The Best Medicine: A Standalone Romantic Comedy

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The Best Medicine: A Standalone Romantic Comedy Page 15

by Kimberly Fox

  Madison hands us each a shot, unsuccessfully trying not to spill them. “The doctor says it’s time for you to take your medicine,” she says with a drunken little giggle.

  Walter smiles as he holds his shot up. “To the best doctor in the world,” he says, looking at Madison.

  “I’ll drink to that,” I say, holding my shot up as well. “I’ve seen talented mechanics in my line of work, but I’ve never met one who could do what you do. You save people’s lives. It’s incredible. You are better than Batman.”

  “And don’t you ever forget it,” she says, clinking her shot glass with mine and spilling some Whiskey onto my hand.

  “Cheers!” Walter says, clinking his shot glass with ours.

  We all down the shots and cringe as the alcohol burns our throats.

  “Now that I have you here, Shane,” Walter says as he places the empty shot glass on the bar. “I wanted to ask you something. I start back to work on Monday, and I’ll be starting a new advertising campaign.”

  My ears perk up as I listen. Walter is the head of marketing at Drive Computers, a fast-growing computer company in Seattle.

  “I’d like to feature you in a few commercials,” he says with a nod. “They would be about the determination of the human spirit. About crashing and then getting back up to try again. You know, a metaphor for life that we can’t give up no matter what.”

  “I think that’s a great idea,” Madison says, smiling widely as she squeezes my arm. “Shane would make a super sexy spokesman.”

  There’s a lightness in my chest as I listen with excitement. This would be perfect for me while I’m healing.

  “I’m thinking a series of three commercials,” Walter says as my pulse races. “We’re prepared to offer you half a million dollars for the three.”

  I manage to stop my jaw from dropping, but I can’t stop my eyes from bulging out.

  “I’ll do it!” I say, thrusting my hand into his for a premature handshake.

  “Okay, good,” he says with a laugh as he shakes my hand. “Come into the office on Monday and we’ll figure everything out. I think you’re going to do great.”

  “Thank you, Walter,” I say, still shaking his hand. “I won’t let you down.”

  “Another shot to celebrate?” he asks with his eyebrows raised.

  Madison turns and is already ordering three more.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I say, no longer able to hide my smile.

  We down the shots, and Walter gives me the number to his office before some drunk guy in his family pulls him away to dance.

  “Enjoy the wedding!” he says as he gets dragged onto the dance floor.

  My heart is still pounding as Madison turns to me with a huge smile. “That’s amazing!” she says, clapping her hands together.

  I can’t believe it. Half a million dollars.

  I’ll have enough to pay my hospital bill with enough left over to take my sexy doctor on a little trip to thank her for fixing my back.

  “Did that really just happen?” I ask with a shake of my head. “Or am I still hallucinating from the drugs you gave me?”

  “It happened,” she says as she steps in close, looking up at me with smoldering gray eyes. “You deserve it.”

  She steps up on her toes and gives me a kiss.

  All of this seems like a dream. Like it’s too good to be true. I keep worrying that I’m going to wake up and find out that it was all in my head.

  “I’m glad I didn’t make that landing,” I say, staring into her beautiful eyes. “Otherwise I never would have met you.”

  She smiles. “I’m sorry, but I’m glad you nearly broke your back too.”

  “That’s so romantic,” I whisper, making her laughs.

  “Maybe not, but it’s true,” she answers before stepping on her toes to give me another kiss. “I’m glad I took a chance on you.”

  I hold her tight. “Me too.”

  Madison would say it was the medicine that healed me, but I know better. I know it was her love that was the true miracle cure.

  Her love is definitely the best medicine for me.



  Sixteen Months Later

  “Please, please, please don’t hurt yourself,” I beg as Shane climbs onto his bike.

  “Don’t worry,” he says with a grin. “I’m a professional. I got this.”

  I swallow hard, trying to settle the nerves in my stomach as I look around the arena full of people. We’re at The Moxie Energy Drink Championships, and Shane is about to attempt the Kamikaze Twister—the move that put him in the hospital with a spinal compression the last time he tried to land it. So, to say I’m a little bit nervous is putting it lightly.

  It kills me. I’m chewing my nails off and trying not to pull my hair out, I’m so nervous, and he looks as relaxed as can be. He really was made for this sport.

  “Are you okay?” he asks as he cups my cheek.

  “Yes,” I lie. “Cool as a cucumber.”

  “Good,” he says with a laugh. “Then you might want to tell your hands to stop shaking.”

  I immediately thrust them into my pockets where he can’t see them anymore.

  “The next rider to compete is the one and only, Shane Winters!” the announcer says through the speakers.

  My heart starts pounding nervously as his name echoes through the arena. The crowd goes nuts, cheering as they jump to their feet.

  The Drive Computer commercials that Shane starred in were a hit and have really grown his fan base. They all seem to be here tonight for his big return to motocross. He spent the past year and a bit, healing, practicing, and making my toes curl.

