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Dirty Bastard (Wet Dicks MC Book 1)

Page 9

by Echo Slater

  However, after Mad Dog made an effort with my family, I’ll do the same for his.

  “I got you something,” he says, pulling out a piece of paper. “My test results from the clinic. Just so you’d feel safe.”

  Looking over his clean results, I smirk. “You just don’t want to wear a condom.”

  “Well, there’s that, too,” he says, revealing a sly grin. “But I can’t ask you to go bareback if you don’t know what you’re getting. It’ll be up to you, of course.”

  My smile widens at how gentlemanly he’s acting. “I’m on the pill. I’ve never tested them, obviously. But I feel safe not using condoms. Besides, blowjobs with condoms on are gross unless they’re flavored.”

  “Shit, Cameo, you’re making my dick rebel against my jeans.”

  Grinning, I glance at where his friends hang out in the distance. Then, my gaze returns to him. “I’m sure the Dicks won’t mind your hard-on.”

  Sharing my smile, he takes my hand. We walk to a large metal-framed building near a basketball court and encircled by houses like Mad Dog’s.

  On an outside stained concrete patio, several people hang out with beers. More voices come from inside. A large outdoor kitchen grill sizzles with hearty meat, leaving the world smelling divine.

  “Get ready to deal with Raqui,” Mad Dog whispers, reminding me of her hope for more Ranch-based gal pals.

  He gestures toward the only young woman in the group. Raqui is a blonde with bright green eyes. Her wispy build reminds me of a willow tree ready to topple under the weight of her baby bump. She’s wearing flip-flops and a blue-and-white-striped maternity dress.

  Raqui literally bounces at the sight of me. I instantly suffer from the same vibe as when I joined the cheerleading team. As if I’m no longer my own person but the property of others.

  Except Raqui has to walk past a half dozen people to get to me—bikers and two older women and an old man with his long white hair tied in a braid. Suddenly, she seems so young. No wonder she’s looking at me with such hope.

  “Thank God Mad Dog hasn’t scared you off,” she says, arriving in front of us.

  “Why would she get scared of me?” Mad Dog asks immediately. “I’m crazy levels of charming.”

  “That you are,” she says and pats his shoulder without actually touching him.

  I frown at the gesture until I notice a gruff, dark-haired biker eyeballing them. I assume this is Grizz, who clearly doesn’t want his woman touching anyone else. Will my future involve Mad Dog whipped into a possessive lather over my proximity to other men?

  “Come sit with me while the men do their shit,” Raqui says and gestures toward a nearby house. “I promise I’ll hand you back to Mad Dog when he’s ready for private time.”

  I can’t really say no to a woman carrying one kid in her stomach and now another in her arms.

  “This is Cross,” she tells me, smiling proudly at her small son.

  I don’t know baby ages. Like Cross could be a year old or five. I do know he looks like Raqui with Grizz’s coloring.

  “Bring her back,” Mad Dog warns Raqui, who tugs me away from him. “I’m not above whining to your man.”

  Though I smile brightly at my biker, I’m a little relieved for a moment to breathe. Mad Dog makes my body wild, and I keep thinking of his bed. I’m both insanely nervous and stupid excited about what’ll happen once we’re alone.

  “Mad Dog hasn’t cheated on you,” Raqui says as soon as we arrive on her porch. “I figured you’d wonder since girls are always crawling all over the Ranch, seeking out a hit of biker cock as if it’s their crack.”

  “Is that how you met Grizz?”

  “No,” she says, sitting on a porch bench.

  Cross wants to play with toys from a box nearby and climbs out of her arms. I sit next to Raqui as she rubs her bump.

  “Grizz came into the place I waitressed at. Flirting with guys was how I made good tips. But Grizz was something else. I’m usually pretty bossy,” she says and shrugs as if the jury is still out on that part. “I didn’t stand a chance against him.”

  “But now you’re together and happy, right? Why fight a losing battle when compliance gives you this?”

  “True,” she says, reaching over to play with Cross’s wavy hair while he crawls around on the floor with his little cars. “I’ve never seen Mad Dog act stupid over a girl before.”

  “Is he acting stupid, though?” I ask, staring across the grassy lawn at where the men drink beer and listen to The Rolling Stones.

