The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete)

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The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete) Page 3

by Charlene Hartnady

  Bayou nodded. “Thank you for sparing me, my lord.” He looked up, looking Storm in the eyes. “I had to try.” He looked back down, showing submission.

  Storm nodded. “I understand.” He laughed. “It was a bad decision.”

  “I realize that now.” Bayou smiled, looking back up.

  “I will make my choice quickly.” Storm glanced at the females. “You move in straight after. The others will not be far behind.” He checked the horizon before turning his gaze back to the females.

  This had indeed been fun. So far, so good. There was more in store for him. In store for the lucky female. Storm began to jog back, a frown quickly settling on his forehead. Why weren’t they arguing or trying to scratch each other’s eyes out? Had they decided so quickly which one would get to go with him? After the display he had just put on, he knew neither of them would possibly be able to resist him.

  Yet, they just stood there. His frown deepened. Both females had been acutely interested in him when he’d first arrived. He scented outright arousal on the smaller one. The taller, lush as fuck female had checked him out big time, but she had also seemed a little more reserved.

  “And,” he rubbed his hands together, “who is the lucky winner?”

  “I am! I am!” The pretty little thing jumped up and down.

  For a second it looked like she was going to jump into his arms. Storm put up a hand, his frown back. “You already discussed it?” He narrowed his eyes. That was too quick. Too easy.

  The small female nodded, smiling broadly.

  “There was nothing to discuss.” Lush As Fuck folded her arms across a chest a male could lose himself in.

  Then he realized what she had just said. “Nothing to discuss? Why is that?”

  “Because Jolene over here,” the small one said, “wasn’t interested in fighting for you. I would’ve fought.” She nodded, her blond ponytail bobbed up and down. “So, I win.” More jumping and giggling. “I get you. A prince. You’re mine.”

  Storm turned to the lush female. Banging body but her features were far more plain. Dark eyes, brown hair. “Jolene,” Storm said, liking how her name rolled off his tongue. Liking her name, period. Loving how her cheeks turned a touch pink as he said it. Maybe not as plain as his initial assessment. Also, not so unaffected by him after all. He folded his own arms, sure to flex his pecs.

  Jolene shifted, looking uncomfortable as her eyes darted down to his chest and straight back up. More pink bled into her cheeks. Her lips were just as lush as the rest of her. “I don’t believe in running after men. If that’s what you’re looking for, then you can forget it.” She shook her head once. “I wish you both a very happy life together.” She gave a tight smile to the other female, her gaze moved past him. She was waiting for the next male to come and claim her. She had turned him aside. Dismissed him.


  Prince of Water

  Handsome as fuck.

  Great conversationalist.

  Fucking amazing in bed.


  It took him a moment to realize that the tiny female was at his side, that she’d wrapped her arms around him.

  Jolene had just picked up her backpack and was hoisting it onto her back. She was stepping away from him, heading towards Bayou, towards where more males would soon appear.

  “Wait,” Storm rasped.

  She acted like she hadn’t heard him. Jolene continued to walk away. From him. Him. What the fuck!?

  “My name is Christina and we’re going to—” Storm pulled away, extricating himself from her arms.

  “This is my hunt. My choice. I’m sorry, female.” He looked down at the human. “Bayou will take you,” he added.

  Her eyes widened. “What? Why? No…”

  He didn’t stick around to hear what she had to say. With a low growl, he picked up all that lushness, hoisting Jolene over his shoulder. The female screamed, but he ignored her. Storm sprinted away, just as several males came into sight behind them.

  Chapter 4

  The ground was a blur below her. “Put me down!” Jolene yelled for what felt like the hundredth time. Her throat felt raspy. Her head felt like it might explode since all of her blood had congregated in her skull.

  “Put. Me—” She gasped as he did as she asked.

  Thankfully, Golden Boy held onto her arms, or she would've flopped onto the ground. The earth spun. Dizziness hit, she put out a hand, planting it on him to keep from tilting to the side and crumbling to the ground. More spinning and dizziness. Her hair was plastered to her face, which felt hot. Her head felt swollen. She didn't think it was actually swollen, but it sure as hell felt that way.

