For Our Good

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For Our Good Page 6

by Paula Mowery

  Since then, he had been more deliberate about incorporating his faith into his daily living and work. It was never easy but rewarding. Not everyone agreed with his standard of living. Sometimes living by Godly principles made other officers angry and standoffish, but generally, most of his colleagues respected him.

  He prayed more pointedly about the drug case because the effects crept closer. This type of case brought new challenges, but he trusted that God would use him anyway.

  “So, how was the guys’ night?” Alyssa’s voice broke into his thoughts.

  They had put off their conversation until she was able to get the kids to go to bed. After Katie had been with Alyssa’s parents and Hayden had been with Joel, the two of them rattled on endlessly and needed calming before going to bed.

  “Kids finally down?”

  Alyssa rolled her eyes and plopped next to him. “Yeah.”

  “The Men’s Ministry event went well. Both Marshall and Colton came.”

  “Both Emma and Charlie showed up, too.”

  “Marshall needed this time. He’s really tormented by the fear that this medication increase won’t work and he’ll have to tell Emma there’s no way they can afford to go further.”

  Alyssa folded her legs under her. “Emma is really consumed by this. I’m afraid for her emotional well-being, especially if this doesn’t work. I don’t know what to say or do to help her. Saying I will pray sounds almost like a cop-out answer.”

  “I know what you mean, but what more can we do? The best thing is to pray about the whole situation.”

  “I know, I just don’t think Emma agrees that we’re doing anything for her, but… We did get to talk to Charlie a little too.”

  “Good.” Hopefully, that was the end of discussing Charlie, but Alyssa continued.

  “She said that her parents are both gone. Do you know how they died?”

  Jordan chose his words carefully and silently prayed for God to help him not sound like he was evading any questions about Charlie even though he was. “I think I remember they were killed in a car accident.”

  “I know one thing, she’s never recovered from it. She was very vague and anxious to change the subject. She’s very closed off. I’ll just have to work on that.” She crossed her arms and grinned.

  Jordan nodded. He hated keeping things from his own wife. They had always had a marriage of honesty and openness. Forced to keep things from her stressed him. This case needed to wrap up so he could go back to normal. Dishonesty left a bitter taste.

  * * *

  Jordan arrived at his office to find a memo about a briefing happening in just ten minutes. He shuffled some papers and then picked up a notepad in case he needed to take notes. As he made his way to the conference room, he hoped this would mean some advance in the drug supplier case. That hope was dashed when the Chief only made some normal assignment announcements.

  He would be meeting Charlie soon. She had texted him late last night. He hated that he had no new information for the drug case.

  Charlie awaited him at another coffee shop she had chosen. As he entered the front door, she nodded toward him. He slid into the booth facing her. Her eyes looked expectant. She must have taken a cue from his blank expression, because she sat back with less enthusiasm.

  “I thought when I arrived at the office this morning that I might have something for us. There was a note about a briefing. But no such luck.” He leaned his forearms on the table.

  “I’ve got nothing. I’m going crazy trying to find a lead or something. The chief gave me access to some files and records so I could do some research at home, but there’s very little. I’ve run checks on everyone who might be remotely involved.”

  What could he say? This case stumped him as well. Maybe if he changed the subject, he could quell her frustration. “Hey, how was Girl’s Night Out?”

  “It was fine.” Her answer rushed out.

  “Alyssa asked me about your parents.”

  Charlie’s eyes widened. “What’d you tell her?”

  “Don’t worry. I just told her they were in a car accident.”

  Charlie let out a heavy breath. “I had to avoid as much as possible. That is very difficult when a function is for fellowship.”

  “I have to admit I feel dishonest because of the secrets I have to keep about your cover. It’s awkward, especially with my wife.”

  “I know. Maybe we’ll crack this thing soon, and we won’t have to continue this masquerade.” Charlie looked down at the table and then back at Jordan. “Was Colton at the Men’s Cookout?”

  Jordan couldn’t hold back a teasing grin.

