The Eternal Kingdoms

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The Eternal Kingdoms Page 5

by Alice Knight

  He is breathtaking, I almost like him being carefree and cooking for me would it be frowned upon if I got Freya toward the place so he couldn't leave? I don't want him to leave? What the hell? “I've made more than enough food for the both of us kitten”. Doubtful, I may be slim but I can eat more than most and still not be sated.

  I take my seat at the island and watch as he plates up our food it looks like a mini mountain, I wait till he places our meals in front of us and pours me another cup of coffee with 2 sugars and a ton of milk, lifting my brow at him, “is it creepy that you know how I take my coffee?” not that I mind whatsoever, means I'm not the one moving to make it.

  “So your asking if it's creepy I know this and not that I've been walking around the place and cooked you breakfast after your little get together with Aireme last night?” I tap my finger on my chin and look up at the ceiling like it holds all the answers. I contemplate my response for a few more seconds before giving him my attention once more “yup that about sums it up” I reply.

  He shakes his head and digs into his food. Well isn't this just playing happy fucking families. I look at the plate in front of me, bacon, eggs sausages, waffles, and a load of other ingredients stare back at me. My stomach growls at me one last time before I grab my cutlery and dive into the food.

  Its official, my taste buds died at some point last night with all the alcohol we drank and now we are in heaven, I moan and give up with being ladylike as I taste the much needed food my mouth can actually hold at one time.

  Yup he's not leaving, he has to stay in my kitchen and cook for me. I can't remember when I had food that tasted this good, as lovely as my kitchen is I barely use it unless popcorn, ice cream and coffee counts.

  “So Drake tell me, your here to do more then cook for little old me, tell me your services involves cleaning to?” I ask around a mouthful of food. His eyes light up slightly at my question.

  “Does something need cleaning up kitten?” he looks me up and down, I fan myself, you can practically feel the temperature rising in the room. I look around the place avoiding meeting his eyes as a different kind of hunger growls in the pit of my belly.

  “Not right now but you never know when my home is going to look like a war zone again” I finally meet his gaze, remembering the mess it was in not to long ago and I'm betting a months supply of food it was his fault. Nothing displays on his face that gives away his emotions.

  “Well if you want your palace to stay as it is, don't go pissing off every supernatural you come across” he folds his arms in front of him as he leans back in the chair.

  “He stained one of my outfits he deserved what he got!” I resort defensively while mimicking his look. My arms are pushing the twins up so like any red blooded male, his eyes are currently zeroed in on them. My current strap top is not hiding nearly enough skin from him. I raise my hand in front of him and snap my fingers, his eyes jump back to mine filled with heated desire.

  “Eyes up here pervert” we are staring at each other electric is jumping between us. He looks like he's about to jump me when there is a knock at my door. Probably Freya wanting details from last night and when she sees him here looking like a dog ready to hump a tree, I'm never going to hear the end of her questions.

  Using my bossy tone I order him to stay where he is. Breaking eye contact I go to my front door. Taking a deep breath reading myself for the unstoppable storm that is Freya I reach for the handle.

  As soon as the door opens there are 3 beeps before an ear piercing explosion that propels me back into the living room, I feel as my body hits the sofa before landing heavily on the coffee table, it collapses under my weight. The breath is knocked out of my lungs, pain is pulsing throughout my body.

  There is shit flying everywhere and a ringing in my ears. Drake is suddenly kneeling over me, his hands running all over my body no doubt assessing the damage. I feel a dampness in my hair and on my chest. His face says it all really I'm in big trouble at the moment. He's talking to me, pain is written all over his face, applying pressure on my chest. I can't make out a fucking word he is saying, there are dark blotches appearing in my vision. I try to give him a reassuring smile right about the same time darkness takes me somewhere pain free.

  I hear the beeps and move just in time to see her being thrown over the back of her sofa, landing on top of the coffee table which breaks. The door is no more and the wall around it has seen better days. I’m by her side seconds later taking in her broken form, I can feel my heart breaking for the 2nd time in a century.

  No no no! The skin on her chest looks like it has been melted, leaving burnt skin everywhere, blood is pouring out of her where loads of shrapnel seems to be lodged in her body. Blood running onto the mess of a table under her no doubt from a wound inflicted by the landing.

  I check her eyes which are unfocused. I pull off my shirt and hold it against her chest trying to hold off the blood. “Keep your eyes open love, don't you dare leave me” I say, as I try to hold her together. She smiles at me just before I see her clock out.

  Fuck! I look around the place trying to come up with a plan that does not involve her dying. The witch! I kiss her lightly on the head before I start tearing the place apart looking for her phone. I find it on her night stand I phase back to her reapplying the pressure to her chest again and I search for her friends number. Thank god for this woman's humour I find the number under bitchy witchy and dial it. Come on come on. I can hear her heartbeat slowing down.

  I thought when you died you got pearly white gates or fire and chains. Well my death is as fabulous as was my life, I'm dressed to the nines is a beautiful midnight purple silk gown, with diamonds on my wrist and wrapped around my neck. I feel like a fucking Queen right now, and that's about all I feel. It's like I'm looking through someone else's eyes. Aireme is next to me with the most dazzling smile on her face.

