Irresistibly Charming

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Irresistibly Charming Page 9

by Victoria Pinder

  She shrugged and walked to the wine cabinet. He went to the cupboards and found the glasses. When they met at the table, Hannah said, “Logan, I was talking to Caitlyn and Sarah.”

  Okay, they were going to talk about the others—his shoulders relaxed. He uncorked the bottle and poured wine into the glasses. “I’m not sure which is which. Not all my other brothers are not happy.”

  Hannah took the offered glass without question. “Caitlyn is married to Roy and Sarah is married to Beau.”

  “Got it.” Roy and Caitlyn were two that still weren’t talking much , and Beau was ready to admit defeat with Sarah. But right now, he needed to focus on how to tell Hannah everything they’d figured out—he kept up small talk and waited for the right opportunity. “I’m most curious how Ollie and Rachel are doing. He’s upset about his son.”

  Hannah sipped her white wine. “If you want, I’ll go see her this afternoon while you work.”

  Helpful. His wife was sweet and kind and honestly he didn’t deserve her. She’d see at some point that her Pocahontas move to save his neck had probably ruined her life, but for now he drank and decided to start at the beginning. “Roy is flying with your brother to get my mother out of prison. Elle and Navid are going and will bring her here right away. Tomorrow we’ll do the same for my father only that will be a lot more press, since they’ve dubbed him the mastermind, and I need to keep the money flowing tonight to ensure we have the capabilities.”

  She held the stem of her glass tight. “What about my hundred million?”

  Fair enough. She was on the priority list, but the money also gave her an exit option. Somehow, he needed to make sure that she stayed with him. He lowered his voice. “That should also be yours tomorrow. You should probably open a new account that Kirno doesn’t have the numbers to freeze or retake their deposit from you that easily.”

  “That’s fast.” She clinked her glass to his.

  “I’m good.” He said it without arrogance. This wasn’t something they should celebrate but at least she’d get her nest egg before the police seized Jensen’s bank account for an unknown amount of time.

  “I know.” The doorbell rang. She put her glass on the table and went toward the door immediately.

  He found some plates below the counter and set them on the table.

  She returned with the bags of food and they both opened boxes and placed the contents out like a buffet.

  Logan wanted Hannah aware of his intentions. Somehow they had to get through this without talking about love. He finished with the boxes and put them back in the plastic bag and she set the silverware and chopsticks for each of them. He put the bag on the counter near the refrigerator.

  Hannah was already seated, so he sat across from her and said, “Once the money is there, I’ll work on getting us back on our feet and funnel as much as I can toward Dylan, Jake and Beau’s investigation to find out who set us up.”

  She picked up her chopsticks and popped a piece of sushi between her lips. Once she finished eating, she said, “Well, I hope we can help.”

  We? He reached across the table and took her hand. “You helping my family to ease into our situation is sweet and kind, Hannah.”

  She squeezed his hand and then let it go. “I want to know more about you though, Logan.”

  Logan brought a slice of dragon roll to his mouth and ate it whole. Rice and shrimp tempura with the best crunch. “This is good.”

  “Perfect choices. Let’s talk after we eat.” She winked at him and dug into her food.

  For a few minutes, neither said anything and they ate like they hadn’t had breakfast. Now that he thought about it, he hadn’t. His stomach felt better twenty minutes later, and he put his chopsticks down. She seemed almost done so he leaned closer. “I’d prefer to strip you naked and have you again and again.”

  A laugh escaped her lips. “Now that sounds fun too, but first we talk.”

  “So after dessert?” Having her would be dessert enough for him.

  Again she laughed which filled the room with lightness until she said, “If I like your answers.”

  He sat straight. “Now this feels like a test.”

  “It’s not.” Hannah scooted her chair next to him and placed her hand on his thigh. “Roxy said you were the serious brother.”

  College? He nodded and ignored how he grew goosebumps where she touched him. “I was. I probably still am, as my expertise is in finance and business deals, thanks to math, which you should remember. Your glasses were red and cute.”

