Irresistibly Charming

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Irresistibly Charming Page 4

by Victoria Pinder

  “I moved onto a commune to find myself and clearly made one mistake after another.” Hannah turned up her nose and looked away from him. “And I don’t want to talk to him.”

  She’d gotten him out of jail, even if she had her own motives for doing so. The envelope with the contract burned his skin. How much had she been paid to marry and divorce him? “Tell me what happened to you, Hannah. Maybe I can help?”

  She put her spoon down and gingerly went to her bag. She checked the contents, relaxed her shoulders and motioned for him to join her on the couch. “Maybe later. How come your last name is Bentley if you’re royalty?”

  Life before he was even in first grade. His memories were mostly of a royal garden. Logan folded his hands as he sat beside her. “Our kingdom was Hoshkell.”

  Her forehead wrinkled, but then she smiled at him. “I don’t know where that is.”

  He turned so that their knees touched as he motioned for her phone. She handed it to him and he opened the map, showing his country near a few war-torn countries, but north and closer to Europe. “Hoshkell means Beautiful Land. We’re here, but our small country was annexed, and the world did nothing because it lowered the oil prices for China which in turn lowered the prices for the West as there was less competition.”

  Her lips turned as if she didn’t care for the subject. “Interesting, but that doesn’t explain your name.”

  Right. Her question. He patted her thigh and winked. “Ahh. My parents wanted us to be treated like Americans, so we took a different last name.”

  This time she didn’t flinch at his touch so there was progress. Instead, she narrowed her eyes. “What’s your real last name?”

  “Shahpour,” he answered. “Which means Son of the King.”

  A timer went off in the kitchen and she jumped out of her chair.

  He stood and watched her backside sway beneath the white dress. Hannah would be incredible to have in his bed. He kept his tone civil. “Do you need help setting up dinner?”

  She shook her head. “No, but in the morning, we’ll stop and get you a new outfit of your choice at the mall.”

  “Whatever you picked online is fine until we get to Miami.” His heart thumped, and it wasn’t just because of family. Hannah would be tasty, but he couldn’t find out, not yet. So, he changed the direction of his thoughts. It would be good to see his brothers while he looked fresh. Hopefully they were all there. “And thank you, Hannah.”

  While she gathered dishes, he sat back down on the couch and scanned the first page of the contract. She called out, “What are you doing?”

  “Reading.” He set the contract down. Later, he’d check to see if his passwords on his websites worked, but for now, he opened the laptop and searched Kirno Incorporated. Nothing popped up. “I’ve never heard of this company, Kirno Incorporated and they have no web presence.”

  She snapped her fingers and returned to the couch. “Can I see my phone?”

  “Here’s your bag.” He handed the whole thing over as he didn’t want to riffle through anything.

  She pulled out her cellphone, clicked an app and her shoulders relaxed. “They sent the payment for marrying you.”

  At least Hannah had cash. He read the next page of the contract as he teased, “How much was my hand in marriage?”

  Her face turned red as she returned to the kitchen. “Twenty-five million for the ceremony.”

  Wow, springing him cost this company a fortune. Every cell in his body grew alive. Who would have that kind of money? “And you had another payment for signing, but there is a stipulation.”

  Her face turned white as she pressed her hand to her heart. “Oh my goodness. There was?”

  He walked over and handed her the contract, pointing to a subclass under the payment section. “You’re not supposed to tell me about the money or this contract.”

  Her body crumbled, and it looked like she might faint. He reached to hold her as she said, “No! I just wanted my money back that Jensen stole from me.”

  Stole? She hadn’t shared too much about that and his heart that he thought a steel trap instantly melted and he hugged her. Once she could stand on her own, he let her go and asked, “How did that happen, Hannah?”

  She pushed her now undone hair behind her ears and took a deep breath. “My parents were successful lawyers. My brother is a constitutional lawyer who argues at the Supreme Court. I should have been smarter, Logan.”