  “You must be so excited right now, I know I was when I met Lucien” she says to me.

  Excitement? “you should know me better than that Air, this is a pointless exercise not to mention bariatric” I fist my hands at my sides as I stare at the door in front of us.

  “Oh come on it will be great, don't be such a downer” She says brightly. I hear a man on the other side of the door announce us as the doors opens. I see crowds of people turn to us, just as we enter they bow as me and Aireme walk side by side into the room. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and heat suddenly floods my body, against my better judgment my eyes are already seeking him out.

  Drake is standing off to the side with matching desire and longing in his eyes as he takes in my outfit. I turn to Aireme, fanning myself slightly, “it's to hot in here I'm going to get some air, I'll catch up with you in a moment say hi to lover boy for me” I start to walk away as she catches my hand.

  “You have to give him a chance please? For me?” I nod and she realises me and I make my way to the double doors that lead to the balcony.

  Nodding and smiling to people as I go exchanging the odd greeting, finally outside I take a deep breath and start to go down the stone steps to the left that lead to the gardens.

  The night has taken full grip, the only light coming from the windows and the flowers that surround the castle grounds. Reaching the bottom of the stairs I smile as I feel his presence, suddenly I'm spun around and pushed against the wall, his hands grip my hips holding me in place as his lips descend on mine. I moan into his mouth as my hands come up to clutch his hair to hold him to me.

  We stand there in the darkness the garden provides, out of sight from the people above who would keep us apart we devour each other. When we come up for air, we drink each other in, I'm not able to look away from the one man who means more than life to me.

  He senses the dred and sadness that has a tight hold around my heart.“I love you Skylar, I swear I will fix this, nothing will come between us”

  Skylar, my name is Skylar...

  My eyes open and I bolt upright as it feels lik
e I've been doused in ice cold water, looking down at myself, I note I no longer feel any pain. Someone has dressed me in my yoga pants and my top that says “eyes located up here” with an arrow pointing towards my face.

  Freya smiles at me from where she sits at my left. I look around and find Drake sitting at my right holding my hand in both of his. Relief floods his eyes, not for fucking long if I have my way!. I turn to Freya and smile as best I can mange in my current mood.

  “Thank you for no doubt saving my ass again but can I have a minute with Drake?” I ask trying to hide the coldness in my voice.

  “As long as you don't go trying to die on me again” she half heartedly laughs.

  Her arms engulf me. I hug her back with one arm, seems Drake doesn't want to let me go. I try to reassure her that I’m okay, damn I hate scaring my friend, after a few more minutes she turns and leaves the room. The click of the door closing echos in the silence left in its wake.

  I yank my hand away from Drake and sit in my yoga pose folding my legs in front of me, resting my hands on my knees. I try and pull my thoughts together a difficult feet at the moment with the distance memory still clinging to me like a second skin, I can still taste him on my lips.

  “Are you okay kitten?” Drake asks finally breaking the silence between us.

  Am . I. Okay?. Is he for fucking real? Throwing my arms up “Oh yes I'm perfectly fine” it comes out dripping in sarcasm.

  “I got blown to hell in my own home, then instead of going to said afterlife I get stuck in a past one! gahh” growling as I unfold myself and begin pacing the length of my bedroom, I can't focus anymore with him this close.

  God damn it! I'm pissed at him for keeping this major bombshell from me. The thing that annoys me even more is, all I can think about is kissing him!

  “Past life? You got your memories back?” he asks genuine curiosity written on his face. As he stands and slowly starts to walk towards me. I raise my hands between us, “Oh no you don't, I don't remember, so you can keep your hands and lips to your self” he stops dead in his tracks, surprise and shock flash across his features. I see them before he hides behind a mask of calm.

  “Tell me what you remember” he demands. I raise both my eyebrows at him.

  “See now that sounded an awful lot like an order, and I'm not one for following orders so how's about you stomp your boots 3 times and get the hell out!” I end up shouting at him, spinning around I storm for the bedroom door.

  How dare this alpha asshole break into my home and start demanding anything from me! I feel him coming up behind me and reaching for my arm, my mind goes straight back to the garden and the feel of his body against mine. Well nuts to that, I phase before he has a chance to grab me. Landing in my sitting room I slip on my flats and grab my phone, I begin to see my bedroom door opening so phase out again straight to Chaos.

  I take my seat at the bar, Jadan comes over when he sees me arrive, giving me a once over, no doubt wondering why I look like shit. Instead of asking me when I clearly don't want to talk, he grabs a glass and pours me a large scotch. I nod my thanks, looking down at the screen in my hand I start going through my phone.

  I down the glass, phasing the bottle to my spare hand I’m already starting to pour another when I find just the number I'm looking for. Holding the phone to my ear listening to the dial tone, 5 rings later.

  “Well this is a surprise” Aireme sounds almost shocked at my call. “Is it really?” My voice demands her honesty. “What's happened why do you sound different?” A deaf person could hear the worry in her words.

  “Come have a drink with me, leave the 2 buzz kills at home. We need to talk Air” I put a lot of emotion into her nickname so she understands I mean business.

