The Boy Who Read Minds

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The Boy Who Read Minds Page 9

by Veronica Soliman

  I would eventually be able to hear people's thoughts if I applied the same, or similar, mechanisms to humans that I’d used for my cells. I had quickly tossed any of my irreplicable research into the paper shredder so that when I became famous, nobody else would have my formula but me. I was Mr. Krabs and I’d protect my recipe from all the planktons.

  This was my lifelong goal since I was a wee lad. I had always wanted to know what other people were thinking so I could always say the right thing, dress the right way, and not be judged by preposterous men who 'discovered' the reason humans sleep! No- my idea was far more legendary and extraordinary! It was original!

  What kind of scientist watches people sleep for research anyway; I didn’t see how those guys were conducive to making our species better. They were content with just understanding it, not improving it like I had desired to do.

  I can do it.

  I will do it; or I'll die trying.

  I snickered to myself as more happy thoughts devoured me. I was excited and jittery, hoping they didn’t take my age as any indication of my wisdom or maturity. I had been trying to figure out mechanisms of possible telekinesis since I was an undergraduate at Rosemond University. When I was thirty-six, I’d finally made the discovery that I could build off of, and now four years later, I’d prepared all the paperwork and was ready to present it. I rushed out of the lab and rushed toward my car, stopping for a mere two seconds to glance at my reflection. Fixing my red bow and black suit jacket, I quickly walked to my car.

  "Hey old man!" A squeaky-voiced kid who was about twelve years old looked at me with skeptical brown eyes. He was about half of my height and fairly lanky. I raised an eyebrow.

  "What?" I asked, rather annoyed and impatient, as the kid approached me. He held a skateboard under one arm and an ice cream cone in the other.

  "Your shoes are untied." The kid snickered, pointing to my shoes.

  And in the moment, I looked down at my dress shoes— which didn't even have laces— and the stupid kid had snatched the black bag from my hand and was preparing to make a run for it.

  No! My research.

  "Give it back kid! That has important data in it!” I shouted in the middle of the street, my car only steps away so I could safely place my cells in the passenger seat and be on my way to prove to the other scientists that I was twice as smart and cunning as them!

  We tugged back and forth, he had dropped his skateboard and pulled my bag with one arm; his ice cream was firmly held in his other hand. I had to hand it to him— the kid might’ve been lanky, but he was strong. However, now was not the time for this obnoxious boy to cause issues with me. Especially an obnoxious boy that seemed to appear out of nowhere and seemed like his sole purpose was to harass me.

  "I just want to see what you have!" The boy argued, his grip tightening around my bag as I tugged harder.

  "I don't have time for this! Release my bag!" And in the two seconds that I had spoken those words, he'd done as he was told, and the contents of my bag flew out. I could feel my life flash before my eyes and a loud, slow-motion ‘No’ escaped my mouth as my beloved cells flew out of their Petri dishes and all over the dirty sidewalk.

  No. No way, that was the only copy I had. I had too much faith that this was all I needed. Now all my life’s work was lost forever.

  "You've ruined it!" I shouted at the kid who was just staring at me now, wide eyed and only making me more frustrated because he had no reason to approach me to begin with.

  "Joseph dared me to do it! I'll get you newer cells." The boy shrugged, pointing to another boy.

  "You don’t understand! That was my lifelong research, ten years down the drain! You moron! You've totally ruined it! And you've contaminated the sidewalk!" I shouted; it clearly wasn't registering that I was angry. I flailed my arms, feeling mad enough to cry. The boy climbed on his skateboard, licked his ice cream, and gave me one last glance.

  "Sorry sir! Make some more, Look I've got some cells too." He pointed to his skin and I wanted to pull my graying hair out.

  "I'll sue you! And your family! Where's your mother?!" I shouted as the boy disappeared behind a corner and moments later reappeared with his friend on their skateboards, licking their ice cream cones and snickering amongst themselves.

  "I guess you win, Aaron." I heard the boy, presumably the Joseph that dared him to do it, say. I was beyond angry and frustrated. I stood in disbelief, staring at my cells that were now simmering in the sunlight of the sidewalk and I could feel nothing more than anger and sadness. I wanted to cry.

