House Of Storms: Dragon Guardians

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House Of Storms: Dragon Guardians Page 18

by Grove, Scarlett

  When they had finished tasting all the wines from the Shady Brook Winery, they got back on the bus and proceeded to the next winery with a specialty of sparkling wines. He was informed that true champagne only came from the Champagne region of France and that the correct definition of all other carbonated wines was sparkling wine. That made him roll his eyes. Why make things more complicated than they needed to be? He did, however, enjoy sparkling wine, and it seemed that JoJo did as well. After climbing back on the bus for a short drive, they came to the final stop on the tour for the evening, a hotel and winery where he’d booked a room for the night.

  “It looks like it’s time for dinner,” he said, feeling a little bit more buzzed than he’d expected to.

  JoJo laughed. “I think you’re going to need it. I’m going to need it myself,” she said with a giggle. “I’ve drunk a bit more than I should have.” She blushed lightly and put her fingers to her lips to hide her smirk.

  “I won’t tell if you won’t,” Hanish said with a broad grin.

  “It’s a deal.”

  “Right this way.” The host guided the tour guests onto the veranda, where they were served. Dinner was grilled salmon and steak served with grilled vegetables on shish-kebab skewers. It was served with a delightful salad and bowls of bread.

  Hanish and JoJo watched the sun fade in a wash of pink and yellow over the vineyards as they ate their delicious meal. Hanish felt the glow of the sun rising in his heart. He knew in that moment he was fated for JoJo.

  “I’m in love with you,” he said. He gazed into her eyes as they sparkled with the glowing sunset.

  “Hanish,” she said with a gasp. Red rose in her cheeks as she looked away.

  He reached out and grasped her hand across the table, squeezing it affectionately.

  She looked back at him, and her mouth dropped. “You can’t mean that.”

  “But I do.”

  “How could you possibly…”

  “I know it more than I’ve ever known anything.”

  “It’s just the wine talking.” She giggled dismissively.

  “It isn’t the wine. Why don’t you believe me?”

  “It’s not that I don’t believe you. It’s that—”

  “You’re afraid. You’re afraid of your own feelings. You’re afraid of not being perfect at every moment. Why can’t you just let yourself be happy, JoJo?”

  “I can let myself be happy. I am happy. I am—”

  “You can’t lie to me, not anymore.”

  She sighed. “You’re right.” She looked down at her lap then back at him. “I tried so hard to overcome my feelings for you.”


  “Because you are my boss.”

  “It’s not just that. I know there’s more. Why do you need to be so controlled, JoJo?”

  She sighed. “I struggled a great deal in my youth. I was very different from most of the children I grew up with. I preferred to be organized and to keep to a strict schedule. While it did bring me success early on, it’s probably gotten a bit out of hand over the years. I don’t remember the last time I’ve actually had any fun.”

  “Did you have fun today… with me?”

  “I did. More fun than I can remember having in years. You bring that out in me, Hanish, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. But I feel like I’m being naughty. Good things can’t go unpunished.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  She sighed again, looking away into the setting sun. “When I was a young girl, I was accepted into a boarding school on a scholarship. Some of the rich girls decided to play hooky and sneak out one night. I was invited to join them, even though they usually teased and taunted me. I wanted them to like me, so I went along. We were all caught. Of course, their parents were able to bribe their way back into school. Mine were not, and I was expelled. Ultimately, I had to go back to public school. I’ll never forget that. It probably shaped my life in a sense.”

  “Well, you’re safe with me, JoJo. I’m not going to send you back to public school.”

  She laughed, looking down at her lap, but Hanish saw a tear slide down her cheek.

  He reached across the table and wiped it away. “Let’s go for a walk to clear our heads.”

  As he stood, he reached out for her hand. She took it.

