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Expelled Page 16

by Ell Leigh Clarke

  Vlad simply shrugged Fred’s complaints off. “I drive better stoned.”

  The student knew that was bullshit, but the man wouldn’t let him drive on the same grounds. “What about that weed gummy? I don’t think so. At least I have a tolerance.” After spending a minute trying to convince him, Fred had little choice but to give in. It wasn’t like he could walk away.

  Merry noticed Vlad eyeing her through the rear-view, jealousy in his eyes.

  Merry laughed. “Don’t get jealous, Vlad. I’m only keeping him in his place. Besides, I can tell when a guy likes it. These other two might have hated it, but you secretly loved it. It’s okay. I won’t tell anyone.”

  “What are you talking about?” Vlad called from the driver’s seat. Trying to appear unaffected. Then he repeated the question to Fred. “What is she talking about?”

  A scowl crawled across Fred’s face. He shook his head and stared out the window. For the only time in his life, he couldn’t wait to get to the police station.

  The car lowered at Vlad’s command, and when they hovered five feet above the entrance to the precinct, Merry opened the back door.

  “Have fun in jail, boys. What I did is only the start of your backdoor adventures.”

  She used both feet to kick Brandon out of the car. Terrance was a little more difficult given his bulk. Jonah was the easiest. She merely opened the door he leant against and let gravity do the rest.

  Two cops ran out of the station toward the bombers as Merry called out, “Don’t forget to keep still!” She laughed maniacally as she shut the doors and Vlad drove away at full speed.


  Armaros, Theron Techcropolis, Theron 9th Sector Precinct

  The police station was quieter than normal. Most of the officers had been assigned to maintain one of the four bomb site cordons. Others were busy filling in patrol shifts for other precincts. Plus, there was the small issue of the bomb that had recently been disarmed.

  Arrests were low across the board as the police had let smaller infractions slide during the crisis. A man accused of domestic violence now kicked his heels in holding, and a girl caught shoplifting a dress still waited to be booked after being held in a squad car until the crisis had passed.

  No one in the donut room cared about the prisoners, though. The talk was all about the three battered young men who had been dropped off on their steps. The note pinned to the large wounded one read, We are the bombers. We’re sad little shits who need to be locked up. You can find all the evidence you need at four-three-oh-nine Arbash, surface level.

  The call had already gone out and three patrols had arrived to investigate the scene.

  Two traffic cops sat at a round table eating glazed donuts, while a third washed his hands and brought them up to speed. “So we take the big guy’s gag out, and he screams, ‘Get the bomb out of my ass.’”

  The officer chuckled as he turned the sink off and dried his hands on a towel. “So you know, it falls to me. And I’m like, fuck, what are you going to do?” He walked to the table to grab a donut.

  One of his audience grinned and swatted the storyteller’s hand away. “Better wash your hands again before touching those donuts, Linsen.”

  He took the donut anyway. “I’ve already washed them three times. And I had gloves on.” He took a bite and continued talking while he chewed. “So, like I was saying, I inspect the area, and what do I pull out?”

  “A bomb?” The second traffic cop guessed.

  “A small metal rod. They didn’t have bombs up their asses. Whoever told them that was only fucking with them.”

  The room erupted into laughter. One of the cops stomped his foot on the floor. “Serves them right. I had reservations at Barlin’s. Was gonna take Tawna there.” He elbowed his partner lightly in the side. “You know, that pretty brunette I met at the barbecue? Third date. But instead, I get called in for extra duty, and when I looked at her social feed, I saw a picture of her with another dude. Replaced, just like that,” he cried wistfully.

  The other two laughed. Linsen spat out a chunk of half-chewed donut. This was what he liked most about being on the force. The camaraderie.

  And the donuts.


  Armaros, Theron Techcropolis, Tesla University of Technical Arts, Block F, Student Residential Hall, Jayne’s Quarters

  Jayne stumbled into her dorm room and collapsed face-first on the bed. Finally, she could rest.

  “Uh…are you okay?”