  Charlie’s face took on a pale shade of pink. “Never mind.”

  “Yes, he was there. I’ll tell you that he is interested in you. He wants to ask you out to dinner, but he doesn’t want to be too forward.”

  “What do you think of him?” She leveled her gaze directly at him.

  “Seems like a good guy. Sometimes he likes his stuff a lot—he has a motorcycle and a boat. But, of course, I can’t judge. I’m happily married. I don’t need anything else to fill my time or attention.”

  “Mmm. I don’t know if it’s worth it or not. I mean, like you, I feel like I’m hiding so many things, and when this is all over, I’m back to Florida. Is that fair to him?”

  “Wow, that’s a tough one. All I can say is despite this case, you still have a life.” Jordan shrugged.

  “Mmm.” Charlie nodded. She stood, bidding him goodbye until the next meeting.

  Jordan sat back and sipped his coffee. Did Charlie even have a life aside from her job? Maybe fellowship and a relationship were exactly what she needed, no matter how hard the situation was right now. Neither of them knew how long this case would last. She need not put her whole life on hold until that time. The fact that Charlie had been the one for this job was no coincidence. From experience, God didn’t make mistakes or work on chance.

  * * *

  Even though Charlie had attended Grace Community Church several times now, butterflies fluttered as soon as she parked the car in the church lot. She reprimanded herself immediately. She had to gain more information about the people in this congregation. That was her job. Since someone in the church was suspected of being the drug supplier they were after, she had to observe the people. The only way to do that was to attend and mingle. It was hard to think a member of a church could be involved in supplying drugs. Weren’t Christians above those types of things? Temptation could be strong when it came to money.

  Marshall and Colton came to mind. She winced. She would have to suspect everyone and anyone, even those who were becoming her friends. But both of them would have a reason to need extra cash. However, she had considered the strictness of the FAA. The two of them could probably not get away with using drugs because of the close watch of the flight administrators. That didn’t rule out the fact they could still transport it. They had the means, an aircraft. Parcels transferred stealthily.

  A touch on her arm startled her and she jumped slightly.

  “You looked intent in thought.” Colton’s warm brown eyes gazed into hers.

  “Sleeping with my eyes open.” She coupled her remark with a laugh, which came out fake.

  “I’ve been, what I mean is…Charlie, would you let me take you to dinner?” He shoved his hands into his trousers.

  A tingle zipped down her back. “Yes, I would like that.”

  His eyes brightened. “Friday?”

  She nodded and couldn’t suppress a grin.

  “Pick you up at six?”

  “Sounds good.”

  Charlie surprised herself with her quick reply. But she truly wanted to go. She just hoped it wasn’t a mistake. Not only did she worry about the secrets she had to keep, but she cringed at getting close to someone. She hadn’t allowed herself to become close to anyone since Brenda’s death. It might seem foolish to others, but she had grown superstitious that anyone close to her was in danger of God taking him away.
Why had this leery feeling lodged inside of her? But her history bore the truth out in painful ways. Getting close led to loss like her parents and her partner. People had no idea what these drug traffickers had stolen from her. And God had allowed it.

  Now, here she was again, right in the middle of an undercover assignment. Should she risk getting close to Colton? Maybe she would go on this date but stay aloof. She would never forgive herself if anything happened to him because of her bad luck. She considered praying for Colton’s safety, but she couldn’t. She had severed that line of communication long ago. Could she trust Him if she opened the line again anyway? Doubtful.

  * * *

  Colton pulled into the airport parking lot at the same time as Marshall. Today, they would be flying a nurse and a doctor to Washington, D.C., to pick up a patient for transport back to a local hospital. This would require them to remove two back seats to make room for the cot made especially for their plane for these kinds of transports.

