Kaiju Queen

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Kaiju Queen Page 3

by Ken Rivers

  Was there a sound for high expectations crashing to the ground? I was stupid to think it would go my way, but I held on to my flattened little scrap of hope, regardless...

  “That’s not really what I call a secret,” I said. “Maybe you were thinking about something else you wanted to say? Seriously, you can tell me anything!”

  “I did tell you.” She looked a bit confused. “I love tech.”

  The conversation was going well, but I had to leave out any mention of working on Old-Tech. Magic was real, no doubt. But I was starting to believe some of the other stories I had been told. Like the history of humans on Levan and what we had done. The part of most immediate relevance being that Old-Tech was used to slaughter the Kaiju here. She probably wouldn’t appreciate my connection to it.

  “I mean, I love tech too, I guess. I work on it every day. What’s your favorite piece?”

  Her eyes opened, but she hadn’t ventured a look at the scenery whizzing by us yet. “The Clear-Tech is my favorite by far. From the temple windows, I’ve watched every single guy like you whip that thing out and look for ways to solve really difficult problems. To be able to ask it anything and an answer comes out, just like that,” she snapped her fingers then quickly latched back on. “That’s like having every elder on the planet sitting crossed-legged in front of you waiting to fill you with the knowledge of the world. Amazing.”

  “Yeah, the Galactapedia App basically knows everything. I don’t use it much since I’ve been doing this job for way longer than anybody on the planet.”

  “Wow. So, you’re like the high chief of tech on Levan?”

  I smiled to myself. “Something like that.”

  I didn’t want to toot my own horn too much, but these younger mechanics didn’t know their asses from a hole in the ground. Most could only replace shit that was broken. It took real skill to repair something and make it better than new. That’s where I made my bank and I made it quicker than everybody on the payroll.

  “But, please, keep it to yourself. If everyone knew that, I would be too busy dealing with officials to answer maintenance calls, like yours.”

  “I won’t tell,” she said as her eyes finally opened. Her head lifted off my back for the first time and those eyes were wide as dinner plates. I backed off my speed and readied to cross the massive tethered light bridge out of the Levani reservations and into CONTROL territory.

  The bridge was open and empty against the warm blue light of the alien dawn. The calm here was like the ebbing flow of breath from some distant slumbering giant, content to be left alone in peace. There was a softness to the wind that trundled over the expanse connecting the two regions—regions where the political and social air was not calm at all. Two forces, the occupied and the occupying, hurling insults like monkeys flinging rocks back and forth at each other, fighting for the water rights to some river that should be left in peace.

  Yari’s demeanor had relaxed and she was hanging halfway off the bike by then, staring straight up. A solitary Flit zipped in and out of the shadows that played in the mists and lightly covered the bridged divide. “Did you build this?” She pulled back on me too far and made me veer a little, but she didn’t flinch. Her waist pushed into my back and I felt an unmistakable focal point of heat. It wasn’t good timing for a hard-on, but that’s when they always happen. The twin lit spires shot up from either side of us, piercing the sparse clouds and deep blue dawn sky above.

  “No, I’m not a builder, I’m a tinkerer,” I said, trying to calm myself down before my cock started pushing against her arms. “That looks like tech but it’s rock-solid architecture. Can you sit up straight and lean into me again? It makes it a little more difficult to distinguish two body-heat signatures. The border is for the most part open, but we’ll be passing through a high-speed checkpoint. I don’t want CONTROL to notice you.”

  I had rigged my rail-bike with some sketchy disruptor-tech after I bought it on the Galactanet. It made me, and anyone riding with me, scan as a single individual…as long as they were close. After that, without direct line-of-sight confirmation by a CONTROL official, there was no way they could track who was with me. My roommate, Bridget, always said I was being paranoid and that there would never be a reason to use it. That was bullshit, because I was all about hiding anything that could be hidden from prying eyes. I was one of the few left that still thought privacy meant something.

