Surprising Their Mate

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Surprising Their Mate Page 4

by Kallista Dane

  My stomach did a little flip-flop. Oh, yeah. I was definitely in trouble.

  As soon as our daughter was out of earshot, Jax let me have it. “I can’t believe with all the warnings we’ve given you, you would do something so reckless! You know how dangerous these woods are. And to risk not only your own life, but that of Ceres as well…”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go into the woods. It was careless of me. We got carried away collecting berries. Every time we picked some, we’d see another clump just a little ways away. But we weren’t that far from the house…”

  Jynn burst in. “It doesn’t matter how far into the forest you were! You know the rules. What if a zipher came charging at Ceres? You think you can take care of yourself, but you’ve never seen one of them in the wild. You’re not big enough or strong enough to fight it off. I know you would have tried to protect, her but Jax and I could have lost both of you!”

  Jax grabbed me by the arm. “Leave those berries here. We’ll pick them up later. Right now, you’re getting punished.”

  I knew better than to argue. I’d agreed to this in our Mating ceremony. I even remembered the words Chancellor Kal recited:

  On our world, every female is cared for by twin males. Fathers and brothers when she’s a child, then her Mate. It is the way of every species on our planet. If one twin falls ill or loses his life in battle, the female, whether old or young, still has a strong male to feed and shelter her and keep her safe from harm. Part of a Tharan male’s responsibility is the discipline of our females. We spank them or punish them in other ways whenever they break a rule we’ve set for their own good, disobey a command, or fail to show us the proper respect.”

  I’d ignored a rule and set a bad example for Ceres. What’s worse, I put our daughter’s life in danger. Much as I hated what was coming, I knew I deserved to be punished.

  Jax led me to a clearing surrounded by trees on the other side of the house, far enough away that Ceres wouldn’t hear what was going on. He sat down on a tree stump and yanked me face-down over his lap.

  I didn’t protest when he pulled my pants down. I registered the sound of palm smacking bare flesh, then felt a sharp stinging sensation. A millisecond later, a tongue of fire licked my butt. He spanked me again, and I bit back a howl. It hurt. More than I thought it would. I knew this wasn’t going to be an erotic experience like some of their spankings were, but I wasn’t prepared for the intensity of it. His huge hand was big enough to cover both my cheeks at once, and before long, the tongue of flame turned into a full-on blaze.

  I clenched my teeth to keep from crying out or begging him to stop. With every harsh smack, the fiery sting grew stronger. Knowing I deserved this punishment didn’t make it any easier to bear. And the humiliation of being draped over my mate’s thighs and spanked like a naughty child had me blinking back tears of shame.

  He spanked me steadily. Methodically. It was horrible, worse than anything I’d ever felt before. I automatically tightened the cheeks of my bottom, but that only made the whacks hurt more. Through a haze of jumbled emotions, I heard his voice, as if from far away.

  “We’re doing this for your own good. Tharan males punish our females because we care about them. Jynn and I care about you. We want to keep you safe, so we set rules for you to obey.”

  I hardly realized he’d stopped spanking until he stroked my inflamed bottom. Making soothing circles over it. I sighed and sagged against his thighs, grateful to have it over.

  “Come here, brother. She’s all yours.”

  The words had barely registered when a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. Jynn carried me to a fallen log and sat down with me draped over his lap the same way I’d been over his twin’s.

  He pulled my pants down farther, bunching them around my knees, and started running his hand over my scorched bottom. I still felt the sting, but now something else overrode it. A different kind of heat that made me tingle all over. My clit throbbed, and my pussy clenched, setting off a gush of fluid.

  Jynn must have felt it because he spoke up. “I’m sorry, Kyra, but this session will not end with pleasuring you. You don’t get rewarded for bad behavior.”

  He followed up his words with a harsh whack where his hand had just been tracing gentle circles. “Your punishment is not over.” He whacked me again, and I jerked up reflexively.

  Jynn threw one arm across my waist, holding me in place, and picked up the pace. I wiggled frantically on his lap – and froze when I felt an unmistakable, extremely large bulge in his groin. I wasn’t the only one getting aroused.