  Right. She had a roommate.

  “Just need sleep,” Jayne muttered, rolling over to face…what was her name again?

  Her roommate was dressed in a cream blouse and black skirt. She had done her makeup and wore pearl earrings. “I was heading out, but I’ll be sure to be quiet when I come home.” She blushed. “If I come home.” The girl grinned. She obviously planned to get some booty tonight. Good for her. Jayne could use some herself. Maybe from Blue Eyes.

  But first, she needed sleep. As much as she could get. Six days. She would sleep for six days if no one bothered her.

  “Anyway, I’m glad you’re still here,” her roommate continued. “I thought you might have dropped out or something after I hadn’t seen you in a while. We’ve gotta hang out sometime.”

  “Totally,” Jayne replied, her voice flat and emotionless. She wasn’t deliberately trying to be a bitch. She was merely exhausted. Hanging out might be cool, but it depended on whether or not her roommate had a personality, of course. Some people simply had nothing to say. That always put Jayne to sleep. Then again, sleep sounded pretty good.

  “Wish me luck.”

  “Luck,” Jayne whispered as her roommate opened the door and headed out. When it closed, she forced herself to sit up and find her phone. She wanted to make a call before she forgot.

  She punched in the number and waited. Alfonso picked up on the fourth ring. That was slow for him.

  “Jayne?” Alfonso answered. “How’d it go? I’m assuming from the fact that you’re calling me and aren’t blown into a thousand pieces that it was as success. Tell me it was a success.”

  “This is the ghost of Jayne. You failed me, and now I get to haunt you forever.” She laughed.

  Alfonso laughed on the other end. “Oh, thank burning stars. You crazy bitch!”

  “It was much harder than anything we did in the classrooms. I can’t tell you how many times I thought we were fucked, Alfy.”

  “Thank the stars. I knew you’d be fine, but you know, I was worried. Bomb disarming was never one of your primary focuses of learning.”

  Jayne rubbed her eyes which now began to close of their own accord. She might fall asleep talking at this rate. She smiled. Just like old times. “Mmn. Never understood why anyone would want that to be their specialty. Low life expectancy. Give me covert operations and high-risk strikes any day.”

  Alfonso’s voice continued through the line. “Life expectancy is even lower when you don’t know what you’re doing. Sorry about how long it took to get you that intel. I had to break into Levitsky’s quarters to get it.”

  “You what?” Jayne exclaimed, receiving a momentary burst of energy. “That’s crazy, Alfy. She is not someone to fuck with.”

  “Tell me about it. Her bedroom is basically a sex dungeon.”

  Jayne pushed herself up. “No! Are you serious? The Sapphire Heart Eater is an undercover freak?”

  “Big time. Jayne, I snagged the info off her phone while she was there. It was a close call, and I’m not sure my life at the academy will be the same. Wait ʼtil you hear this.”


  3 Hours Earlier, Avalon Space Station, Espionage Academy, Levitsky's Quarters

  Time slowed for Alfonso as he huddled behind the couch, waiting for Levitsky to move. His hiding spot was terrible, and he knew it. All it would take was a few steps forward and he’d be exposed.

  But she hadn’t done that.

  She merely stood there in the middle of the room.


  There was a chance that if he didn’t move, she would shrug off whatever sixth sense had prompted her to step into her living room and look around. People gave themselves the creeps all the time. On the other hand, if she saw him, he was done for. There was a slim chance he might escape if he kept his back to her. That might at least evade identification.

  No. She’s a master spy. I bet she could ID me from the way I move.

  Waiting it was.

  “I know you’re there,” Levitsky stated coolly.

  Fuck this.

  Alfonso jumped to his feet and ran for the door. Halfway there, he was hit from behind. He slammed into the floor and her weight landed on his back. She jammed a wet forearm against the back of his neck. One of her boobs pressed against the side of his head.

  “What are you doing here?” she hissed, yanking his head to the side. The harshness evaporated the moment she saw his face. Confusion followed and finally, intrigue.