  “You remember those horrible frames?” She straightened and brought her hand to rest on the table. “Any luck on Jensen?”

  He missed her touch so covered her hand with his. “Ah. I didn’t tell you.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened.

  He leaned closer and her bright skin invited him to kiss her senseless. He didn’t but instead watched her to see how she reacted. “He’s to be arrested today.”

  Her lips parted. “How do you know?”

  His fingers laced with hers. “It’s hush-hush right now, but the police warrants were issued.”

  She pushed her hair behind her ears and sat taller. “So what happens next?”

  So much that wasn’t part of their day-to-day. He stared into her caring brown eyes. “Your first account is in evidence and untouchable to reclaim and will be for right now as it’s one of the charges, but the biggest charge against him is that he tried to negotiate with Eva, Jake’s wife’s little sister, to marry without her guardian’s permission.”

  Hannah covered her lips.

  Logan finished, “Eva’s little sister was only 17 and not 18 during contract negotiations. If you do get your money back, we can talk about what happens then.”

  She lowered her hand from her face. “I’ll give it to you, I guess. I don’t care about that, but how horrible for her sister. Where is she now?”

  Now all that was left was what he figured out with his brothers concerning their marriages. However, he had to finish this part of the conversation first. “Jake and Eva are going to bring her here to live in Miami with them.”

  She shook her head. “So much drama is happening all around us. I am happy others are starting to get along.”

  Now. He had to navigate this conversation properly. “Me, too—because there is more.”

  Hannah blinked with confusion. “What?”

  Fair question. He squeezed her hand slightly as he told her the truth. There could be no divorce, not for him. “My brothers and I all assume this has to do with our royal background. Dylan has been doing a lot of research to plan his investigation in Hoskell and there is a law that decrees if we get divorced we would forfeit the crown.”

  She swallowed and stared at him, clearly not understanding the implications. “But you’re not even wearing the crown.”

  For now and maybe forever, but heritage was heritage and he needed to honor his parents. They were already disgraced with false prison. “Agreed, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have enemies. We think someone set us up to ensure we never return.”

  Her face was still white. “Do you even care about that?”

  If he was asked to return home, to the palace, he’d go. So would every single one of his brothers and if someone was out to sabotage the remote possibility then they needed to be stopped. He kept that thought to himself and took a breath before he answered. “I care because my parents would care. I hope you understand.”

  She pressed her hand on his. “So you’re saying you don’t want a divorce?”

  Good. She had understood. “I’m saying I can’t afford one, so I’d like for us to work out, Hannah.”

  A smile grew on her face. She pressed her delicate hands over his heart. “Well, keep treating me right then, and we won’t have any worries.”

  Flutters rushed through him that only Hannah created. He scooted off his chair and stood, and she rose as well. “If you were naked right now, I’d be very happy.”

  She ran
her hands down his sides. “After you’ve locked the door so we’re not interrupted. I don’t want to be the only naked one in the house.”

  Fair. No one needed him in person for the next few hours. He ran toward the door and once he turned around, saw his wife heading toward the bedroom, leaving a trail of her clothes behind her.

  He locked the door and followed her inside.

  Chapter 14

  Lying beside Logan where he just held her as the sun shone outside their window made today feel like a perfect day. If she could stay here forever, in his arms, she’d be complete and happy.

  Just as Hannah thought that, a loud ring disturbed the air.

  She laughed as he brushed her arms to get her attention. She stated the obvious as she glanced at him. “Your phone is ringing.”

  Logan nodded, and sat up fast. He scooted off the bed as he stared at the screen and mumbled, “I have to get back to work.”

  Right. Tonight, they’d have more time, but there was a lot riding on today. She stood from the bed but held the sheet to her breasts. “I’m going to meet Rachel this afternoon. All the wives might get together at her place.”

