Melissa's Mates (Blissful Bets #3)

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Melissa's Mates (Blissful Bets #3) Page 3

by Alaska Angelini

  Chapter 4

  The lyrics to the song playing in the crowded bar were being yelled in Melissa’s ear. She looked over laughing at the still intoxicated Julie. “Come on, girlie, sing with me. This song fucking rocks.” Her friend went back to singing as Natalie and a new girl walked up.

  Gray eyes stared amused as Nat looked down at her and smiled. “I see someone started without me. Damn, I’m going to have fun catching up with her. This is Cindy. She works with me at the bank. I think she’ll be perfect for our little game.”

  “Bets is definitely the way to go if you’re looking for fun and not wanting to get tied down. Although, with the way things have been going, I’m not so sure about that anymore.” Melissa whispered the last part to herself.

  Evelyn had actually come up with this game last year when they were waiting for spring break to arrive. Boredom didn’t last as they all found the game of betting on men a challenge they couldn’t resist. With one point of a friend’s finger, if the challenged woman approved, she set her sights on her target and tried to see if she could get him to leave with her. Melissa loved the distraction for a while. Now it seemed like bad luck had glued itself to her side.

  “So, any takers for tonight? I saw a really hot cowboy for you, Melissa.”

  “Where?” She craned her neck to see where Natalie pointed. The moment she saw him she shook her head no. “Too skinny. I like my men—”

  “Hello, ladies.”

  Melissa’s mouth twisted at the man dressed in a pair of khakis and a blue and white polo shirt. Light blue eyes pierced hers, and she could feel her heart race. “What are you doing here?” The words slipped out, and she cursed. Now why did she react like that? This guy wasn’t bad. And she was thankful the “run” feeling was gone. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that like it sounded. Here, sit. I’ll make it up to you. Julie, scoot your ass over.”

  Channing smiled and took a seat. Melissa had no idea what she was doing, but she really hated the way every time she opened her mouth the wrong thing came out. “So Channing, was it?”

  “Yes, and you’re Melissa.”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “Well, what brings you out here? It wasn’t that my friend mentioned it earlier, was it?”

  “That’s exactly what it was, actually.”

  A laugh broke from her throat. “Well, at least you’re honest. Can I buy you a drink? I feel a little bad about earlier. My day has been off. I was extremely rude to you, and for that, I’m sorry.”

  “How about I buy you a drink?”

  “I’m not drinking tonight. I have to drive back to the island at some point.”

  “Well, I’m not drinking either. Would you like a water or something?”

  Melissa studied his light blue eyes. What was it about their depths that drew her in? He quickly looked away and broke their contact.

  “No, no water. So, do you live on the island, or are you vacationing? Taking the suit from earlier, I don’t think you’re a tourist.”

  A smile flashed white teeth. Something about them made Melissa pause. She wasn’t sure what it was. Her brain felt like it blanked, leaving her feeling confused.

  “No, I’m not a tourist, but I don’t live on the island, either. I was visiting some friends.”

  “Really? Maybe I know them. I’ve lived on the island forever.”

  “Well, do you know a guy named Brandon De La Cruz?”

  “Brandon! Yes, he’s one of my best friend’s boyfriends. Ev and I go way back.”

  “Small world.” He grinned and looked toward Julie who was dancing in the seat. His laugh made Melissa’s body spasm. Jolted by the feeling, her fingers clamped to the table. Warmth caressed her neck, bringing her eyes down heavily.

  “Are you all right?” He whispered in her ear, causing her stomach to tighten even more.

  All Melissa could do was nod. She forced her eyes open. What in the hell was happening to her? She wasn’t lying about today feeling off. She’d said it earlier, but she couldn’t stress the point to herself, enough. Something wasn’t right. It started with the news about babies, then meeting Channing, then the guy at the beach, and now Channing again. What a day.

  Natalie stood and smiled down at her. She pointed her finger at Channing, the classic sign she was making him Melissa’s target. “You need to dance. Why don’t the two of you go and have fun? I’m taking Julie and Cindy over to these really hot guys across the bar.”