  The first few times they flew a mission like this, Colton’s insides quivered the whole ride. He was glad there were medical staff present to care for the patient should an emergency arise. To be able to do this type of service, they had to obtain specific insurance coverage to protect them should something unforeseen happen while en route. The what if’s had once made Colton second guess even being involved. Now he saw these trips as a privilege. They had actually received letters and cards from some of the patients and their families, thanking them for their part. It often felt like a ministry. Some nice people crossed their path, and they were given the opportunity to have a part in saving lives. Who knew when one of their family or friends might need help?

  “Looks like we got another pretty day for this flight.” Marshall joined Colton, walking toward the hangar.

  “Yep, I checked on the way over here. That’s good. The last one of these we flew it was nasty weather. I felt sorry for those poor nurses trying to stay upright and take care of the patient.”

  Marshall nodded. “You’re right. I remember. We bounced that poor nurse and doctor all over the plane before we got her set down back here. I thought I would need their assistance myself.”

  They continued to work together in perfect sync, removing the seats and preparing for the flight. They did make a great team, just the two of them.

  Colton paused. “Hey, I finally got my nerve up and asked Charlie out.”

  “And?” Marshall’s brows shot up.

  “She said yes. Thank goodness.” Colton feigned wiping sweat from his brow.

  “So, where are you taking her?”

  “I don’t know. I have until Friday night to figure it out. What do you suggest?”

  Marshall tilted his head and rubbed his chin as if in deep consideration. “You know me, I’m all about Italian.”

  “I do know you. You like Gondolier.” He poked his friend’s shoulder.

  “You bet. Not only for the Italian, but man, they have the best desserts around.”

  “It’s not too fancy, but then again, I don’t think either of us are the fancy type.”

  Marshall punched Colton’s arm. “I’m glad you finally got your nerve up.”

  “Me too.”

  After Marshall’s suggestion, Colton determined Gondalier was the best choice, the perfect place. Not too fancy yet nice. Only one problem. What if Charlie didn’t like Italian food? He would have to take the chance, because he had to have a plan in mind. He couldn’t show up to take her out if he didn’t have a destination. Four days remained until the date. If he continued to go over and over everything that could go wrong, he would be a mess by the time Friday evening arrived. He focused on the task at hand, trying to forget about the date altogether. That was hard, considering his mind seemed to picture Charlie often. It had been a long time since he had it this bad for a woman. He didn’t even know her very well. Yet.


  Jordan spotted Charlie coming into the small café they had agreed to meet at today. He waved his hand to get her attention. As she approached, he recalled how he and Alyssa had noticed her struggling. He wasn’t sure if being back in town caused her pain due to the memory of her parents or if there were other issues. She had a friend in him. He wasn’t sure she wanted any, but he wouldn’t stop trying to connect with her. The Lord prompted him to encourage her. He was striving to obey.

  “Hey, how are things?” Charlie plunked into a seat.

  “Okay, I guess. Nothing much to report.” He shrugged.

  “I wanted to tell you I have a date with Colton Friday night. I hope it’s not a mistake.”

  “Nooo, I’m glad. Charlie you need to get out and relax. Do something other than this job. Take time to get your mind off this investigation stuff.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “I hope things work out between you two. I think it would be good for both of you.”

  “I’m not sure it’ll become anything permanent or serious.” She shook her head.

  “Why not?” He leaned across the table and looked her in the eyes. “Is it your parents?”

  “Jordan, I’ve lost close people to these drug traffickers.” She paused and swallowed. “I just don’t know if I’m able to let anyone get that close again.”

  “Charlie, don’t hold back because of fear or this idea you’ve created that you can manipulate what happens. You’re never in control. That’s God’s business, and God will let you know if Colton is someone to get close to.”

  A blaze erupted in her eyes. “God? God didn’t save my parents or my partner. Why do you think I can trust Him now?”

  He softened his voice. “Charlie, what happened with your parents and your partner?”

  She looked at him with eyes full of pain. Then her eyes glazed over as if the scene played out on a screen only she could see.

  * * *

  Suddenly Charlie found herself back there, back in the dark alley on the outskirts of town.

