Him for the Holidays

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Him for the Holidays Page 5

by Jaxx Steele

  “I do think that if I wasn’t so far away that something long term could happen between us,” he continued, pulling Trevor’s sweater over his head. “Don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do. I’m glad we are on the same page with that, Donny. It’s similar to what I wanted to talk about.”

  When Trevor stood naked before him, Donald pushed his own pajama pants to the floor and stepped out of them. He wrapped his arms around Trevor’s neck and drew him into a kiss.

  “What else matters?” he asked after he released him.

  Trevor smiled and slipped his hands around Donald’s waist. “Nothing matters except me being here with you. It can wait until later.”

  Donald chuckled. “I thought it could.” He fell backward on his bed and pulled Trevor on top of him. He reached under the pillow, grabbed the lube then handed it to him.

  “It’s your turn to do me. I don’t want there to be any more pain between us. Just pleasure.”

  Trevor chuckled, inspecting the tube. “It’s almost gone.”

  Donald smiled. “I’ve been single a long time.”

  Trevor sat back on the bed to give Donald access to his lap. Donald lowered his head, taking his half-hard cock into his mouth. It didn’t take long for Donald to reactivate the hard-on Trevor had had earlier in the day. The taste of Trevor’s cock thrilled him again. Donald took the tube and greased Trevor’s now-firm shaft, preparing it. After making it slick, Donald moved to turn over on his hands and knees, but Trevor stopped him.

  “No. Lie on your back again.”

  Donald complied and waited for his lover to come to him. Trevor supported himself on his arms and pressed upward to his opening.

  “Why like this, Trevor? I don’t mind, but I just—”

  A small smile spread across Trevor’s face as he paused. He dropped a kiss on his lips. “I want to look into those sparkling brown eyes when I make love to you. I want to see the passion there when you come. Is that okay with you?”

  Oh. Donald swallowed and nodded. “Yes.”

  Trevor pressed forward again. Donald gasped. He pulled his knees to his chest, opening himself to Trevor and his delicious invasion. With Trevor’s next push, his cock’s swollen head slipped through the ring of muscle. The combination of pain and pleasure urged Donald’s cock to bob between them. The emptiness Donald felt when Trevor backed out didn’t last long. Trevor’s next thrust buried his cock fully in Donald’s tight passage.

  “Shit,” Donald gasped, sucking in a sharp breath. He could barely think. Only the thought of Trevor inside him circulated in his mind.

  “Donald, are you okay?” Trevor asked, his voice shaky and filled with concern.

  Trevor felt bigger than he looked. Donald’s hole had not been touched by a cock in years. Trevor’s dick stretched Donald’s channel to its limits. Donald concentrated hard on relaxing. When the pressure eased, he gazed up into Trevor’s handsome face.

  “I’m fine. Don’t stop,” he whispered, trembling.

  “God, you’re so tight. I don’t want to come too soon. Slowly, I have to go slowly,” he mumbled seemingly to himself more than to Donald.

  Trevor paused then began thrusting gently. After a while, he looked down into Donald’s face and kissed him.

  “You feel so good, Donny,” he said gliding in and out of him easier. “I feel I may need to apologize in advance for coming too soon.” A combination of a chuckle and a shattered groan escaped him.

  He leaned on Donald’s legs, holding them in place. With his hands now free, Donald gripped his own cock. Trevor sliding in and out of his ass felt amazing. If this was going to be their only time together, Donald wanted to enjoy every second of it. He stroked his cock with fervor, bringing his climax closer to be ready when Trevor was too.

  Trevor gasped. Donald popped his eyes open. Trevor looked down at him wide-eyed and ground deeper into him.

  “Baby, if you keep doing that, I can’t promise I will be able to last much longer.”

  Donald stroked his swollen head faster, trying to keep the pace with Trevor’s movements.

  “So who says you have to last long? Quality is better than quantity, isn’t it?” he asked lustfully.

  A rough, erotic moan erupted from deep within Trevor’s chest and he pumped into Donald faster, harder. Donald continued stroking but could hardly keep up with Trevor’s frenzied pace. Suddenly Trevor pushed himself up and held Donald’s knees against his chest as he dug deep into him with quick, sharp strokes.