  He nodded and pulled his pants on. “Rachel knows us all the best I suppose.” He threw a blue t-shirt over his head and then leaned down on the bed toward her. “But Hannah, when my mother arrives around seven, I’d like for you to be next to me.”

  She closed her eyes and accepted a light kiss, which made her feel fabulous. She opened her eyes, not wanting to miss a thing. “Absolutely. Next to you is where I want to be.”

  He walked to the door and winked at her. “Have fun this afternoon.”

  She dashed into the bathroom, cleaned and changed into white pants and a royal blue peasant shirt. Then she headed out, but the door to Logan’s office was open. She knocked and leaned against the frame. “Do I look okay?”

  He glanced up from his computer and she saw the beam in his eyes. He was happy and that in turn made her walk on air. “You look sweet, which is what you are.”

  She floated toward him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Aww, thank you.”

  He stood, kissed her, but his computer beeped as it always seemed to. Perhaps once the crisis was over with his family, he could step away from this and take a small break with her. She’d ask later. Right now, she refused to kill the mood and sashayed out of his office.

  Near the door, she took out her phone and texted her new girl chat. Sarah, Caitlyn are you ready?

  She locked the door behind her and headed toward the elevator when her phone chimed. She read Sarah’s text. Lois is joining us. I invited her.

  Since Eva was out of town with Jake for the day, it would be good to bond with her. Hannah knew Lois from the commune, and then she’d lived upstairs in their apartment building in DC, , but Lois was always the quiet one that didn’t share much. At the table in the coffee shop, Hannah thought she overheard that Lois wanted a baby. Perhaps she might ask though it might not be relevant to helping Logan. The elevator doors opened, and she quickly texted back, We’ll talk together.

  Caitlyn then piped in. So has anyone really talked to Rachel before now?

  Her phone dinged as she arrived on the floor. Hannah read Sarah’s answer. No, she was quiet at the coffee shop when we met her. After that I’ve not seen her with anyone except her husband and baby.

  Hannah almost ran into the pair of them as she walked off the hallway. She hugged her friends and tucked her phone in her back pocket.

  Once Caitlyn and Sarah ended their greeting, Hannah knocked and they waited. Rachel, with her white skin and dark hair, opened the door. Her emerald green top matched her eyes. Out of all of them Rachel acted like she belonged with the Bentleys easily, and she welcomed them inside. “Thank you all for coming over.”

  The elevator beeped behind them, and Lois joined them so everyone was together.

  Hannah waited for the door to close and then glanced around the condo that was similar to their own in design though this had a more Mid-eastern luxury feel to it. Hannah ignored the sense of home this place gave off and instead pushed her hair behind her ear. “Where is your son?”

  Rachel motioned toward the bedroom. “Napping. He’s only one so he needs it.”

  Lois asked, “It’s after three though? It seems late.”

  Rachel waved off the comment and directed them all to the table with tea and cakes laid out. “He tries to pretend he doesn’t need sleep.”

  Everyone helped themselves to the small cakes and Rachel served hot black tea made with leaves instead of bags. Once everyone had a cup and they sat around the living area, Hannah said, “Rachel, we’re told you know our husbands and you weren’t a random choice by Jensen to marry Oliver.”

  Everyone went quiet.

  Rachel sipped her tea, nodded her head as if gathering her thoughts and then set her cup down. “I wasn’t going to let any stranger marry Ollie. I overheard what was happening when I was standing outside the prison, deciding if I should go in and talk to Ollie about our son, and Jensen was talking on the phone to someone. I have no idea who, but I’m not stupid. I told Jensen either he sets up me marrying Ollie or I blow his cover, before he even tries anything with any of the brothers.”

  So Jensen had no choice. Hannah’s heart cheered that someone told the man what to do. She covered her pleased reaction by taking a drink of tea. “How are you and Ollie?”

  Rachel’s big green eyes grew shadowed. “He’s upset I hadn’t told him about my little Leo.”

