Home > Other > JUSTICE (YOUNG OUTLAWS MC Book 2) > Page 11

by T L Wainwright

  Taking her hand off my cock, I bring it up around my neck before I flip her over onto her back. The front of my jeans are already open, my hard cock protruding from the fabric, greedy and wanting more.

  Sliding my hand between us to her bare pussy, I test to see how wet and ready she is for me. When I bring my soaked fingers up to my mouth to taste her juices, I’m overwhelmed by the intoxicating smell and taste. I want more.

  I move her legs apart and shift my body until I’m face to face with her pretty pink, wet cunt. I trace the thin line of her pubic hair with my fingertip before teasing the very opening of her slit.

  When my mouth touches her pussy lips, her body jerks towards me, so I give her what she wants. Every swish or lick of my tongue is met with a soft moan of approval. When I drive my tongue deeper into her as far as it will go, she comes all over my face.

  “Mam…mmm…oh!” she screams out, her hands in my hair, trying to push me away. I take hold of her hands, pinning them to her side while I continue to devour her cunt, not wanting to waste one drop of her delicious nectar.

  Once she’s come for the second time on my tongue, I slide a finger into her. She’s so wet that when I add a second and then a third, despite her tightness I can slip them in with little resistance.

  She’s ready, and so the fuck am I.

  Sitting back on my haunches, I lick my lips, taking in as much of her as I can, before pulling off my shirt and using it to wipe the rest of her juices off my chin and throw it to the floor. I fist my cock a couple of times, a pearl of pre-cum already seeping from the tip. I’m hard. I’m ready.

  Taking hold of both of her ankles, I pull her down to me. Grabbing her hips, I position her until the head of my cock is just inside her tight opening. It already feels so fucking unreal, her beautifully laid out in front of me, like some perfect, mythical temptress, ready for the taking. I close my eyes to try and take control before I blow my load.

  Despite my head telling me to go slow, my body insists on ploughing into her in one hard, punishing thrust.

  As soon as I breach her fully, a painful sound escapes her that has my eyes snapping open only to find her taking a sharp intake of breath, pain etched upon her face.

  “Fuck… fuck… Dana…” I hold still waiting for her to breath out. “You’re a virgin?”

  “No, no I’m not. It’s just, you’re much bigger than I’ve had before.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, but… fuck! It feels so good.”

  “Don’t stop, don’t you dare stop,” she says on her exhale. Her legs curl around my hips holding me in place. “I want you to fuck me.”

  I cover her mouth with mine and kiss the living shit out of her.

  Breaking the kiss, I sit back so I can watch her face as I start to move my hips, grinding into her slowly and precisely. When her eyes roll and her body starts to move in conjunction with mine, I pick up the speed, lifting her leg so I can go deeper.

  Sounds of skin hitting skin, and our mutual moans of appreciation, fill the room like a sexual song.

  “Beast,” she cries with pleasure as I continue to slide in and out of her. Hearing the name that she gave me spilling from her mouth, only makes me pump harder and deeper.

  “Tight, so wet. You feel so fucking good, baby,” I growl out like an animal.

  Being inside her, having the warmth of her wrapped around my cock, is indescribable and like nothing I’ve ever encountered before. Every nerve in my body is electrically charged. A tightness building in my groin like an atomic bomb about to explode and bring me to an earthshattering conclusion. My body is torn between not wanting this feeling to end, yet eager to power forward in search for that ultimate and mind-blowing experience.

  I’m out of my mind, oblivious to everything else other than her body, my body, entwined together as one sexual enigma.

  When her pussy pulsates, tightening the grip around my cock even further, I know she’s about to come. I lean forward, taking a nipple between my teeth, sucking it hard into my mouth. I nip at the tip before I bite down hard, with the right amount of pressure to make it this side of pleasure.

  She explodes, and I’m right there behind her. My hot wet cum shooting into her. Marking her.