  “That’s what the guys say. Mostly, Horse. He’s really afraid you’ll end up pregnant and drop more kids into his sphere of influence. The guy’s a poonhound, but Cross’s cries apparently break his fragile dick.”

  “That sounds like a Horse problem, not yours.”

  “Oh, my, God, yes!” she cries, taking my hand. “This is why I stole you from Mad Dog. Like, I’m acting weird, but you can’t understand what it’s like out here.”

  “Paint me a picture.”

  “Well, the guys are great, and the old-timers are awesome. Grizz’s aunt and Stoney’s mom help me so much. So, don’t get me wrong. But fuck, it’s like they’re all talking on a wavelength I can’t quite understand. The guys also turn into stupid ten-year-old boys around each other. Shit, they’re shoving each other right now.”

  I look at where Cash and Stoney roughhouse. Despite the pseudo-violence happening right next to him, Mad Dog’s gaze is laser-focused on me. He wears an uneasy frown until I smile and wave at him.

  “Is he scared you’ll tell me something bad about him?”

  “Maybe, or he figures I’ll wear you down until you run away. They claim I scared off a woman who liked Bishop, but that was crap. She was a flake running from her problems. As soon as they had a mild disagreement, she ran again. That’s on her, not me.”

  “Sounds right.”

  Raqui grins immediately. “I miss having girlfriends. Dexy and Ginette feel like aunties. I haven’t had a real girlfriend to bullshit with since high school. Even before I met Grizz, my friends all got into their own lives and left me behind.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Mad Dog says you have a bestie.”

  Glancing in the direction of my hot biker, I ask, “He did, huh?”


  Once I correct her, I add, “We’re basically sisters. She actually lives with my family.”

  “Hook her up with one of the guys. Cash is charming when he feels like being. Bishop can be devoted in the right circumstances. If she ends up with one of them, you’ll both live here.”

  Frowning, I can’t imagine calling the Ranch home. “I’m not sure about living anywhere.”

  “You’ll see. Once you get sucked into the Wet Dicks’ vortex, you’ll never break free. I thought I was Miss Independent when I met Grizz. Wasn’t long before I was barefoot and pregnant.”

  “But you’re happy, right?”

  “Almost always,” she says and rubs her belly. “I need girlfriends. That’s why I’ll be super obnoxious around you. But, if you do stick it out with Mad Dog and move here and I see you a lot, I’m sure my annoying nature will soften.”

  “No doubt. Even if I don’t live here, you can come out with Hagan and me. We don’t need men to enjoy girl time.”

  Raqui smiles wider, and I can imagine us being friends. Her face warms even more at the sight of Grizz and Mad Dog walking toward the house.

  “Until a woman’s fallen for one of the Wet Dicks, she can’t understand how all-encompassing the feeling is,” Raqui whispers. “How the heat of their love swallows you whole until you become part of their world and lose yourself. Only then does it make sense why I put up with all their stupid shit,” she says and then frowns. “Good Lord, now Stoney’s fighting with Horse. You being here has riled up the boys.”

  “Having fun?” Grizz asks his woman.

  “Just talking shit about Mad Dog, so, yeah, lots of fun.”

  I grin at my
biker, who worries Raqui isn’t full of shit.

  “Whatcha building?” Grizz asks Cross.

  “House,” he mumbles.

  “Hot damn, you are. Look at the size of that bad boy.”

  Cross grins at the praise before raising his arms in the universal kid move for wanting to be picked up.

  Grizz lifts the boy—whose age I’m thinking is closer to one than five—and gestures for Raqui to join them.

  “Dinner’s ready. Ginette went all out on the fixings for our guest.”

  I walk to Mad Dog and slide my arms around his hard waist. “If you need to wrestle with your friends, don’t let me stop you.”

  Grinning at my teasing, he kisses me softly before we start walking toward them. Horse and Cash are now holding Stoney back while an older woman squirts water in his face, bad-kitty style.

  “Simmer down,” she says, patting his wet cheek. “Crazy sonovabitch. You don’t get that from me.”

  Stoney glances at Cash. “She’s full of shit. Who the hell else would I get it from?”

  Laughing, the men follow her into the large building. Mad Dog slides his fingers along the back of my neck and guides me around to meet everyone.