  Despite my shame and fury at being in such a humiliating position, feeling his erection turned the fiery burn on my bottom into a spicy heat. Instinctively, I started rocking my mound against it. Anticipating each smack and even lifting my backside for it.

  It was that damn gyron. Making me act crazy. He gripped my bottom cheeks in those huge hands and pushed my butt down to make me stop. It reignited the spicy sting and turned me into a red-hot slut. I writhed in his grasp, and he tightened his grip. The realization hit me. I was powerless. I couldn’t escape, couldn’t make him stop. He could do whatever he wanted – spank me, fondle me, finger my ass.

  A shocking wave of hunger poured over me. I wanted more. More sensuous stroking. More of his hard fingers gripping my burning bottom so possessively And yes, more spanking.

  The fire on my bottom spread through my core, awakening wicked desires. It was addictive. I’d never let myself lose control this way before meeting my mates. Not with the few Earther men I’d been intimate with. I certainly never fantasized about submission. Now, here I was, getting off on being dominated. I was drowning in lust – and loving it.

  “I know I’ve been naughty,” I murmured, testing the sound of it out loud. “I’ve never deliberately disobeyed you before. I… I deserve to be punished.” Saying the words, admitting my frantic need, ramped my fever up another notch.

  “Punished how? Like this?” Jynn delivered a sharp swat.

  “Oooh!” Yes, just like that. Punish me like that again. I shivered wildly. I could feel his gyron penetrating my skin with every smack, sending another rush of heat through my veins. No matter how hard I tried to resist, everything they did awakened shameful dark desires in me.

  I’d heard of multiple orgasms, but before making love with my Tharan mates, I’d never experienced them. Though I hated to admit it, the thrill of their domination made the orgasms I’d had with the twins the most intense climaxes I ever experienced. Submission was new to me, but it came with such compelling rewards that giving up control had become addictive. Allowing two arrogant males, alien males, to boss me around and spank me when I disobeyed their rules went against every principle I lived by before I met them.

  I’d never even fantasized about having sex with a dominant male. Civilization on Earth had evolved beyond the concept. Sex is about communicating, expressing your feelings for your partner with tenderness and mutual respect. That’s what I learned as a child at the Institute, and that’s what cool, rational Kyra always believed. Back home, I’d had a few lovers, always polite and respectful. The sex had been pleasant but left me wondering why people made such a fuss about it.

  Ever since meeting the twins, I’d quit listening to the voice of reason in my head. My body had taken over, and I’d become obsessed with the wild sensations I experienced. All new to me. My clit throbbed, and my pussy clenched whenever I thought about the things they did to me. Every time I sat down, I was reminded of the way they spanked my bottom and then sensuously stroked it afterward.

  The intensity of my response frightened me a little. I wasn’t used to having my body run things. During my training at the Academy, I prided myself on pushing past my limits instead of succumbing to muscle fatigue, hunger, even exhaustion. It was as though my physical self had suddenly rebelled. Having had a taste of forbidden delights, now it wanted more.

  The new Kyra spok
e up inside my head. Maybe on Earth it’s wrong to do such wicked things. To have two men undress me and fondle me and play with my pussy. But I’m not on Earth anymore. All my life, I’ve been good. I’ve been a good student and a good soldier and even a good prisoner for those damn pirates. I found out I love giving up control. Doing all the naughty things my mates command me to do. I want to taste their gyron again. Suck on a hot, hard cock while I’m being spanked.

  He stopped spanking and began rubbing those sensuous circles over my bottom again. Slow caresses that made me want him to slide his hand between my legs and rub my clit the same way.

  “Jax and I aren’t spanking you because we’re angry. We understand you did it because you aren’t used to relying on anyone but yourself. We’re ready to forgive you. But, first, you have to forgive yourself. Let go, little Kyee-rha. Welcome the pain. Let it pour through you. Let tears wash away your guilt and cleanse your soul.”

