The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete)

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The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete) Page 11

by Charlene Hartnady

  Storm only realized he’d left his chamber when he found himself walking down the long hallway. He knew what he had to do. Storm walked into the great hall and looked around him. All the males nodded when he looked their way. Several kept their eyes averted.

  There! He needed answers and he knew exactly where to get them. He locked eyes with the person in question. “Can I have a word?” he whispered as he drew nearer.

  “Yes, my lord.” Her smile morphed, turning seductive.

  Storm sighed. “It’s not like that, Crystal.” If only Jolene was this interested. That would make his day. His fucking life.

  “Oh.” She made a face. “What did you want to ask?”

  He looked around. There were dozens of shifters all around them. “It’s personal, can we go somewhere a little more private?”

  “You sure you’re not just trying to get me alone?” She giggled and fluttered her lashes. A move that had worked well for her in the past. Right then, it only served to irritate him.

  “Very sure,” he growled. “I just need to talk to you about something. It’s important.”

  She frowned. “Okay.” Then she smirked. “Your loss though.” They walked in silence for a minute, leaving the great hall and making their way through the hallways.

  Storm gestured to a door. It led to one of the many balconies. He opened the door and Crystal walked through first. “What’s got you so rattled, my lord?” she asked as she turned to face him. “Falling for the human?”

  “No,” he snorted. “Of course not.” It was ridiculous!

  “You’re welcome, by the way.” She laughed.

  “What are you talking about?” Females of all species were infuriating. They talked in circles, the lot of them.

  “I can scent she finally gave in and did her duty. The human just needed a push in the right direction.” Crystal winked at him.

  “So that’s why you came to my chamber earlier. To help give my female a push in the right direction?” He raised his brows. That didn’t sound like Crystal at all.

  “No, I came to do my duty as your subject.” She touched his jaw with just the tip of her finger. One quick brush. “Almost fully healed. You do realize that you just called her your female?” She looked at him knowingly. “Yet, you’re not planning on keeping her, I hear.”

  “You know what I mean, and no, I’m not keeping her.” Jolene was leaving in the morning. It was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it. He was still pumped full of those blasted hormones. It wouldn’t take long and she’d be out of his hair. His life would be able to get back to normal. Thank fuck!

  Crystal nodded. “Understood.”

  “I came to ask you something.” He sucked in a deep breath, looking up at the sky before locking eyes with her. “Your opinion.”

  Crystal cocked her head. She looked taken aback for a few moments. Then she smiled. “My, my but you are in a strange mood today. All the ‘pleases’ earlier and now you want my opinion. Are you feeling okay?”

  “I was trying to be nice earlier,” he grumbled. “It was recently brought to my attention that I might not have treated you ‒ any of the females I rutted ‒ with respect and kindness. That’s not true is it?” He shook his head.

  Crystal shrugged. “What does it matter? We were rutting. You’re a prince, you have a certain commanding way about you. You’re not…kind.” She laughed. “That would be silly. I mean, you’re you. Storm, Prince of Water.”

  The youngest of four. Heir to nothing. Storm nodded. “Am I an asshole?” He already knew the answer to that question.

  Crystal widened her eyes. She smiled, looking shocked. Like she couldn’t quite believe he had asked her that. She pulled in a breath. It looked like she was mulling it over.

  “Look,” Storm folded his arms, “you can tell me. You have to be honest. I don’t want you glossing things over because I’m the prince and you want to stay on my good side. If you think I’m an asshole, you can say it.”

  It took a few more long seconds before she finally answered. “Yes, I guess you are a bit of an asshole, but you’re royalty, you’re allowed to be. You’re a touch arrogant and a lot spoiled. Asshole comes with the territory. I like it.” She winked at him.

  Crystal was both honest and she glossed her answer over like a pro. “There’s more,” he said.

  “Ask away, my lord.” Crystal bowed her head.

  “This conversation needs to stay between us.”

  “No problem! I can keep a secret,” Crystal said.

  “It’s not a secret per se,” he quickly said. “Just not something I want…talked about. It’s delicate.” He was turning into a pussy. He sure as hell sounded like one. He didn’t want word of that getting around. Storm had a reputation to uphold.

  “Okay. You can count on me.”

  “Did you…” Storm locked his lips. “Were you…” He ran a hand through his hair. “Did I please you, sexually?” A fucking pussy! “You’ve always maintained that we’re compatible. Is it really true or were you buttering me up?”

  Crystal chuckled. It was deep and throaty. “Good lord, but that human has done a number on you.”

  “Answer the question, Crystal, please.”

  “We are compatible.” She answered but said nothing more.

  “Was it good though? Have you had better?” He didn’t like where this was going. He could see the answer to his question written in her eyes.

  “Other males work harder at pleasing me, so, yes, I have had better but…”

  Storm groaned. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He’d always rated himself highly. He’d always seen himself as the best at fucking because he was usually the best at things. Fighting, flying, strategizing, picking up human females…it had all come easy to him. He assumed being amazing between the sheets was a given.

  Crystal laughed softly, not unkindly. “Don’t be hard on yourself. You are very good. Fantastic in fact, but…”

  “Not the best.” He sounded defeated.

