A Farewell to Justice

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A Farewell to Justice Page 89

by Joan Mellen

  p. 338: Houck had given Connick a certificate of “non-employment,” repudiating Novel as an agency employee: OGC 76-6018. 29 October 1976, Memorandum for the Record: From: John K. Greaney, Associate General Council, Subject: Gordon Novel, NARA.

  p. 338: “employed” by CIA is in quotation marks: Jackson Horton, Chief, Domestic Collection Division, 21 October 1976, Memorandum for the Record: Subject: Discussions Regarding DCD Relationships with Gordon M. D. Novel, 18-52-10, NARA.

  p. 338: “a rather detached air”: Peter Houck, Memorandum for the Record, 5 November 1976, NO- 151-76, Subject: Gordon Novel’s Arson Conspiracy Trial, References: Houck-Greaney Telecons on 28 and 29 October 1976: Same Subject, NARA. See also “The Cloak and Dagger Trial of Gordon Novel,” by Dalt Wonk. New Orleans magazine, November 1976. See also Peter Houck, Memorandum for the Record, No -166-76, 21 December 1976, Subject: Gordon Novel, NARA.

  p. 339: a phone call about checking telephone equipment: Interview with Pat Morvant, May 30, 1998.

  p. 339: “bugged by most of sixteen”: “Garrison Gives Views on D. C,” Times- Picayune, June 28, 1974, section 1, p. 18.

  p. 339: “let me tell you”: Interview with Christine Wiltz, February 10, 1999.

  p. 339: for his life with Phyllis: Interviews with Phyllis Kritikos, May 29, 1998; January 11, 2000; June 16, 2000; October 9, 2000; February 6, 2002.

  p. 339: “Bullet 399.5”: FBI, 22 November 1963, From: Francis X. O’Neill Jr. Agent, FBI, James W. Sibert, Agent, FBI, To: Captain J. H. Stovar Jr. Commanding Officer, U.S. Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland: “We hereby acknowledge receipt of a missile removed by Commander James J. Humes, MC, USN on this date, signed Francis X. O’Neill Jr. and James W. Sibert, Papers of Jim Garrison.

  p. 340: “Specter’s computations”: Jim Garrison to Vincent Salandria, April 2, 1977, Papers of Jim Garrison.

  p. 340: Garrison defeated Barry: “Garrison Elected to Judgeship,” Times- Picayune, May 28, 1978, section 1, p. 1.

  p. 340: “rumors of my death”: “Garrison, Prober of JFK Death, Elected to the Louisiana Bench,” by John Pope. Washington Post, May 29, 1978, p. A2.

  p. 340: Earling Garrison’s death certificate: Interview with Phyllis Kritikos, May 29, 1998.

  p. 340: a grandmother seeks parental rights: State of Louisiana in the Interest of the Minor Senedra Madrell Bartee, no. CA-1244, Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Fourth Circuit, 446 So. 2d 512; 1984 La. App. LEXIS 8063, February 13, 1984.

  p. 340: a boy on crutches: Ernest Thibodeaux v. Schewegmann Brothers Supermarket, no. 11488, December 9, 1980.

  p. 340: paralyzed for life: Armantine Smith v. Travelers Insurance Company, Jerry Krushin, and Arthur Chester, as Representative for Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London, Subscribing to Certificate no. 31527, no. 11, 819.

  p. 340: “I thought you had empathy for people”: Interview with Judge James C. Gulotta, January 8, 1998.

  p. 340: ruled for the police: Herbert and Huber and police brutality: James A. Herbert v. Department of Police; David C. Huber v. Department of Police, no. 9280, 9381, September 12, 1978.

  p. 340: Rosemary James comes before the court: Interview with Rosemary James, May 22, 1998.

  p. 340: impersonating a lawyer: State of Louisiana v. Claude Robinson, no. Ka 1780, January 11, 1985.

  p. 340: “this is the most pitiful”: Jerome M. Winsberg to Jim Garrison, February 6, 1985.

  p. 340: “some idiot has written a letter to me”: Jim Garrison to Jerome Winsberg, February 7, 1985.

  p. 340: two brilliant opinions: Patrick M. Callaghan v. Department of Fire, no. 11068, May 13, 1980; Vincent Bruno v. Department of Police, no. 12506, June 29, 1983. on Rehearing, June 6, 1984.