  Hanging up not bothering to wait for her to respond. This is going to be a long night, 2 in a row, go me for getting out there. To bad it's not to use and abuse someone for the night but I guess I need answers more than a bed partner right now.

  10 minutes later, Aireme is walking through the now packed out club and taking up the chair she occupied not even 24 hours ago. She doesn't even wait to be served, just phases a glass to her and pours herself a scotch.

  Turning back to me taking a sip she waits patiently for me to begin.

  “Tell me about the night of the ball” I say in a voice sounding more confident than I feel. Surprise is plastered all over her face she looks like a deer in the headlights.

  “You know?” She says excitedly, I shake my head and her shoulders drop like she's been deflated.

  “I almost died earlier thanks to a little explosion at my place. While I was out for the count, I think I saw a memory, I'd now like you to explain it to me so I can decide what to do about it” we seemed close back then, I'm hoping she will be honest but we can always take a trip to the basement if she tries to lie.

  “It was your engagement party” she says warily.

  What. The. Fuck? She didn't just say that right? Engagement? “to whom?” I manage to say though the shock. She looks at me almost pleading me not to freak out. Well to late sister I'm one step away from blowing a gasket.

  “Thorn, Drake's brother”, in my head I imagine an atom bomb going off killing all life as we know it. I was going to marry that big ass buzz kill? I thought I was crazy now I'm now thinking past me was down right insane.

  “Why? What on God's green earth would make me want to marry him?” I ask her.

  “It was your an arranged marriage” she answers.

  Oh thank the holy mother I wasn't mad after all, just being ordered about. No wondering I break as many rules as I can now making up for lost time it seems.

  “You were against it every step of the way, I tried to help you deal as best I could but you would sneak off as much as you could, and wouldn't let me help you come to terms with it” she's being honest.

  “I didn't love him, and I still don't. So why are you all here now?” She replies after a beat “because we are here to bring you home”.

  “Drake? What's his deal for living in my shadow” I don't want to know the answer but I mentally put my big girl pants on.

  “He is the brother you loved, and the reason you refused Thorn at every opportunity” she says with pity in her eyes.

  I down another scotch, and start to pour more. I'm having information overload, she's not lied fucking once and that sets me on edge more. Not able to ask my last question aloud I reach for her mind and it feels so familiar.

  “Why did I call you Air?” tears form in her eyes at the nickname, she sets down her glass reaching for my hands she holds them in front of us and replies in the same manner as the question was asked, her answer seems to echo around my mind and it feels so right.

  “Because we are sisters Sky”.

  Sisters, I look into her eyes and see that recognition again. Holy shit she isn't playing with me.

  “Are you okay?” she asks me “I know this is alot to take in, but I really do have to bring you home, you have been gone for to long” She squeezes my hands slightly as a show of support. Pulling my hands back to handle my neglected drink.

  “Well as much fun as this has been and enlightening, my home is a blink away with a fantastic view. I’m not currently in the market for a new one so you and your band of merry men can go now.” I down the rest of my drink and stand to leave.

  “Oh and before you go, swing by and pick up Drake as well” I phase straight back to my apartment so I don't lose my ever loving shit in front of Aireme.

  Looking around I grab the first item I see, which happens to be a beautiful crystal vase filled with white roses. I watch it as it sales through the air and shatters against the wall.

  God fucking damn it! So many questions run though my mind, Why do I not remember my own sister? Why did I ever love that overbearing alpha ass? What did I do in a past life to deserve a load of loonie toons coming in here and fucking up my current one? And why on God's green earth don't I remember anything!

  Breathing dee
ply, I do the one and only thing that makes sense right now I phase straight to Drake's bedroom with Crime in one hand and Punishment in the other, wearing my bitch means business face.

  Upon landing in my destination and having a quick look around I notice Mr I'm The Boss isn't here so a girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do, in order to get the damn attention she wants.

  “Drake!” I scream at the top of my lungs approx 3 seconds later not that I was counting the one and only decides to bless me with his presents. He takes a look at the twin daggers in my hands and raises his eyebrow at me.

  “Care to tell me why you're looking like your about to do me some damage kitten?” he says while crossing his arms at me.

  Pointing Crime at him, “You! Now I don't really give a rats ass about whatever we had going on before and I know I'm great in bed, I'm sure your up to par but this little dance is over. You all need to leave, go back to playing your game of Dungeons and Dragons ” I respond. Now if he was a cartoon character I'm pretty sure this is the part where his head would get big and red.

  “If you remembered anything about us you wouldn't say that, and I'm not going anywhere” I go to interrupt him but he cuts me off “don't fight me on this kitten” he says sternly.

  “My name is Skylar! Not kitten! You and your brother have no right to demand anything of me!” I growl at him. Shock flashes across his face and he steps towards me.

  “Sky?” he says.

  Don't get me wrong, I'm mad as all hell but hearing him say my name has my insides turning to jelly. I'm not even sure how it happened but he's all up in my personal space, not at all worried about the weapons I'm currently holding.

  “Tell me you know me Skylar, tell me you remember”he demands, I look up into his eyes, wonder, respect and desire shines back at me.


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