The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete)

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The Water Dragons Box Set: Books 1 - 4 (Complete) Page 25

by Charlene Hartnady

  Paige glanced back at where he was lying and was shocked to see dark eyes focused on her. He was awake. Not just that, he seemed lucid. “I’m not sure,” she replied, trying to keep her cool. She forced herself to stay normal, to look back outside the cell. Focused even harder at keeping her eyes trained down the hall, instead of looking up at one of the cameras. “Like I said before, let’s get some rest. We’ll figure it out.”

  “You’re right,” Sydney said. “I didn’t get any sleep,” she added.

  Paige turned and walked back. His eyes stayed on her. She sat down on the edge of the mattress, not sure what to do. He put a finger over his lips. “Are any of them in the hallway?” he mouthed.

  “Not that I can see,” she mouthed back, looking to the rear of the cell.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered. “I can’t see a camera trained directly into the cell. They look like regular CCTV devices so they won’t be able to record anything we say.” Paige turned to look out and sure enough, the one she could see was facing down the hall. “They’re probably monitoring for movement outside the cells to alert any attempts of escape.”

  Made sense. She nodded. “Are you okay?” She narrowed her eyes on the dressing covering his chest. “How are you feeling?” She looked back up at his face, noticing the dark smudges under his eyes, which were bloodshot.

  “I’m good.” He tried to lift himself up and winced. “Just very weak. My flesh is still knitting, so the wounds are tender.” He licked his lips. “And I’m thirsty,” he added.

  “Of course.” What an idiot. The guy had lost a ton of blood. She searched through the first aid kit, quickly finding the eyewash cup. It was small but it would work. “Here.” She jumped up, filled the tiny make-shift cup and brought it back to him. Flood drank it down in less than two seconds.

  Paige went back and forth a couple of times until he put up his hand. “Thank you,” he whispered. “I don’t think I should have any more. I might get queasy. I’ve been in a couple of incidents,” he added cryptically. “I know how this works.”

  “I can’t believe you’re even alive considering you were dead yesterday.” She snorted softly. “That whole sentence doesn’t make any sense.”

  He gripped her hand. “Thank you for helping me.” It was warm and calloused. Funnily enough, his touch was comforting, even locked up in this small cell.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Flood. Yours?” He looked down at where their hands were still clasped together.

  Oops! Paige hadn’t realized she was still holding onto him. She let go. “I’m Paige. Wait a minute, were you awake when I performed the thoracotomy?”

  He nodded. “By that, I’m sure you’re talking about sticking me with a knife.”

  She winced. “Sorry about that.”

  “Had to be done. I stopped breathing on purpose so they wouldn’t take you.” He shut his eyes for a moment. “Then again, it hurt so much to breathe, I didn’t mind keeping my chest still for a short while.”

  “Well, it worked, so thank you for that. I hope I didn’t hurt you too badly with that knife.”

  He half smiled. She realized he was quite cute when he did it. His almost black eyes seemed to lighten up just a tad. The tight lines of his jaw eased. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long. Within seconds, that serious grimace of his was back. She noticed how his blinking was becoming more pronounced. It seemed to be getting harder for him to stay awake. “I need some time to heal up. Have to pretend I’m still unconscious.” He sucked in a deep breath. “Need time, then we will come up with a plan to get out of here.”

  She wasn’t sure how escape would be possible but she nodded anyway.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  “Sorry for what? You haven’t done anything.” She shook her head.

  “I won’t be able to help you.” The look in his eyes turned grave.

  “Help me?” She shook her head.

  “When they come for you. Won’t be able to…help.” His eyes were closed, his words slurring a little.

  “Don’t worry about that. Get some sleep. We’ll figure it out.”

  He gripped her hand in his again, it was surprisingly firm. “Tell them…everything. Do what it takes to survive.”

  “Okay.” She nodded, feeling stupid because he wouldn’t be able to see her.

  “You must—” He passed out before he could finish the sentence. His chest rising and falling rhythmically.

