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Him for the Holidays

Page 3

by Jaxx Steele

  “Let me really touch you, Donny.”

  Donald shuddered at the delightful sensation his light touch created. A moan left his throat. Trevor took his soft erotic reply as a yes and pulled the knot loose on Donald’s tented towel.

  In all his naked glory, Donald stood palming the front door. His heart pounded so hard he couldn’t catch his breath. The euphoria rising inside him made him dizzy. His dick stood at full mast, pointing proudly toward the ceiling and seemingly begging for attention. Trevor gripped it boldly, causing them both to moan at the connection. He slid his hand over the full head repeatedly, sending tremors of ecstasy racing through Donald’s body.

  “Mmm, your cock is beautiful. Long, thick, firm in my grip. It looks like milk chocolate. That’s a good thing for someone who considers himself a chocoholic,” Trevor said, kissing Donald’s neck again.

  Trevor pressed his face to Donald’s shoulder as he continued stroking him. Though his palm was warm and moist, his grip remained strong. He twisted and turned his fingers over the sensitive head then went back to stroking the shaft. Donald’s breath caught at each change.

  “It hasn’t melted in my hand, Donny.” Trevor straightened to look Donald in the face. “Let’s find out if it will melt in my mouth.” He offered a sly grin.

  He teasingly brushed his mouth over Donald’s top lip then his bottom one. After the slightest of pauses, Trevor leaned forward to capture Donald’s mouth completely. Donald kissed back, wanting nothing more at the moment than to taste him. He closed his eyes as he slipped his arms instinctively around Trevor’s neck. His hard-on pulsed in Trevor’s grasp. The warm sensations that assailed Donald rushed all the way to his toes, leaving his hairs standing on end. Everything around him disappeared except his awareness of Trevor’s body. Trevor returned his passion in spades.

  Trevor slipped his free hand around his waist, but he didn’t let go of Donald’s cock, positioning it upright to press his own against it. Donald was no longer in doubt about whom Trevor was interested in. He reveled in Trevor’s kisses and the aggressive touch on his throbbing cock.

  It felt wonderful to be held by someone. He could easily lose himself in kisses like Trevor’s. His body was willing to take the moment for what it was and enjoy every second of it, but his brain could not. It let cold reality back in.

  Long-distance love affairs do not work.

  As good as it felt being held by the man, Donald’s brain would prevail.

  “Wait, Trevor, wait,” Donald said breathlessly, pushing him back. “I can’t do this. I’m sorry. Please, you have to leave.” Donald picked up his towel on his way back to his room.

  “Don, wait. I don’t understand. I thought… Well, I thought we were—that everything was going well between us.”

  Don stopped. He wrapped the towel back around his waist, looking down at the tenting. He sighed before turning to Trevor.

  “I’m sorry, Trevor. I’m not trying to lead you on—really. I’m just—I don’t know what to think of this. I guess I’m just a little gun shy and wondering why a guy like you would be interested in me.”

  Trevor’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth seemingly to answer the rhetorical question, but Don held a hand up to answer.

  “Please, don’t. Just leave, okay?”

  Trevor closed his mouth and gave him a slow nod. He picked up his coat and walked out of the door without another word. The hurt in his eyes was plain to see and it made the ache rising in Don’s body even worse.

  Chapter Three

  Donald woke the next morning and lay in bed longer than necessary. His thoughts remained locked on Trevor. He’d looked so sad when he’d left. Donald ached with the unfulfilled need Trevor had built in him. His hard-on was immediate. Don tossed and turned, attempting to ignore it. He tried conjuring images of crashed computers, clowns and hockey games to help push Trevor from his mind, but those thoughts didn’t work either. Trevor’s handsome face and beautiful body remained in his mind’s eye, fueling his desires. He recalled the tingling and excitement running through his body while being held and fondled by Trevor, the man’s big hands warm and rough.