  He leaned down as if he was going to whisper in my ear. Instead, I felt his lips brush my cheek, and his words were simply there, in my head.

  We love you.

  I’d been prepared for a spanking. Eager for the sex I thought would follow. But this? It was too much to bear. Loving and being loved meant opening my heart. Risking unbearable pain.

  As a child, I’d been loved unconditionally. I took that love for granted. Accepted it, basked in it, not realizing what a priceless treasure I’d been given. Then it was snatched away. What did I have left? A crushing burden of grief and loss and loneliness. Over time, the little girl inside me patched my broken heart. Wrapped it in layers of self-protection, never allowing anyone to get close enough to hurt me again.

  I’d been on my own since the age of five when my parents died. The Institute kept me alive. Fed me, clothed me, educated me, and put a roof over my head. Although the staff members were kind, they didn’t dote on their charges. I couldn’t count on them to take my side and fight my battles for me if the other kids picked on me. I survived by learning to be tough. Self-reliant.

  You’re not alone anymore, Kyee-rha. We are here, ready to open our arms and our hearts to you. Don’t be afraid to love – and be loved.

  This time, it was Jax’s voice. I didn’t so much hear it as feel it. Smooth and warm, filling the empty place in my soul.

  Guilt suddenly flooded me, overpowering my savage need. They loved me. And I’d hurt them.

  “I… I didn’t mean to...”

  “Stop making excuses.” He spoke out loud. “Stop thinking. Just feel.” His next whack took my breath away. Shattered my tight self-control.


  It started as a shriek then became a wail. The dam broke, and the tears I’d kept at bay poured out. I sagged over his lap and bawled, while he delivered smack after smack.

  “I’m sorry! What I did was foolish and reckless. Please, forgive me,” I sobbed. “I know you’re only upset because you’re afraid of losing me. I know how it feels to lose someone you love.”

  I kept on crying, even when Jax stopped spanking me. My tears subsided when he stroked my trembling body. Calming me, soothing me gently.

  He lifted me, sat me on his lap, cradling me against his chest. “You’re safe now, my beloved. Trust us. Trust our love.”

  “We love you Kyee-rha,” Jynn murmured softly. “We will care for you. Protect you. Comfort you in times of sadness, rejoice with you when you’re happy.”

  “I know I won’t get satisfied today,” I replied. “But I want to show you both how sorry I am and how grateful I am for your love and caring. Will you let me please you?”

  I slipped to my knees. Jynn smiled down at me. “You need to do this, don’t you?”

  I nodded. “Very much.”

  “Then yes.”

  He stood up, unfastened his pants, and let them drop. His erection sprang out. Jax moved to my other side and dropped his pants as well, so I was on my knees between them.

  I reached up. Wrapped one hand around Jax’s cock and the other around Jynn’s. I brought Jynn’s thick shaft to my lips. Kissed the head of it and was rewarded with a groan.

  Lust and love came together for me at that moment. Drove me to new heights. I took turns sucking and licking one throbbing shaft while stroking up and down the other, moving my head back and forth between them. As I did, I stared up into their eyes. And I discovered a new level of satisfaction as I watched their arousal build, receiving my pleasure from the pleasure I gave.

  Chapter Six


  “I can’t believe it’s here. Tonight we’ll have our private celebration, then tomorrow company’s coming!”

  Ceres had been darting around the house all day, unable to sit still. One minute she was rearranging strands of garland on the tree, the next she joined me in the kitchen to see if the latest tray of pala cake was ready to come out of the oven.

  Traditional Tharan kitchens were not the marvels I expected after seeing their starships and hovercraft. The culture was still confusing to me – mixing highly advanced technology for defense and space exploration with centuries-old inventions in the home. But they seemed to like it that way.

  When I questioned it, Jax explained. “We need to be able to defend our world against advanced civilizations, but that doesn’t mean we want to live our daily lives the way they do. Out of touch with nature. Hunting for our food, building a fire to cook it instead of pressing a button – this is the way we honor the Ancient Ones.”