  Chapter 11

  They strolled down the steps of the veranda and into the vineyard beyond. The sparkling light of sunset colors swept over the land, fading into deeper shades of twilight. She’d had too much wine. She was lightheaded and warm, but it was a pleasant glow. The sensation of her hand cupped in Hanish’s felt like a dream she’d had all her life but could never remember. Now it was present in absolute detail.

  They walked between the rows of vines, silent in each other’s presence. Hanish turned to her in the gathering darkness. The distant light of the veranda twinkled in his eyes. She took a deep breath as he leaned in to claim her lips. She let out a soft moan as their mouths opened to each other. The soft, sweet fulfillment of his touch sank into her skin, and she melted into his protective arms. They hungrily explored each other, and she groaned as the awareness of him coiled around her spine. She was lost in an overpowering desire she hadn’t known existed until that moment. She shuddered, coming up for breath. When she pulled away, Hanish’s face brightened with a sly grin.

  “We should go inside,” he said in a low, husky voice.

  He took her hand and led her back to the building, guiding her through the lobby and to an elevator that led to the second floor. At the door to their room, he slid his key card over the reader, and a moment later, they were inside.

  JoJo didn’t stop to think. She grasped Hanish’s lapels and pushed him against the door, devouring his mouth in a hungry kiss. “I don’t care about tomorrow,” she said between ravenous kisses.

  “I care about tomorrow, and the next day, and the next,” Hanish said. “And I know I want you in all of them.”

  She pulled him toward the bed and guided him into a sitting position then climbed onto his lap. She could feel him hard between her legs and tasted his delicious mouth as he gripped her ass. With a growl, he picked her up and turned her over on the bed. She gasped as her back hit the mattress.

  Hanish descended between her legs, slowly sliding back and forth over her taut desire. She groaned as he ran his hands under her dress and up her legs. He hooked his fingers into her panties, drew them down her legs, and tossed them across the room. She giggled as he smiled down at her with that mischievous grin she was growing to love. He pushed her dress back and began to kiss her legs. His tongue slid up her inner thigh then down the other. She shuddered in anticipation of the pleasure to come. Moaning and panting, she gripped the sheets and yanked them as his tongue slid over her slit. Sensation bolted through her like a lightning strike, and she opened her mouth in a desperate moan.

  Hanish’s tongue sank deeper, sliding between her folds. She panted desperately as the intense sensation hit her, and she melted into the bed. He wagged his tongue over her clit and lapped at her opening in repeated motions. She ran her fingers through his hair, wrapping her legs around his back. He gripped her behind with his hands and pulled her against his mouth. She tilted her hips up against him and groaned as the wave of release took over. Her mouth dropped open as the waves of pleasure hit her like a tsunami. Her pussy clenched and throbbed against Hanish’s mouth as she moaned so loudly she feared the neighbors might hear.

  “You are even more beautiful when you climax,” he said, climbing up to rest beside her.

  She turned to him and grasped his hard cock over his pants, stroking him absently as they kissed.

  He moved her hand. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “But I want to.” She kissed his neck as she reached up and began unbuttoning his shirt.

  “You have no obligation.”

  “Don’t be silly,” she breathed.

  He gripped her hips as she climbed on top of him. “I wanted this t
o be about you.”

  “It is about me,” she said, leaning down to kiss him. “It’s all about me,” she purred.

  He watched her intently as she pulled off his shirt and ran her hands over his chest. His hands reached up and palmed the naked flesh of her behind as she rocked over him. Sliding down his body, JoJo unzipped his pants and opened his fly then reached in to fist his hardness. She groaned at the feeling of it in her hand and began to stroke him up and down with intense abandon.

  “JoJo,” he said, leaning up to kiss her.

  “Yes, Hanish?” she whispered in his ear.

  “I love you so much,” he said, holding her against him. “But I have to stop you.”

  “Why? Don’t you like it?”

  “I do. Too much. I don’t think I’m going to be able to contain myself if you keep doing that.”

  She kissed his neck. “That’s the idea.”