  With a frustrated groan, he rolled to his side and patted around beneath his bed. He grabbed a discarded tube and squirted a small dollop of gel into his palm before dropping the container back to the floor. He settled onto his pillow and shimmied out of his pajama pants. A soft moan left him when he glided his hand over the ridge of his cock head. Goosebumps rose on his skin. Donald fondled his balls with his other hand as he tightened his grasp around his shaft. He dragged his palm back and forth, enjoying the slick friction against his sensitive skin. Focusing on Trevor, it wasn’t long before he jerked himself into a quick and satisfying orgasm. When his breathing returned to normal, he stretched, cleaned himself then finally left his room. He walked into the kitchen to find a note waiting for him on the refrigerator.


  I need you to pick up a few things at the store. The list and the money are on the kitchen table. I will be home late this afternoon.



  He groaned. Crap!

  The last thing he wanted to do was go to the store and face Trevor after what had happened between them yesterday. Karma seemed to be throwing them together regardless of what he wanted. He groaned again. It was almost lunchtime. He could go to the store, get something to eat then get some work done. He hoped that would take his mind off Trevor.

  Donald dressed quickly and left. Although it was sunny, the snow that had fallen the day before gave the air a crispness. He picked up his pace and arrived at the store in no time. No one manned the counter when he walked inside. He sighed with relief. Moving quickly to the grocery section, he grabbed one of the small baskets then walked around dropping things from his mother’s list into it.

  “I’m really sorry about yesterday, Donald.”

  He stiffened at the sound of Trevor’s voice so close behind him. The shiver that raced down his back had nothing to do with the cold. It went straight to his groin, caressing it.

  “I guess I read you wrong. I thought we were…on the same page.”

  Donald turned to face him.

  “Still, that was no excuse for me to… Well, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry if I offended you,” Trevor said.

  Trevor offered him a sad smile then turned away. He couldn’t let Trevor think he had all but molested a man who wasn’t interested in him. Donald grabbed his arm to stop him.

  “Wait, Trevor. You didn’t read me wrong. We are on the same page. It’s just—well, I live, like, two hundred miles away in Indianapolis. I’m going back after the New Year as soon as my apartment is ready.”

  “You live in Indy and you don’t have an apartment?” Trevor asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “I had an apartment. I lived on the top floor and my windows were damaged in a really bad storm.”


  “They’ve offered me another one in a different building, but the renters had just moved out so it won’t be ready until January fifteenth. That’s when I sign my new lease. I’m kind of hanging out at my mom’s place until then.”

  “I see,” Trevor stated.

  “So,” Donald added, “I don’t think it makes sense to start on something that we can’t really cultivate.”

  “Okay, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, right?”

  A friend who doesn’t exist online?

  Heat rose in Donald’s cheeks. “Uh, no, I guess it doesn’t have to mean that.”

  Trevor smiled widely. “Great! Are you free for lunch?”

  “I was actually on my way back home to work for a while.”

  “Okay, here.” Trevor pulled a pen from his pocket and tore a piece of wrapping paper from a nearby basket. “Why don’t you give me a call when you’re done working and we can get together?” He handed him the slip.

  “Okay, I will.”

  * * * *

  Don had been staring at his computer
screen for over an hour. He couldn’t think of anything else but the scrap of wrapping paper he clutched in one hand. The same questions that flooded his mind whenever he saw a certain handsome man stopped him from concentrating on work.

  Could this one be different? Should I take the chance and get to know him? What if he turns out to be a jerk like the rest of them have over the years? Can I handle another rejection?

  Don opened his fist and unrumpled the paper. He smiled, reading its content. Not only was the number there but a short message—C all me anytime.

  “Okay,” he said and reached for his phone. His pulse raced as he dialed the numbers. The phone shook against his ear as he waited. It rang once and he almost hung up, thinking he had the wrong number.


  “Hello,” Don replied then quickly clapped his hand over his mouth. He didn’t recognize the squeaky voice that came out. Clearing his throat, he tried again. “Hello, Trevor? It’s Don.”