  Golden Boy had run with her like that over his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes, for what felt like forever, but in reality was probably thirty or forty minutes.

  The shifter chuckled. He wasn’t in the least bit out of breath. “You okay?” he asked, in that smooth, easy baritone of his. At least he had the good grace to sound concerned.

  Jolene’s mouth felt dry. She licked her lips, hair catching her tongue and mouth. Her breathing was hard. “That was horrible,” she mumbled between pants.

  “Do you want to sit down for a couple of minutes?” He held onto her arms, still holding her up.

  Her hand was still planted on…on steel. Ripped steel. She cracked open one eye. Yup, her hair was covering her face, but she could see through a gap in the strands. Her hand was splayed across the top part of his abs. His skin was very warm, almost hot even.

  Jolene removed said hand and used it to swipe the hair from her face and mouth. Where was the band that had held it in place? Somewhere in the wilderness behind them. “Yes, sitting sounds like a good idea. Wait a minute though,” she quickly added. “You weren’t supposed to take me.” She shook her head. “It was decided. Christina was the lucky winner. You should take me back. More slowly this time.”

  “You were right.” Good lord but his eyes were a beautiful color. A vivid light amethyst. Humans didn’t have eyes that color. The color of gemstones and fanned by thick, dark lashes. “It was ultimately up to me to decide who I was going to choose. I chose you!” Like it was a done deal.

  “No.” She shook her head.

  Golden Boy frowned. “What do you mean no?”

  “It’s not going to work out. This is all a game to you…I can tell. I’ve been around enough players in my time to know one when I see one. You are one alright.” She could almost see a neon sign on his forehead.

  “Player?” He shook his head. “I’m unfamiliar with the term.”

  “You like to mess around. It’s all about sex and a good time. I’m here to find myself a man.”

  One side of that mouth…oh, that mouth…quirked up. He looked down at himself. At his chest, his guns, lower. “I’m pretty sure I qualify, only I’m a shifter which means I’m much, much better than a mere man.”

  Jolene tracked his gaze, following along the contours of all that muscle and brawn. Those cotton pants these shifters wore did little to hide their package. Yes…he was distinctly manly. A very manly man…a shifter. “You know what I mean.” She snapped her gaze back up to his when she realized she was gawking.

  “Not really.” He shook his head.

  “I want friendship and respect.”

  “Noted.” He folded his arms. “Those I can do.”

  Jolene was trying hard not to come on too strong but hell, she was here on serious business. These shifters weren’t supposed to mess around. “I’m going to just say it.”

  When she didn’t continue he nodded. “Go ahead. I like females who are upfront about what they want.”

  “I want commitment. I want children…in the not too distant future. If these things scare you, then move on. Go find someone else to track down and to throw over your shoulder. I’ll sit right there.” She pointed to a fallen tree. “I’ll wait for someone who wants what I want. I don’t need a prince, thank you,” she mumbled.

  His jaw tightened, and
his eyes narrowed just a smidgen. They seemed to darken. “Those things don’t scare me in the least.”

  That came as a shocker. Golden Boy was a player…he had to be. Everything about him screamed it. His royal heritage, the fact that he was gorgeous and strong and…just plain yum. More than anything, his whole attitude screamed it. He ran a hand through that thick mop of tousled hair. It looked silky soft. "I also want a female and young."

  “Oh…okay.” She wasn’t sure she was buying it. Why was she sensing a ‘but’ here?

  “Only…I don’t want all of that just yet.”

  Hah! She knew it! “Why did you take part in this whole hunt then? It is called a bride hunt, isn’t it?” Jolene felt herself frown. “Bride as in partner, wife…mate? Do I need to explain to you how a bride hunt works? I thought a dragon shifter would know.”

  Golden Boy removed her backpack from his shoulders, setting it down at his feet. Somewhere along the line it had fallen off of her own back. Being jostled upside down would have that effect. She was just lucky she hadn’t lost her lunch as well.

