Out of Tune

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Out of Tune Page 26

by Amy Sumida

  But he couldn't hold that control for long.

  We'd barely crested the ravine when Slate's wings stuttered and we toppled to the ground, right at the edge. Slate used the last of his strength to push himself away from me, and I used his sacrifice to run. Gage landed before me, screeching at me urgently, and I scrambled on his back just as Gargo gained control of Slate's body. Gargo shouted after us but the sound was cut short by a Dragon tail in his belly. Whiskers—or tufts, rather, since they were attached at Verin's ankles—flowed like flames, taunting the Gargoyle God as the tail swirled away. Magic crackled off those orange tufts and just when Gargo gained his feet, that magic arched back like a whip and sent him down again.

  Gargo started to get up, but Cerberus plowed into him then dashed away before Gargo could strike back. Our knights added their attacks to the mix, keeping Gargo pinned to the earth. Darcraxis used the opportunity to condense water around Gargo, trapping him in a bubble as he ran forward. Gargo fought the water's hold, twisting, turning, and bashing his wings but no matter how he moved, he couldn't evade the liquid. He'd been worn down at last.

  And I had started to sing again.

  Gargo's body began to shake just as Darc reached it. Darcraxis pulled the dagger from his belt and shoved it through the water, straight into Gargo's chest. A moment before it met with flesh, Gargo's hand grabbed Darc's wrist. The men fought for control while barely moving; only the tension in their muscles exposing the battle. The tip of the knife eased back then forward. All of us, including the Shining One knights, rushed forward to circle the Gods. My men, including Verin, gave their strength to Darcraxis as I continued to fight Gargo from the inside. I was the devil now, not him; I possessed him. With the pinnacle of my song, I broke Gargo's control and took back Slate's body. I forced him to go limp, and Darc shoved the blade straight into Slate's heart.

  Chapter Fifty-One

  The water bubble burst into tiny droplets and Slate crumpled to the earth with a limp thud. Darc followed him down, hand still on the knife. The blade sparked as he drew it from Slate's chest, and Slate gasped as if surfacing from a deep dive. Darc didn't help him. Instead, he rushed the blade over to Declan and Torin then laid it down between the Shining One kings. Torin set a bomb beside the dagger and carefully withdrew the sheet of steel to activate it. Declan instantly confined both items in a steel box, and all of us ran. Banning and Gage grabbed Slate under his arms to carry along with them. Our knights, who'd been told there would be a magical explosion—hopefully contained—formed ranks before us and cast a protective shield.

  The bomb exploded, its deployment lifting the box from the ground to toss around like dice. A hollow boom echoed through the steel but the box held and nothing hit the magical barrier between us. At least, I assumed that's what happened, I only spared it a glance before I focused on Slate. The men had laid him down, and I knelt beside him. His body had shifted back to its normal self but his skin had gone an ashy gray better suited to his Gargoyle form. Although the blood that seeped from his chest wound had slowed to a trickle, his wound hadn't healed yet.

  “Elaria,” Slate whispered as I pressed my hands over the blood. “You came back.”

  “Of course, I came back,” my voice broke. “I'd never abandon you. I love you, Zone Lord, don't you dare die.”

  Slate grinned. “I love you too, sweetheart. Tell my brothers—”

  “No,” I cut him off. “No dying declarations. You've had Gargo inside you for months now; you're immortal. Heal yourself, damn you!”

  Slate grimaced and winced as I put more pressure than I intended on his chest. “I don't feel so immortal. No more than usual.” He winked at me.

  “Okay, that's it.” I prepared to sing.

  “Don't waste our last moments singing, sweetheart,” Slate protested. “Kiss me.”

  Tears started to overflow my eyes as I leaned down and kissed Slate. I could feel the other men closing in around me and, through the earth, the vibration of a large number of people approaching.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Binx snarled, nearly shouted. “Stop making out with my brother and heal him, woman! What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  I pulled out of our kiss and smiled, my lips still brushing Slate's. “You heard the man.”

  The soft lilting of Toni Braxton's “Un-Break My Heart” began to play, and I hummed my way into the lyrics. Slate's hand tightened on mine and our stares united just as strongly. Nothing could have separated us then. Not even a God. The magic rose, moving from my heart to fill my voice before it fell gently upon Slate like summer rain. I sat back and moved his head onto my lap, stroking his pale cheeks as I begged him, through the lyrics, not to hurt me; not to leave me. I poured my love and desperation into the music as my other men dropped to their knees behind me and laid their hands on me.

  Their magic filled me and reinforced mine. Without my spellsong and their power, I don't think I could have even spoken, much less sing; I was weeping so violently. Slate's hand reached up and touched my face. I held it against my cheek and twisted those sorrowful words into something beautiful. Something joyous and strong enough to heal the man I loved.