  “Hey! I’m glad you called. Are you done working? You ready to eat?”

  Don blinked a few times, trying to assimilate his surprise. Not only had Trevor given him the right number, but Trevor was excited about going out with him.

  “Umm, yes. I think I’m finished for a while. I couldn’t really concentrate on work.” As soon as the statement popped out, Don wanted to retract it. As he palmed his face, he hung his head.

  Trevor chuckled. “Perhaps it’s because you need to eat.”

  Don lifted his head and stared at the phone, blinking again. Is he giving me an out?

  “Yeah, that’s probably it. So, where do you want to go?” he asked, bringing the phone back to his ear.

  “Well, there’s a fairly new restaurant on the other end of Main Street called Santino’s. Since you haven’t been in town for a while, I was thinking we could go there and you could try it.”

  “That’s fine. I like trying new foods.”

  “Great. How about we meet there in, say, fifteen minutes?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Don hung up the phone and rested his hand on his chest. His heartbeat had slowed to normal, his palms weren’t sweating anymore and he was looking forward to going to lunch with Trevor. Shutting his laptop, he stood and shoved his phone into his pocket. He left his room, grabbed his coat and hat then he walked out of the door with a smile.

  * * * *

  The walk to Santino’s took a little longer than fifteen minutes. When he arrived, a man approached him dressed casually in black slacks and a royal blue button-up shirt.

  “Hello, sir. Welcome to Santino’s. Are you here with Trevor’s party?”

  Crap. I knew it. Of course Trevor wouldn’t want to have lunch with me alone.

  Just as Don decided to leave, he saw Trevor waving to him over the maître d’s shoulder. He shifted his gaze back to the man.


  He nodded. “Follow me.”

  When they arrived at Trevor’s table, Trevor sat alone.

  “Here you go, sir. Your waitress is Susan and she will be right over. Enjoy your lunch.”

  “Umm, thanks,” Don said.

  “I’m glad you decided to come.” Trevor stood and held the collar of Don’s coat as he unbuttoned the front. “Here, let me help you.”

  He removed Don’s coat and hung it on the hook attached to their booth. Don sat opposite him but turned to look around the restaurant.

  “What are you looking for?” Trevor took his seat.

  Don laid his hat beside him. “The rest of our party.”

  “Why would you think I invited someone else?”

  Don shrugged. “The man up front asked if I was part of your party.”

  Trevor chuckled. “When I got here, he asked me how many would be in my party and I said two,” he explained, holding up his fingers. “We are the party, Don—me and you.”

  Heat filled his face. He’d never been more grateful for his brown skin than at that moment. Any shade lighter and he knew he’d be red as a tomato.

  A young woman appeared at his side to take their drink orders.

  The waitress’s arrival shifted Trevor’s attention from him to her. Trevor pulled two menus from behind the salt and pepper shakers. He slid one to Don and glanced down at his own.

  “Okay, let’s see. I’m not a big soda pop person so… Ah, here we go. Raspberry lemonade for me,” he said, gazing up at her.

  Susan turned to Don.

  “Umm, I’ll have the same.”

  “All right. I’ll get your drinks and give you a few minutes to go over the menu.”

  She left them alone and Trevor turned a grin to Don.

  “So, what shall we talk about?”

  Don returned his smile and started to relax. It might be a great lunch date after all.

  * * * *

  Loud banging stirred Donald from his sleep. He looked up from his pillow.


  “Don, are you decent? Why is your door locked? Are you all right?”

  He sat up and yawned. The cover hung off his naked body and touched the floor. A used bottle of lube lay beside his pillow. He stared at it for a moment wondering why it was out, then the memory of last night’s dream sprang to mind, making his cock jump.


  “Yes, Andie, give me a minute. I’m coming.” He grimaced and rolled his eyes at the unintentional pun as he slipped into a pair of sweatpants, adjusted his sticky cock then pulled a T-shirt over his head.