  “Hughes. Your parents knew mine.”

  “They did, but they died, and I was lost. I followed a fake minister to somehow be closer to my parents who were never religious at all. I just needed answers and Jensen offered them when I couldn’t think straight. After the con, I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror and call my brother. He’d think I was still silly and stupid.”

  So she’d made it worse from pride. He recognized the trait as he had it in himself too, so it was like looking in a mirror. “Don’t should yourself. It’s not healthy. Tell me what happened and maybe we can figure out how to help each other.”

  She collapsed onto the couch and he sat beside her. She took a minute to collect herself and then turned toward him. “After my parents died, I tried to find answers within myself. I was lost and felt so alone. Harry threw himself into a case that our parents had worked on before. I had nothing to do and hoped to find answers out there if I just gave back to the community through giving up my possessions and moving onto the commune. It felt right until everything went wrong.”

  The story disconnected. He needed a clearer picture so he knew how to help. He massaged her shoulders. “That doesn’t lose your inheritance.”

  She turned to give him better access to her back and as her shoulders shifted she explained, “No, but Reverend Jensen seemed to have all the answers to every question I had. We met at a hotel conference for volunteer work. If only I’d stayed home! Instead I started attending his brand of church. I moved onto his property with friends all because at the time he gave me faith that the world might offer joy again. I’ve gone to church daily for years but it was nothing like his. My things all disappeared and at first I didn’t care. But then three months ago, he helped himself to my debit card and a week later I was broke. I returned to my roots as a Methodist once I moved into this studio, and found a nice place to go that doesn’t ask anything from me, but I lost every dime my parents left me.”

  Clearly his new wife was a sweet person and she’d been taken advantage of. This was old school theft and could be handled. He’d talk to Roy, his lawyer brother, and his brother Dylan, who was into investigations, but going after Jensen was now on the table. He made his plan of action. “So, he really did steal from you.”

  With a sigh, she nodded. “The contract was a way to get my money back fast and not tell my brother how I’d trusted the wrong person.”

  The only people he trusted right now was family. He stopped the massage. “What’s wrong with your brother?”

  She turned toward him and took Logan’s hands. “Nothing. Harry’s the best older brother but telling him means admitting that I’m weak and that he needs to protect me again.”

  Sounded reasonable to Logan. At least her brother sounded reasonable because he could relate. He met her clear dark brown gaze and leaned closer. “If someone stole from my sister, I’d destroy them.”

  Her eyes widened. “You have a sister? She wasn’t in the news either.”

  He gently squeezed her hands. Hannah was a sweet, good woman. Whoever set him up had made a mistake sending her to him because if he won his wife over, then he could trust her. Part of him already did though his rational mind said he shouldn’t. He scooted closer to her and she didn’t push him away. “She hadn’t done anything wrong and never worked a day in her life—so they couldn’t arrest her. She, like you, lost access to her money. But you’ll meet her tomorrow night, in Miami. We’re staying in a condo her fiancé owns.”

  She gave him a smile, her breaths coming closer together. “Sounds like
she ended up okay.”

  He slowly tugged her to his side. “She’s marrying her boyfriend that I’ve never met, but from what I understand, he’s related to family friends and comes from old money.”

  “As long as she’s happy.” He could feel how jumpy she was, but Hannah stayed in his arms. “I realize now being happy is more important than having answers to mysteries, like death.”

  His lips ached to claim her now. Her kiss was all his body craved. “Hannah, I’ll help you get your money back from Jensen.”

  “Okay, well thank you.” She pouted her lips.

  Without waiting one more second, he pressed his mouth against hers and she practically exploded in his arms. Her kiss was unlike any other woman’s and he wanted far more from her.

  “Oh wow,” she said as the first kiss ended, but then she closed her eyes.

  He took another kiss, and her arms wrapped around his neck. From her sweet taste he knew two things. His wife was innocent from any man’s touch, despite what she said about being heartbroken, and two, he wanted to claim her as his own.

