Jacob's Ladder

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Jacob's Ladder Page 17

by E. Phillips Oppenheim


  Spring came, and Jacob found the monotony of life relieved by aleisurely motor trip through the south of England, during which hestopped to play golf occasionally at various well-known courses. Hereturned to London in June, and on the second day of Ascot he cameacross Felixstowe, for the first time since their meeting in MonteCarlo. The young man's greeting was breezy and devoid of anyembarrassment. The little matter of the pony did not appear to troublehim.

  "Jacob, old heart!" he exclaimed, leaning on his malacca cane andpushing his silk hat a little farther back on his head. "God blessyou, my bloated capitalist! Three times have I rung up your office invain. Where have you been to, these days?"

  "Getting about as usual," was the modest reply. "In the country, as amatter of fact, for the last few weeks."

  The young man considered his friend's attire and nodded approvingly.

  "Quite the Ascot touch," he observed. "You can't get the perfect sweepof the coat with your figure, but on the whole your man's done youproud. Here alone?"

  "Quite alone."

  "Tell you what, then, I'll introduce you to my people. Best legforward, old buck."

  Jacob followed his guide back through the tunnel, into the stand, upthe stairs, and into a box on the second tier. The introduction wasinformal.

  "Mother, want to introduce a pal--Mr. Jacob Pratt--Marchioness ofDelchester--my sister, Lady Mary--dad. Now you know the family. What'sdoing up here?"

  The Marchioness, a handsome, thin-faced lady of advanced middle age,whose Ascot toilette was protected from the possible exigencies of theclimate by an all-enclosing dust coat, held out her hand feebly andmurmured a word of greeting. The Marquis, a tall, spare person, withaquiline nose and almost hawklike features, welcomed him with a shadeof dubiousness. Jacob felt a little thrill, however, as he bowed overLady Mary's fingers. Her eyes were blue, and though her complexion wasfairer and her manner more gracious, there was something in the curveof her lips which reminded him of Sybil.

  "Do tell me, do you know anything for the next race, Mr. Pratt?" sheasked. "I had such a rotten day yesterday."

  "I'm not a racing man," Jacob replied, "but I was told that Gerrard'sCross was a good thing."

  There was a general consultation of racing cards. The Marquis studiedthe starting board through his glasses.

  "Gerrard's Cross is a starter," he announced, "ridden by Brown,colours brown and green. Belongs to Exminster, I see. Nine to one theyseem to be offering in the ring."

  "I want a sovereign on," Lady Mary decided. "Hurry, Jack!"

  "Nothing doing, child of my heart," the young man sighed. "Cleaned outmy pocketbook last race."

  The young lady turned to her parents, who both seemed suddenlyabsorbed in the crowd below.

  "Bother!" she exclaimed. "And the numbers are up already!"

  "Will you allow me?" Jacob ventured, producing his pocketbook andhanding a five-pound note to Felixstowe. "You'll have to hurry."

  Lady Mary smiled at him sweetly and abandoned a furtive attempt toopen her bag.

  "Do you go to many race meetings, Mr. Pratt?" she asked.

  He shook his head.

  "Very few," he answered. "As a matter of fact, this is my firstAscot."

  She looked at him in surprise.

  "Are you an American, then, or Colonial?"

  "No, I am English, but it is only during the last year or so that Ihave had any time or money to spare for amusements of this sort."

  "How interesting!" she murmured a little vaguely. "Now tell me, havethey started? We must watch."

  The race was a good one. In the last stretch, Gerrard's Cross cameaway and won easily by three lengths. There was a scene of measuredenthusiasm in the little box.

  "Your horse has won, my dear," the Marquis informed his daughter,lowering his glasses. "I congratulate you."

  The Marchioness indicated her approval by a more or less genial smile.Lady Mary's blue eyes danced with pleasure.

  "You dear person, Mr. Pratt!" she exclaimed. "This is my first winner,and I did want one so badly. I wonder what price Jack will get."

  The young man returned presently with a bundle of notes in his hand.

  "Nines I got," he announced. "Here's your fiver, Jacob. Forty-five ofthe best for you, Mary. Lucky old dear!"

  The girl grasped the notes joyfully.

  "But surely these aren't all mine? I said one pound. Some of this mustbelong to Mr. Pratt?"