  I learn the woman with the spray bottle is Stoney’s mom, Ginette. The old man with the white braid is called Rubber Duck from his time driving a semi. He’s also banging Grizz’s aunt, Dexy. The three “old-timers” live on the Ranch.

  I’m reintroduced to Cash, who’s a pretty blond with charm to spare. With fair brown hair slicked back, Horse is a gruff yet handsome man attached to a very large dick. Giving off angry surfer bro vibes, Stoney glares at me, maybe still mad about Hagan making fun of his road name.

  Grizz owns the rough vibe Mad Dog mentioned at Bob Evans. However, the Wet Dicks’ president turns sweet when he holds Cross and flirts with Raqui. Finally, there’s Bishop. The dark-haired and thickly bearded biker does seem a little stoned. He smiles really friendly until Mad Dog starts grumbling under his breath. Then, Bishop laughs, and the other men follow suit.

  “The Hanger is where we eat most of our meals,” Mad Dog explains.

  We sit at a long wooden table, where everyone talks over each other.

  “We’re a family,” Mad Dog adds as if worried I’ll judge them too harshly. “That’s why the razzing and wrestling ain’t personal. Just fun.”

  “Some of the best families aren’t the ones we’re born into but the ones we create.”

  Mad Dog offers me the most beautiful smile. Rejected by lesser people, we were both taken in by better families. I know he worries I’ll be intimidated by his club. They’re a rowdy bunch, and I do feel like a kid sitting at the grownup table. However, I understand what these people mean to Mad Dog, and I’m even more certain what he means to me.

  Though I’m unsure if I’ll ever consider the Wet Dicks Motorcycle Club as my people, I’m absolutely hooked on the sexy biker currently feeding me baked beans.


  As a popular girl, Cameo’s used to people watching her. Dropped into a situation with a group of strangers, many women would buckle under the pressure. Cameo just keeps smiling.

  Despite her happy face, I know she’s on edge. Cameo barely touches her food, and she went to town on the far inferior Bob Evans' meal. I can tell Dexy and Ginette are bothered by her lack of appetite. As if my girl is failing their test.

  Feeding Cameo is probably unnecessary. I figure it’s sexier than telling her to eat as if I’m her dad. Sure, sure, there’s at all nothing parental about feeding my woman like Raqui does with Cross.

  Moaning approvingly at the beans and then coleslaw, Cameo decides to feed me some of her meat.

  “For fuck’s sake,” Horse mutters to Cash. “They’re worse than the other two.”

  “I’ve never fed Grizz in public,” Raqui announces while wiping her son’s mouth. “Alone in our place, there’s some food play, yeah.”

  “Tells us more,” Stoney says, trying to piss off Grizz.

  Ignoring their bickering, I smile at Cameo. “Are you upset we’re not alone yet?”

  “No, but I don’t think beans are a great meal right before our first time.”

  I look at the spoonful of food hovering in front of her luscious lips and shrug. “I’m not worrying about a damn thing tonight. Wait, that’s not exactly true. I’ll hurt something fierce when it’s time for you to leave. Otherwise, nothing’s ruining our night.”

  Cameo literally glows in response to my words. I never thought people could brighten like that. Women have acted a whole bunch of ways around me. But none of them ever looked at me like Cameo is right now.

  I still worry she can’t handle my Ranch family. Before I get too concerned, she goes and messes with Grizz.

  “Why is your club called the Wet Dicks?” she asks my president, who sits farther down the table from us.

  My club brothers grin immediately. Grizz takes a second to find the right words.

  “Well, you know how a dick gets wet when it’s inside a chick,” he says, waiting for me to jump in to explain the birds and bees.

  “No, I get what a wet dick is,” Cameo explains. “I mean, why of all the names in the world did you pick that one for your club?”

  “Well, I couldn’t pick just any. There are clubs already using other names.”

  “But of the ones left, why Wet Dicks?”

  “I’ll answer this, baby,” Raqui tells her man and pats his hand. “See, many bikers are gross, but the boys on the Ranch are all pretty-as-fuck. So, they’re real proud of how much pussy they get.”

  “There it is,” Cash says, wagging his finger approvingly at Raqui.