  Paige waited a few minutes just in case he woke up. When he didn't, she set about changing the dressing. She was shocked to find that the wounds were already healing. Thankfully she'd chosen to remove the pen the night before or the flesh would have healed around it. The wounds looked closer to a week old. Still red and raised but already sealing over nicely. Paige applied some of the antibacterial cream and redressed the wounds. He was a big guy. Make that huge. His shoulders were broad, his biceps enormous. The marking on his chest was beautiful. Tribal lines that looked like liquid silver with flecks of iridescent green. Below the dressings were a hard looking set of abs. It didn't matter that he was passed out, his abs still popped. Her eyes tracked lower, to the large bulge between his legs. She wasn't sure what was up with the cotton pants these guys wore, or why they even bothered. The garment didn't leave much to the imagination. She quickly averted her eyes, looking back at his face instead, her cheeks heating.

  It was strange that even though he was in a deep sleep, his face still radiated tension. His jaw still looked tight, like he was clenching his teeth or something. Then again, he was probably still in a lot of pain. There was a packet of Ibuprofen in the first aid kit. She felt like an idiot for not offering him a couple when he was conscious. It was over the counter medication but it would have helped to relieve some of the pain. Surely. Her eyes moved across his face, taking him in. His jaw was stubbled. His chin had a small cleft. Two things struck her about him, making him less severe than she had first thought. One was his mouth. His lips were full, fuller than she’d seen on most men. They didn’t make him any less masculine though. Then secondly, his eyes were framed by long thick lashes. Right now, they fanned the underside of his eyes while he slept. When she’d first seen him the day before, she’d been afraid. It had been an odd combination of relief that he was there and fear…of him. He was a man to fear and she’d been terrified. Both by his sheer size and the quiet rage that had surrounded him. It had mostly been evident in his eyes. They were dark and penetrating. Everything about him had screamed danger. The dragon shifter men, in general, were very good-looking. Chiseled and handsome. Not Flood, he was too coarse…too hard to be considered good-looking. But there was something attractive about him.

  She looked away. That was enough ogling at the poor guy. Paige looked around. Three walls, a solid ceiling and silver-infused bars. Then there were cameras out in the hallway. She pondered on how they could possibly escape. What would these guys do with them once they had all the information they needed?

  After a time, Paige lay down next to Flood. She’d tried sleeping on the floor but it was too hard and too cold. She was too worried to sleep. What if these guys didn’t believe them about not knowing where the dragon lairs were? She was also starving. Her stomach grumbled noisily. Her mind worked overtime.

  Nearly three hours later, they brought a sobbing Kelly back. Paige cringed and held her breath, listening and waiting to hear Sydney’s screams. Instead, she heard approaching footfalls. They grew louder and louder. Somehow, she didn’t think they were bringing them food. Paige swallowed thickly. Not sure of what to do as fear caused her palms to become sweaty and her heart to race.

  Chapter 7

  Flood forced himself to stay still. To keep feigning sleep.

  The female stood up, her breathing had turned ragged. Her heart beat faster. He could scent fear and adrenaline radiating off of her.

  “How is the creature?” It was the unfit older male who asked. Flood was sure the male was called Mike. They were right outside th
e cell. Three of them in total.

  “He’s hanging in there,” Paige answered. Her voice a note too high, belying her nerves. “It would help if I had an IV drip and some antibiotics. Painkillers would be nice as well.” A bit calmer this time even though her heart continued to race.

  Several males snickered. The older male, Mike, all out laughed. “Yeah right. He doesn’t need any of that. His color has returned and he’s breathing fine. Should be all fixed up in a day or two.”

  “He’s not fine, he’s stopped breathing a couple of—”

  “That thing isn’t human,” the male said. “It’s best you keep that in mind. That creature will be fine. We’ve been tasked with interrogating all of you lovely ladies. You’re next on the list.”