  p. 341: you lost your case, Vincent: Interview with Vincent J. Bruno, August 18, 2002.

  p. 341: Judge Augustine was planning to run for Congress: Interview with Silvio Fernández, August 18, 2002.

  p. 342: a single day did not go by: Interview with Sallee Benjamin Boyce, May 27, 1998.

  p. 342: hero worship of the Kennedys: Interview with Sallee Boyce Benjamin, May 27, 1998.

  p. 342: Julie Sirera was skeptical: Interview with Julie Sirera, May 20, 1998.

  p. 342: “that much courage”: “Was Jim Garrison Right After All?” by Joe Manguno, New Orleans magazine, June 1976, pp. 26–31.

  p. 342: “minimized the relationship”: Memo 6/21/76, To: Dave Marston, From: Gaeton Fonzi, Re: Interview with Jim Garrison, NARA.

  p. 342: into the act: Garrison told Jonathan Blackmer the same thing; he was “not trying to get into the act,” Jim Garrison to Jonathan Blackmer, August 25, 1977, NARA.

  p. 343: “I’ve never heard of him”: Telephone interview of Ralph Schoenman with Esteban Volkov, April 27, 2005.

  p. 343: “The CIA did it”: Memo 9/9/76 To: Troy, From: Gaeton.

  p. 343: “Did you ever do any work for the CIA?”: Interview with Mary Ferrell, May 24, 2001.

  p. 343: Jim Garrison is interviewed in New Orleans magazine: “Was Jim Garrison Right After All?” by Joe Manguno, pp. 26–31.

  p. 343: J. Walton Moore issues a cry for help: CIA, From: J. Walton Moore. Chief, Domestic Collection Division (Direct), Att’n: Deputy Chief of Operations (Ed Watts) w/ attach., INFO: Chief of General Counsel (John Greaney) w/attach., Chief, Dallas Field Office (New Orleans Resident Office), NO-98-76. 3 June 1976. The response to Moore, dated 6/23/76, is on a Routing and Record Sheet. Its author is John Greaney of the Office of General Counsel.

  p. 343: no one connected to the FBI: Interview with Richard A. Sprague. Probe, January–February 2000, p. 17.

  p. 344: “deeply into the methods”: Interview with Richard A. Sprague, Part II, Probe, March–April 2000, p. 18.

  p. 344: Tanenbaum was wary of Jim Garrison: Interview with Bob Tanenbaum, August 14, 2000.

  p. 344: a list of CIA plants: Interview with Jim DiEugenio, June 12, 1999, based on his conversations with Lopez. The figure of nine plants was reported by Bill O’Reilly on Inside Edition, February 5, 2001. Dr. Cyril Wecht con- firmed it on Pacifica Radio. L. J. Delsa also witnessed this document.

  p. 344: Buras withheld judgment on Garrison: E-mail from Robert Buras, May 19, 2002.

  p. 344: the “odd couple”: Recollections of Gaeton Fonzi, January 23, 2002. Quotes from Robert Buras and L. J. Delsa from extensive interviews with both between 2000 and 2005. See also L. J. Delsa interviewed by Jim DiEugenio, August 18, 1993, courtesy of Mr. DiEugenio.

  p. 344: Fort Sill: See Numa P. Avendano to Colonel T. Barnard, 20 August 1976, courtesy of the staff at Fort Sill.

  p. 344: “before the year is out”: “Arrests Predicted in Kennedy Probe,” by Mark Kingsolver. The Lawton Constitution (Oklahoma), May 6, 1977, p. 1. See also. “Hall of Fame Due New Members,” by Paul McClung. The Lawton Constitution, May 6, 1977, section 2, p. 1.

  p. 345: Letters between Robert Blakey and Larry Strawderman are available at NARA. See, for example, G. Robert Blakey to Larry Strawderman, Information and Privacy Coordinator, CIA, August 2, 1977, and Larry Strawderman to G. Robert Blakey, July 27, 1977. NARA.

  p. 345: “protect Agency sources and methods”: Office of Legislative Counsel Coordination and Review Staff, Mr. Douglas Cummins, Special Assistant to the DDO for External Oversight, From: B. Hugh Tovar, Chief, Counterintelligence Staff, Subject: Name Trace: Gerald Patrick Hemming, Reference: Memorandum for the Office of Legislative Counsel, dated 29 September 1977, same subject, #04489, NARA.

