Highlander’s Wicked Temptation: A Steamy Scottish Historical Romance Novel

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Highlander’s Wicked Temptation: A Steamy Scottish Historical Romance Novel Page 14

by Maddie MacKenna

  She is a gem, that one. Surely, I would be a fool to think I’d find another like her in all the land.

  To his surprise he knew that his heart belonged to her. From the very first moment that she had fought back against his men trying to take her, she was something special. He saw that spark in her and knew immediately that she was not one to roll over and let life beat her down. She would take a stance for things that she believed in.

  What am I to do? She needs to ken the truth and if her faither is behind these attacks…it would make sense for her to ken.

  But what if I’m accusin’ the wrong person? What if it is just mere coincidences that these things happen to taken place while she was here?

  Jude shook his head as his fingers twisted in between one another as he thought of what to do next. He needed a plan but felt as if he were floundering in the open water without a direction to go. Never in his whole life had he felt so vulnerable. He had always been the one who made the swift and decisive decisions. Yet who was he to strike at? That was the problem.


  Jude stopped dead in his tracks and glanced to Aidan. His soldier stood in the doorway with his hands at his side.

  “What is it?” Jude asked, trying to hold back the irritation from dripping out of him.

  “Word is spreadin’ of the attack on ye and Hugh throughout the castle. Ye ken what rumors do to the servants. We need to stifle their whispers before they get out of hand.”

  “And what is it that ye’d have me do?” Jude asked as his fists tightened once more. He could feel his nails digging into his skin as he glared at the soldier before him.

  “Ye should be honest with them,” Aidan said as he stole a step deeper into the room. “Tell them what has happened here. They are scared, m’Laird. And truth is ye cannae blame them. Ye need to get a handle on this before nay one wants the position of taster.”

  “Ye’re right,” Jude said with a sigh. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he took in a deep breath.

  “What is it that ye want me to do? Just give me the word and I’ll do it.”

  Jude sighed heavily as he stared at his soldier. Aidan was more than just his right-hand man in the castle ensuring everything ran smoothly. He was someone Jude had grown up with and trusted completely. He moved over to his old friend and placed his hand on his shoulder.

  “I need ye to care for Cleo. The lady may be in grave danger and I want her protected at all costs.”

  “And what of yer son?” Aiden asked as he arched an eyebrow. Confusion swept over Aidan’s face.

  “I have Felix and others protectin’ me self and me son. But what I daenae have is someone reliable and trustworthy watchin’ over Cleo. If her faither is behind these attacks, which I believe he is, she too will need our protection.”

  “So, it’s the Earl’s doin’, is it?” Aidan asked as Jude dropped his hand from Aidan’s shoulder and stepped back, nodding absentmindedly. Jude glanced over to the open window. The sun’s rays poured beams of light into the room.

  “Truth of the matter is we’re nae sure who is behind the attacks. But we must be vigilant and, on our guard, until we discover the culprit. I trust that ye will take care of Cleo and watch over her when I cannae?”

  “Aye, of course, sire, as ye wish. Would ye like me to be stationed outside of her door now?”

  “Nay, there is somethin’ I need to speak with her about and I will send for ye later.”

  Jude stole one last glimpse at Aidan before he moved toward the door, his heart was heavy with grief knowing what and he needed to do. Uncertainty swirled about him as his heart pounded like a boulder within his rib cage. He knew the only right thing to do was tell Cleo of his exchange with her father before he had left her father’s house. But the idea of speaking such things terrified him.

  This is nae goin’ to be easy.

  He hoped that by telling her, the guilt he felt would drift from his shoulders, but he knew nothing was ever that simple. The truth of the matter was far more complicated. In the depths of his being Jude wanted Cleo to stay and to be with him. He had grown fond of her, not to mention, he owed her a great deal of respect and gratitude for what she had done for him.

  With a heavy heart, Jude walked out of the study and into the foyer. His feet felt like he was stuck in the undercurrent of a vast ocean that wanted to pull him out to sea.

  Climbing the stairs, he thought about all the different ways that he could present the information to Cleo. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her or make her feel unwanted. She had already been through so much and yet now here she was in his castle along with the murderer who may have been sent by her father.

  She needs to ken her choices. There’s nay other way. What kind of man would I be if I allowed her to think that she was protected here if her faither has a grudge against her and wants her dead? How can I compete with somethin’ like that? Or keep such information to meself? Nay, she must ken what is goin’ on before it is too late.

  Slowly he reached Cleo’s door and stared at the grain of the wood. His hand felt as if he carried an ax made of pure steel. Clearing his throat and pulling a deep breath, he rapped his knuckles on the hard wooden door and waited for her to answer.

  Slowly the door opened. “M’Laird?”

  Jude’s heart sank into his stomach as he realized Paige was the one to answer the door. He looked over her shoulder, trying to spy into the room, hoping for a glimpse of Cleo. “Where’s the lady?” he asked.