  Her heartrate picked up even more. The scent of fear grew acrid. He forced himself to stay completely still. Even if he wanted to intervene, he was too weak to be of any use to her. The only thing he would accomplish would be to tip off these slayers that he was awake and capable of answering their questions. He’d be easy to torture in this state. Not that he’d give anything up. That couldn’t happen. It wouldn’t happen no matter what they did or threatened.

  “I don’t know anything more than what Hayley and Kelly have already told you.” She swallowed thickly. “Besides, I need to stay in case he takes a turn for the worse again.”

  “It doesn’t need you anymore. In fact, we’re moving you in with the others once we’re done with you.”

  He didn’t like that idea. He couldn’t protect her if she was taken away. What was he thinking? He couldn’t protect her, full stop. Had to harden himself to anything that happened to any of these females. They weren’t his concern right now. Keeping his people safe, on the other hand, was. He had initially intervened in the hopes of slowing them down until help came but that hadn’t happened. Now, he needed to make sure the hunters learned nothing.

  “I’m telling you,” she urged, her voice high-pitched and pleading. “He’s not quite one hundred percent yet, he’s—”

  “Do I get a crack at this one?” It was the young male. The one who tried to shoot him initially. Flood had to purse his lips together to keep himself from snarling. He heard someone swipe their card and the three males entered.

  “Maybe,” one of the other males said. “Keep your weapon trained on that thing,” he added.

  There was a clapping sound when the young male hit his hands together and rubbed. “I can’t wait. She’s going to talk. She’ll tell us everything by the time I’m done with her.” Flood could hear that he was smiling. It turned his stomach when he scented arousal on the male. The thought of hurting Paige turned this sick fuck on. He pursed his lips tighter to hold back a snarl of rage. Then he thought back to what she had been saying earlier, before she was interrupted. She’d alluded to him still having breathing problems, to him not being out of the woods yet. His mind worked.

  “I don’t know anything,” Paige pleaded.

  “We’ll soon find out, won’t we?” the younger male said.

  “Talk to me and I won’t have to hand you over to Tim. You won’t like what he has planned. He’s a young buck after all and not very self-composed,” Mike said.

  Flood had to do something to stop this. He had to do it without exposing himself though.

  She was breathing heavily. “No.” There was pure fear laced in that one word. “I don’t know anything.”

  Flood willed someone to look at him. Anybody! Look dammit! Look!

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” the younger male ‒ Tim The Prick ‒ said.

  “Let go of me!” Paige yelled. “I need to keep an eye on the shifter. I’m telling you he’s still not—”

  Look damn you!

  “It’s not breathing.” Mike sounded incredulous. “That can’t be right.”

  Thank fuck!

  “That’s what I keep trying to tell you assholes!” Paige yelled. “This has happened at least a half a dozen times already.” Clever female! “He stops breathing. I have to help him or he’ll die.” Flood liked this female. He liked her a whole damn lot.

  “Do you need to make another hole in its chest?” Tim asked, sounding skeptical.

  Flood didn’t like the idea of having a knife shoved into his ribcage again, but he’d deal if it came to that.

  “No!” Paige yelled. “Let go of me, you idiot!” He could hear she was fighting, trying to pull free. “I need to provide rescue breathing or he might die, unless, of course, you have a ventilator handy?” Her voice took on a tone of sarcasm.

  “A ventilator?” Tim asked, sounding pissed. “What is this dumb bitch on about?”

  “I need to breathe for him or he’s going to die.” The pleading edge was back in Paige’s voice. “What will your boss say then? What happens when you have to explain why he died, when I could have easily saved him?”

  “I’m not buying it!” the older male said in a gruff voice. Flood heard him approach, could feel his eyes on him. Sizing him up. “The same thing has happened to him twice now. I’m not an idiot. I think this is all an act to get our sympathy. It’s to prevent me from taking you.”

  Fuck! This might not work. He prayed that Paige would stay strong. That she wouldn’t give anything away. The strike came out of nowhere, it landed on his side, near the area where Paige had stuck him with the knife the day before. Flood could give it to him, the male could kick ‒ for a human. The blow wouldn’t leave so much as a bruise though.