  Did I even have time to redo the entire experiment and produce the same results? I’d tried it countless times, so perhaps my memory was on my side. I glared at the sidewalk, feeling my eyes begin to sting.

  No. I couldn't. I wouldn’t have time and I’d completely tossed the research paper with the unredacted steps. I was at a loss, unable to do anything and disappointed in myself for being too careless. I bowed my head low and walked back toward the lab. If not today, then I will achieve bigger goals tomorrow.

  I'll show them. Eventually.

  Chapter 18:\ Question His Sanity


  I was hurt and very angry. If I didn't like Aaron before, I genuinely disliked this boy now. And how could he be so insensitive: one second, he’s all ‘I want to help you, you’re so smart’ and the next he pulls a stupid stunt and makes me want to shrink into my seat, even knowing what he knew.

  I was beyond upset and embarrassed— I was disappointed. I wanted to leave, to get lost without the likes of some weird dude following me. He could be so sweet one minute, then a total twit the next. I didn’t understand why his personality had shifted completely when Jared was around. I didn’t understand it.

  "Vy, Violet wait!" Aaron called after me, quickly catching up. I felt stormy and wanted to be as far away from this boy as humanly possible.

  "What is your problem Aaron?!" I wasn't one for confrontations, but I couldn't help but blurt this one out. He looked taken aback. I wanted to laugh, but kept my features steady, glaring at him.

  He was looking at me again with those same pearly eyes, not speaking. He was giving me a certain look that made my chest feel tight and my throat clog up. It was the feeling I got when I missed somebody and couldn't see them, except I didn't miss Aaron— I had no reason or way to miss him.

  "What did I do wrong?" He held his hands up in confusion, trying to deplete his obvious guilt. He was trying to be the top dog by bringing everyone around him down.

  "You don't have time ‘to be bumping heads with brainless bozos when you could be locking lips with the beauty beside you?’" I glared at him, repeating the exact words he had said to Jared moments ago.

  "You don't like being called a beauty?" He crossed his arms, a smirk forming on his lips and mischief flashing in his eyes. "Because, you are beautiful, Violet."

  "What? That's not what I'm talking about!" I was entranced, unable to look away, but wanting to so badly. He was deceptively charming, making me forget the reason I was angry in the first place.

  "Why are you always mad when we talk?" He asked, his cool vibe slowly fading.

  "You always do things that infuriate me!" I felt helpless as I flailed my arms, trying to explain to this nincompoop why he was a fool!

  "Like what?" He looked like he was enjoying this. His smirk turned into a smile as he leaned on the wall behind him.

  "Like telling people we are dating." I glared at him, "we are not dating."

  "I never said that… I said we kissed."

  "Why would you lie?!"

  "Oh, I see… ." Aaron suddenly turned serious, leaning off the wall and taking a step toward me. "You like Jared?"

  "What?! Where would you get that assumption from? Why would you even say that!?" I was getting frustrated.

  "You're not denying it."

  "Look Aaron," I poked his chest, "I. Do. Not. Have to prove myself to you or anybody."

  "So, you do?"

at's none of your business!" I didn't like Jared; I hardly knew him or anything about him. However, watching Aaron's features change so quickly made me want to push his buttons as much as he had pushed mine.

  "Look away." Aaron said, staring at my eyes.

  "What?" I was highly confused. For about two seconds, I dumbly stared at him and then I realized a remnant from our conversation moments earlier. I can't hear your thoughts when you look at my eyes. He had informed me, and I wasn't about to look away. I would stare at him until my eyeballs dried out.

  "No, Aaron! Mind your own business!" I exclaimed, feeling like I was talking to a child.

  "You are my business." He said, turning his eyes away from me as I panicked. I shouldn’t have had to tell him these things, I’d expected him to know them already. I didn’t need to be surrounded by immature people who didn’t care about or respect me.

  "No, no Aaron. Please, respect my privacy. Look at me." Suddenly his face scrunched up. It looked like he’d eaten an invisible lime and didn’t like the taste. He paled, giving me a strange look, looking at me then looking away. He seemed like he was in physical pain as he groaned and fell to the floor. I was taken aback, staring at him lying on the floor in pain.