  “No.” She shook her head. “You do have one thing most males don’t have, you’re a prin—”

  “Don’t tell me I’m a prince and that it makes it all better.” It didn’t make it better. Not even close.

  She shrugged. “You are though. You’re gorgeous and a royal and that makes rutting with you awesome.” Her eyes glinted. “You’re arrogant and don’t give a damn. You have this way about you.” She smiled. “You like demanding that a female has an orgasm instead of making her achieve one, and you know what? It works.” She laughed. “It worked on me in the past.” She took a step closer, taking his hand. “All of this talk of rutting is making me—”

  “No. This is serious. What you are saying is that the only thing I have going for me is this.” He touched his golden chest, feeling stricken. Like someone had just told him his cock was going to shrivel up.

  “You’re good, my prince, better than good but you’re not…you’re…well, you’re all about the endgame. You think you’re god’s gift to females because well, look at you and because you’re—”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m a royal.” He wanted to roll his eyes. “Humans don’t know I’m a royal though. Humans love me anyway.”

  “Humans are easy to please.”

  If only that were true!

  She smirked. “All except for your human, it would seem.” There was a humorous lilt to Crystal’s words.

  “Jolene wasn’t impressed at all,” he mumbled. “She doesn’t think we’re compatible.” His voice was deep. He sounded a touch choked and it shocked him when he realized he was.

  “You don’t feel the same way though?”

  “I thought we were highly compatible.”

  Crystal touched the side of his arm. The female looked like she felt sorry for him. “I’m going to give you some advice on how to fix things. On how to change her mind about you. More importantly, I’m going to give you a few tips that will blow her mind between the sheets.” She bobbed her e
yebrows. “You need a few pointers, that’s all.”

  “No!” Storm shook his head. “Thanks, but don’t worry about it. She’s leaving in the morning. Going to another male. One more suitable.”

  “It’s probably for the best. From what I’ve heard and have seen, the two of you are polar opposites.”

  He nodded. “Definitely, and Crystal…?”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate your help.” He touched the side of her arm in the same way she had touched his. This ‘being nice’ business was new to him. He hoped he was doing it right.

  Crystal smirked. “This human might be leaving in the morning and she might only have been in your life for less than a week, but,” she cocked her head, “you’ve changed.”

  “Jolene isn’t afraid to tell me like it is. Forget glossing anything over. It’s helped me open my eyes to a few things. A couple of things I don’t like about myself.”

  “Don’t go changing too much.”

  Storm chuckled. “I won’t.” He narrowed his eyes on hers. “Don’t go telling anyone about this conversation. It stays between us.” He had turned into a pussy. It wasn’t something he wanted everyone knowing.

  “And if I disclose all?” She rubbed her lips together.

  “Don’t do it, Crystal! You don’t want to know what will happen if you do, only that you won’t like it.”

  “Now there’s the prince I know and love.”

  He chuckled, heading back to his chamber.

  Chapter 13


  Double freaking crap. What was wrong with her? Why was she feeling so glum?

  Storm put her bag down next to her. He looked completely relaxed. Totally accepting of this whole thing. Jolene had known having sex with the dragon shifter would clear her from his system, she hadn’t been wrong. In fact, she had never been more right on the money about anything. Storm didn’t give a shit about her anymore.

  He practically ignored her this morning. No, that wasn’t true. He’d been nothing but polite and nice.



  That wasn’t Storm. He had no interest in her anymore. That much was clear. It rubbed her the wrong way, even though it shouldn’t. This is what she had wanted.

  She’d given in and had lost. Not that this was a game. Well, it had been a game. Not to her, but to him…and she’d lost. She’d given him the milk for free, dammit. Now that he’d had a taste, he didn’t want more. Again, her choice but it still stung.

  Jolene looked around the room. She swallowed thickly. There were at least a hundred and fifty guys surrounding them. No-one made a sound. No-one spoke or fidgeted or anything. All of their eyes were on her. It was freaky.

  “Oh my!” she muttered. “So many,” she whispered.

  Storm smiled. “Yeah, every unmated male in the kingdom is here. They are all hoping you will choose them.”

  There were a few shouts of agreement. A hum of chatter picked up around the hall but soon died down.

  “Oh…okay.” Her hands suddenly felt clammy and her mouth dry.

  “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” Storm asked, eyes questioning.

  As opposed to going home. “Yes,” she quickly said, glancing at Storm. He was the picture of calm. Golden Boy had no qualms about giving her away. Her eyes stung a little. Damn her and her girl emotions. She’d gone and slept with him and just as much as she was out of his system, he was very firmly embedded in hers. It didn’t matter that it had been hardcore fucking, for lack of a better word. That he hadn’t inserted even the tiniest bit of emotion into the action. That there had been no promises attached, whether verbal or nonverbal. The nonverbal ones, now, she’d read those loud and clear.

  None of that mattered. She'd felt. She was still feeling. She was a stupid idiot because she actually felt something for the guy. What had she done to herself?