  We slipped past the checkpoint, which was nothing more than a glowing orb hovering at the end of the bridge. There were bodies on the ramparts that surrounded the occupied territory. We entered through one of the massive gates that led into human-designed buildings and streets.

  There was some urban sprawl stretching out from the center of the occupied territory’s island where the great Spire stood. Its age was unknown, but its value as a trophy for CONTROL was clear. They had clad it in metal and tech and wires and surrounded it with their headquarters. Nobody I knew had ever been up it, but there were rumors that maybe they would start tours for staff who were ranked high enough.

  It wasn’t long before we made it home. I hopped off the bike and helped Yari up as it sank into the front yard covered in holo-grass, lush and green. One of the many Earth illusions offered to keep our minds at ‘peace’. The occupation tried, but it still didn’t feel like home.

  Yari walked a wide path around the opening as it was slowly covered by tiny glowing blades of softness. Her voice cracked a little. “Your lawn just ate your bike.”

  I caught the laugh in my throat. “Yes. It’s a fierce monster that protects my house. You’re safe now, but you probably shouldn’t sneeze around it. That makes it hungry.”

  The slap of her hands across her mouth was priceless. She was easy to fuck with.

  “I wouldn’t worry too much about it, though. The suns are already up, and we are inside my gate. You can relax for a while.”

  With Yari choosing her foot placement carefully, we made the short walk up the lawn and stood before the covered entryway of my domed abode. It was rare for me to use the front door since I usually parked on the roof, but the sensors there were calibrated pretty well so I had no way to hide the weight of another body.

  The entryway flooded with bright blue light as the audio warning from CONTROL gave me a start. “Tech Agent 619, you have not recorded a brothel visit for over sixty days. You have two planet cycles to comply with Section 1, Article 3 of the ‘self-maintenance’ requirements stipulated in the agreed-upon Terms of Contract. Answer yes to be granted access to the indoors. Answer no and an escort team will be deployed to reorient you to the next viable ejaculate receptacle OR off-world work location.”

  Yari tried to wave the blue light out of her face. “What is she talking about?”

  A negative-sounding buzz clicked on and off twice. “Invalid response. You have two more chances to comply.”

  She was about to ask something else when I threw my hand over her mouth and gestured for her to shut up. She frowned and pushed my hand away from her mouth.

  I finally answered, “Yes.”

  Jeezus. I just wanted to abstain from prostitution and jerk off from time to time in peace.

  “Your cooperation is very much appreciated, Tech Agent 619. A support list of viable fulfillment options will be forwarded to your CONTROL-issued Clear-Tech life management device. If you have not selected a desirable supplicant for fluid transmission in the next five minutes, one will be randomly selected from your predetermined compatibility list and sent to your location, effective immediately.” A transportation pad lifted up from the lawn directly behind us. “Well wishes to you and your significant workload. T-minus 5 minutes to arrival.”

  Blue 3D icons of petite-breasted and thick-lipped alien goddesses in overly-practiced sexual poses flooded over my front door. Sexy music started playing from overhead and my busted Clear-Tech vibrated in response to it. I pulled it out and closed all the advertisements on my screen, but it remained brightly lit. I jammed the thing back int
o my pocket.


  “This one has been well-fed.” Yari pointed to a storm-goddess fetish link, her hand on her chin in considerate contemplation.

  “You were too shy to get on my rail-bike, but you have no problem choosing from a list of sex slaves?” I watched the blue light undulate over her features as she continued her thoughtful study.

  “I’m a Maiden and, yes, purity is my calling. But sex is a healthy part of life. The best part, although I have no experience to speak from. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Unlike this stained skin and ridiculous blue hair.” She flicked a rogue strand out of her eyes and pointed to the panel with a mouth on it. “What’s this one do?”

  My hand was welded to my forehead as I looked for any way to avoid telling her that that category quickly left the realm of humanoid options. Then she tapped it.

  Her eyes lit up. “Wow. I never thought—”

  I stepped in front of her, “You can find anything on screens nowadays. I’ve never used this page. Never.”

