this one. It is far too pretty to damage. Yet, if he rips it to shreds, would that be so bad?

  Cleo felt her face flush as her mind drifted back to the library. She had never been kissed in such a way, yet, every part of her being yearned for it. She found her heart beating faster as she closed her eyes thinking of Jude’s hands on her.


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