  “There’s something I need to tell you before we go any further.”

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “You should know the truth about me.”

  “What truth?” She was beginning to feel nervous.

  “The truth about who I am.”

  “I don’t understand.” JoJo sat back, letting him go.

  “It’s nothing bad. But I can’t let you do this until you know.” He zipped up his fly and kissed her gently on the mouth.

  “Don’t you want me?” she asked as if she were an insecure child. She hated the sound of it.

  “Of course I do,” he breathed, kissing her forehead. “More than anything in the world. More than I could ever say. But there are things you need to know. And unless you know, I’m afraid that you will regret giving me this kind of pleasure.”

  “Now you’re scaring me,” she said, turning away.

  “I’m sorry, my beautiful, smart, responsible JoJo. I don’t mean to scare you. Not at all. But I have to know that you know the truth.”

  Anger pricked at her skin. “Just tell me now.”

  “I can’t. Not yet.”

  “When will you be able to tell me?” Her tone rose sharply, becoming almost frantic. He wasn’t being fair.

  “I don’t know. Soon, I hope.”

  “Why did you bring me here?” She stood, grabbing her panties off the floor.

  “I am sure about you. I just don’t know if you’re sure about me.”

  “I was,” she said, slipping her panties back on.

  He sighed and turned to stare at the ceiling. “This is what I was afraid of. Let’s just sleep on it, and we’ll talk about it in the morning.”

  “Fine,” she said.

  “Your bags are in the closet.”

  “I’ll just go change.” She grabbed her bag and went into the bathroom. She was so irritated and confused; she almost didn’t want to spend the night in the same room with him.

  After splashing some cold water on her face and dressing in her silky pajamas, she walked back into the bedroom. Hanish had changed into a pair of sleeping shorts and a V-neck T-shirt. He’d turned down the bed, and they climbed under the covers together. He reached for her, and she let him wrap her in his arms. She sighed when he kissed her forehead, and quickly drifted into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 12

  Everything was different on the way home from the wine-tasting tour. Hanish had told her he loved her, and she had to admit, she felt the same. If only his secret wasn’t still between them, she could give in to the budding romance that was getting under her skin.

  As they turned off the highway and headed toward the Flame house, she saw a shadow flicker in the corner of her eye. JoJo gasped with recognition at the sight.

  They were back. They had found her.

  Ever since JoJo was a young girl, she had known of the shadow men. They had stalked her and followed her throughout her life and were a constant reminder of the power she held inside—a power she had kept to herself. She prayed they would pass them by, but the shadow men took shape in the middle of the road. Hanish stomped on the brakes. The wheels of the SUV skidded across the blacktop. JoJo screamed.

  “Are you all right?” Hanish asked, his arm blocking her chest as they came to a complete stop.

  “I’m okay,” she said, catching her breath.

  “I’m sorry that you have to see this. I wanted to keep this away from you as long as I could, but it looks like that won’t be possible now.”

  “You know about the shadow men?” JoJo asked.

  His eyebrows rose. “You know about them?”

  “I’ve been seeing them since I was a child.”

  “Stay here. I’m going to get rid of them.”

  She was going to say something, but he was up and out of the car before she could stop him. The shadow men had stalked her life for as long as she could remember. She had a way of pushing them back into the darkness, and she feared Hanish did not.

  The shadow men were dressed in old-fashioned clothing. One wore a suit and held a silver-handled cane. The others were dressed in skinny jeans and hoodies. She didn’t recognize any of them, but she assumed there were different shadow men in America than there were in England.

  She could hear muffled words coming from outside, and she struggled to comprehend what was going on. Hanish waved his arms in motions that suggested he was telling them to go away. The man with the cane threw his head back and laughed mockingly at him. They charged at Hanish, opening their mouths and showing their teeth.

  Then something incredible happened. The man she had come to have such strong feelings for changed into a massive electric-pink dragon. She launched herself out of the car as the shadow men piled onto him.