  It didn’t matter. Her stupid wayward emotions would be under control in no time. She’d choose someone else. Someone great. He would be awesome and she would be happy. They would fall in love and have a family and a long, happy life together. She could feel it. Not! Didn’t matter. She would feel it soon. She couldn’t give Storm the satisfaction of going home, head bowed. Jolene pulled her shoulders back and looked around the room. Looked at all the hopeful expressions.

  There were tall guys. Even taller guys and veritable giants. There were all hair colors from black to white-blond and everything in-between. Some of them had green eyes and others blue. A few of them had dark eyes and others that amethyst color, like Storm. Not exactly like Storm. His were so vivid they were unique and—

  No, no comparisons! She was closing one door ‒ locking it ‒ and moving on. “How do I choose?” she whispered.

  Storm chuckled. It was throaty and sexy, damn him. "You could draw a number and allow it to be completely random, you could have each one step forward, one at a time to tell you something about themselves or you could ask random questions to males of your choosing. We could also tailor-make your—"

  Jolene huffed out a breath. “Hold on.” She shook her head, which was spinning. “This is all a little overwhelming.” Asking each of them a question would take all day. “I need to be sure that everyone here is really serious.”

  “Of course.” Something seemed to darken in Storm’s eyes and his jaw tightened.

  “Hello and thanks for coming…” Jolene raised her voice.

  There was a loud murmur across the room as all the men responded in kind.

  “Um…” her cheeks heated. It was disconcerting having all those stares focused on her. She licked her lips. “I’m going to ask a few questions, if that’s okay?”

  Again, the men answered. There were shouts of agreement and plenty nods of the head.

  “Great! Thank you,” she said when the noise finally died down. “I need to know who is not interested in mating, please leave the room.”

  There were a couple of snickers and one or two mutters.

  “Silence,” Storm growled. There was instant obedience. “You heard the human. Anyone not interested in mating this female, leave now.”

  No-one moved. One or two of the guys planted their feet more firmly on the ground or folded their arms, looking deadly serious.

  “O-okay,” she muttered, once it was clear that no one was leaving. “Anyone not interested in having children, please leave,” she said, voice raised.

  A few of the men turned to look at those beside them, but nobody left.

  “What else is important to you?” Storm asked. “I know one,” he quickly said. “This female enjoys waffles for breakfast. Those of you who know how to prepare such a meal, should stay.”

  There were grumbles and all-out yells, but in the end, half the guys filed out.

  “Jolene might request to sleep alone tonight, would you offer to give her the bed, or would you make her sleep on the floor? Those of you that say floor, should leave now.”

  Most stayed where they were, but there were a handful of guys who left.

  “I have one,” she said, putting her hand up.

  “Go right ahead.” Storm nodded once.

  “If you’ve ever had sex with one of the dragon females, you should please leave now.” There weren’t many dragon females. She hated the idea that most of these guys had slept with them. The thought of Crystal rubbed her the wrong way.

  “You sure?” Storm whispered, his eyes wide.

  “Very sure.”

  “That won’t leave many males and,” he shook his head, “those who remain…” He chuckled, not finishing the sentence.

  Most of the men filed out. As in, there were only fifteen guys left. She did a quick count. Sixteen. There were sixteen. These dragon women certainly got around.

  “Really?” she snorted. “A handful of women and all those guys.”

  Storm shrugged. “Guess so. It’s how it is. Our females are respected and cherished. They get to decide who they want to be with. Most of the males
try their luck.”

  “It’s gross!”

  “It’s nature.”

  “Says you, Golden Boy.” She shook her head. “I think it’s pretty gross.”

  Storm smiled, his eyes glinted. “We’ll have to agree to disagree once again, Sweet-Lips.” He winked at her.

  Something ignited inside her when he called her by that nickname. A need, a want, a longing. That particular feeling could go right to hell. Jolene turned back to the group. They were all good-looking guys. They all seemed eager. “You.” She pointed to a light-haired shifter in the middle of the group. He had deep blue eyes. He looked nothing like Storm and would probably be nothing like Storm. Which meant that he would be perfect.

  The guy touched his silver chest, eyes wide. He even looked around. “Me?”

  “Yes, you.”

  “Thank you,” he said, stepping forward. “It is an honor you would choose me. An honor I cherish.” He sounded dumbstruck. Like he’d just won the lottery.

  “I’m glad you feel that way.” Jolene smiled.

  “My name is Hail.” He was a big guy, almost as big and built as Storm. Stop! She really needed to stop comparing everyone to Golden Boy. It wasn’t fair or right. That door was firmly closed.

  Hail strode over to her. His eyes were wide and really quite exquisite. As soon as he reached her, he dropped to one knee and took her hand. His fingers were calloused, his clasp soft. “It is a privilege to meet you.” He smiled, almost shyly.

  Storm shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Jolene tried hard to ignore him.

  “You too, Hail. I’m Jolene.”

  The shifter pressed the top of her hand to his lips for a second or two before rising to his feet.

  “Let it be known that the human has picked Hail. No-one is to interfere by my order,” he growled the command, sounding formidable.

  Goosebumps rose up on her arms.

  “Thank you, my lord.” Hail sounded shocked. When she looked his way, she noted Hail was frowning heavily, looking slightly confused even.


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