  Chapter 5

  Hannah’s heart beat faster than butterflies that flew in a rose garden. Logan’s hands on her back made her feel like she was in a protective bubble where everything was hot, she belonged to him, and her life was beautiful.

  However, that was a fantasy. She squirmed out of his embrace, took a deep breath and pressed her lips together that still tingled and wanted more kisses. She put her hand on his chest to keep him back. “We should stop.”

  He picked her hand off his chest and kissed her palm. “Hannah, you are a Bentley now.”

  If he pushed her, even a little, her entire world would crash. She scooted off the couch and stood. “Logan, there are things I’ve not said.”

  He didn’t move, but his eyes darkened with desire. “That you’re a virgin?”

  Her face flushed. Was she transparent? Was it in her kiss? She clutched her gold cross necklace and asked, “How did you know?”

  He studied her but didn’t move as her heart beat so hard she thought it might cave inside her chest. “I knew before I kissed you. It was probably the first time I accidently touched you. You were either afraid of me or a virgin. As we talked more, I figured it out.”

  Her entire body heated, and the hottest part was her face and cheeks. This wasn’t good. She stepped further away. “So, before we left the prison.”

  He rose from the couch but kept his distance. “It’s okay, Hannah, to take our time. Besides, I should find out if my passwords work tonight.”

  Right. He had his own things to do. The thought calmed her down and she returned to the kitchen to prepare their meal. “And if they do work, what’s your plan?”

  When Logan walked into the kitchen, she was aware of his every move, though he stayed a few feet away from her, allowing her to breathe. “Once I meet up with my family tomorrow, we’ll figure out something more concrete, but basically I’m in charge of financing our plans to figure out who set us up and that’s going to start with finding out about Kirno Incorporated.”

  She turned off the burner as the food was done, and spun on her bare heels to stare at him. “But you can’t know about that.” She should have read the fine print.

  He stepped forward and her skin jolted. Hannah wanted him to grab her and kiss her, knocking the dishes to the floor in his passion—but that wouldn’t be right. “I’m also going after your Reverend Jensen with everything I can and get your money back for you.”

  Her emotions calmed and in a soft voice she asked, “You’d do that for me?”

  “Yes.” He took another big step toward her.

  She reached out and brushed against his muscular arms as his dark brown eyes melted her even more. She nodded and looked away. “I’ll get dinner on the table, so we can eat while you check your passwords.”

  He didn’t move, but caressed her bare arms. “I need you to trust me.”

  Most people married already trusted each other. She looked up again and the sparks she felt were almost unbearable. She swayed, but asked softly, “And you trust me fully?”

  He looked at her, lifting her chin to see her face. “Not fully, but I have already told you more than I intended to share.”

  Neither one of them moved for a moment. Her heart beat slowed down as his nearness became familiar. But then he stepped away and walked into the living area to pick up her laptop.

  She found dishes in the cabinet and set up her rice and chicken entree. Tonight, she’d serve a bit of a feast as she cooked all the food she had in her refrigerator. Soon she’d leave this tiny place and never return.

  As she placed the carrots and corn on the table, she heard what sounded like a yelp. She turned and saw Logan’s dimples as he smiled.

  Those dimples made him even cuter. “Does that noise mean good news?”

  He nodded and closed the computer. “My arrest put my credentials in review, but I still have access to brokerage firm resources, including buying and selling for new accounts, even if I don’t have the funds.”

  Good. So Logan Bentley could invest and do what he promised. Would he really help her? She didn’t ask. She retrieved the silverware and pointed him toward the small, two-person table she had near the window. “Let’s eat. How much do you need to begin helping your family?”

  He put her laptop back and joined her at the table. “The more I get the faster I can grow the money.”

  Would he consider her needs too, even though their marriage was temporary? She sat down, but realized she held the silverware. This year had taught her that she really didn’t need much to survive and she’d be fine. So, she handed him his fork, knife and spoon and ensured all the bowls had serving spoons. Logan made her feel aware and alive near him and hadn’t asked for anything.