  "Are... are you okay?" I asked. He looked like he was struggling to breathe, "Aaron, look at me." I was actually getting worried, flustered, and confused by what was going on. I couldn't help but think he was faking it like his leg at the party. But he reached for my hand in that moment and screamed out in anguish. I felt a strange surge course through me, but I blamed it on butterflies from his sudden touch— although I wasn't interested in him.

  "Violet!" He screamed in broad daylight in front of the cafe, his hand still holding mine as he lay in the fetal position on the sidewalk. Anyone around us would’ve thought he was getting murdered.

  "What do I do?" I asked as he moved around, his tall body looked so weak lying there. It made my heart hurt.

  "Hospital…” His words were whispered as I stared at him. I panicked as his eyes began to shut and he convulsed on the ground.

  "Aaron? Aaron! Aaron open your eyes!" No response, the street was quiet.

  "Help! Somebody! Help me!" I shouted, watching as Jared came rushing outside.

  "What happened?" He asked, staring at Aaron's still body besides me. I was on my knees unsure of what to do, "Violet! You're crying! What happened?"

  "Help me take him to the hospital please!" I shouted, I reached into Aaron's pocket and grabbed his car keys. "Just help me get him into the car!" I was panicking. What if he died? He was only trying to help me. I felt bad for being nit-picky about the words he’d chosen. It was disrespectful, but he didn’t harm me in any way. That feeling was back, the tight chest and clogged throat, the feeling of missing somebody. I couldn't understand it.

  "Okay." Jared seemed to notice my panicking expression as he immediately helped me lift Aaron up. The rest was a blur. I couldn’t recall if I drove, or if Jared drove. But we ended up at the hospital and I still wasn't sure what was happening.

  Chapter 19:\ An Interesting Turn of Events


  He was so cute just lying there. I wondered how long I'd been sitting there just staring at him. His brown hair was a hot mess, and his face was looked so peaceful. I missed him. The hospital room was oddly gloomy, but he'd been here for about a week. It was scary, thinking that Aaron could possibly never wake up again.

  My life would’ve been so different if he didn't wake up.

  I blamed Violet. She was the last one with him. I was not even sure what happened between them, but he’d somehow ended up on the sidewalk during a ditch day at school and Violet and Jared drove him to the hospital. I wondered if she poisoned his drink; maybe I was just thinking too much, but nothing like this had ever happened to Aaron when he was with me. That’s why she’s to blame. He would’ve been fine if he’d been with me instead of her. I leaned back in my seat, pulling out my phone to text Tyler.

  He's still here. Knocked out. Do you want to hang out with me?

  I waited for a couple of minutes, Tyler and I had gotten back on track since the night he’d kicked me out of his home. He was overwhelmed with us being together all the time- and I totally understood that now. He had needed space, so I gave him space, especially when he apologized a couple days later.

  Tyler: Honestly...

  I didn't even flinch. I knew Tyler didn't like Aaron and I couldn't quite tell why. They would've made great friends outside of Tyler's hatred for Aaron. I don’t think Aaron cared.

  Tyler: Can we get dinner tonight?

  I smiled at his text. He didn't want to meet me here, but he wanted to have dinner tonight. It proved my theory about his dislike of Aaron. But it slightly irked me that he hated Aaron. Aaron had taken good care of me and I loved him for it. I would always love him, but more like a friend loves their friend.

  Please. until he wakes up. I sent the message and Tyler responded instantly.

  Tyler: He's really knocked out?

  I almost laughed at his message. He really wouldn’t have shown up if Aaron was awake. I rolled my eyes, typing out my next response as I stared at the screen.

  Yup. And the docs don't know what happened, but I have an idea. . .

  Just as I was about to begin typing out my theory about Violet, the raven-haired girl herself walked in. I wasn't sure what it was about her that Aaron liked, but I didn’t want to dislike her. I decided to end this imaginary war with her that only I knew about.

  "Hey Violet." I smiled sadly, looking down at Aaron's calm, sleeping body.