  The screen’s hue changed from blue to orange and the sultry mechanical voice blared out of the doorway again. “Tech Agent 619, you have one minute to select a desirable supplicant from your predetermined compatibility list or one will be sent to you from the current options available.”

  “See?” Yari said matter-of-factly. “These are from your predetermined list. I don’t know why you’re so embarrassed about the whole thing. There are far worse levels of compatibility that many Levani are forced to choose every day. How liberating!”

  “Ok, yes, that’s what they say is my… Wait, how much worse?”

  “Random selection confirmed,” the robot lady chimed in, followed by a ding. “Thank you for your cooperation. Transmission imminent.”

  “No, wait!”

  I heard the familiar low thrum of the teleporter behind us followed by some purring. Before I could turn, I was tackled through my front door into the three-story unit, landing on my back with soft calico arms wrapped around me. I watched the door slam shut on Yari and felt a bumpy tongue slide up the back of my neck.


  We struggled there on the floor for a couple of seconds then a clawed hand slid around my forehead and yanked it back. A slow rolling purr from her feline muzzle tickled my ear. “This good for making fuck.” She tapped a metallic disc against my crotch then held it over me.

  We were bathed in red light and instantly my zipper burst open, exposing my already-plump shaft and aching nob. The slippery-soft, spotted golden tail wrapped around my half-hard cock and spiraled around the shaft until it found some traction on my head.

  I stopped struggling. The licking on the neck was good.

  “Ahhhh, see, you like, yes?”

  “It’s a bit weird, but yeah.”

  A snap of teeth in my ear made me jump a little but I could tell she was smiling. “Thinking you like weird.” Her claws, thin and obsidian, slid back down my leather jacket to my throbbing cock.

  In times of lonely and desperate sexual need, I had imagined all sorts of crazy sick shit I could put my dick into. I would always distance myself from acting on impulse. But there was no stopping with this feline sexpot. I was gonna cum inside the beast and deal with the consequences.

  It would be one of those things that I could never live it down if Bridget saw. I managed a quick look around and saw that I was safe. Bridget would’ve been off to work already.

  Running my hands along the feline’s sides, I felt the ripple of her muscular body underneath. I put a hand on the floor and slowly sat up. She didn’t try to fight me so I stood and turned around to see what I was getting into.

  Up on her elbows and legs crossed, her tail dragged and twitched across the floor. She licked her clawed fingers and ran them down the two handfuls of hairless tits on the right and up the other two on the left. Four perfect breasts that I could lose myself between.

  With a commanding finger pointed at my erect state, I used my most controlling voice. “Here. Now.”

  On her knees with both hands planted on the floor, she slowly kicked one leg over her head like an arabesque ballet dancer, arching up in front of me. With a fluid flick or her other leg, her feet landed on the ground and she was fully bent in a half moon. Her pink slit, moist with iridescent juices, was peeking out from golden fur and begging me to taste the rainbow.

  She crawled the short distance to me, wide ass and skinny waist up in the air, never losing sight of me. Tail twitching and searching, she grabbed my cock with it rubbed her clit.

  “Show off,” I said.

  Her head tracked back along the ground, arched upward, and stopped right at my face, nose to nose. She smelled like a spring rain. Her smile wasn’t as full of pointy teeth as I thought it would be. Big relief, just two sharp cuspids top and bottom.

  She lowered herself into position, sniffing and pawing at me the whole down. Then she opened her mouth, and a tongue long enough to touch her forehead slipped out as the runway for my cock to land on. I plunged into her mouth, unable to wait, and she took it to the back of her throat. Bright yellow horizontal slits looked right at me, tearing up and bulging a little in the orange glow of my wound. She pulled me in deeper and I felt her fangs pierce my skin a little. I was comin’ home.

  “Be good, now,” I said.

  She mumbled okay and pushed her lips over her teeth without breaking her rhythm.

  I was lost. Should I go straight for the pussy, or end it here in her mouth? My grip on the ejaculation situation was slipping fast. Fuck, she was good, for a cat woman.