  The air crackled with magic. Blood stopped flowing. Then Slate gasped as he began to glow. I refused to close my eyes. Instead, I squinted through the glare and kept singing. Slate's body thrummed and inside my mind, I pictured his heart knitting back together. I demanded that whatever immortality Gargo had left behind start doing its job. I willed Slate whole.

  The glow burst suddenly and Slate sat up with a roar.

  The crowd who had gathered around us cheered. I looked up to see that not only had the Gargoyles returned but the Zone residents had come out with them. They were holding hands, tears streaking down their faces as they did mine, and they hugged each other in relief when they saw their zone lord alive and well. Slate stood up looking hale and vital. He helped me to my feet then pulled me into a passionate kiss. The Beneathers cheered even louder.

  What a testament to Slate's rulership; that even after he'd put them through hell a second time, they still rejoiced his survival. I was damn proud of him but that pride, of course, took a back seat to my relief.

  Slate eased back and held my face in his hands. With his head bent to mine, he whispered, “I've never been so grateful for your stubbornness.”

  I chuckled. “I've never been so shocked by your lack of it. After all that, you would have given up so easily?”

  “Your kiss is worth dying for.” He kissed me again as if to prove his point and it went on long enough that someone cleared their throat. Slate growled as he lifted his head. “I've just been brought back to life by the woman I love, do you mind?”

  “Sorry,” Binx grumbled.

  The crowd laughed and cheered once more.

  Slate took my hand and turned to address his people; Gargoyles and Zone Residents. “You've stood beside me through the worst moments of my life,” his words immediately quieted them. “We've faced an invasion together and then I was invaded and you suffered with me. I can't express how much your loyalty and friendship means to me.”

  “You could start with a party,” someone shouted, bringing a round of laughter.

  “Tonight, the entire zone is shut down,” Slate called back. “The main streets will be closed to vehicle traffic of any kind.”

  The crowd went still.

  “Because that's where we'll be dancing!” Slate shouted.

  The Beneathers applauded and roared. Even our Shining Ones started to clap.

  “I'll supply the food and drink, all you need to do is join me,” Slate went on. “It's time to reclaim our home once and for all!”

  As everyone went wild, Slate swung me up into an embrace and buried his face in my hair. “I thought I'd never hold you again, sweetheart.”

  “I knew I'd hold you. I wasn't going to stop until I did.”

  He set me down and lifted his head to stare at me. “I guess I should have had more faith in you.”
r />   “No, you should have had more faith in us.” I nodded toward the other men, and they closed in around us, their hands going to Slate's shoulders.

  Verin stood back from our group—back in human form and dressed—but Cerberus—human but naked— pushed him forward. “Go on then; get in on the love-fest.”

  “You're a part of us, even if it's temporary,” I held a hand out to Verin.

  Verin took my hand and allowed me to draw him into our circle, but he stood there stiffly. Slate looked from me to Verin and back again.

  “I get possessed by a God and you get a new lover?” Slate growled at me.

  “It's a long story, babe.” I sighed. “Don't freak out just yet.”

  “Yeah, you're gonna need a drink before you hear this one,” Cerberus interjected.

  Verin grunted in agreement.

  Slate huffed out a breath and considered Verin. “I saw what you did. Regardless of what's happened between you and Elaria, I appreciate the assist.” He held his hand out to Verin.

  Verin took it. “Welcome back, Zone Lord.”

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  “So, you really are one of us now,” Slate said to Verin.

  Verin grunted and cracked his neck.

  We—and that included Cerberus—were sitting on metal, foldout chairs around a plastic-topped table; one of many such arrangements that had been set up in the Zone's streets. We had plastic solo cups in our hands, full of booze from the impromptu bar Slate had set up outside his club, The Quarry. The bar wasn't manned; people helped themselves to the bounty of alcohol and mixers. Grills were going too, cooking up food for the masses and manned by grinning volunteers. Inspired by Slate's generosity, many of the Zone merchants had donated food and beverages to the event. We had a communal platter of nibbles in the center of the table that had been brought over by Aribella Lane, a Dryad who owned a fruit and vegetable market. I sat between Slate and Darc, but Verin was just beyond Slate, his forearms set on the table before him, bringing him closer to me.

  Around us, the Zone celebrated with the focused determination of apocalypse survivors. They hugged each other, made toasts, danced, and kissed as they made valiant attempts to get intoxicated. Gargoyles and winged shifters flew above, doing acrobatic aerials to impress the encouraging audience below, and music filled the entire zone. It was an even greater celebration than the one we'd had after surviving the war with Gargo. Although, I suppose this was merely a continuation of that.

  “It seems that I owe you more thanks than I'd originally thought,” Slate continued.

  “How so?” Verin asked.

  “You didn't want this but you did it to save Elaria. You've done all you could to help her and, by extension, me. So, here's to you, Blue Dragon. Welcome to the family.”

  Slate held up his red plastic cup. Verin stared at Slate a moment then lifted his cup and knocked it against Slate's. They grunted at each other and drank.