  I fall to her side, bringing her limp and exhausted body to mine until she covers me. Her hands slide around my neck, softly fisting my hair, her rapid breathing slowly evening out.

  “Sleep baby,” I murmur against the top of her head as it rests against my chest. I gently stroke the palm of my hand down her back, my fingers tracing the line of her spine until I’m sure she’s asleep.

  I glance over at the clock.

  11:45 pm

  The guilt that I know I should be feeling doesn’t come, maybe because I know that Dana wants this as much as I do.

  She made the first move.

  I would never have done that.

  I’ve tried hard to resist her, but the chemistry between us in undeniable.

  Rightly or wrongly at this moment in time I’ve claimed her, and I don’t give a shit about the law.

  I’m an Outlaw and it won’t be the last time that I break the law.

  But I do know one thing for sure.

  This girl is mine.

  “Good morning,” I whisper, brushing my lips against the shell of her ear, when her eyes begin to flutter open. She blinks a couple of times, her eyelashes sweeping against the hair on my chest. She’s still laid across me, and I have no intention of changing that. It feels too good, too right. Like home.

  “Jesus, I feel like I’ve slept forever,” she says with a yawn, stretching out like a cat across me. When she starts to slide to one side, I tighten my arms around her keeping her exactly where she should be. “What day is it?”

  “Your birthday.” Her head comes up and she looks at me with those beautiful big jade green eyes. “Happy birthday, Pixie.” I give her a long, deep, lingering kiss.

  “How do you know?” She gasps once I give her a chance to speak. Her eyebrows are risen with surprise, her mouth slightly ajar.

  “It was on the news report. I was going to mention it last night but then things went … haywire.”

  “Yeah, sorry,” she giggles. Lifting herself up and off me. Instantly I miss the feel of her skin against mine. I want to object, pull her back against me, but I let it ride. “I did get a little crazy, didn’t I?”

  Staying on the bed, she positions herself so she’s sat at my side, facing me. Her long legs are crossed, but it does nothing to hide her pussy. My cock jerks at the sight of her cunt wet from our combined juices, the hot and heady smell still lingering between her legs. I’m tempted to feast on her, but I dismiss it. For now, anyway.

  “Then you got drunk,” I reprimand playfully.

  “I had a couple of beers.”

  “And a shit load of tequila.”

  “What?” she gasps. As her head starts to clear and what I can only assume are memories of the previous night becoming less hazy, her face tells it all. With big eyes, her mouth taking on a perfect O. “Oh, yeah,” she says remorsefully, but then her sassy ass is back. “Well, what do you expect. You pissed me off.”

  “Because I went to the bathroom?” I laugh back at her.

  “You ran.” Placing her fisted hands to her sides, adjacent to her breasts making her elbows stand out. “Cluck, cluck, cluck,” she squawks out as she flaps her arms. “Chicken.”

  I pounce on her and I’m not sure if it’s from her jumping with surprise or my body hitting hers, that has her laid flat out on her back beneath me.

  “You’re pushing your luck, Pixie,” I growl as I overpower her, pinning her wrists to the bed, using the weight of my body to keep her in place. We’re so close, my long hair falling forward and providing a veil around our almost touching mouths.

  “Really? Every time we get close, you hide, too scared to acknowledge the blatantly obvious. You want me. I want you. But you’re chi-ck-en,” she teases.

  “I’m trying to do the ri
ght thing,” I offer in my defense, pinning her wrists to the bed beside her.

  “Didn’t stop you last night.” The green of her eyes is almost nonexistent as her pupils dilate with carnal desire.

  “You came onto me, don’t forget. There’s only so much I can take.” I hiss into her mouth, as the guilt starts to bubble up again within me.

  Any space between us is eradicated when she lifts her head up from the mattress and pushes her lips to mine. Heat powers through me like a mega force, from the feel of her sweet mouth on mine. A deep guttural roar builds in my throat, only dampened down by her punishing kiss. I pull back from her, gasping for air, enough so I can look at the beauty that is laid in front of me. She looks every bit the goddess with her flushed cheeks, kiss swollen lips, and eyes that clearly reflect back at me the same want and need that soars through my very own veins. Once again, she reaches up until her mouth is close to mine.