  “Hey, Professor.” Alfonso tried to speak casually but having his neck pressed firmly into the ground made it more of a grunt.

  The pressure disappeared as Levitsky released her target. “Alfonso?”

  He staggered to his feet and brushed himself off while the professor walked to her desk. He wasn’t interested in her on account of her being, well…female, but she did have a nice figure. And she didn’t seem the least bit concerned that he had caught her naked.

  Levitsky pressed a panel on the wall next to her work station. A small bar popped out. She poured herself a glass of whiskey and took a sip, then nodded to the bathroom. “Get my towel.”

  With no real choice in the matter, Alfonso walked rigidly into the bathroom. It was only a matter of time before she called academy security, blackmailed him, or who knew what else. He tried not to show his nerves as he returned to the living room and held the towel toward the woman.

  “Dry me off,” she ordered, taking another swig from her drink.

  Well fuck. That was how she was gonna play it, huh? This might have been a fantasy for many of the cadets, but she wasn’t doing anything for him.

  He held the towel in front of her and looked her in the eyes. “I don’t think this is appropriate.”

  Levitsky’s eyes narrowed menacingly. “It’s not appropriate to break into a professor’s quarters either. And you’d better believe we’ll talk about that. But first….” She motioned to the towel.

  Alfonso cringed internally and patted the towel against her.

  “The chest too.”

  He bit his lip and rubbed the towel over her breasts as quickly as possible. He’d hoped she’d let that slide.

  “Careful!” she chided him. “I’ve got piercings. Stars, you’ll rip them out and give me rug burn drying me like that.”

  Alfonso slowed down, practically massaging her breasts through the towel. After a couple of rotations of his hands, he pulled away, certain that she was dry.

  “And between my legs.” A wicked smile played across her lips as she made the demand.

  Alfonso balked. “Come on. That’s too much.”

  Levitsky arched a brow and spread her legs to a wide stance. She said nothing, but the message was clear.

  Alfonso threw the towel at her. It landed on her head. She sighed and lifted it from her face, then dabbed it between her legs.

  “You’re not a cadet anymore, Alfonso. You’re free to fraternize with instructors now.”

  That taboo had nothing to do with his reservations. “Well, Professor Levitsky—”

  “Call me Ana. You seem nervous. Here, have a drink.” She dropped the towel, poured him a whiskey, and raised her own glass. “Cheers. To new horizons.”

  Alfonso nodded and took a sip. The smooth burn felt good. It wasn’t surprising that she had the top-shelf stuff. “As I was saying, Ana, I’m still technically a cadet. I’m waiting on my placement.”

  The professor judged him coolly. “You’re no fun, Alfonso. Younger women likely think you’re fun. I thought you’d be fun. I’ve seen you around the station, living it up. Maybe you’re scared of the big bad professor. Relax. I’m not the cunt everyone thinks I am. That’s merely part of the persona.”

  She threw her glass back and finished the drink, set it down on the counter, and immediately poured herself another. “I get so bored here sometimes. On Fallgreeve, everyone fucks and parties all the time. It’s part of their culture.” She took another drink and studied him. When he didn’t respond, she sighed, picked up the towel, and wrapped herself in it.

  “Better?” she asked, raising her arms high with her palms up in an exaggerated gesture.

  Alfonso took another sip of his drink. “Yes. Thank you.”

  Levitsky fell back into her desk chair, sloshing a small amount of her drink as the towel slid to her hips. She didn’t seem to notice. “Stars forbid a sexy, in her prime woman make a pass at you.” She took another drink and looked him square in the eyes. “So, now that we have failed at pleasure, let’s make a meager attempt at business. Why are you here? No bullshit.”

  “It’s actually a very weird misunderstanding. The craziest thing –”

  “I said no bullshit.”

  Alfonso gulped. “I need intel on how to disarm a Torsa dirty selvanium bomb.”

  She cocked her head in a challenging gesture. “I’m smelling bullshit. You could have simply asked me for that intel. Why’d you break into my quarters?”