  “Ancient Ones, my ass,” I grumbled when I burned my arm pulling a tray of pala cakes out of the huge wood-fired oven. “Give me a shiny button any day.”

  “What did you say, my love?”

  I whirled around. Jynn had come into the kitchen bearing a platter piled with hunks of meat from the stag he and Jax were roasting over an open pit outside.

  “Do you have somewhere I can put this? We’ll finish it up tomorrow in the oven with some durba tucked around it for flavor.”

  “Never mind. I was talking to myself,” I said. “I think that platter will fit on a shelf in the cold storage room downstairs.”

  “Oooh, I love roasted durba!” Ceres exclaimed. “Here, give me the platter, Papa. I’ll take it down there,” Ceres said.

  “It’s too heavy for you,” Jynn protested.

  She gave him a peck on the cheek and took the dish from him. “I’m stronger than I look. See?”

  He smiled as she headed down the stairs to the storage rooms. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think she really is your daughter. She certainly has your stubborn streak.” He came over, took one look at my face then examined my arm and kissed the angry red streak. “It hurts, doesn’t it?”

  “My arm? No, it’s okay.”

  “I didn’t mean that. I meant hearing her call Jax and me Papa.”

  “No. I’m glad she has accepted you both as her fathers. I think it was easy for her to do that. She never knew her real father, so there’s no emotional struggle.”

  “Give her time, Kyee-rha. She loves you. Anyone can see that. She’s just having a hard time expressing it out loud. You of all people should understand how difficult it is to let down those walls.”

  We’d had this discussion several times since Ceres came to live with us. I took her under my wing and into my heart when I first met her on Tanis Major. Young and alone, a lowly slave girl battling to survive in a hostile world. Ever since then, she’d been the daughter I never had. My mates knew how much I longed to have her tell me she cared about me as something more than a friend.

  I snuggled against him, and his arms went around me. “You’re right, my darling. Maybe I should ask the Goddess for a dose of patience for Christmas.”

  “You’ve been working all day. Why don’t you go up and get ready for our family Christmas? I can’t wait to see you in that green gown you wore to our Mating Ceremony – and then rip it off you later in our private celebration!”

  Jynn gave me a kiss full of smo
ldering passion and turned me loose with a smack to my backside. I giggled and headed upstairs.

  Kicking off my shoes, I dropped my clothes on the floor and headed for the bathroom off our bedroom. I may have disliked the traditional Tharan kitchen, but I did love their shower stalls. The height of luxury, ours had walls and ceiling made of polished slabs of stone in a mellow cream color. Zymex crystals imbedded here and there filled the chamber with a soft glow.

  By now, I was accustomed to the Tharan method of bathing. Jets of green mineral water poured from the ceiling and spurted out of the walls. No soap, no shampoo. The minerals in the water cleansed the body gently and naturally. I closed my eyes and let the soothing water pour over me.

  Bathing had become a sensual experience. Before meeting the twins, I never noticed how the flow of water over my nipples made them tighten. I ran my hands over my breasts, rubbing on the cleansing liquid, then cupped them in my hands so the water could pour over them and rinse it away.

  My nipples were hard little peaks. I took one between finger and thumb, squeezing it the way my mates did, and shivered. I’d never known an invisible wire ran though my body, carrying a thrilling tingle straight from there to my clit. The twins had taught me more about my body in a few months than I’d learned in all the years before. How could I have spent my entire life so detached from these sensuous feelings?

  My hand slid lower, massaged the cleansing liquid into the tangle of curls covering my mound, as my thoughts turned to the night to come. Your pubic hair fascinates your mates. You want them to take turns burying their faces down there.

  That’s another thing I learned about from Jax and Jynn. Oral sex had gone out of fashion back on Earth, and I’d never experienced the thrill of having my pussy licked and my clit sucked until my first night with them. Now, I couldn’t get enough of it. Fortunately my mates were eager to oblige.

  I leaned my head back so the water could pour over my whole body then turned in a circle, raking my fingers through the hair on my head to dry it as the jets switched to shooting currents of warm air.


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