House Of Storms: Dragon Guardians

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House Of Storms: Dragon Guardians Page 12

by Grove, Scarlett

  "I have something to tell you," she gasped as Yuki slid his finger into her slit and his tongue started to dart in and out of her pussy.

  "What is it?" Ragnar whispered in her ear, gripping her breast from behind.

  "I've made my decision.”

  "What is it?" they all asked her.

  "I choose all of you. I want you to claim me right now so that I will always be yours, so that I belong to all of you together like this. I never want it to end.” Yuki thrust his fingers inside her, hooking up against her g-spot and making her come almost instantly. She quivered and groaned as Akash sucked her nipples and kneaded her breasts. Ragnar tilted her face back to him, claiming her mouth with a greedy, aggressive kiss.

  "We can definitely do that," Akash said.

  Ragnar drew her to the bench behind on the wall. "Come to me."

  He pulled her onto his lap, sliding her over his cock before he broke through her entrance and pulled her down over him. Sparks of pleasure burst inside her. Akash fisted his cock and presented it to her face. She hungrily sucked it into her mouth as she felt Yuki pushing the head of his cock against her back entrance. She gasped for air as she gripped Akash's cock in her hands. Ragnar moved out as Yuki slid deeper. They found their rhythm, sliding in and out of her in opposing thrusts.

  The sensation of being filled by all three of them at the same time cracked open her mind. She could perceive what had been unknown to her before. She was one bundle of pleasure, and aside from that, she didn't exist. She was one with her men, in the rhythm of their desire. They moved so gently but so commandingly there was nothing left for her to think or do. She just let them take her, completely, in every way.

  Her excitement did not calm down for even a second. The orgasms rolled relentlessly through her. When she felt her men coming close to the edge, they began to lick her flesh. Yuki took her wrist in his mouth, while Ragnar and Akash slid their tongues over her shoulder and neck. Sharp fangs caressed her flesh. In unison, as they each came together, her dragons bit down hard, breaking through her flesh and consuming her.

  She screamed, but the sound caught in her throat. She felt their seed burst into her pussy, her ass, and her mouth as they bit deep and hard from every direction. And in the shattering of what had once been Krista, she was put back together in the void of space where she stood before the three of them. Bold and strong and courageous, they sank to their knees before her, vowing their eternal love and loyalty. She sank to her knees before them too, weeping with so much love for them all. They picked her up and twirled her around, kissing her, loving her, and holding her high above them.

  "Krista," they whispered in the void of space. The stars above reflected in the black waters below. "Krista, you are everything. You are the answer."

  And as quickly as the vision began, it ended. The next thing she knew, she was resting under the blankets of her bed surrounded by her men.

  When they finally caught their breath, Akash stood and wrapped a robe around his shoulders. "I will be right back with some food.”

  Her eyes fluttered closed, and all she knew was that she wanted him near her. She wanted to be with him. Yuki and Ragnar held her, caressing her damp body. She could feel them deep in her soul, as if they were part of her. And she somehow knew this feeling would never end. The four of them were now united in the space beyond time.

  When Akash came back to the room, he set a tray on the table, and Krista slowly rose from the bed. She felt as if she was in a dream. Morning light shone through the window, casting halos around her dragons’ heads. She looked from Akash to Ragnar and then to Yuki.

  "I hope you forgive each other now that it is all done," she said, reaching out to them. Akash walked to her and took her hand as Ragnar took the other.

  "All is forgiven," Ragnar said.

  "Thank you, friend," Akash said.

  "We are all mated now and are one unit—all of us together."

  "It’s true," Yuki said. "I feel it too. I’ve always felt like you were my brothers. But now I feel even more connected to each of you."

  "We are bound together through Krista. And we will always protect her and each other," Ragnar said.

  "It is so," Akash said.