  It’s been a pretty amazing year.

  “I’m up,” he says to me with a smile on his face.

  He actually looks excited! How can he be excited when my stomach feels like it’s turning inside out?

  I just push down all of my worry and smile as I kiss him on the lips. “Good luck, babe,” I say as he starts the engine. “You’re going to do great!”

  He gives me a wink that sends a wave of warmth flooding through me as he closes the visor on his helmet. He turns the handlebars and takes off, kicking dirt up as he drives to the top of the ramp.

  The crowd goes nuts when he arrives and waves at them. The nerves in my belly start to leave as the excitement takes over.

  All eyes are on my boyfriend as he revs his engine and then darts down the dirt ramp. I hold my breath and gasp as he hits the first jump and flies off his bike. His body twists and flips as I nearly have a heart attack.

  “Oh, thank God!” I gasp when he grabs a hold of his handlebars and slips back onto his bike before he hits the ground. The crowd erupts into cheers as he lands safely, and I can’t help but join in, screaming ‘Go Shane!’ at the top of my lungs.

  It’s been a crazy year with Shane. The best year of my life.

  We had been dating for barely three months before I moved in with him. I had planned to keep my condo just in case, but it was going so well after a month that I sold it. I just wanted to be all-in with Shane, like he seems to be all-in with me.

  We still love to bicker and argue on occasion, but it’s kind of fun, and we’re always quick to make up in the best possible way.

  My boss Mitchell has finally left me alone. He really hit it off with the girl he met at the wedding, and the two of them got married two months later. They’re the happy parents of six dogs.

  Anabelle started dating Dr. Cialdini, and they’ve been going strong ever since. She was thrilled when she saw him, saying that he was the George Clooney type that she had been waiting for.

  My breath is stuck in my throat again as Shane flies up the next ramp, which seems unreasonably high.

  “Oh no,” I gasp when he flies off it and rockets through the sky. The crowd lights up in camera flashes as he stands up on his seat and fully extends his body.

  “This is torture,” I whisper to myself as he climbs back onto his bi
ke. He’s torpedoing to the ground about to explode into a fiery ball of flames. I can’t watch.

  My eyes fly open when I hear cheers. I take a breath of relief as I watch him speed around the dirt track on the way to the next ramp.

  There are six of them, each one more deadly than the last.

  He hits the next three jumps and lands each one perfectly. The crowd is going crazy as he lines up for the last ramp.

  I gulp.

  He’s saving the Kamikaze Twister for last. This is it.

  I’m going to be a widow, and I haven’t even gotten married yet.

  Shane pumps his fist into the sky and the place roars so loud that my ears hurt. I can’t even hear him rev his engine. He shoots forward on spinning tires and rockets up the ramp at a breakneck speed.

  Why did I let him do this?

  Like I could have ever stopped him if I tried…

  I hold my stomach as I watch him fly into the air. He immediately lets go of his bike and spins around like a gymnast competing at the Olympics as the crowd goes crazy.

  My hands are trembling as I stand on my tippy toes and watch. Come on…

  Shane completes his fourth spin and reaches out for the handlebars. This was what made him fall last year. He couldn’t reach the handlebars.

  I gasp as he stretches out and his fingers just graze the handlebars.


  The blood drains from my face as I watch in horror. This time he’ll break his back. This time he’ll die.

  But somehow, he manages to wrap his hand around the handlebars and pull himself back onto his bike. The crowd is deafening as he sits back down and lands flawlessly in the dirt.

  I don’t know when I went from nervous breakdown to screaming like a teenager at her first boy band concert, but it happened. And now I can’t shut up.

  I’m hollering my head off and jumping up and down as Shane rides over, looking sexy in his colorful outfit and helmet.

  The cameras are following him as he rides up, and I gasp when I see myself on the jumbotron. Shane stops his bike right in front of me and pulls off his helmet as he steps off it.

  My heart is pounding like a jackhammer as he smiles at me.

  I have no words. Everyone is watching. Everyone is cheering.

  He just completed the hardest trick in the history of motocross and instead of taking a victory lap and celebrating he came right up to me.

  Without a word, he reaches into his pocket and drops down to his knee.

  The crowd erupts into cheers as he pulls out a tiny box and opens it up, revealing a diamond ring.

  The audience is screaming so loud that I can’t even hear what he’s saying, but I can kind of read his lips and it looks like he’s asking me to marry him.

  His eyes are teary as he looks up at me with a hopeful look on his face.

  There’s only one word to say, and I hope he can hear it.



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  Shane teaches Madison how to ride a dirt bike for the first time and things don't go exactly as planned...

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  ***Keep scrolling to read the first three chapters of Well Hung Over in Vegas, a hilarious romantic comedy by Kimberly Fox!

  Well Hung Over in Vegas

  By Kimberly Fox

  What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas. Especially when you wake up with a naked man in your bed and a ring on your finger.