  “Anyone else seeing what I'm seeing?” Cerberus looked around the table. “That Verin's a quieter version of Slate?”

  Verin and Slate grimaced nearly identically at Cer. My bestie laughed until he howled.

  “Now, can we talk about the temporary nature of the love spell?” Declan asked once the howling stopped.

  Verin and I stiffened.

  “Go on then,” I said softly.

  “I just think we should consider the consequences,” Declan said reasonably. “If you two spend more time together, you may turn the illusion into truth.”

  “Would that be so bad?” Verin's voice went low and challenging.

  “Let me turn that question back to you, but I ask you to think of how you would have answered it just a few days ago,” Declan countered.

  Verin's jaw clenched.

  “He's right,” I said gently, even though my heart clenched along with Verin's jaw. “We're only thinking about long term now because the magic has made us feel things for each other. But those feelings aren't real and they will fade unless we make them real. You told me that you didn't want this, Verin, and I don't want you tricked into it.”

  Verin made a growling sound in his throat and his eyes paled a shade.

  “Verin!” I snapped. “Stop concentrating on your emotions and think! You're letting your dragon take over. What does the man want?”

  “Both dragon and man want you,” Verin's voice still held the growl. He leaned across the table toward me and held out his hand. “What do you want, Elaria?”

  I took his hand automatically; nothing could have stopped me from doing it, but my mind kept working. “I want you too, but I know that it's the magic twisting me. I think the only way to be certain that this is what we both truly want—” I stopped and looked around at my men. “What we all want,” I corrected, “is to stay away from each other until the spell wears off.”

  Verin's hand released mine suddenly. I blinked. He surged to his feet, came around to my chair, and held out his hand again. I took it, and he helped me to my feet. Then he dragged me away.

  “Hey!” Declan called after us. “We're not done here!”

  Verin snarled over his shoulder at Declan, and Declan grimaced but shut up.

  “Verin—” I started.

  Verin stopped walking and swung a furious glare at me. I shut up too but I did it with an annoyed expression. In response, he pulled me against his chest and took us away from the Zone.

  I gasped as we reformed, and Verin's hand went to the back of my head soothingly.

  “Some warning would have been nice,” I grumbled.

  Verin stared down at me silently. I met his gaze; it had gone turquoise and was continuing to darken. I didn't get to watch it shift to indigo. I didn't even get a look at where he'd brought me. Verin's hair blocked out everything as he bent to kiss me. It wasn't a tender kiss. It was wild and demanding and so fucking beautiful that I couldn't have stopped myself from kissing him back if I had added my magic to my willpower. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and sank my fingers into his glossy hair, tightening my grip until we were tangled together. Verin did the same, threading his fingers through my hair to hold me in place.

  Our bodies writhed; his hard and demanding and mine soft but just as demanding. Verin growled suddenly and dropped his hands to my ass. He yanked me up his body and pressed me even closer. We spun. My back hit a wall and my legs wrapped around his waist. But Verin didn't try to undress me. Like me, he was too consumed by our kiss; too overwhelmed by the love bursting between us, making that kiss all the sweeter. But even as I experienced it, I knew this love was different than any other I'd ever felt. It wasn't just love, it was obsession. Touching Verin stole all of my reason. I only knew that I had to have him. That nothing mattered more than this. Vivian's spell had to ramp up our emotions to an inferno state just to get past our will. And that meant it was all a lie.

  But I wanted the lie.

  I knew then why love spells could be dangerous. They created an emotion that was akin to slavery. They were the sort of spells that had a snowball effect; it got worse before it crashed and obliterated itself. The attraction between Verin and I would rage brighter and bolder before it died. Its death might leave us bereft or it might leave us hating each other but neither of us cared about that now. This moment was for learning the feel of each other's bodies; the cool brush of Verin's hair, the strong edge of his jaw, the curve of his biceps, even his rapid heartbeat. My hands trailed over him eagerly; desperately. The knowledge that this would likely be stolen from me made me panic. I wanted to collect as much of him as I could; perhaps if I took it all, he wouldn't be able to leave.

  See? This was what a love spell could do. It made you fucking crazy. A Miranda Lambert song started playing in my head. Was that what I'd turn into when Verin remembered he didn't want me? Would I start stalking him like a psycho ex? Did I even care? Dear Gods, somebody stop me!

  Snap out of it! RS shouted. Come on, you two, you're both stronger than this spell.

  I thought you wanted
us together, I countered, not realizing at first that she was speaking to Verin too.

  Verin flinched and jerked away from me.

  “You heard her?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he panted, his eyes indigo. “I thought it was you, speaking into my mind.”

  “That's the spell that unites us,” I explained. “The RS; she uses my voice.”

  “That's unsettling.”

  Would this be better? RS asked in Verin's voice.

  Verin grimaced. “No.”

  RS giggled. At least it stopped your crazy make-out session.


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