  “My partner and I had closed in, ready to nab two drug traffickers we had been investigating for several months. Finally, we would be able to get them off the streets and behind bars where they belonged. It was a big bust.” Her heart pounded. “Suddenly, the two men were alerted and ran. They hopped into a car and led us on a wild chase through town. I didn’t see the approaching car until I heard the boom. Obviously, the two men didn’t see it either until they crashed head-on into it.”

  Charlie paused and gulped from her glass of water. Tears stood guard just behind her eyes, waiting to escape. She swallowed them down. Burnt tire rubber and hot steam rising from the mangled heaps of metal accosted her senses anew.

  “I knew before I exited my car there was no way anyone could survive that crash. The impact was too great. I approached with caution. Some other officers were already extracting bodies from the two vehicles.” A slight tremor rumbled through her body. “An eerie feeling came over me when I got close to the other car. The cars were smoldering heaps. A policeman was dragging a man into an adjacent yard. Moments later, another officer pulled a female next to the man there on the lawn.”

  Charlie’s hand came to her mouth just as it had that night. “I proceeded to the back of the car and dropped to the ground, unable to speak. My partner asked what was wrong. At first my mouth was frozen. I raised a shaky finger toward the license plate and was finally able to mutter, ‘my parents.’”

  Jordan’s hand covered hers. “I’m so sorry, Charlie.”

  Charlie swiped her arm across her face to catch the stray tears.

  “It wasn’t enough just to take away my parents, there was also my partner in Florida, Brenda. We made a good team. We were good friends too. I guess when you depend on a person to watch your back every day, you can’t help but get close.” She smiled at the memory.

  “We had caught up with a group we had been following for months. The raid went bad, and gunfire erupted. Everyone scattered. If anyone deserved to breathe their last, it was those druggies. But usually, they were back on the streets wreaki
ng havoc before the week was up.” The stench of rotten garbage in the alley still clung to her mind. The popping and cracking of gunfire echoed on the screen inside her brain along with the gut-wrenching thud of a body hitting the pavement.

  Charlie looked up at Jordan. His eyes seemed to share her pain. He patted her hand and leaned closer across the table. “Charlie, the only One we can trust in these situations is God. Let Him take your pain. He will help and be there for you.”

  She pulled her hand away and shoved the food back. The sugary aroma of the Danish sickened her. Life wasn’t sweet like that but bitter and brutal. “I don’t know. He’s broken that trust with me. Anyway, I better get going.”

  She stood and exited before Jordan could say any more about God or the help He could give.

  * * *

  Colton stopped by the deli for one of their famous steak and cheese sandwiches. He had called it in on his way so it would be ready to pick up and take back to his apartment.

  Upon entering, he caught sight of someone familiar. He looked again. It was Jordan. But wait…he was sitting with Charlie. Why would they be here together? They had known each other back in school, but Colton didn’t think they knew each other well enough to be out. Maybe Alyssa was here. He scanned the small deli. When he turned back, Jordan placed a hand over Charlie’s and leaned forward. Was Jordan going to kiss her? He simply patted her hand and looked at her with some kind of feeling. Colton wasn't quite sure what just transpired.

  His temperature rose to boiling. What was Jordan doing? Jordan knew Colton had feelings for her. And, anyway, Jordan was happily married, right? He flung the money for the sandwich down on the counter and left. During the drive home, he tried to calm his insides, but they were churning. He took several deep breaths. Surely there was a logical explanation for this. But Jordan had held her hand.

  * * *

  Jordan shook his head and sighed at Charlie’s retreating back. The mixture of anger and pain in her eyes tightened his chest, but he had no idea what she had been through. If only she could accept the fact that God could bring good from it all. He didn’t claim to understand how He did it, but Jordan had seen it in the lives of others and in his own. But Charlie’s pain was deep. God was working on her. Jordan had witnessed God work in His mysterious ways before. He would watch and wait and be available should God want to use him to encourage her. Restoring her relationship with the Lord might prove to be a harder task than catching some drug trafficker.


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