  As the girls left, her heart beat even faster. She looked at Channing, seeing flashes of them together. The thought of having sex with this man was somehow different. He was somehow different than any other man she’d been with before. The music brought her out of the fantasies. Remembering Natalie’s words, she tried to keep the images of the two of them so close together out of her mind.

  “Would you? Like to dance, that is?”

  “Sorry, I’m a horrible dancer.” Melissa looked away quickly but turned back to him.

  “I bet you’re not so bad. Come to me.”

  The words, with the combination of looking into his stare, drew her closer. Leaning forward, she stood as he did. A large hand gripped the side of her waist, and she couldn’t look away. She felt hypnotized, in awe of how attractive he was.

  Before she realized what she was doing, her body was pressed tightly to his as he moved her against him erotically. Every nerve-ending she possessed felt consumed. Her body pulsed and vibrated against the hardness of his thighs and chest. He felt perfect. The two of them together blew her away.

  “See, I knew you were a very good dancer.”

  “Maybe because I’m not thinking. I don’t know, I can’t…think.”

  “Don’t think. Feel.”

  Feel. Just hearing him say that, she could have sworn she almost had an orgasm. Clutching her fingers in his polo shirt, she pulled him closer. The smell emanating from him intoxicated her. Leaning closer, she breathed in heavily, suddenly feeling lost in the crowded bar.


  “Yes, Melissa?”

  The need to pull his mouth to hers was crippling. It hit her hard and fast. What was it about this guy? “Would you like to leave with me?”

  He jerked back so suddenly, he bumped into a couple standing behind them. As he apologized, she watched him look around nervously and come back toward her. A look of anger passed his face, but quickly vanished.

  “Melissa, I’m not a bet. I know all about your little game. I didn’t miss the sign, either.”

  Stunned, she watched as he stalked off. Oh, she was going to kill Ev or Brandon! How could they have told? Damn it. She really wanted to leave with him, and it had nothing to do with the fact that he was the one that got pointed out to her.

  Rushing forward, she quickly caught up with him as he approached the front doors. “Channing, wait!” Pulling his arm, he turned to her. “I wasn’t asking you to leave with me because of that. I know what you saw, but weren’t we talking and getting along fine before that?”

  He looked deeply into her eyes, pulling her back into some weird, spellbinding state. “Yes. But would you have asked me if it weren’t for that?”

  “Absolutely.” The answer left her mouth before she even knew she’d opened it.

  He laughed. “I believe you. But I really should be going. I must…eat dinner.”

  “Oh, I would think you would have grabbed a bite before coming. That would have been smarter.” She quickly clamped her mouth closed. What he did was none of her business. Now not only did she make it sound like he was stupid, she’d probably scared him away permanently.

  Geez, way to go Melissa.

  Once again, he laughed. “You’re right. I should have grabbed a bite, before coming.” Something about what she’d said seemed to make him laugh harder. Confused, her hand came to rest on her hip. She didn’t necessarily like getting laughed at, especially when she didn’t know what could possibly be so funny.

  “How would you like to go to lunch tomorrow?”

nch? Why are you asking me out tomorrow? Why not to go catch that bite to eat you were wanting? I can go with you. Julie’s going to ride home with Natalie since they both live here in Corpus.”

  He looked around uncomfortably. “Not tonight, okay? Why don’t you give me your number, and I’ll call you in the morning?”

  Desperation clutched to her conscious. Why was she scared for him to leave? It was so unlike her. Regardless, the rejection was enough to snap her out of the weird spell. “Wow, that hurt. Nice. If you wanted to blow me off you should have just said no thanks.”

  Melissa shook her head and walked back toward the table. Great, the one guy who could make her melt and he totally rejected her. She wanted to laugh. Served her right for having such high hopes. Snatching her purse, she spun around to leave, when she collided with his hard chest. Damn, if she wasn’t making it a habit of literally running into him.

  “I wasn’t blowing you off. I really want to see you.”