  "Hi Amy." As she approached the hospital bed, it looked like she had been crying. I wondered why, but I didn't ask. It wasn't like she'd even gotten close to Aaron. Not at all actually.

  "I'm going to go get some coffee, do you want some?" I offered, standing from my seat and walking toward the door as she sat in the other seat. Her back was to me and I saw her shake her head. I left, feeling odd. Something didn't sit well with me. I ignored the feeling, heading downstairs to the cafeteria. It was crowded as I grabbed myself a cup of coffee and took the elevator upstairs.

  As soon as I made it outside Aaron’s room, my coffee collided with the hospital floor in a wet, brown mess. I silently stood outside the door watching Violet with Aaron. They were alone in the dark room surrounded by the steady beeping of the machines that were attached to Aaron’s arms.

  "Take it back! Aaron! Wake up and take it back!" She was saying, tears flowing from her eyes as she reached for his hands. "Please take it back. I don't want this." I wondered what it was, but I couldn't ask because she couldn't see me.

  She leaned forward and placed her head on his chest, a couple moments passed, then Violet looked at him and pressed her lips on Aaron's. I was so confused, anger filled me… or perhaps jealousy. Why was she kissing him?

  "Amy! Can you go back to the cafeteria please? You're giving me a headache." She turned; I didn't know that she knew I was standing there. I looked at the puddle beneath me, hoping somebody else would clean it. I was speechless— that was a total Aaron thing to notice or even say. Without a word, I left the hallway more confused than ever before. I kept wondering what ‘it’ was. And why would she kiss Aaron while he was knocked out; necrophilia wasn't attractive. I groaned, looking at my phone as the screen lit up.

  Tyler: I'm here.

  Upon seeing that message, a small smile erupted on my lips. He actually came. No matter how much he disliked Aaron, he obviously liked me enough to show up even if Aaron was here. I wanted to tell him about Violet kissing Aaron. That was a big move— especially when he was asleep and couldn't tell it was happening. Maybe I could report her. I headed outside of the hospital and went to Tyler's car. He kissed me when he saw me, and we got visitor passes and went back up to Aaron's room.

  After almost a week of lying in the hospital in a conceived coma, Aaron had somehow woken up. It was a shocking miracle, and one I knew Tyler was going to be upset about. Tyler and I
stood in front of Aaron’s room, looking at him with confusion on our features. Aaron’s gaze shifted to me, and I couldn't put my finger on it, but he looked different. It took me a second to pinpoint it, then I instantly noticed what it was.

  His eyes. The normal gray hue that made his features so lighthearted had somehow changed into a milky blue color. I thought I’d only imagined it when he blinked, and his face seemed back to normal.

  Violet was still sitting there silently speaking to him. When did they get so close? How did he just suddenly wake up? Was he just pretending to be asleep when I was around? My head was spinning as I stared at them. I had a million questions. I was jealous and this wasn't good.

  "Violet." I said, she turned toward me, and for a good two seconds, I saw something flash in her eyes. She blinked and it was gone. Were my eyes playing tricks on me or did her eyes go from gray to brown in a single blink? I'd been here too long. I decided to leave.

  Chapter 20:\ Amelia


  A blast to the past...

  "Violet, sweetheart, come help me set the table. Your father is coming home soon." I said, staring at her, seated on the couch. She groaned as she stood up, not wanting to be awakened from her nap.

  "He's only going to be mad the entire time. His dumb science project got ruined. I don't want to be there for that…” Violet said, dragging her feet toward the kitchen. I stared at her, upset.

  "I know that he just had some unfortunate events today." I said, knowing full well that his entire life's work was destroyed and that he would be furious.

  "Mom, I don't want to be there when he starts exploding over it. He always takes it out on us."

  "Violet… we are a family, we put up with each other." She rolled her eyes at my words. Within a few moments of my utterance of that statement, the expectedly angry Robert Dooley walked in. I’d always called him Dooley since the day we’d met.

  We hadn’t taken each other's last names when we’d gotten married; this was for the purpose of keeping our research papers tied to the original last names that we had had when we published them. We had combined them after we got married all those years ago. As two PhD doctors, it was a challenge to change our last names when so much work was associated with them.


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