  Was this what he wanted to tell me about?

  “Get away from him!” JoJo screamed, raising her palms toward them.

  They all stopped and stared at her with amused expressions. “What are you going to do to us, Dragon Soul?” one of then asked.

  “Don’t touch him!” she yelled.

  The one with the cane laughed mockingly. “Look. The captain of the House of Storms needs his mate to protect him. Isn’t that cute?”

  She took a step closer. “I said—”

  Hanish blew a bolt of lightning at the leader, and it burnt his suit to a crisp. He screeched and disappeared in a puff of smoke. JoJo let her power burst through her palms, knocking back the other shadow men. They all fell on their behinds, and Hanish the dragon spewed another bolt of lightning at them. They disappeared like their leader and did not return.

  Panting, JoJo turned to dragon Hanish, her mind racing and her heart pounding. He shifted back into the shape of the man she knew. She was so surprised, she had trouble forming words. “What’s… what’s going on?”

  “I’ll try to explain, but I think you have some explaining to do yourself.”

  They got back in the car and drove the rest of the way to the Flame house in silence, stealing suspicious glances at each other all the way. After they picked up baby Tor and buckled him in, they continued back home.

  “How long have you been able to move things without touching them?” Hanish finally asked.

  “As long as I can remember. How long have you been a dragon?” She laughed nervously.

  “As long as I can remember.”

  When they made it to the home, Hanish carried in the bags, while JoJo carried Tor in his car seat. They put him down for a nap, and Hanish made them both a glass of iced coffee.

  “Let’s go sit out on the patio,” he said.

  They made their way outside and got comfortable at the shaded picnic table in a private corner of the backyard.

  “I’m sure you have a lot of questions,” he said.

  “That’s putting it mildly.”

  “I want to commend you for not fainting,” he said.

  “It was a surprise to see a dragon.”

  “I was also surprised. But I suppose I shouldn’t be. Aria has powers too. Her song can heal, and it gives us extra speed to our attacks. It’s lucky that she sang t
o us recently, or I may not have been able to defend us from the vampires.”

  “Is that why they plan to return from the tour? I thought you all had some major codependency issues.” She giggled anxiously, almost on the edge of cracking up.

  “Ha. I can see why you’d think that. Do you have any questions about my origins?” He reached out and took her hand, trying to help her calm down.

  “Where do you come from?”

  “Straight to the point then.” He laughed. “Well, it all started over a million years ago.”

  “Wait. What? A million years?”

  “I come from a planet across the galaxy in a distant solar system called the Dragonia system. On my home planet, our sun began to die, and the dying sun caused the female birth rate to diminish over thousands of years until there were none left.”

  “What about Tor? Where did he come from? Is he a dragon?”

  “Tor is a dragon. He’s one of the last of his kind. He was birthed by the last female, a Dragoness Prime. She was able to have viable young with dragons who were not her fated mate. In her last gesture of loyalty and love for our species, she took seed from the leaders of each House and gave birth to one final clutch of dragonkin. Tor is her son, and Ember is her daughter.”

  “Do most dragons only have one mate?”

  Hanish looked at her solemnly and folded his hands around hers. JoJo had the oddest sensation in her chest. She felt as though she knew what was coming, even though it was completely inconceivable.

  “The vast majority of dragons only have one mate. I will get to that soon. When the end of the world came, we escaped our dying star as it collapsed in on itself. The survivors searched throughout the galaxy for a new home, coming in and out of stasis for many years until we finally found Earth. It was a habitable planet full of life and possibility. There was a primitive bipedal species inhabiting the planet at that time. They never would have been suitable for mates, but they had a great deal of promise. In an effort to save our race, we scattered the souls of our ancestors—the genetics of Dragonians—across the planet, seeding it with our DNA. We hoped that perhaps somehow it would take root, and that eventually Dragon Souls would be born on this planet.


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