Melissa's Mates (Blissful Bets #3)

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Melissa's Mates (Blissful Bets #3) Page 9

by Alaska Angelini

  “The one and only.”

  Mesmerized, Channing watched the wolf play with the tongue ring. How could he stand that thing in his mouth? Curious, his mind came up with all kinds of questions. “Say, Londyn, have you ever swallowed one of those things?”

  “Two, actually.”

  “How do the ladies like them?”

  A laugh exploded out of the blond’s mouth. “Oh, they enjoy it just fine, but I don’t need the art to satisfy them. I got this because I thought it would get me to stop smoking. No such luck, but I find it gives me something to do when I’m bored.”

  “Interesting. So…” Channing’s heart jumped, making him lose focus on his words. He didn’t think. He felt for Melissa’s connection and disappeared. Opening his eyes, a bedroom came into view. Two sleeping forms were nestled under the covers. Julie had her arm wrapped around Melissa’s sleeping body.

  Tears poured from his mate’s eyes even as she slept. A sickening feeling swamped Channing. He wanted badly to pull her into his arms and hold her. But he couldn’t. He needed to leave. Red hair flowed freely over the white pillow, and he bent down and inhaled deeply before he forced himself to go.

  Feeling the couch-bed appear underneath him, he opened his eyes. Connor stood directly at the end of the mattress, glaring at him.

  “Her pain woke me up. You went to her. What was wrong? Is she okay?”

  “Bad dream, I think. Julie was holding her while they slept. That girl has my utmost respect.”

  “I’m glad she’s not sleeping alone, but are you sure she was okay?”

  Channing exhaled loudly. “She even cries in her sleep. I hope this isn’t going to go on for much longer because I can’t take seeing her like that. If I knew it wouldn’t set us back in trying to win her over, I’d have brought her back here.”

  Connor cursed under his breath. A throat clearing had both of them looking toward Londyn.

  “That whole disappearing thing was beyond awesome. But let me get this straight because I’m not a dumbass. You’re both mated to the same girl, aren’t you?”

  “I knew you weren’t stupid. If you would have been, I wouldn’t have trusted you to stay here.” Connor walked in the kitchen and started the coffee pot. It didn’t take long before the rich aroma made its way to Channing.

  “So we have another trio. This is just crazy. Why does this keep happening?”

  Channing shrugged his shoulders. “I’m not sure, but you better watch it, boy, or else you could be next.”

  “Hell no. I’m not going to be mated anytime soon. I still have plenty of party years ahead of me.”

  Channing laughed and so did Connor. “Let me give you some advice. When it happens, there’s nothing you can do. I don’t care how you feel now. The moment the pull begins, you’ll be lost and instantly in love.”


  Connor walked out and handed Channing a mug of coffee. “He’s right, Londyn. You can’t stop or control it. It’s the best feeling in the world. I promise.”

  “Yeah, it sure looks like the best feeling. Look at yourselves. You’ve both got bags from sleep deprivation blackening under your eyes. Best feeling, my ass. No mate for me.”

  Channing glanced over at Connor and narrowed his eyes while grinning. “Yeah, okay Londyn, no mate for you, we get it. But I was wondering if I paid you, if you could do me a favor?”

  Both men looked at him skeptically. “Depends what it is, I guess.”

  He once again looked at Connor. “I want to send Melissa some flowers. Could you personally deliver them for me and make sure she gets them?”

  “I could do that. When?”

  “It’s half passed ten, now. We’ll give it a few more hours. Let the girls get some rest.”

  Eyes narrowed at him, and Connor smiled, understanding. It was time to test fate with his new friend, Londyn. Maybe it wouldn’t work, but then again, what if it did?

  Chapter 11

  Melissa woke up stiff. Her eyes felt swollen as shit, and her throat was on fire. Damn, even in sleep she couldn’t escape her men. Lifting Julie’s arm, she made her way to the restroom. Turning on the cold water, she washed her face.

  “Damn, we slept forever.” Julie leaned on the door, looking at her in the mirror. “How are you feeling? Are you hungry?”

  Melissa dried her face. “Not really, but I think maybe it would be best if I ate.”

  “Okay, we’ll have to go get something. I’m not much of the shopper. Not anymore, anyway. If you want, we can go to the store after we eat, and we’ll buy some food. I used to be a really good cook.”

  Turning around, she took the brunette in her arms, hugging her tightly. “Thanks, Jules. I don’t know what I would do if it wasn’t for you. Everyone kept telling me not to fight the,” Melissa paused. “You know, just to let it happen, that’s all. I couldn’t do that.”

  “Fight what?” Julie looked at her suspiciously.


  Fear made her head pound. Damn, that had been a close one. Her mouth needed a padlock for things like this. How was she ever going to keep this secret with her curse?

  A knock had the girls tense at the exact same moment. Julie lifted her hand. “You stay. I’ll see who it is.” Ignoring her, Melissa followed.

  “Who is it?” She yelled through the door while looking out the peep hole.

  “Londyn. I have a delivery for Melissa. My friends Connor and Channing said she was staying here.

  At the mention of their names, Melissa’s heart accelerated to dangerous proportions. Julie looked at her in shock. “How did they know where I live?” she hissed in a whisper.

  Melissa shrugged as Julie opened the door. Moments of silence caused her to walk forward. Her friend was just standing there quietly. “Hello, what’s going on?” Melissa snapped her fingers, and Julie spun around, startled.

  “Sorry, I don’t know what happened.” She grabbed the flowers and slammed the door in the delivery guy’s face. The paleness of Julie’s tanned skin alerted Melissa right away.