  “Right. Listen, I’m not going to tell Brandon or Ev that you’re not interested, and my feelings are hurt, okay? They don’t even have to know we’ve met. Have a nice night.”

  She walked past him, ready to just go home. Fingers wrapped around her waist, and she couldn’t help the way her body responded to his touch. A moan almost left her lips as she bit the softness of her bottom one to keep them closed.

  “I couldn’t care less what you tell your friends.” The length of his hand traveled up passed her ribs as he pulled her back against him. Tightness erupted over her body at feeling his thick cock pressed right above her ass. “You see, I’m not one to care what other people think. Out of courtesy, I was trying to spare you from who I am. But seriously, why should I? I don’t plan to let you go. Come, we’ll leave.”

  Melissa only paused for a moment. His words were confusing but a complete turn-on. She let him wrap his arm around her shoulders as she followed him out of the main doors. They approached the same Mercedes she saw earlier. Channing was definitely not someone she would usually leave with. Imagine that—her leaving without a cowboy. She couldn’t believe it.

  “Channing, nope, pick someone else. You can’t have her.”

  Melissa spun around to see Stephen’s tall frame. “Hey, what the hell? I thought you weren’t going to be here tonight? Where’s Ev? She didn’t come, did she?”

  “No, she’s at home, but she sent me to watch over you girls. Good thing I came, too. Mel, go back inside. You’re not leaving with him.”

  Taking a step closer to Channing, she raised one of her eyebrows at her friend’s boyfriend. Stephen being a cop had its benefits, but not tonight. “I don’t think you understand. I want to leave with him. It’s okay, really.”

  “No, it’s not. I’m telling you I don’t care what you want. You’re not going to.”

  “I think the woman has made herself clear. She wants to leave with me.”

  “Don’t make me call Ayden.”

  Melissa could feel her eyes widen at his words. She knew who Ayden was, but not that well. They’d only met a time or two through passing and only because Ev and Ayden’s’ wife were friends. “What is Ayden going to do?” When neither of them said anything, she raised her voice. “Damn it, what the hell is going on?”

  “Go inside, Mel. Don’t make me tell you again.”

  She knew they were hiding something, and she wanted to know what the fuck it was. She was tired of secrets. “I’m not going until you tell me exactly why I can’t leave with Channing. And I want to know where Ayden fits into this.”

  “Listen to Stephen, go inside.” The man standing beside her was so quiet, she almost didn’t hear him. Snapping her gaze to Channing, she looked at him, hurt. She wanted to lash out she was so angry. What was it? What could the secret be? She knew she couldn’t be imagining this. Too many things kept clicking together the wrong way. Why would Ayden care what Channing was doing? Why would the two of them being together even concern Stephen’s friend?

  Planting her feet apart, she crossed her arms. “I don’t plan on taking a step until one of you either tells me what this is about, or Channing and I leave.”

  “Melissa, you don’t know what you’re doing. You don’t know who he is.”

  “So tell me, damn it! Who is he?”

  Stephen took a step to the side, closer to her. “He’s one of the most feared men I know. “

  Pieces began to come together. Stephen and Ayden were both cops, so if this guy was feared, he had to be into something illegal or bad. “Oh god, are you a drug dealer or a murderer or something?”

  Taking a step back from Channing, she looked at him skeptically. He laughed, and the fear vanished instantly, leaving her confused as to what they were referring to. The look he shot to Stephen was one that made her feel stupid for asking the question, which only replaced the earlier anger. Impatience left her fists clutched.

  “No, I’m not into anything criminal, I assure you. Now, do you want to leave with me or not? I’m not letting anyone tell me what to do. I’ll deal with the consequences.”

  Melissa looked back over at her best friend’s boyfriend. “Stephen? Please tell me why you don’t want me to go. Is he going to hurt me?”

  A look she couldn’t make out crossed over his face. “Hurt you, no, probably not.” He turned his attention to the tall man standing beside her. “Channing, you need to tell me what your intentions are. Is this just for tonight? What are you planning to do with her?”