  p. 345: Blakey in 2003: See “JFK’s Assassination,” New York Review of Books, December 18, 2003. p. 101. When CIA continued to refuse to release its Joannides’ files, Blakey signed another letter of protest. See “Blocked,” New York Review of Books, August 11, 2005, p. 65.

  p. 345: Garrison takes premature comfort in Blakey’s having kept on some of Sprague’s staff: Taped telephone conversations between Jim Garrison and Ted Gandolfo, February 10, 1978, courtesy of Gaeton Fonzi.

  p. 346: Buras and Delsa visit Joe Oster: January 27, 1978, HSCA 005
207, NARA.

  p. 346: L. J. Delsa tracks down Lawrence Howard: May 23, 1978, 008962. This report was cosigned by Martin J. Daly and sequestered from the public until it was liberated by the ARRB in 1996.

  p. 347: Buras interviews Delphine Roberts, July 6, 1978, NARA.

  p. 347: already interviewed by Francis Fruge: Buras interviewed William Dunn on January 19, 1978. The interviews of Reeves Morgan and Henry Earl Palmer by Patricia Orr and Robert Buras were also January 19, 1978. Dr. Frank Silva was not on Orr’s list, Interview with Dr. Frank Silva, October 7, 2000.

  p. 348: De Brueys denies he ever met Oswald: Interview with L. J. Delsa; interview with Warren de Brueys, January 15, 2000.

  p. 348: Blackmer tries to obtain grand jury records: Jim Garrison tells Blackmer about the grand jury testimonies: Jim Garrison to Jonathan Blackmer, November 8, 1977, 03525, NARA; Blackmer wants to battle Connick: Memorandum, To: G. Robert Blakey, Gary Cornwell, Bill Triplett, Jim Wolf, From: Jonathan Blackmer, Date: February 13, 1978, Re: Garrison Grand Jury Minutes, NARA. See also Memorandum, July 12, 1995, To: Jeremy Gunn, From: Joe Freeman, Subject: HSCA Chronology, Re: Clay Shaw Grand Jury Minutes/ Transcripts, NARA.

  p. 348: “I told you to burn it”: Notarized statement by Gary Raymond. Included in set of materials marked “Memorandum. To: Jeremy Gunn. From: Joe Freeman. June 7, 1995. Re: HSCA/Garrison Records.” ARRB. NARA.

  p. 348: Buras and Martin Daly visit Jack Rogers: HSCA 005964, Investigation Interview Schedule, February 22, 1978, HSCA 180-10082- 10167, NARA.

  p. 348: Frank Bartes showed Buras: March 15, 1978, NARA.

  p. 349: Buras and Leap interview William Walter, February 27, 1978. Leap signed the report, 22 pages, NARA.

  p. 349: Gaudet was not called before the Warren Commission: Congressional Record, House, September 17, 1976, H 10359. See also Bernard Fensterwald and Allan Stone, interview with William Gaudet, May 13, 1975, AARC; interview with Robert Buras, March 25, 2002; Buras and Leap interview Gaudet: HSCA 180-10070-10274. 004826, January 18, 1978; on Gaudet’s denial that he had telephoned the FBI, see Draft of Report, HSCA 180-10141-10492, CIA SEGREGATED COLLECTION, agency file: 22- 04-01, January 23, 10976, 11 pages. The original FBI report is NO 44-2064, November 27, 1963, by SA John William Miller.

  p. 349: Garrison’s memo to Blackmer on Thomas Edward Beckham: To: Jonathan Blackmer, From: Jim Garrison, Re: Thomas E. Beckham, July 18, 1977, NARA.

  p. 349: Interviews with Thomas E. Beckham: To: G. Robert Blakey, Ken Klein and Cliff Fenton, From: Jonathan Blackmer, August 18, 1977, Re: Interview of Thomas Edward Beckham, 014162, NARA; Memorandum to Chief Counsel G. Robert Blakey and Chief Investigator Cliff Fenton, October 7,1977. 005984.

  p. 350: L. J. goes to Dallas: HSCA 003541. Outside Contact Report, interview with Ma/G. Kissell, November 11, 1977, NARA.