  It was then that I saw my roommate B come around the corner of the entry hallway in her dress blacks for duty. Just a shade over six feet tall, Bridget was as hard an Enforcer of the law as she was beautiful. Bright emerald eyes that melted away even the thickest armor of bullshit, with lips quick enough to shut you down and thick enough to steam your glasses.

  She dropped her doughnut. “Wow, a Pusani? Your dick pipe must be really backed up, Mark.”

  “Shit, I… Uh, there was this mix-up and ow! Hey!”

  The Pusani spun around on all fours, back arched and hair on end. She hissed and growled out something resembling English at B, “mmmiiinnneee.”

  “Eat me, bitch. You can have him,” said B.

  The Pusani was fast, covering the distance between her and B in half a heartbeat. She would’ve had B’s throat gouged out into her hand, but B was faster. All I could see was the blur of her arm. My sex-kitten slammed into the wall with a thud, breaking her hiss and leaving her silent on the floor. B stood there, vibrating battle-wand in hand.

  “All pussy and no fight. Typical,” B said. She walked toward me, holstered her wand and nonchalantly tossed a restraint-mine on the Pusani’s chest. She licked the sugar off her fingers and looked me up and down, “Ya know what your problem is? A lack of communication. This could’ve been avoided if you just let me know ahead of time. I dropped my breakfast cuz I knew a Pusani would instantly lose their shit and attack.”

  “Good morning, B.”

  It wasn’t the first time my roommate had seen me naked with a rock-hard jock. I had caught her voyeuring me one of the times I had a girl over, and multiple times in the shower when I was trying to enjoy a morning jerk. It was strange since I was convinced she was a lesbian. Who else would live with a guy, video him, and not fuck him? A lesbian who sold sex vids on the Galactanet, that’s who.

  “Do you smell that?” she asked.

  I smelled my armpits out of habit. “It doesn’t smell that bad.”

  “I think she pissed pheromones all over you or something.”

  “I have that effect on women.”

  “Whatever. Just clean up when you’re done. I’m taking a shower.”

  “I still don’t notice anything.”

  “You don’t, but CONTROL will. I’ll pop for rare animal smuggling or something just going into work. And FYI, I’ll be back late. An envoy of Levani priests has been dispatched to start talks a
gain about renegotiation of the occupation. Happens every year around this time.”

  “Levani priests?”

  “Yup. Boring shit.”

  “How are you getting to work?” I hoped it wasn’t out the same door Yari was standing behind.

  “From up top, like I always do. Why do you care?”

  Shit. I was walking on dangerous ground. B couldn’t find out about Yari. I had to get off to work and out of the house.

  “I’m just trying to communicate with you. That’s what you said I suck at, right?”

  She rolled her eyes at me. “Anyway, see ya tonight.” With one last glance at my cock, she started back through the house, mumbling something about cameras in the entryway next time.

  I waited a moment, peeked upstairs to make sure B was in the shower and wheeled to the front door. I opened it and saw Yari caught in four walled, red security barrier, praying for her life. The cold air hit my cock and balls, “Don’t move and you’ll be fine. I need clothes first so hold on for a sec.”

  “Was that a Pusani?” she said excitedly, eyes still closed tight, “The Pusani might look humanoid, but they’re feral as all get out when they perceive a challenge while aroused. Are you okay?”

  “Hold on!”

  I shot up to my room, slid into the replicator and was back downstairs in a flash, sucking air a bit, though. I was convinced no one should see that much action in a twelve-hour span.

  Clothes? Check.

  Boner? Nope. Check.


  “Main doorway, security off,” I said and put my arm around Yari. “Hey, sorry about all that.”

  She looked up at me with a small grin. “You must be healthy to change that quick after all that.”

  “From time to time, yes,” I said, filled with a mostly useless self-confidence for the timing of it. “Let’s get you something to drink and figure out what we’re gonna do here, ok?”

  With a nod, we walked straight down the hall. She stopped in front of the Pusani.

  “What happened to her?” she asked.


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