  Unfortunately, he was still recovering from a chest injury. From death, dammit, so the kick hurt like a bitch nonetheless. Good thing he’d been around the block a ton of times. He’d experienced pain before, was adept at faking it. This time was no different. Thankfully, he was a Water dragon and able to hold his breath for a very long ass time too. This male could go to town on him for the next ten minutes and his chest wouldn’t so much as move. Nothing would.

  “What the hell are you doing?” the female screamed. He heard tiny fists thudding home. Shit! She was fighting for him. Her back was to him, which meant she had put herself between him and the male. He was going to have to have a serious talk with her. This was not right. Maybe not as clever as he first thought. She was too emotional.

  He heard a thud and the sound of the air leaving her lungs. This is when staying still became really difficult. The male had knocked Paige down. If he touched her again, Flood didn’t think he’d be able to stop himself from intervening. Instead, the older male kicked Flood again, harder this time.

  “You’re going to kill him!” she yelled. He heard her scrambling back up to her feet. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Fine,” the older male conceded, slightly out of breath, it sounded like he spoke through clenched teeth. “The shifter isn’t faking it. He can’t be. Leave her be. We’ll take the other one and come back for this blondie later.”

  “I wanted her,” Tim ‒ the dickhead ‒ whined. Flood wanted to take a chunk out of the male so badly. He itched to do it.

  Then she was at his side, the mattress dipped slightly. She placed a hand under his chin. Even with a throbbing side, he could still marvel at how soft her skin was. At her lovely feminine scent. Her other hand pinched his nose closed while she tilted his face up. For a second he wondered if she planned on trying to suffocate him, which made no sense. Then her mouth closed over his. Her lips covered his. Soft and sweet. He had to stop himself from moaning at the wonderful sensation. He’d never had a female’s lips on him before. Well, not on his mouth at any rate. His cock? Sure, a couple of times but that could hardly be considered a kiss. His mouth on the other hand? Never. He liked it. His lungs expanded as she pushed a breath into them. All too soon, she pulled away. He had to force himself to hold still. Not to pull her back. Soon enough though, her mouth was sliding back over his, all over again, and he was biting back a groan. She did this over and over. He never wanted it to end.

  It was only when one of the human males spoke that he was reminded of why he was pret
ending in the first place. Of why they were even there. “Is it dead?” the male asked.

  “Nah…these dragons are tough bastards to kill,” Mike replied. “That’s what Alex said at any rate.”

  He counted to ten, enjoying the soft feel of her lips one last time before he sucked in a breath of his own.

  “Oh fuck!” Tim chuckled. He sounded relieved. “He’s okay.”

  “What did I tell you?” Mike said. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “You should let us go. This shifter needs proper medical care,” Paige said. “We don’t know anything more than what we’ve already told you.”

  “You can let us be the judge of that,” Tim said. The door clicked shut.

  Paige stayed kneeling beside him. Her breathing remained fast, as did her heartrate. The cell door opened down the hall and the females started shouting and yelling. He heard Paige suck in a breath when one of the females screamed louder than the rest. The males were taking her for questioning, just like they had said.

  Paige sniffed and when he cracked his eyes open just a smidgen, he could see that she was crying. Her eyes were squeezed shut. If only he wasn’t so fucking weak. Flood reached out and took her hand, squeezing it softly. He hated that it was the only thing he could do to help. The only thing he had to offer. It wasn’t enough, not by a long fucking shot.

  Chapter 8

  Paige could just make out her hand in front of her face. Only just and only if she moved her fingers. It was so quiet that the whole saying about hearing a pin drop would be true right then.

  They’d questioned Sydney for close to four hours. She had also been smacked around but, thankfully, hadn’t been badly hurt. The only highlight of the day was when they had brought food. Finally! More than a full day after they had been taken, a tray had arrived. One for each of them.


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