  He nodded, seeming to think his answer through. "You were straight with me, and I will be straight with you as well."

  “I should hope so.”

  He smiled. It was the first genuine smile she had seen from him. “I think I might like you, Jolene.”

  She felt this warm fuzzy feeling inside. She was such a girl. Did he really like her? Players played games, so she still couldn’t be sure. The warm fuzzy feeling stayed, even if she was a little confused and a whole lot irritated.

  “I’m not ready to settle down.” He went on, looking sincere, “If I was, you’d be just the female for me.”

  That made her want to snort and roll her eyes. Such a charming thing to say. Too charming, like he was buttering her up. He didn’t even know her. He went on. “I took part in the hunt to have fun. I wanted to see what it was all about. I wanted to spend some time with a human. I would love to spend some time with you.” He reached out and squeezed her hand, holding onto it.

  That warm fuzzy feeling only magnified. This, despite Golden Boy being a player of note by his own admission. Jolene pulled her hand away. “Well then, head on up the creek, bucko. I’m not interested in you.”

  “Not interested.” He snorted. “You do find me attractive and you would like me to fuck you.” He said it like it was a fact. No question marks in sight. “That spells interest right there.”

  Her mouth fell open. The need to choke on nothing also hit but she managed to suppress that urge. Only just. “I find you both attractive and an asshole,” she finally spluttered. “The one counters the other, so I ultimately feel nothing for you. As to the other part of that equation,” she shrugged, “I’m not really into sex.” All true.

  “What? Not into…?” Golden Boy looked completely out of sorts, which was out of character for what she knew of him so far. “How can you not be into sex? You’re young and attractive and single and…fuck me!” He continued to shake his head, looking lost. “No, I don’t get that. You need to explain please.”

  “There isn’t much to explain.”

  “Please try.”

  “Fine! I don’t mind sex, it's okay. If I'm in a relationship, then we do it, and if I'm not, I don't miss it. There's nothing wrong with it per se. I don’t need it though. It’s not important to me.”

  She watched as his jaw slowly dropped as she spoke. It was comical to watch.

  “So there.” She shrugged. “That’s it! Not much to explain and no, I don’t particularly want to fuck you.” Okay, that wasn’t entirely true. Call it curiosity. She’d never been with someone this gorgeous. That in itself would be worth the whole sticky business of having sex. Only, it wasn’t enough. Not anymore. She wanted burning love. Two bodies coming together out of passion, pure and unrelenting passion.

  “You don’t want to fuck me?” He quirked a brow, managing to look both comical and sexy. Then he straightened up, his broad shoulders pulling back. Two deep grooves appeared between his eyes. “You have no idea, do you?”

  “No idea about what?”

  “How good fucking can be. How amazing we would be together. How—”

  “Good lord!” she muttered, her eyes on his cock. “You’re getting a hard-on.”

  “You’d better believe it. Just thinking about fucking does this to me.” He pointed at his…well, there, not in the least bit embarrassed at how hard he was getting. “Thinking about being inside you…making you cry out…making you come.” His voice was impossibly deep. “It’s turning me on in a big way.”

  She should feel weird about this conversation. She should find him creepy. It didn’t happen. Her nipples tightened…They tightened. Her girl part did something as well. Gave a clench. That’s it…her vagina clenched tight. Her clit did this throb, throb thing. It made her feel…needy. It made her feel like sex. Pity Golden Boy was so arrogant and full of himself. Guys like him made the worst lovers. Not that she was thinking about having actual sex with him, mind you. He was a player, so that was out!

  Golden Boy grinned. His nostrils flared a couple of times. “You’re aroused.” He grinned some more.

  What? Good lord, but he had good senses. She had a three-second freak-out, and then Jolene took in a deep breath. "A momentary loss of my faculties. I'm over it."

  His eyes turned stormy. “No, you’re not.” He sniffed again, making this groaning noise. “You have an amazing scent…like candied apples. I wouldn’t mind diving right in.” He licked his lips. The bastard licked his lips using languid strokes, his eyes burning holes in her.