  Sarah made a slight noise with her throat. “How did that play out when he saw that you were the one to marry him?”

  Rachel turned toward her. “He was relieved until we went home, and he met my Leo.”

  Lois quietly said, “At least you knew you loved him.”

  “Love?” Rachel almost choked on her tea.

  Hannah’s pulse zipped faster. Love was something she’d always wanted too, but she’d never told Logan. Her heart stirred and wondered if she should or shouldn’t. He hadn’t said anything, but there was nothing wrong with love.

  Rachel looked around at all of them. “I knew I didn’t want Ollie used or tricked. I’m sorry I didn’t know any of you to warn you.”

  Right. Hannah was here to help but she wasn’t doing much, to be truthful. She pressed her lips together, unsure.

  Lois kept her head down but quietly asked, “Hannah, Caitlyn?”

  Hannah turned her attention to the blonde. “Yes, Lois?”

  Lois sucked in her lips like she didn’t want to speak—just like she’d always done on the commune and stared at the Persian carpet in the hall. Finally, she said, “I remember you both attended church like I did.”

  Hannah’s heart dropped. Lois seemed so sad that she wanted to offer comfort, but the woman was sitting out of reach. “Yes. I was lost, and Caitlyn was trying to figure out who she wanted to be while putting herself through nursing school. What about you?”

  Lois glanced at her while she nodded her head. “I know we didn’t talk then, but that was me too. My parents never let me decide anything for myself and now I’m here. I know you’re friends already, but I could use a few.”

  Sarah piped in, “Lois, we’re here for you.”

  She was here to make connections and for them to understand what had happened so that they could work together for the good of the Bentley family. Hannah surmised for everyone, “Rachel sniffed out a scheme. Sarah’s uncle is Jensen and they pretty much forced her into marriage. Lois went to the reverend’s church, like Caitlyn and I. So the only one we don’t know much about now is Eva. It was her sister that Jensen targeted.”

  Caitlyn added, “I doubt he knew she was underage.”

  Which her friend would only know from Beau—Caitlyn must have started talking to her husband. It was a good sign for all of them to at least be civil.

  However before she could say anything else, her phone beeped and she jumped out of her chair. Her alarm told her the time. “It’s close
to seven. Logan wanted me home to meet his mother.”

  Rachel stood and so everyone followed her as she hugged Hannah goodbye. “That’s true for all of us. Ava Bentley is a sweetheart and super kind woman. I’m sure you’ll like her.”

  Hopefully his mother liked her back, but Hannah didn’t say anything else about that and turned toward the group. “This afternoon was good. You’re all invited to my condo tomorrow if we’re still here. It would be nice to get together and talk more.” Each conversation brought more to light. She hadn’t realized Lois had issues of her own with Jensen though she really should have.

  After a quick goodbye, Hannah rushed to the door. Her phone said it was five minutes to seven now as took the elevator down two floors. She unlocked the door with a key card swipe and called out, “Logan, I’m home.”

  “Hannah, come in,” he called from the office.

  She hurried toward him, where he hunched over his computer, right where she’d left him. Her heart wondered if she should mention the word love, but his face was too serious. She crossed her arms and walked closer. “What’s going on?”

  Logan’s jaw clenched tightly as she stared at his computer screen. “The money is filtering out of my accounts.” He tapped a few more keys. “I’m trying to find out why.”

  Right. He was on a mission and hardly moved from this room. She leaned closer. “So you’re losing money?”

  He pointed to a chart that looked like an excel spreadsheet. “Yes, but not because of my investments. Someone is hacking in and siphoning the funds. Beau is looking for the weak point in my accounts now while I move things to avoid the leak.”

  Cyber security wasn’t exactly her specialty. “Can I help?”

  “My mother will be here soon. I need to change. She won’t like that I’m dressed so casually.” He stood and pointed toward his chair. “Can you sit here to see if the numbers turn green while I quickly change? If something turns green write it down.”


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