  “Oh, shit! Trevor, I’m, oh—” He panted.

  “Look at me, Donny. I want to see your soul when you come.” Trevor fell forward over him, pumping madly. “Open your eyes!” he demanded.

  Donald snapped them open. He continued stroking his own cock, gazing into Trevor’s eyes, then his load exploded. Donald clamped his hand over his mouth and screamed. Quick spurts of cum landed on his stomach. Trevor grinned. It was enough to push him over the brink of ecstasy as well. The smile faded as Trevor’s face contorted with obvious rapture. He pushed Donald’s hand away and took his mouth in a rough kiss, swallowing Donald’s screams and silencing his own as semen rushed from his body.

  They held each other for a long time before their lips parted. Breathing hard, they looked at each other, putting tender kisses all over one another’s faces. Trevor’s arms shook slightly. Donald let his legs relax when Trevor pulled out of his tender hole. Wrapping his arms around Trevor, he promptly fell asleep, feeling better than he had in years.

  * * * *

  Donald woke to gentle kisses and Trevor nuzzling his neck.

  “How do you feel?” Trevor asked.

  Donald sighed. “I feel gooood,” he said with a chuckle. “Rested and sated.”

  “I am so glad. I was afraid I might have hurt you in my eagerness.”

  He turned to face Trevor. “There was a little pain in the beginning. Mostly lots of pressure, though,” he said with a shrug. “Then pure bliss,” he added, grinning.

  Trevor chuckled. “You are so handsome, especially when you are asleep,” he whispered, caressing Donald’s face. “Your beautiful brown skin, sparkling brown eyes…”

  Donald suddenly turned away from him.

  “What? What’s wrong? What did I say? You’re not having regrets, are you?”

  He shook his head. “No, Trevor, that’s not it. I’m just…”

  Trevor scooted closer behind him, nestling his sleeping cock against Donald’s ass. Donald’s own dick pulsed, wanting him again.

  “Just what? Tell me what’s upsetting you?”

  “You say that I am beautiful and handsome, but…” His voice tightened with emotion. “I will never really know what you look like. I will never be able to enjoy your beauty the way you do mine.”

  Trevor rolled Donald back toward him, shifting himself to rest his head in his hand to look at Donald.

  “What do you see when you look at me?”

  “Trevor—” Donald tried to turn away again but Trevor stopped him.

  “Baby, please tell me. I need to understand.”

  Donald opened his eyes. He hesitated, scanning his face. “I see light hair, lighter skin and light eyes. I know that you are white, because the tones that I see you in are lighter than mine, but that is all I know for sure. I have no clue what color your hair is. It could be light brown, blond or red for all I know. Your eyes could be blue, green or light brown,” he stated with a frustrated edge. “I don’t know any of that because I can’t tell one from the other!” He turned away again to hide the tears that stung his eyes.

  “So you think you’re missing out on something?” he said.

  “Trevor, please, don’t get me wrong. I find beauty all over you. I think you’re sexy and charming and I love your lips,” he said, running a finger across them. “It’s just… It’s frustrating not being able to see the world like everyone else sees it. Not all the time, but sometimes, yeah, I feel like I’m missing all the other beauty that the rest of the world gets to see. Tha
t you get to see.”

  Trevor smiled. “There is no need for that to upset you. That is not the case with me. You are seeing me just as the rest of the world sees me. You’re not missing out on anything.”

  Trevor laughed suddenly. Donald figured his face must have twisted in his confusion.

  Why is he laughing?

  “Donald, the way you see me is not that much different from the way I look to everyone else.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The light and dark shades that you see…”

  He paused and Donald nodded.

  “Those are my features. I have very blond hair,” he said, lifting the locks that fell too close to his eyes. “During the summer months, it’s even lighter from the sun and my eyes are gray,” he explained softly.

  Donald let Trevor’s words fall over him and wash away the last of what pushed him away from being with someone. A slow smile spread across his face.

  “You mean you look just the way I see you?” Relief and excitement filled his words.