  “I want her.”

  Those three words caused Melissa’s heart to race. Stephen’s eyes grew the size of saucers. She looked back and forth between them, feeling as though she was missing some large piece of his statement. “Channing…oh fuck. I don’t know. You don’t know her temper. She’s all wrong for you.”

  “Stephen. What the hell is the matter with you?” Tears clouded Melissa’s vision. It was one thing for someone to say something like that behind her back, but so bluntly caused hurt like she couldn’t imagine. She had problems. She knew that. But what was wrong with her? Channing said he wanted her. She wasn’t sure exactly what that meant, but she liked the sound of it.

  “Mel, that didn’t come out right. I’m sorry. You know I love you, but Channing doesn’t know you. I just think both of your personalities don’t mesh well together.”

  “We’re talking about a night, Stephen, not forever.”

  “I don’t know about that,” he mumbled.

  “What did you say?” She’d heard him perfectly well, but she still couldn’t believe what he’d said. Not waiting, she grabbed Channing’s hand. “Let’s go.”

  “Mel, wait. Just please, think about this. Don’t look at him. Look at me. What does your mind, your heart, tell you to do?”

  Stephen grabbed her face and made her stare into eyes. For seconds she searched her own mind for the truth. “I don’t know what you mean, but I know I feel compelled to go. I want to. Now let me, and tell Ev congrats. I wasn’t the nicest person earlier. Tell her I’ll call tomorrow.”

  He nodded and dropped his hands. “Be careful. Call me if you need anything. Anything! I’ll come get you or whatever needs to be done.”

  Channing pulled her closer to the car, and she climbed in as he opened the door. Settling back on the seat, she tried to process exactly what just happened. She felt more lost than ever. Before she and her soon-to-be lover parted ways, she was going to figure out a way to get him to tell her everything. To do that, she wanted to be on familiar ground. No hotel rooms for this one. For the first time, she’d bring a bet home.

  Chapter 5

  Nervousness filled Melissa as they pulled into her drive. Leaving her truck probably hadn’t been very smart, but she’d called Julie, and it just so happened that Julie left her keys on the counter to her car and her friend had a spare at her house. She could drive the Mercedes to Corpus, pick up her truck, and lock Julie’s keys in her car. It worked out perfectly.

  “Second thoughts?”

  Looking at Channing
in the darkness, she shook her head no. Melissa opened the door and proceeded up the steps. When he paused, she turned around to see him staring out toward the sand dunes.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No.” He moved forward but kept his gaze in the general direction of the beach.

  Unlocking the door, Melissa walked in and dropped her stuff on the coffee table. Heat enveloped her from behind so fast the surprise made her suck in air. Wasn’t he just at the door? She hadn’t even heard it shut.

  “Your smell has been driving me wild since I met you.” Pressure gripped her hips as he pulled her ass deeper into his form. The hardness pressing against her through the thin fabric of the dress caused her legs to tremble.

  An arm wrapped around her chest, wedging between her breasts as his hand cupped her chin. The smoothness of his face nestled into her neck and sent currents all throughout her body. Melissa moaned, moving closer against him.

  “I want to taste every inch of you. I’m betting you taste even better than you smell.”

  Suddenly lifted, Melissa clutched to his arm. He walked straight to her bedroom without so much as a pause. When she was placed stomach-down on the cool comforter, he didn’t give her time to roll over. The weight of his body covered hers.

  Fabric ripped, causing cool air to brush against the exposed skin of her back. Shocked, her head turned to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of him. The top of his head was all she could see. Lips began placing nearly nonexistent kisses along her spine. More fabric ripped the further down he trailed. Heat scorched every inch of her body, igniting a path of fire wherever he touched. A cry escaped her as he lightly sucked her skin into his mouth.

  Channing growled under his breath, flipping her on her back. He tore his clothes off faster than anyone she’d seen undress in their life. Excitement caused her to pull what remained of hers off, too. They reached for each other at the same moment.


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