  p. 350: a new set of questions for Beckham: “Memo to L. J. Delsa, Re Possible Questions for T. E. Beckham,” NARA.


  p. 351: Vale means Farewell. This is the last word of The History of That Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote De La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

  p. 351: “the emotional price I paid”: Jim Garrison interviewed in The Garrison Tapes.

  p. 351: “Don’t shade it”: Interview with Robert Buras, December 15, 2003.

  p. 351: Beckham said he didn’t know when he didn’t: Interview with L. J. Delsa, April 8, 2002.

  p. 352: John Manchester goes to Washington: Executive Session, Tuesday, March 14, 1978, 008503, 39 pages, plus index, NARA.

  p. 353: Buras visits Fruge: HSCA, April 7, 1978, signed by Robert Buras, 9 pages, NARA.

  p. 353: Fruge had lost all respect for the federal people: Interview with Anne Dischler, February 12, 2001.

  p. 353: Thomas Edward Beckham is deposed: HSCA 180- 10104-10278, 014031, May 24, 1978, 82 pages, NARA.

  p. 355: Marchetti telephones HSCA: HSCA 180-10099- 10079, 010460, July 28, 1978. Outside contact report by Harold Leap: Victor Marchetti.

  p. 354: Marchetti, Hunt and Spotlight magazine. Mark Lane’s, Plausible Denial discusses Hunt’s suit in great detail throughout.

  p. 356: J. Lee Rankin: HSCA Outside Contact Report: J. Lee Rankin, June 1, 1978, 008815, NARA. Rankin’s August 17, 1978, testimony is 014027.

  p. 356: never have conceded: Blakey rejected all personal testimony as subjective: Interview with Richard N. Billings, August 2, 2000. Blakey had to accept there was a conspiracy: Interview with Gary Mack, March 4, 2002.

  p. 356: For details of Clay Shaw’s last days: New Orleans Department of Police, Report, August 28, 1974, Homicide detectives John Dillmann and Detective Fred Dantagnan, NARA. See New York Times obituary, August 16, 1974, p. 32: “Clay Shaw Is Dead at Sixty: Freed in Kennedy ‘Plot,’” by David Bird. See also “Police ‘Quietly’ Probe Shaw’s Death,” by Kenneth A. Weiss. Times- Picayune, August 18, 1974. For Shaw’s net assets, see Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, Succession of Clay Shaw, Descriptive List of Assets, 1975, undated, NARA. See also “The Strange Death of Clay Shaw,” by Richard Boyle. True magazine, April 1975, vol. 56, no. 455, p. 55.

  p. 356: Gary Cornwell interviews Aaron Kohn in New Orleans: HSCA 180-10087-10439, 013261, Deposition of Aaron M. Kohn, November 7, 1978,

  p. 357: Cornwell and Ewing meet with Jim Garrison: November 26, 1978, HSCA.

  p. 357: The Report was published as The Final Assassinations Report: Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations. U.S. House of Representatives. (New York: Bantam Books, 1979).

  p. 357: Complaints from the CIA: See, for example, CIA. From: DCI. To: G. Robert Blakey. Title: letter Commenting on a Section of the Draft HSCA Report. 02/15/79. 16 pages. 104-10019. Agency file number: 80T01357A. NARA. The document is signed S. D. Breckinridge, Principal Coordinator. HSCA.

  p. 358: “a man of such senior position”: S. D. [Scott] Breckinridge, Principal Coordinator, HSCA to G. Robert Blakey, September 22, 1978, on Director of Central Intelligence, Office of Legislative Counsel letterhead. JFK Collection: HSCA (RG 233). Courtesy of Malcolm Blunt.

  p. 359: Breckenridge proposes changes: CIA. From: DCI. To: G. Robert Blakey. Title: Letter Commenting on a Section of the Draft HSCA Report. 02/15/79. 16 pages. 104-10019. Agency file number: 80T01357A. NARA. The document is signed S. D. Breckinridge, Principal Coordinator. HSCA.

  p. 359: “review inserts for the HSCA draft report”: CIA. Document ID number: 1993.07.19.08:53: 00:250620. Rec-series: JFK. Agfileno: 80T01357A. JFK Box # JFK21. Vol/ Folder; F191. Title: Letter “Response to Your Request that We Review Inserts for the HSCA D”. 03/03/79. From: Breckinridge, S. D., CIA. To: Blakey, G. Robert, HSCA. Originator: CIA. NARA.