  Trevor chuckled. “Yeah, I do. Just ask your family if you don’t believe me.”

  Donald yanked Trevor back on top of him and captured Trevor’s mouth with his.

  “Wow. What happened to my sexy, shy Donald?” Trevor asked in a teasing tone. “But this is good too.”

  “You have no idea how that makes me feel, Trevor.”

  “I want to make you happy, Donny. If you give me the chance, I will make you happy, forever. Stay here with me.”

  Donald’s smile disappeared. “What? I can’t. I’m just—”

  “Why not? Your business is mainly online, isn’t it? You can work anywhere you can take your computer, right?”

  Donald looked up at his lover and wondered what was really stopping him from staying. Trevor was everything Donald had ever wanted, a real, live gift. He would be a fool to let him go. If he stayed, Trevor promised to make him happy. He smiled and pulled Trevor’s face down to kiss him again.

  “Don! Are you up yet?”

  Donald gasped. He stopped right before their lips touched. His mother’s voice filled him with horror.

  “Holy shit!” he said in a loud whisper and tossed Trevor off him and onto the floor. “It’s my mother.”

  “Ahh!” Trevor landed on the carpet.

  “I’m sorry. What time is it?”

  Trevor checked his watch. “Just about seven. What’s wrong?”

  “I told you, I haven’t said anything to my family about you. My sister has a crush on you, for Pete’s sake. She wanted me to put a good word in for her when you dropped the wrapping paper off that day,” he explained, jumping frantically into his pajama pants.

  “Donny, calm down. Your sister doesn’t have a crush on me.”

  Donald yanked a T-shirt over his head and hurried to his adjacent bathroom. He washed his face and hands then emerged a few minutes later.

  “Stay here until I come get you, okay?” He kissed Trevor’s forehead and dashed out of the door before Trevor could utter another word.

  “Good morning, Ma,” he said, walking into the kitchen. “Hey, Andie. What are you doing here so early?”

  His sister shook her head with a heavy sigh. “You really need a life.”

  He sat at the table. “What did I do now?”

  “Do you even know what day it is, Don?”

  His mother set a plate of breakfast in front of him. He kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Ma. No, Andie, what day is it?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Donald, it’s Christmas Eve!”

  Donald knitted his brows as he scanned his brain for evidence. “Really? But I—”

  “You work too much. All of your days are screwed up,” his sister chastised.

  He was about to give her a retort, but stopped when his mother put another filled dish on the table next to his then took a seat across from him to eat her own food. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye then to his sister.

  “Uhh, Ma, what—?”

  The kitchen door opened behind him. Donald’s eyes widened when he saw Trevor take the chair next to him. His mouth dropped open and his breathing increased as he stared at him. He shifted his gaze back to his mother and sister.

  “I…uhh… I can explain.”

  Andie and his mother burst into laughter.

  “Didn’t you speak to him, Trevor?” his mother asked.

  “No, ma’am, I didn’t get the chance to,” Trevor said as he ate.

  Donald stared across the table at everyone barely able to speak through his bewilderment.

  “Wha…? Wha…?”

  “Calm down, Don, before you have a heart attack or something. We already know about Trevor. We’ve always known,” his sister explained.

  Now he really was confused. “Huh?”

  “Sweetheart, we just couldn’t stand you being alone any longer,” his mother chimed in. “When Trevor came here, we knew he would be perfect for you. We told him all about you. He was interested in meeting you before you even came home, but we knew you wouldn’t allow us to set you up. So, when you came home early for the holidays, we helped him to approach you.”

  Too much information overwhelmed Donald’s brain. He turned to Trevor, who was almost done with his breakfast, then to his sister.

  “But you said—”

  Andie waved her fork as she spoke. “Yes, yes, I know. I said I was interested in Trevor too. Well, I lied. I had to know if you were interested in him, and when I knew you were I thought you were going to have a jealous fit when I said I was.” She chuckled.

  “You were jealous?” Trevor asked, grinning at him.


  “That’s so sweet, but you needn’t worry. Andie is beautiful and all, but you are definitely more my type.”