  Paige curtsied quickly and stepped back. Opening the door wider to reveal Cleo lounging on the bed. The moment Jude’s eyes saw her, he realized that she was the most exquisite thing he had ever seen. The midday sun streaked through the curtains and kissed her face. It was almost as if time stopped in that moment and he saw Cleo for what she really was: an angel in disguise.

  “I was not expecting you,” Cleo said as she turned her head to find Jude standing in the doorway.

  “If it’s all right with ye, Paige, I would like some privacy please.”

  “Of course, m’Laird,” Paige said, dipping her head as she glanced over her shoulder to Cleo for second confirmation that she should leave. Cleo flashed her a quick smile and the servant girl scurried from the room, leaving Jude with Cleo.

  “What’s happened? Is Hugh all right?” Cleo asked, slipping off the bed.

  “He will be fine. He is well looked after. Most importantly, he is alive, thanks to ye.”

  “When you said you wanted to see my again today, I did not expect the tone to be so serious,” she said moving to him and running her fingers down his chest.

  Her eyebrow arched. Jude exhaled slowly as he reached behind him to close the door. He could feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. Not even Cleo’s gentle touch seemed to be able to distract him. He clasped her hands and pressed his lips together. In the depths of Cleo’s eyes, he saw the desires in her kindling, but he knew this could not get sidetracked.

  “Cleo, please sit down,” he said, “there is somethin’ that I need to tell ye and I’m nae sure how ye will handle the news.”

  “This sounds a bit ominous, is everything all right?” she tilted her head before stepping away from him.

  As she moved over to the sitting chair next to the window, she glanced at him several times as if trying to pull information from him. As she lowered herself into the plush chair and crossed her ankles, Jude thought of the many times he had seen her in that very spot.

  “Is this about the assassination attempt?” she asked as she gestured for him to sit down in the chair beside her.

  Jude shook his head and refused to sit. His nerves were shot and he knew that it would do him no good to sit beside her at this particular moment in time.

  “Forgive me,” Jude said, “but there is a reason to believe that it is yer faither who is behind this attack.”

  Jude waited for Cleo’s response and yet her face was blank. She pursed her lips together and gave a slight nod only dropping
her eyes for a minute before returning them back to him.

  “Did you think that didn’t cross my mind?” she asked. “You do not know my father as well as I do. I would not be surprised if it was him. The only problem is how do you go about bringing justice? And he is clever which makes him dangerous with many connections. I’m sure he has the means to do these horrible things if he wants to.”

  “I ken,” Jude said, “yer faither is powerful and rich. To make such a claim would be suicide. Until I have the proof I need, I will nae say anythin’ or give cause to rile his fury.”

  “That is smart of you,” Cleo said tilting her head. “But I see that is not the only thing you’ve come to discuss with me.”

  “Nay, there is more I wanted to talk to yet about.”

  “Oh?” Cleo said as she stared at him, “out with it then. If we are going to be honest with one another, I should hear it all.”

  “There is somethin’ I must confess to ye, and I must also beg for yer forgiveness.”

  “What is going on? You’ve never been so distant from me, or so distracted. Have you changed your mind about having me stay?” she said as Jude watched her swallow hard. It was almost as if she had stopped breathing as she sat perfectly still on the chair waiting for the news.

  “Nay, I want ye to stay with me, that is nae the issue.” Jude dropped his eyes and struggled to find the words that didn’t make the situation seem so horrible. Yet no matter how much he struggled with what he knew, he realized there was only one way he was going to be able to get the news to her. He was going to have to be as blunt as possible.

  “Before yer faither returned Hugh to me, I had told him that I had taken ye.”

  “I figured as much,” Cleo said, trying to remain as composed as possible.

  “Yer faither told me that he doesnae want ye. He practically begged for me to take ye away.”

  A slight chuckle escaped her lips as she looked at him and tilted her head. “And you find this news to be any different than to what I had suspected? You think I don’t know my father despises me and wishes me nothing but ill will?”

  Jude watched Cleo rise to her feet as if a fire had been lit under her and she needed to get away.

  “If what you say is true, and my father is behind these attacks, you and Hugh are not safe. I must leave here. I must go as quickly as possible to keep you both safe from his wrath.”

  “What are you doin’?” Jude asked as he watched her frantically rush about the room collecting items and tossing them on the bed.

  “Isn’t it obvious?” Cleo asked. “I cannot stay here. I cannot be the cause of you or Hugh losing your lives. If my father is behind this, there is no escape. You do not understand, he will kill you to get to me.”

  “And what if it’s nae yer faither?” Jude asked as he snatched Cleo’s arm, forcing her to stop. “What if it is someone else behind this? What if there is someone wantin’ us to think that yer faither is responsible? Will ye leave me so quickly?”

  “You both are in danger because of me. Even your council sees that and blames me.”

  “Me council? Who came to ye?” Jude asked shaking her roughly. “Tell me, what did he have to say?”