  p. 360: draft paper on “Evolution and Implications of the CIA-Sponsored Assassination Conspiracies Against Castro”: CIA. Record Number: 104-10082-10034. Record Series: JFK. Agency file number: 80T01357A. From: Breckinridge, Scott D., OLC to C/Counsel, HSCA Blakey. Title: Comments on the Draft Paper on “Evolution and Implications of the CIA-Sponsored Assassination Conspiracies Against Castro”. Date: 03/15/79. Pages: 8. NARA.

  p. 360: Blakey was writing about Beauboeuf and Martens: G. Robert Blakey to David and Jeremy, received by ARRB May __ 1995 [date illegible], NARA. T. Jeremy Gunn to Professor G. Robert Blakey, February 11, 1997, NARA.

  p. 361: “I am writing from the Bench”: Jim Garrison to Zachary Sklar, March 8, 1988, AARC.

  p. 361: “I’m going to get this book published”:, Jim Garrison to Vincent Salandria, July 14, 1987.

  p. 361: “score one”: Jim Garrison to Peter Miller, March 30, 1987.

  p. 361: “the truly new material”: Zach to Ellen, Bill, John, July 23, 1987, AARC.

  p. 361: he wished he could have had access to Thornley’s grand jury testimony: April 29, 1988, Notes re Chapters 4, 5 & 6, re-writes: To: Zach, From: Jim, AARC.

  p. 361: “you must be some editor”: Jim Garrison to Zach Sklar, July 1, 1988, AARC.

  p. 361: 32,000 copies: Jim Garrison to Louis Wolfson, August 24, 1989.

/>   p. 361: the distributor, Kampmann & Company, goes bankrupt: See “Small Publishers Struggling after Court Impounds Books,” by Edwin McDowell. New York Times, June 29, 1989.

  p. 361: Norman Mailer’s blurb: Times- Picayune, January 23, 1989.

  p. 362: Mrs. Willard Robertson: Marlin H. Robertson to Jim Garrison, January 16, 1989.

  p. 362: “rife with paranoia”: “Retrying a Losing Case” by Jack Wardlow, Times- Picayune, January 15, 1989, p. E-6.

  p. 362: “the judge has turned into an accomplished writer”:” Other Opinions: Columns, “Garrison’s Book on JFK’s Slaying” by Iris Kelso. Times-Picayune, January 12, 1989.

  p. 362: major talk show: Jim Garrison to Bill/Ellen/Zach, February 15, 1989.

  p. 362: he would have been happy to appear on the Larry King Show: Jim Garrison to Louis Wolfson, August 24, 1989.

  p. 362: “a great sadness behind his eyes”: Interview with Joseph Bosco, June 14, 1999.

  p. 362: when the musicians began to play: Interview with Zachary Sklar, December 16, 1997.

  p. 362: “so many people hated Jim Garrison”: Interview with Ellen Ray, December 4, 1997.

  p. 363: “I was a hot director then”: Interview with Oliver Stone, June 6, 1999.

  p. 363: he gave his editor ten per cent of his royalties: Zach Sklar to Jim Garrison, January 14, 1989.

  p. 364: closer to his children: Interviews with Elizabeth Garrison: January 11, 1998, and May 28, 1998; Jasper Garrison: January 11, 1998; Eberhard Garrison: January 11, 1998, and May 23, 1998; Lyon Garrison: May 23, 1998, January 8, 2000, May 30, 2000, October 9, 2000, and numerous telephone conversations; Phyllis Kritikos: January 11, 2000, June 5, 2000, June 16, 2000, October 9, 2000, and telephone conversations.

  p. 364: “I thought the truth could do it”: 1977 tape with Ted Gandolfo.

  p. 364: CIA asset Melvin Belli: See CIA Memorandum no. 9, Subject: Garrison and the Kennedy Assassination. This memorandum lists those who “have or have claimed to have a connection with the Central Intelligence Agency.” Melvin Belli is the second person on the list: To: DCI, DDP and others, From: Kesler, J. W. CI/R & A, 104-10310-10251, Agency file number: CIA-DDP-FILES, NARA.


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