  Krista's heart was flooded with joy as she gazed into the eyes of her men. It was the most beautiful moment of her life. She had never expected to be the mate of three alien dragons. But now that she was bonded to them, she knew this was better than any human marriage could ever be. She felt them, their desires, their needs, who they were, their entire person—she felt it inside herself, as if they were part of her being. And she wanted them each to be happy, to be fulfilled, to be whole, and to receive everything they could ever want. There was no self anymore. It was just the group, Krista and her men from now until forever. And it could be no other way.

  She hugged them, kissing their mouths and cheeks as they sat together at the table. They feasted on breakfast, sipping coffee and laughing, enjoying each other's company. Everything was brighter now, more satisfying, more beautiful. She was overcome with gratitude that she would experience this kind of bond every day for the rest of her life.

  Chapter 20

  Krista went back to work in her brokerage, a new woman with a new lease on life. Her days went by with high hope, joy, and expectation for the pleasure the night would bring. She returned to her condo in the city, where her men would visit her, one at a time or all together. The months went by, and their little family grew stronger. She knew she could leave her job at any time, but she loved it, the thrill of closing a deal, of finding a client the perfect home, and she didn't want to leave it.

  One day, she woke with a strange sense of nausea in her belly and hurried to the bathroom to empty her stomach. She suddenly realized what had happened. In her joy at being a mate to her dragons, she had decided to become pregnant. They had been right about the physiological changes that would occur after mating. She had become stronger, more intelligent, faster. And she did have new control over her body. She had allowed it to bring her this gift, a gift of new life. All three had visited her the night before, taking turns and loving her slowly. She walked out into the bedroom, her joy barely contained.

  "I have wonderful news," she said as her men sat up in bed.

  "You are with child," Yuki said, able to read her better than she could read herself sometimes.

  "Is it true?" Ragnar smiled from ear to ear, brightening the big warrior's face.

  "It is. I haven't taken a test yet, but I know. I just had morning sickness. And I'm telling my body that will be the last time I'll be sick like that."

  "I am so glad you chose to do this." Akash crossed the distance between them. He took her hand in his and kissed her lovingly on the cheeks. "Our family will be even happier now.”

  "The biggest question is, who will be on diaper duty?" Yuki asked. "I vote Ragnar."

  "Me?" Ragnar pointed to himself. "I have no experience with babies.”

  "We'll figure it out together, my loves." She climbed back into the comfort of their nest with them. "It is going to be so wonderful. I never would've thought I would've wanted this, but now, with you, I want it more than anything. You have brought a whole new dimension to my life. People tell me I'm positively glowing since we mated. And it's all because of you."

  "Just wait till we tell the crew," Akash said. "They will be so excited."

  "All this time, Hanish hasn't been able to find a nanny for Tor. No one is good enough for him. But now, we’re going to have a new baby coming to the House of Storms."

  "We need to tell everyone the good news," Ragnar said.

  "I'm setting it up right now," Akash said.

  Two days later, Krista was holding a glass of sparkling cider. She smiled and rubbed her belly as she stood in the backyard of the House of Storms. Everyone was there. Everly, Kian's mate, looked like she was about ready to pop and waddled over to Krista with a huge smile on her face.

  "Akash told me he had an announcement to m
ake," Everly said. "I think I know what it is."

  "Maybe you do." Krista winked.

  "Attention, everyone." Akash tapped his wineglass with a spoon. "Thank you all for coming today. We’re so glad to see everyone here."

  The men and women of the House of Flames had come to the barbecue. Everyone was happy and smiling.

  "Krista and the three of us have very special news," Akash said. “Krista, do you want to tell them?"

  "She's pregnant," Ragnar burst out.

  Akash shot him a dark look that immediately evaporated. The two of them laughed along with Yuki. Everyone congratulated them.

  "I can't believe it," said Penelope, Cato’s mate. “I just found out I’m pregnant too.”

  "Oh, my gosh," Krista said. "What wonderful news,"

  "Speaking of wonderful news," Everly said, her face crinkling up in pain, “I think it's time."