  “So, your name is a form of bragging?” Cameo asks. “Like, wouldn’t just showing off your faces or bodies tell the same story?”

  “Well, Humble Shitheads was taken,” Stoney grumbles, still pissed over not a damn thing I can figure out.

  Though I considered my club brother might be hot for Cameo, he never looks at her like a man in heat. I know he sure-as-fuck isn’t jealous of her taking my time. Unlike Horse, Stoney doesn’t care if anyone adds a woman or kid to the mix. So, I got no idea what he’s seething over.

  Cameo either doesn’t hear his tone or isn’t bothered by it. I’m unsure where her head is at until her fingers slide along my thigh, moving too close to my cock for comfort.

  “Aren’t you hungry?” I ask, tempted to let her play under the table.

  “Not really.”

  “Food isn’t good?” Dexy asks and flashes a frown at Ginette.

  “No, the food is great. I’m just distracted by Mad Dog feeling me up under the table.”

  Cameo grins at my grunt of disapproval.

  “Well, you don’t need to hang around here if you have issues to deal with,” Grizz tells me. “She did her time with the crew. Go enjoy private time.”

  “Clock’s ticking,” Stoney mutters. “And her curfew’s looming.”

  “He isn’t wrong,” Cameo says, sliding out of her chair and standing. “Thanks for dinner. It was great. Sorry to bail, but I have fantasies to act out.”

  My club brothers decide this statement warrants applause. Raqui yells, “Get er done!” Dexy, Ginette, and Rubber Duck offer me thumbs-up as if I’ve finally conned a girl into liking me.

  Flipping them off with one hand, I use my other to guide Cameo out of the Hanger and toward my house.

  “I’m sorry if I didn’t make a good impression,” Cameo murmurs. “I just can’t stop thinking of fucking.”

  “They applauded, baby.”

  “I thought that was for your dick.”

  “Well, maybe,” I say, picking Cameo up and kissing her for the rest of the way to my place.

  “Don’t hurt your back. I need you to do the hard work tonight while I learn.”

  “I got everything handled. Do you trust me?”

  Cameo stares into my eyes. Even with the evening light and only a few lanterns along the way, I bask in the warmth
she’s showing me now. When she whispers the word, “yes,” I believe her.

  I walk up to my porch and into the house without looking away from her welcoming gaze.

  “Should I show you around?”

  “No,” she whispers, transfixed by me. “I want to fuck, Mad Dog. Not see your kitchen or eat more or talk about our feelings. I want to feel you inside me.”

  No words can follow those. I kiss Cameo while carrying her to the master bedroom at the back of the house. All while she sucks at my tongue, slow and steady as if working my cock.

  Once I rest Cameo on her feet, she slides off her jacket. I immediately brush her silky hair from her shoulders. Cameo’s nipples poke furiously from her shirt, begging for me to taste them.

  When her trembling fingers reach for her shirt buttons, I stop her.

  “Let me.”

  Cameo’s expression hides none of her confusion. Is she the dominant vixen aching for cock or a scared kid wanting to shut down our fun?

  Holding her gaze, I pop the first button. Cameo’s breath catches when I reach the third.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I murmur and kiss her softly as the fifth button comes loose.

  My fingers graze the curves of her extraordinary tits, and I realize she’s skipped a bra. Holy hell, Cameo really did come to the Ranch to fuck! Everything else is mere static.

  “Don’t forget to breathe,” I murmur as I kneel before her.

  When my rough fingers explore her pale tits, Cameo’s breath catches. My thumbs graze her hard pink nipples. The flesh tightens into plump knots, and goose bumps break out over her soft skin. I lick each nipple, back and forth to the pulsing beat of my desperate cock.

  Wrapping my hands around her perfect right tit, I cover the nipple with my mouth and suck deeply. My tongue circles her hard flesh, triggering heated whimpers from Cameo. Taking a mouthful, I draw deep, releasing a bit at a time before pinching the nipple with my lips. Cameo moans my name. Her body sways, threatening to topple over from her arousal.

  Resting my jaw between her tits, I press her lovely mounds together. Her clean scent breaks me a little. For a minute, I can see my entire future with this woman. I feel myself moving too fast. Cameo’s not ready for everything I have in store for us. But I can’t slow down now that I’ve found her.


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