  Okay, so maybe the truth wasn’t the best answer. Too late to go back, though. “I told you why. There’s a series of dirty Selvanium bombs on Armaros, and I’ve been contacted with a request to provide intel on how to disarm them.”

  “Hmmm…sounds weak. If you needed the intel, why didn’t you just ask me?”

  “Plenty of reasons,” Alfonso began but paused to take another sip of his drink. “First, it’s classified. And like I said, I’m still technically a cadet. You can’t legally share that information with me, but I need it.”

  “And second?” Levitsky asked, giving him that icy, condescending stare that made so many of her students call her a bitch.

  “Second…” He really shouldn’t have indicated there was more than one reason. The classification status might have been enough to sell it. “You would have asked questions. Why do I need it? Who’s it for? Things I can’t answer and don’t want investigated.”

  The professor twirled her chair in a slow circle until she rotated fully and faced him again. She tilted her head back and took stock of the cadet before her. “Your gal-pal Jayne Austin is selling her services on Armaros and needs the intel to disarm the bomb without blowing herself up.”

  Everyone always said Levitsky was sharp. Alfonso felt his Adam’s apple give him away as he swallowed. “Well… Maybe.”

  She leaned forward in her chair. “It was shit what they did to her. Canned for sleeping with a foreign agent? I can’t tell you how many foreign agents I slept with in my time in the Torsa system.” Levitsky smiled. “Actually, I can. I keep extensive records. I’ll add our little interaction to my files once you leave. Anyway, I submitted a formal objection to her dismissal. It won’t do her any good. But maybe, it will keep the brass from trying shit like this in the future. There were definitely some back-door dealings involved with that decision.”

  Levitsky lowered her hands to her keyboard and typed in her password. Her optic monitor opened silently. She typed for a couple of seconds, then called Alfonso over. “Take out your phone. I’ll beam you the intel. She can have it. Us girls gotta be there for each other.”

  Alfonso smiled and held the device up for the transfer. “Thank you. I didn’t realize you were so open-minded. I never should have broken in. Do you think this could be our little secret?”

  The grin that spread across her face reminded him of a predator. “Sure, Cadet. Although…” She looked toward her bedroom. “I’m pretty sure you’ve been in my bedroom. Odds are you’ve got some dirt on me floating around the cloud now. So…before I let you go, I need s
ome equally…deviant...dirt on you. Sound fair?”

  Ice bloomed in Alfonso’s stomach and his entire body tensed. “I’m not interested in—”

  Levitsky waved her hand at him. “Oh, don’t flatter yourself. I’m not going to fuck you. But I won’t pretend you haven’t seen—and likely copied—video of me doing…things I’d rather not have getting out. I merely need reassurance that you won’t do that. So you’re going to dress up like a rubber pony with a tail stuck in your ass and I’ll take pictures. That’s all.”

  That’s all?

  Burning stars, the things he did for friends.


  Armaros, Techcropolis, Tesla University of Technical Arts, Block F, Student Residential Hall, Jayne’s Quarters

  A loud knock woke Jayne from a deep and dreamless sleep.

  Her eyelids were still heavy and she had to blink several times before she could focus. It was dark out, but she didn’t know if that meant she’d only been asleep a short time or she’d slept for almost a full day. It didn’t matter. She could go back to sleep as soon as she told the person knocking on her door to fuck off.

  She scrambled out of bed and padded across the floor to peer through the peephole. Merry stood there, gothier than normal, looking suspiciously up and down the corridor. Jayne groaned. The goth showing up meant she couldn’t go back to sleep. Not yet anyway.

  “Hey, Jayne.” Merry beamed as the door opened. “I hope you don’t mind but I thought I’d drop by.” She strode in confidently and noted Jayne’s disheveled appearance. “Are you still wearing that same jumpsuit?”

  She was. Jayne unzipped it and slipped out of the dirty, smelly outfit. “No.”

  Merry laughed, sat on the bed, and pulled out a tablet. “I’ve got some stuff I want to show you.”


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