  "Time?" Kian dropped his beer bottle on the ground. "Time!"

  The men ran around like crazed chickens with their heads cut off, and the women all laughed at them. Hanish started barking orders, and they calmed down enough to follow directions. Kian helped Everly down to the basement laboratory with Cato and Zephyr in attendance. The rest of the dragons and their mates continued the party that was now an even bigger celebration.

  "What an interesting change of events," Hanish said.

  "We are going to be one big happy family." Krista’s smile never left her lips.

  "Thinking of happy family," Raiden said, "when are you going to finally find a nanny for Tor? His teething is keeping me up at night.”

  "No one I've met is up to my standards."

  "You're going to have to choose someone soon," Akash said. “We are all overwhelmed with the fight against the vampires. Several more elders have come out of sleep hibernation, and their interference with the humans grows every day."

  "I can't trust just anyone with my son," Hanish said. "Kian was lucky that his nanny was his mate. I haven't had such luck. But I did just put a new ad in an international registry. Maybe if I broaden my search, I will finally find someone. You’ll have to thank Cato for that tip for me, Penelope.”

  Penelope sat with her sister Flora while Cato was in the ship, helping deliver Everly’s baby. Krista had noticed that Flora and Raiden had become flirtatious with each other. It was odd, especially considering dragons only had one mate. Neither of them had made a move to confirm her suspicions, and Flora insisted they were just friends. Flora had just finished her PhD in genetic biology and was working with Cato and Zephyr to develop a vaccine for humans using mated Dragon Soul blood. She and the roguish trickster Raiden were so different Krista convinced herself there was nothing to their obvious attraction.

  "Everly has given birth to a baby girl," Cato announced excitedly as he walked out onto the back patio. "Ten pounds, eleven ounces.”

  "She definitely has dragon blood in her veins," Aria said.

  "It was a safe and easy delivery," Cato continued. "Mother and baby are doing well."

  Krista felt the warm rush of happiness wash over her as she watched her new friends and family celebrate the joy of bringing a new child into the world.

  Dax from the House of Flames stood and raised his glass. "To the first dragonkin born on Earth. May she be the first of many."

  "Here, here!"

  Krista and Penelope rubbed their bellies knowingly.

  "How is the research coming?" Krista asked Cato, Flora, and Penelope.

  "It's going well. But I was a bit distracted by producing and distributing Aria and Aiden's album. It's gone triple platinum in the last six months, a breakout sensation, they say. The humans can't get enough,” Cato explained.

  "It’s had incredibly positive results for the people who’ve listened to it, even on the radio." Aria said.

  "That's exactly what we had hoped," Aiden said.

  "I'm so proud of you." Winifred rubbed Aiden's arm.

  "Not as much as I am." Dax wrapped his arm around Aria. “They’re going on tour soon. Winnie and I will be there to take care of them while they perform for the crowds.”

  Cato got a message from Kian in the basement, inviting everyone downstairs to meet the new addition to the House of Flames.

  "What did you decide to name her?" Krista asked, standing beside Everly’s hospital bed.

  "Her name is Ray, like the rays of the sun," Everly said, holding her new baby in her arms.

  "What do you think of your baby sister, Ember?" Kian bounced his toddler on his knee.

  "Siser!" Ember reached for her sister.

  Everyone laughed and smiled. Aiden had brought balloons and flowers for the new family. Krista's heart exploded with happiness. Later, on the drive back to the city, she watched Yuki driving her Lexus as she sat in the passenger seat, and the guys sat in the back. The sun was setting over the ocean. Pink and orange sunlight spread out, seeping into the blue.

  Stars twinkled in the coming darkness, and she thought for a moment about how far her men had traveled to be with her. So many miles and so many years, only to arrive at this place, this point in time, to find her and to love her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling her men surrounding her with their love and protection. It was an absolute state of bliss as she cupped the growing life under her palm and opened her eyes. She looked out on the new path they shared. Everything was better, now that they were together.