  “Yup, so I set it up so you guys would have some time to be alone together,” Andie said.

  So that’s how Trevor knew I was home alone when he came over and how he got into the house the other night.

  Donald shook his head as things started making sense. “Okay, let me see if I got this straight. You guys set me up?” He looked around the table and received nods from his family and Trevor too. “Can I get a reason why?”

  “Think of it as the Christmas gift that keeps on giving.” His sister grinned.

  “Your family loves you, Donny. They want you to see you happy. I can make you happy, if you let me.”

  “Think of it like an arranged marriage,” his mother said with a smirk.

  Donald’s confusion finally started to ebb. His family had done a lot of cloak-and-dagger stuff to see him happy. His mother and sister were the closest people to him and they loved him.

  “Oh, come on, Don,” his sister teased. “Don’t act like you’re not pleased with our choice.”

  Donald looked at Trevor. He couldn’t help but smile. “No, I can honestly say you did a better job than I ever could have done.”

  “Then it’s settled. Welcome to the family, Trevor.” She raised her mug in the air.

  His mother and Trevor lifted their mugs to meet hers then they turned to Donald. He chuckled and added his cup too.

  “Who am I to turn down a gift from the two people who love me most in the world?”

  Trevor cleared his throat. Everyone turned to him.

  “Make that three.”

  “Merry Christmas!” they shouted together as a family.

  Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

  A Package Deal

  Jaxx Steele


  Chapter One

  Phillip sat in the back of the limo holding his son close to his chest as the small boy slept peacefully. He watched the scenery go by for a while then looked down at the child. His poor little Tyrell had no idea how much their lives had just changed. The toddler stretched in his arms, and a small smile touched Phillip’s lips for the first time in two weeks. Tyrell’s tiny fist flailed around for a moment as he adjusted in his father’s arms, then he settled back
down to sleep.

  Phillip let a lazy finger slide down the light brown skin of his son’s chubby cheek, and sighed. As his son grew older, he would notice the obvious differences between them. Phillip’s hair was light brown and straight while Tyrell’s was darker and curly. Tyrell may grow to six feet tall like Phillip had, and he might even share Phillip’s slender physique, but Tyrell would never have the same white skin. Phillip was pleasantly surprised to see that his son had inherited the pale blue eyes that ran in the Drake family, but in the future, when Tyrell looked into the mirror, he would see bronze skin that was a gift from Monica. The mother who was now lost to him.

  It was up to Phillip to keep Monica’s memory alive for Tyrell. He would never know the mother he had gotten his beautiful features from—his lips, his nose, his smile. Somehow Phillip had to find a way to explain all that had happened to their son. Suddenly, he held the boy fiercely close, rocking him back and forth as tears flowed freely down his cheeks. He had no idea how he was going to do that.

  The limo slowed to a stop, then the back door swung open.

  “Mr. Drake, we’re here.”

  “Yes, right.” He wiped his face quickly. Gathering Tyrell and his things, he shifted the boy to his shoulder and slid out of the limo. “Thanks for everything, Dennis. I know you were only supposed to drop me at the church, but—”

  Dennis held his hand up, shaking his head. “No thanks necessary, Mr. Drake. I couldn’t leave you and your baby stranded at the church.”

  “When we got dropped off this morning, I… Well, I guess it didn’t occur to me how we would get home,” he explained softly.

  “Yes, well, you had other things on your mind.” Dennis closed the door and tipped his hat. “Again, Mr. Drake, I’m sorry for your loss. I hope everything turns out great for you.”

  Phillip nodded and watched the limo drive away before he took Tyrell inside. He stood in the doorway of the house that Monica had decorated and took a deep breath. The whole house screamed of her. They had only lived in the place for a year, but it was their home. They had not been a quintessential married couple. Monica had known Phillip was gay when they’d married, although she’d had no clue about it when they’d hooked up on that one fateful night when Tyrell had been conceived. In public, they’d been a young, happy couple, and when it came to Tyrell, they had done everything together, but in the privacy of their home, they were friends. He’d had his bedroom and she’d had hers.


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