  “If that’s what it takes, for me to make the first move,” she smiles wide, giving me a perfect look at that sexy little gap between her front teeth. “Then accept this kiss as an invitation to fuck me again.” When she places a single lingering kiss against my lips, it’s an offer I’m simply unable to refuse.

  Chapter 16



  “So, did you give her the rest of the clothes you bought her?” I ask Mammoth, trying to lift the intensity of the situation. He’s still sitting on the end of his bed looking like he has the worries of the whole world on his shoulders.

  “What the fuck? From all of that, you ask me about the underwear?”

  “Well, it was her birthday.” I snigger. “Perfect time to hand it over that’s all. Okay, so, you did fuck her, and you’ve been shacking up with her ever since. But it was legal, right?” I ask needing clarification. It’s bad enough trying to get my head around the fact that all this has been going on without my knowledge.

  “Give or take thirty minutes, but I sure as hell didn’t force her.”

  “That I never doubted,” I reply, pointing at him with my index finger. “I can’t believe I didn’t notice that you hadn’t been staying overnight at the club house.”

  “Why would you? You’re my brother, not my keeper. Besides, you’ve been so obsessed with all things Leah, that you wouldn’t have noticed if I’d buzz cut my hair as short as yours and turned up in a pink colored Prius.”

  “Fuck off, I’m not obsessed with Leah,” I growl at him.

  “Yeah, right. You tell yourself that, but we’re brothers and I know you.” Mammoth leans back with his hands placed behind him. His biceps flex in his arms from the force of keeping the weight of his upper body upright. He cast me a sympathetic look before adding, “don’t you think I’ve been trying to tell myself exactly the same thing over Dana, for the past God knows how long? Guess we’re both liars.”

  “I’m not…” My words get stuck in my mouth because he’s right. I can’t stop thinking about her, even though I made a pact with myself that I would keep away. “Damn it.”

  “What’s up? Don’t tell me that you’ve seen the light at last, brother?”

  “Yes, no. It’s not that. If anyone knows what Dana is up to, then Leah will. Fuck it, we didn’t exactly part on good terms, but I’ll find out where she is, go talk to her, she’s bound to know something.”

  “No,” Mammoth grinds out sharply. “Not yet anyway. Luca made it clear that we’ve to keep well out of it, at least until he’s had a chance to speak to Dana. Her father is using every trick in the book to make this difficult for him, he has his own connections, but it will take time.”

  “Maybe I should give him a call, see if there’s anything I can do.”

  “Cannon, back off. If he wants our help, he’ll ask for it. He knows that the Mayor has got it in for the club and he’s confident, that given time, he’ll have enough dirt on him to persuade him to drop the case against me.”

  “Shit! Really? I know Luca has some dubious connections, but that guy scares the shit out of me. Do you know who it is that put up the bail money?”

  “Didn’t give me a name, but I’d hazard a guess it’s someone he’s pretty tight with, stumping up all that cash without question.”

  “Yeah, crazy as shit.” I get up off the chair and take a walk around the room. Rub my hand across the back of my neck, I try and put the pieces of this ever-growing jigsaw together. “Okay, we’ll wait on Luca and see what he can find out. In the meantime, I want to know everything you know so far about our friend the Mayor. Time to pool our resources into watching someone other than Leah Sparks. I want to know where he goes, who he’s meeting and who he’s fucking behind his wife’s back.”

  “But what about the agreement with Leah’s brother, Jordan?”

  “Fuck her brother. I’m more concerned about my own brother.”

  “Sure,” Mammoth responds with little confidence.

  “Don’t you trust me, brother? With Luca and the club behind you one hundred percent, we will get you the justice you deserve.”

  “That’s not what’s worrying me.”

  “Then what is?”