  She pushed her shoulders back like she was confident, though her voice was soft. “If you help me get my money back and you swear you won’t tell anyone about Kirno, I’ll give you half of what I already have.”

  He reached out and took her hands as snow began to fall outside, landing on the cars parked on her side street. “I have to tell my brothers about Kirno. It’s the biggest clue we have.”

  If she went broke, again, then she had nothing. Her heart sped a little and she shook her head. “But then I lose all the money. I can’t risk that.”

  He gently patted the back of her hand with his palm. “You’re my wife. Even if all the money disappeared tomorrow, you’ll never go without again, Hannah.”

  But would he help her? The question about using her money echoed in her heart as she admitted, “I’m conflicted.”

  He nodded. “Trusting you is scary for me too.”

  Her eyes narrowed. No one had ever doubted her. She was usually dependable and trustworthy—until Jensen had taken her money. “How?”

  He didn’t move but stared at her. “You could be a corporate spy or an undercover foreign agent, here to mess up my plan and hurt me or my family even more. For all I know you might be working for this Kirno and sending me on a false mission to throw my family off the trail.”

  The image of her in a black trench coat traipsing Europe in sunglasses just made her laugh. She’d never pull off being a spy, even in make-believe. “Me?”

  “Yes.” He unfolded his napkin.

  Okay. Hannah had married Logan as a temporary solution and he’d turned out to be nothing like she’d feared. Ordinarily she’d avoid him as he was too sexy for his own good, but perhaps her innocence held her back too.

  Maybe she needed to have faith. “The money might disappear if they find out I told you anyway.” She dropped her napkin over her lap. “Tell you what Logan, all I want is my hundred million back, and I’ll make sure no one can take it from me again. I’ll give you access to my account tomorrow morning and we’ll work on our goals together.”

  Logan’s left brow arched, and he stared at her like she was an alien or something. “That’s a lot of trust. Are you sure?”

bsp; Was she making a mistake? She needed help, and he wasn’t who she thought. She had to trust someone, and Logan made her feel things she’d never felt before. She scooped rice on his plate. “Perhaps we are meant to be partners right now. I’d rather work with you then be afraid.”

  He covered his lips as she put the chicken stew over his rice and then served him vegetables. Once she finished, he dropped his hand to rest near his plate. “Hannah, you really are an angel.”

  No, angels had faith without doubts. This past year taught her blind faith was a one-way ticket to poverty. She took a deep breath and served her own food. “And if you’re with me when I tell my brother about Jensen, I’d appreciate it.”

  They both ate in silence, but his small sounds of appreciation told her he approved of her cooking. She hadn’t prepared a meal to share with anyone before. Hannah had hired caterers for events and when she’d lived at home they’d had a full-time chef. The sounds were nice. Once he finished his meal, he cleaned himself with the napkin. “Tell me about your brother.”

  Harry. Earlier today, she’d gone to see her brother at his hotel room, though she hadn’t told him about the missing money or possibly marrying Logan. Her brother had seemed so happy when she’d visited him. He’d found a woman he loved. Something strummed in her veins like a guitar string as she glanced at her husband. She put her fork down as food didn’t satisfy her new hunger for Logan. “He’s one of the best appellate lawyers in the country, same as my parents.”

  Logan stood and picked up his plate and one of the dishes. “Would he help Roy if he thought we were innocent?”

  Right. She took her own finished plate and gathered more things on the table to put on the counter. Logan turned on the sink and picked up the sponge to wash everything while she put the untouched food in the refrigerator for leftovers tomorrow.

  But then she stopped. Her eyes widened. Leftovers meant she’d survived and she wasn’t the spoiled princess of her childhood anymore. She then chose to toss the leftovers in the trash because tomorrow they were moving to Miami. She swallowed, turned back to Logan and said, “Normally he works on retainer, but of course he will help me, help you. He’s my brother.”


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