  Jacob shook his head, interrupting Felixstowe's reluctantconfirmation.

  "Not at all," he protested politely. "As a matter of fact, I have wona great deal of money myself on the race. I gave your brother afive-pound note because I could not find a smaller one. So much thebetter for you."

  The girl gave a little sigh of content. Jacob, turning around, wassuddenly aware of a look of relief on the part of her distinguishedfather and mother. The latter smiled approvingly at Jacob, who waspreparing to take his leave.

  "You must come and call some afternoon, Mr. Pratt," she saidgraciously. "We shall be glad to see you in Belgrave Square."

  "I shall be very pleased," Jacob replied.

  "And thank you," Lady Mary whispered.

  Jacob had made his farewells; he had almost reached the door.Felixstowe, leaning towards his mother, whispered behind his hand,"Millionaire! Rolling in it!"

  The Marchioness was a woman of rare presence of mind. She addressedthe departing guest quite softly, with no signs of flurry, but with anew note of graciousness. Jacob paused upon the threshold.

  "Mr. Pratt," she invited, "won't you come and dine with us oneevening? I know how men hate afternoon calls. Next Thursday night, ateight o'clock?"

  "Do come," Lady Mary begged, still grasping her notes.

  "Very glad to see you, Mr. Pratt," the Marquis added, with a littlebow which was a model of deportment.

  Felixstowe walked down the wooden stairs with his departing guest, whohad murmured his grateful acceptance.

  "You've hit it up all right with the old folks at home," he confided."Between you and me, that forty-five quid is about the only readythere is in the house. Bet you they're snaffling it at the presentmoment. What a life it must be to have plenty of the dibs, Jacob! Solong, old bean. See you Thursday. Hullo, what's that?"

  The two men looked back up the wooden staircase. Lady Mary was slowlydescending towards them.

  "I am to be taken for a walk," she announced sedately, "on the lawn,if possible. And if either of you feel inclined to save the life of ayoung girl, perhaps you will give her something cool to drink."

  Jacob hesitated for a moment, but Lady Mary's smile so obviouslyincluded him that he ventured to remain. They crossed the lawn andfound an empty table within hearing of the band. Jacob orderedstrawberries and cream, ice cream and champagne cup with recklessprodigality. The girl laughed softly.

  "How deliciously greedy it all sounds," she murmured, "and how muchnicer this is than that stuffy box!--Jack!"

  Felixstowe, however, was on his feet, waving to some one in thedistance.

  "There's Nat Pooley!" he exclaimed. "Knows every winner to a cert.I've been looking for him all day. Look after my sister, Pratt, oldthing."

  He dived into the crowd and disappeared. Lady Mary smiled at hercompanion.

  "I am foist upon you, Mr. Pratt," she said.

  "I am very much the gainer," he assured her. "I was feeling unusuallylonely when I met your brother."

  "Well, I've had rather a stuffy time of it myself," she acknowledged."You see, I have on a new dress, and mother was afraid it was going torain. And then Jack deserted us, and there was no one for me to comeout with. How do you like my frock, Mr. Pratt?"

  "I think you look nicer than any one I've seen here," Jacob repliedsincerely.

  She laughed.

  "I hope you mean it. You must eat some strawberries, please," shebegged. "Please do, or I shall feel so greedy. I had no idea one couldget such good things here."

  Jacob did as he was told, drank some
champagne cup, lit a cigarette,and began to realise that he was having a very pleasant time. LadyMary chattered on gaily, telling Jacob who many of the people were andexchanging greetings with a number of friends. Presently, at hersuggestion, they walked in the paddock, where she pointed out to himthe most wonderful of the toilettes, and it was not until the bellrang for the last race that they climbed the steps once more to thebox.

  "I have enjoyed myself more," she declared, "than any day this week.Thank you so much for looking after me, Mr. Pratt."

  "It has been a great pleasure," Jacob assured her. "I hope I haven'tkept you too long, and that your people won't be annoyed."

  The Marchioness, however, received them without any sign ofdispleasure and listened complacently to her daughter's account oftheir doings.

  "So nice of you, Mr. Pratt," she said, "to have looked after LadyMary. So many of our friends are not down to-day that I am sure shewould have had quite a dull time but for you. We shall see you onThursday."

  "With great pleasure," Jacob answered truthfully.


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