  “Fuck me, Mammoth. You’re worried about the chick that’s got you into all this trouble? She’s not given up one word, nothing to substantiate your side of the story, the truth.”

  “However much this stinks of shit, in my gut, I know that Dana wouldn’t sit back and let her father do this. Not unless he’s forced her into it.”

  “I think you’re fooling yourself. You need to put her out of your head and concentrate on keeping your freedom.”

  “It’s not that easy though, is it? Not when you…”

  Mammoth stops mid-sentence when someone bangs on the door.

  “VP, are you in there?” It’s Gearhead and it sounds urgent.

  “Come in,” Mammoth responds, before I even open my mouth.

  “We’ll talk more later,” I direct at Mammoth. I turn towards the opening door. “What’s up, brother?”

  “Well, VP. You’re aware of the saying; it never rains but it pours?” Gearhead looks fazed, which is a rare occurrence for him.

  “Not fucking really, so stop fucking with me and spill.”

  “First of all, Toothpick took a call from one of his buddies back at his old charter. He came straight to me with it.” He turns and sticks his head out into the hallway, checking both ways to make sure that we’re not about to be overheard. “It’s your father.”

  “Surprise, fucking surprise. What has the old man done now?”

  “The Pres has already made a deal with the El Perros.”

  “You better be fucking kidding?” Mammoth groans. He’s already strung out; this could shatter the control that he has over his wrath, that makes mine look like a meager fucking temper tantrum.

  “Not if the rumors are to be believed,” Gearhead sighs heavily.

  “He agreed to go with the majority vote and the vote was against. What the fuck?”

  “Apparently, he’s been using guys from the Hildervally charter, giving them a cut of the money, but it still has the Young Outlaws name all over it. It’s been going on for months.”

  “He went behind our backs, against every brother in this club!” I roar at the top of my voice. Taking two strides towards the wall, I pull back my fist and punch right through the drywall.

  I don’t feel a fucking thing, because all I feel is a blazing hatred and its directed at one thing only.

  My fucking father.

  “Motherfucking bastard. I’m going to kill the old fucker.”

  “No, you’re not,” comes a deep voice that’s so distinctive, at first, I glance at Mammoth, only to realize that its coming from the hallway.

  The tall, muscular, dark haired man steps around Gearhead and walks into the room.

  “Not yet anyway, because when the time comes and he’s no longer of any use to us, that’s going to be my privilege.”

  Mammoth shoots up off the bed, a look of ut
ter astoundment on his face as he takes in the man in front of him. I look between the two of them, the mass of time and distance doing nothing to eradicate the striking similarities between them.

  “Brick,” Mammoth blurts out, stepping up to the relative stranger that is his twin, our brother, our kin, and flinging his arms around him.

  “Hey, I haven’t heard that name in a long time. How you doing, Wes?” he replies, mirroring his brothers embrace.

  “This is fucked!” I yell, looking at the two of them, hugging it out like it was only weeks, not years ago since Brick walked away from us.


  “What the hell are you doing here?” I growl, pissed as shit. How dare he turn up like this, out of the blue. “If you think you can walk back into the club and take my position as VP, you can go fuck yourself.”

  “Don’t worry Colt, I’m not here to cause you or Wes any trouble. Not technically anyway. I’m only here for one reason, and one reason only.”

  “And what the fuck is that?” I sneer at him.


  “Well, holy fuck!”

  To be continued…

  Coming soon…

  Young Outlaws MC - Vengeance – Book 3

  If you enjoyed Unlawful and are wanting to find out more about Jordan Sparks and Luca Rossi, then why not try the Damaged Alpha Series.

  Universal link: mybook.to/Damagedalphaboxset


  After a crazy couple of years, with illness, personal loss and then that charming little arsehole called Covid19, writing hasn’t come easy and I thank you for your patience.

  Nevertheless, I finally got around to powering up the laptop, spending time with my dirty assed bikers, and the Young Outlaws.


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