  Chapter 1

  Captain Hanish of the House of Storms held his crying son in his arms. Sweat from exertion formed on his brow. The windows outside his new home were dark, but it would soon be morning. Hanish tried to soothe Tor, but nothing seemed to work. The child was inconsolable, and Hanish was at his wit’s end.

  He had been looking for a nanny ever since they had moved into the mansion weeks ago, but he hadn’t found anyone fit to take care of his son. Most of the people he’d interviewed were nitwits, and he wouldn’t trust them with his child if they were the last nannies on earth. Others seemed far too nosy to be trusted in his home.

  As an alien dragon who had slept in a stasis pot for a million years, Hanish had a lot of secrets. He needed someone he could trust to be discreet, and he simply hadn’t found anyone yet. The technical officer from the House of Flames suggested he put advertisements in international registries. There had been a few possibilities, but so far, none had worked out.

  Hanish paced the room, cupping the back of his son’s head as the dragonkin wailed. “Everything is going to be okay, Tor. We will find someone to take care of you soon.”

  Since Hanish and his crew had awakened from stasis, they’d been living with the fire dragons of the House of Flames. Before the Storms found their house, Everly, Captain Kian’s mate, had taken care of Tor. But now that the House of Storms had a home, Hanish was left to take care of his son by himself.

  “Is he awake again?” Raiden groaned, stepping into the nursery.

  “Yes. He’s teething, and he’s not so happy.”

  Raiden scratched his behind. “I can’t sleep with all of this racket.”

  “None of us can sleep,” Hanish snapped. His son was his top priority, but not being able to sleep had made him frustrated and hot tempered.

  “Haven’t you found any applicants in the international listings that Cato suggested?”

  Hanish bounced his son in an attempt to soothe him. “No. I haven’t found anyone.”

  “Well, I hope you can find someone soon because I can’t take this much longer.”

  Hanish grumbled. “My son needs someone who is skilled with children. Until we find the right person, we’re all going to suffer. But no one as much as the baby.”

  Raiden yawned. “Didn’t you read anything about children before you agreed to donate your seed to the Dragoness Prime?”

  “No, I did not. I was busy planning our escape from Dragonia.”

  “Of course, Captain. I didn’t mean to suggest—”

  “Just go back to bed.” Hanish
yawned. “We’ll discuss this in the morning.” He went downstairs with Tor in his arms and rifled through the refrigerator, looking for something that would relieve the baby’s sore teeth. He’d read that ice could sometimes help with the pain. Hanish rubbed a cold rag on his son’s gums, and the child finally seemed to calm down. Then Hanish fed him a bottle of dragonkin formula before taking him back upstairs and finally settling him down to sleep.

  He stood over his son’s crib, staring down at the child, the love of his life. “I’m sorry I haven’t found anyone to take care of you yet, Tor,” Hanish whispered in a rare moment of vulnerability. “But whoever I bring into this house to care for you has to be the best. Until then, you’re stuck with me.” He stepped out of his son’s room and turned off the lights. Back in his own master suite, Hanish collapsed on top of the covers and fell into a deep slumber.

  He woke with a snort, drool running down his cheek. As he blinked into awareness, Hanish swung his feet over the side of the bed then trudged over to the human contraption called a computer.

  He clicked over to the nanny website where he had posted his Help Wanted ad and checked to see if anyone had replied yet. There were a few college-age girls with little experience who said they would be more than willing to travel to America to be his son’s caregiver. He groaned, feeling as though he would never find the right person.

  When he was thoroughly discouraged, he rose from his computer desk and went downstairs. Zephyr and Raiden were sitting around the island, drinking coffee. He poured his own cup and sat to savor the strong black brew.

  “Any luck with the nanny search?” Zephyr asked.

  Hanish shook his head. “Nothing new to report.”


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