  When he opened the door, she looked him up and down with skepticism. “You look like hell. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine, just tired. Do you need something?”

  “Well, Mom was worried about you because you’ve been asleep for so long.” She turned and started away from his room. “So, because you’re my baby brother and I love you, I told her I would wake you up and make sure you ate something. This way she would leave and be out of your hair for a while.”

  “Thanks, I’m not sure I can handle an overly doting mother right now. I have a lot of…umm, stuff going on right now. What time is it?”

  “It’s after seven o’clock.”

  “In the evening?”

  She chuckled. “Yes.”

  Damn, I did sleep a long time. The last time I looked at the clock it was ten-thirty.

  He followed her into the kitchen and sat heavily in a chair.

  “Where did Mom go?”

  Andie pulled a plate of food from the microwave and slid it in front of him. “This is her dinner-and-a-movie night with Mrs. Samuels. Here, I made you some chicken stir-fry.”

  Donald gave her a thumbs up with his left hand and brought the fork to his mouth with the right. He really was tired—body and spirit. Thoughts of Trevor plagued his mind while he was awake and asleep. It slowed his work and disturbed his rest. When he was online, it altered his concept of time. Days could easily go by while he worked. His website was his whole life at the moment. It paid his bills and gave his savings account a nice cushion. Donald could do as his sister suggested and work on the site from nine to five, but why should he? He had nothing else to do with his time.

  “You know you can’t keep working like this.”

  Andie’s voice drew him away from his thoughts.

  “You’re wearing yourself out,” she said, pulling a mug from the cabinet. “Mom says she hasn’t seen you in about three days. The last time I was here, you hadn’t been out of your room for the same amount of time.”

  Don eyed her from across the room. He hated the chastising tone she used.

  “Is that your limit, Don?” she asked, opening a different cupboard. “You emerge after seventy-two hours just to make sure the offline world is still spinning?”

  He slumped on the table, watching her.

  “You know you deserve a better life than that. You can’t just work and sleep entire days away,” she told him, filling a cup with water.

  He held a finger up and swallowed. “That’s not intentional. I told
you, it’s just busy like this around the holidays.”

  Andie looked over her shoulder at him. “Uh-huh, I bet it’s not that different any other time of the year. Tell me I’m wrong,” she challenged.

  He went back to eating, unable to dispute her claim. Andie waited at the microwave until it dinged. She approached him, dunking a tea bag into the mug she had removed.

  “You’re twenty-seven years old, little brother. You don’t go out, you don’t have any friends and you don’t date,” she continued, putting the drink in front of him. “It’s not healthy. You’re a great guy and you shouldn’t be alone. Whoever heard of a hermit under the age of thirty?”

  “Andie, I know you mean well, but I just don’t have time right now.”

  She leaned on the table and got close to his face. “If not now, when?” she asked in a softer tone.

  He turned away from her to eat. I know Andie is right, but what can I do? “Well, anyway, I saw the wrapping paper in the living room. Thanks for getting it from Trevor for me,” she said, taking a seat. “Did you and Trevor get the chance to talk when he dropped the stuff off?”

  Andie’s question stopped him with his fork in mid-air. “Yes, we…uh…spoke a little,” he said, forcing his hand to move. “We went to lunch yesterday too.”

  “You did? That’s nice. Did you have a great time?”

  “Yeah. Trevor is very nice, and funny too. He was telling jokes the whole time. I think it went well and the food at Santino’s is awesome.”

  “Wonderful! Did you get the chance to put a good word in for me?”

  Uhh, no. The last thing I was thinking about was you when Trevor was kissing my neck and stroking my dick!

  “Sorry, Andie, no.”

  “Oh. Well, that’s okay. Was he here long?”

  Memories from that day rose in his mind. Donald’s body tingled at the thought of Trevor pressing him against the door. His cock pulsed, as he wanted Trevor’s hand wrapped around it again. The feelings Trevor left behind had been lingering for days.


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