  Some people just can't handle Vegas.

  My friend warned me that Vegas can turn the most straight-laced girl into a party-crazed slut.

  I didn't believe her.

  I've always been the straightest of the straight.

  Boy, was I wrong.

  I hate being wrong.

  My first morning in Vegas and I wake up in a hotel room with no memory of the night before.

  Oh, and there's a naked stranger lying next to me who gives a new meaning to the word hung-over.

  Things go from bad to worse when I find a wedding ring wrapped around my finger.

  Then things escalate from worse to catastrophic when I find out that the infuriating man who gave it to me is my new boss.

  When I find out he wants to stay married—all bets are off.

  My friend warned me that some people can't handle Vegas.

  I should have listened.

  Because I am definitely one of those people.

  A crazy Romantic Comedy that has Tyler and Dahlia butting heads as they run through Las Vegas trying to figure out what the hell happened on their wild night out on the Strip. A perfect mix between The Proposal and The Hangover told in Kimberly Fox's hilariously snarky writing style.

  83,000 word STANDALONE novel. No Cheating. HEA. No Cliffhanger.

  Get Well Hung Over in Vegas now!

  More From Kimberly Fox:

  The Bad Boys on the Beach Series

  Book One


  "You need a rebound. They call me Mr. Trampoline."

  What happens in Cancun, unfortunately for my cheating boyfriend, doesn't stay in Cancun.

  I caught him on the first night of our vacation balls deep in my worst enemy: the bitchy obnoxious girl who my best friend chose to be her maid of honor instead of me.

  Now I'm stuck on this resort, in the same small room as my ex, until my friend gets married at the end of the week.

  This place is a paradise but it feels like hell.

  It's all going so wrong until I meet Ethan, the dirty talking bad boy with the body carved out of granite.

  He's going to teach me what paradise is really about.

  And it isn't sand and palm trees...

  Full length (58,000 words) Standalone Novel. HEA. Lot's of dirty talk (oh yeah!)

  Get Cancun on Amazon

  Book Two


  Cancun was hot. Belize is on fire!


  I hate him.

  How many times do I have to say that until it sinks in?

  How many times until I can get the image of his inked arms and ripped abs out of my head?

  How many times?

  Because I'm at a million and it's still not working.

  And this filthy talking, muscular Navy SEAL who has his crosshairs set on me isn't backing down.

  I won't be able to stand up to his hotness for long.

  I'm ready to surrender and let him claim his spoils of war.


  The whole crew is back on the beach for Tanya and Ethan's wedding. Book your airplane ticket now and get ready for a wild ride!

  Full Standalone novel (55,000 words) that can be read on its own but it will be much better enjoyed if you read Cancun first:

  HEA, No Cliffhanger, No Cheating.

  Get Belize on Amazon

  Book Three


  More than just the tide is rising in Aruba!

  Suntan lotion. Check.

  Bikini. Check.

  Bridesmaid dress. Check.

  Passport. Check.

  My best friend's older brother who made my childhood a living hell? Unfortunately Check.

  This destination wedding was going to be so fun.

  I was having a blast until I saw him.

  The cruel boy who used to pull my hair and call me names.

  He's here, but the boy is now a man.

  Tucker is still pulling my hair, only this time it's in the good way.

  And he's still calling me names, but they're making my toes curl.

  This vacation is not what I expected.

  But hey, you're supposed to get wet at the beach, right?

  Can be read as a standalone. HEA. No cheating. No cliffhangers.

  Get Aruba on Amazon

  Heavy Turbulence

  By Kimberly Fox

  My Cockpit.
My Rules.

  Dex Jameson is an arrogant ass.

  It's my first day on the job as a stewardess working on a billionaire's private jet, and the cocky pilot is already trying to hit my landing strip.

  I've always had a thing for pilots, but this arrogant jerk is going to cure me of that.

  I can handle the looks. I can handle the comments. I can even handle the sexual invitation that he threw down between us.

  But when my boss makes us pretend that we're husband and wife during a business trip, my willpower starts to crumble away.

  I'm trying hard to stay professional.

  I'm trying my best to keep his tattooed biceps at arm's length.

  But this hot alpha pilot knows how to push all the right buttons and has all the right moves.

  Buckle up. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

  He's a Bad Boy Pilot with a filthy mouth

  She's an uptight Stewardess who plays by the rules

  Prepare for some Heavy Turbulence

  67,000 word STANDALONE novel. No Cheating. HEA. No Cliffhanger.

  Get Heavy Turbulence on Amazon Here

  The Hitman’s Baby

  by Kimberly Fox

  Nobody fucks harder than a girl that hates you. And this girl hates me. Hard. She's going to be fun.


  I hate guys like him.

  So why am I always so attracted to his frustratingly arrogant and cocky type?

  Well, his muscular, inked up arms aren't helping at all.

  I should stay away from him.

  I should leave.

  He's more dangerous than just a killer smile.


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