  “It was the same man who told me I killed his son,” Cleo said fighting back the tears. “He came to me apologizing. He told me he thought I was behind his son’s death, but sees now that I can be trusted. In his eyes, I could see the truth, he doesn’t believe me or what he told me. I cannot stay here,” she said trembling.

  Jude’s heart broke as he watched the tears well in her eyes before spilling down her cheeks. He reached up and brushed them away as he shook his head. He knew no matter what, he would never let her go.

  “Cleo, please be reasonable. We have to think this through. Yer faither may nae want ye,” he said as he cupped his hands to her face and drew her eyes to his. “But I do. Cannae ye see that? I am in love with ye lass. I have been since I laid eyes on ye. There is nay way I am goin’ to let ye walk out of me home. Nae now, nae ever.”

  Before Cleo could say in anything Jude leaned down and crushed his lips to hers. Slipping his tongue to her mouth. He silenced her and pulled her closer to him, hoping with all of his might she wouldn’t struggle. Silently, he prayed for the strength to take her fear into him and give her the peace she needed. In his heart of hearts, he wished against all hope for her to stay.

  As her body molded to his, he felt his heart racing in his chest. With every breath that he stole from her through kisses, he wondered if she felt the same about him.

  Slowly he pulled away and stared deeply into her eyes. “Please, I’m beggin’ ye. Stay with me. Ye daenae have to go anywhere.”

  “Don’t you see? I have to. For your sake and Hugh’s, I have to. I must.”

  Jude shook his head, refusing to hear that she was going to leave.

  “I will nae let ye go,” he said. “Yer faither may have discarded ye like an old boot, but to me ye’re more precious than gold, and we will find out who is behind these attacks together. I ken it.”

  “But—” Cleo started as he once again leaned down and crushed his lips to hers, silencing her.


  Cleopatra curled her arms around Jude’s body and held him tightly. She pulled in a deep breath, savoring his musky smell. He stepped forward, as she stepped back inching closer to the bed.

  With her body yearning for Jude, she crawled onto the soft mattress as her eyes remained locked on him. Jude was right there, inches from her, refusing to open the gap between them. He moved like a cat stalking her until she bumped against the backboard of the bed. With nowhere else to go, Jude smiled knowing he had trapped her.

  Lust and passion swirled in his eyes. His fingertips grazed down her cheeks to her collarbone.

  She found herself lured to him and drew up to meet him. As she stared at him and gazed into his icy blue eyes, her heart pounded in her chest. Slowly, he inched closer to her and paused when he was a breath away from kissing her.

  “Do ye have any idea how lovely ye are?” he whispered.

  She shook her head as she glanced to his lush lips. The anticipation caused her body to ache and for a moment she wondered if he would ever kiss her. She couldn’t wait any longer. She leaned forward and crushed her lips to his. Her eyes closed as she allowed the pleasure to sweep her up in the moment.

  Suddenly, she felt her body being lowered to the mattress. Jude’s hand curled around the back of her head as he guided her to the soft feathered pillows. Her eyes popped open the instant she felt Jude’s tongue slip into her mouth. The sensation was odd but soothing.

  As Jude’s tongue played with hers, she tried to do as he did. Rolling the tip of her tongue over his, their tongues wrestled one another as she curled her arms around his neck and scooted back to the headboard. Jude followed her, refusing to break their connection.

  Sucking in a deep breath as she pulled away, she realized Jude had slipped a hand down to her leg and was playing with the hem of her dress. Slowly, he hoisted the fabric up to her thigh. She found her heart quickening. The passion consuming her. With each passing moment, she found her body yearning for him more and more. It was as if her soul had opened up to receive his.

  As Jude’s eyes drifted to her bosom, he reached out and pulled the string to her corset, loosening the restraint around her chest. She found it easier to breathe without the pressure constricting her chest and torso, but at the same time, it seemed the air in the room grew thinner.

  Jude leaned down and pressed his lips to her neck. His hot breath on her sent chills coursing through her body. She wanted him more now than ever.

  “Take me,” she said as she undid his trews and released his manhood from the confinements.

  Cleopatra found her eyes lingering on his hips. A curiosity played at the edges of her mind as his trews dropped to his knees. His shirt covered his manhood from her and although she wanted to see all of him, she refrained from pulling the fabric of his shirt up. A smile lin
gered on his lips as he crawled between her legs.

  Reaching between them she slipped her hand under his shirt. She curled her fingers around his manhood causing him to gasp.

  “Easy love, nae so tight.”

  Cleopatra eased her grip on him. Stroking the length of him, her body yearned for him. She desired more than anything to be reunited with him both in body and is soul. Jude’s manhood throbbed in her hand. Keeping his eyes locked on her, he drew his hand to hers. Immediately she released him. A smile curled on his lips as he hoisted her skirt up even higher and bunched it to her hips.

  Sucking in a deep breath, she found the air around her growing heavier as he shifted to the opening between her legs and lowered himself onto her. She felt his tongue flicking against her earlobe before a sharp pinch rattled her.


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