  More throbbing. More clenching. More tightening. What the hell?

  Golden Boy's nostrils flared, and he grinned. "I can tell you'd like that, Jolene."

  “I’d hate it.”

  “Your body says different.”

  "My body isn't in charge here, I am. Now, please leave so that whoever heads this way knows I'm available."

  “You’re not available.” He seemed to tower over her. Gone was any trace of humor. His jaw was tight, his eyes filled with intensity. Sex on legs and yet emotionally unavailable. What a waste! Golden Boy was the bad apple. All these perfectly lovely apples. All buff and attractive and she had to get saddled with the bad apple of the bunch. The asshole.

  “You’re right, I’m not available,” she countered. “At least, to you I’m not, I—”

  Golden Boy wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. Against all of his hot, hard muscle. He covered her mouth with his. Good lord but his lips were soft. Then his tongue was pushing between her lips, delving into her mouth. Her feet were being lifted off the ground. Right off. Her. Jolene had always felt attractive but at the same time, she wasn’t tiny. She was average height and she had curves. Hips and ass, with maybe a side of thighs. Right then, in his arms, she felt like a feather. The way he kissed her, made her feel like she was the sexiest creature alive. Her chest pushed up against the hard planes of his chest. Her hands dug into his shoulders. She knew that she should pull away. She really did. Instead though, she moaned. All out moaned.

  Golden Boy pulled back, his cocky grin back on his face. “See, this could work.” He winked at her.

  The human made a throaty noise. Her eyes were wide. There were both golden and green flecks within their dark depths. Very pretty. Her cheeks were flushed. Her mouth swollen. Fucking beautiful. Any second now, she was going to beg him to fuck her. Humans were like that. They enjoyed ripping his shirt off of him. Pulling their own clothes off, frantic to have him touch them. Begging him. It was—

  She leaned back and cracked him a shot across the cheek. A decent slap for a human. Especially one of the fairer sex. It stung for half a second but was nothing to a dragon shifter. The impact wouldn’t leave even the tiniest of marks.

  Her face crumpled, and she cried out in what sounded like pain. Storm put her down. Jolene grabbed her palm in her other hand, her face definitely showed pain. “What are you made of? Granite?”
Her voice was shrill.

  “Oh shit!” He eased his own hand over the two of hers. “Are you okay? I’m sorry you are hurt. You shouldn’t have struck me. I mean,” he shrugged, “you are welcome to do so but you will need to be more careful, so you don’t hurt yourself.”

  “You mean that didn’t hurt you at all?” Her face was still pinched, and she still held onto her hand.

  "No, not even close." He could have stopped her twice over, but that would have meant dropping her, which could have hurt her even more. "I take it that you weren't happy with the kiss?" This confused the fuck out of him. Their kiss had been amazing. This female was so soft, so lush and yet so damned fiery.

  “Don’t do that again.” She pointed a finger at him, still holding the hurt one to her chest.

  “Why not? I aroused you and you enjoyed it. I could tell by the sounds you were making. The scent coming off you and how your heart was beating.”

  “I did not get aroused!” She grit her teeth for a moment, looking up. “Okay, it wasn’t bad…it’s just not what I wanted. Definitely not something I would want again.”

  “That doesn’t make sense because your body is saying different.” He glanced down at her chest. Her nipples were all over the place. Hard little nubs, trying to rip free from her shirt.

  Jolene gasped, her eyes widening like saucers. She cupped her breasts, her small hands doing a terrible job of it. “Don’t look at me like that, it’s rude.”

  “Your breasts are pretty much trying to poke out one of my eyes ‒ make that both my eyes. You could say they are looking at me.”

  “That’s bullshit! Look,” she sounded flustered, “let’s cut the crap here. We want different things…very different things. I don’t want fun. I want serious. I don’t want to have any kind of sex with you, despite what my body keeps telling you. Go away. I’m waiting for my happy ever after, for my handsome prince and you are not him.” She shook her head, putting her hands on her hips.


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