  “What in the hell is the matter with you, Jules? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “No ghost. The guy just...I guess I got lost in his tattoos. I don’t know, I…Never mind. How in the hell did your men know where I live?”

  Melissa shrugged and took the large bouquet of roses as Julie peaked through the peephole. “I don’t know. But the flowers are beautiful, aren’t they?” Inhaling deeply, her throat tightened. Just knowing they knew where she was made her want to go back to them. They had cared enough to find her; that alone made butterflies rush through her stomach. No one had ever attempted to make things work once she’d left.

  “I know that love-sick look. Enough of this. Let’s get dressed and get some food. I’m starving. “

  Melissa trailed her finger along a silky petal and just nodded. She wondered what they were doing. Where were her men? Were they here in Corpus, or were they still at her house? Holding her hand to her chest, she tried to contain the pain mixed with a tinge of happiness. At least the ache wasn’t as bad today. Maybe she could move on with her life. Or did she really want to?

  * * * *

  Connor flipped open his cell phone at seeing Londyn’s name appear on the caller ID. “Hey, how did it go?”

  “Just fucking great. I got the flowers snatched out of my hand and the door slammed in my face. I’m assuming the brunette who wanted to rip my head off isn’t your Melissa.”

  “No, she’s not. Our mate has red hair. Why do you ask?”

  “No, reason. Look, I’m not going to be home for a while. There are some things I need to take care of. Tell Channing thanks a fucking billion.”

  Connor heard the phone disconnect and looked at it while a laugh exploded from his mouth. “Channing, Londyn says thanks a fucking billion. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

  “Oh yes, I’m almost positive. He’ll be thanking us in the long run. How ‘bout you and I go watch our girl? I don’t like knowing
I can’t see where she’s at.”

  Looking at Channing, he smiled and grabbed his keys. “Great minds think alike. Let’s go.”

  They made their way to the truck, and Connor let the pull lead him deeper into the city. He knew exactly where Melissa was staying. It hadn’t been hard to get the lawyer’s home address from Ayden. But he wasn’t being led there. Channing cleared his throat, and he shrugged. “I think they left the house. We’ll find her. “

  “She’s not as bad today. I’m glad.” Connor watched him look out of the window. His sad expression affected his wolf like nothing he’d ever felt before. He was used to this feeling when he felt compassion for women, but a man, never. He really liked Channing. If he would have had a brother, he assumed this is what it would have felt like to have him in pain.

  “We’ll get her back. Don’t worry.”

  “I hope it’s soon. Connor, I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I’m not sure what to do to make her realize how deep our love goes. God, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do right this moment to get her to see.”

  Connor laughed. “Here’s your moment. Look across the light, to the right. She’s going into that restaurant.”

  “Do we go in or should we just wait and see where she goes?”

  Connor watched her and Julie walk inside. The light turned green and he pulled to the opposite end of the lot. “I don’t know. What do you think? Maybe she needs more time.”

  “Yeah, probably. But how much more time?” Channing sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Every minute feels like a fucking eternity.”

  “Tell me about it. Listen, I am hungry. I say we go in and act like we don’t even know she’s there. Let’s see how she reacts.”

  A smile lit the vampire’s face, and Connor’s heart leaped. Better. He wanted Channing to be happy. And he couldn’t deny that getting a hint of Melissa’s scent would make him feel better. He missed her smell like an addiction – one that drove him to do the one thing that could possibly push her away. Damn, he hoped this didn’t backfire in his face.

  Climbing out of the truck, Channing stuck by his side while they walked through the doors. Their bond wanted him to head to the back left. Instead, he walked right. The place was so small he knew they wouldn’t be able to hide from her.

  * * * *

  Melissa took a drink of her soda and began choking on it the moment she saw her men walk through the door. Julie leaned over the table, patting her back, but she couldn’t even acknowledge her friend, not when she couldn’t take her eyes away from Channing’s. God, they both looked so good. How had they found her?

  “Are you okay? Damn, slow down, Mel.”

  Julie caught her gaze, and she could see her friend look toward the other side of the room out of her peripheral vision. Still, she couldn’t look away from them. Her body tried to pull her to stand and walk over. It took every ounce of her power to stay rooted to the chair.

  “All right. I’m going over to tell them to leave. Don’t move, Mel. I’ll be right back.”

  “No, don’t.” Desperation made Melissa grab Julie’s hand. “Please, they’re not coming over here. It’s fine. Let them eat. What if they’re hungry? I’m not even sure if they ate this morning.”

  Round eyes stared at her. “If they’re hungry, they can find some other damn place to eat. They did this on purpose. I bet they followed us.”

  “I don’t care. They can stay as long as they’re over there.”

  Melissa had no clue what she was saying, but she didn’t want them to leave. With them being so close, the pain had eased considerably. She hardly even noticed it. God, she wanted to go to them. The need to inhale their skin or run her fingers down their bare chests had her biting her lip. Heat coursed through her body as she fought her reaction to the thoughts.

  “Your face is flushed. Are you feeling okay?”

  “Never better.” Melissa turned from her friend and looked back at Connor and Channing. “They’re absolutely beautiful, aren’t they?”

  “You love them? Impossible.” Julie’s whispered words broke the spell.

  “It’s too early to know that. Even if I did, things like that don’t last.”

  “Yes they do. My parents have been married over fifty years, and they love each other very much. They were just as devastated as I was whenever…my ex left me.”

  “I’m sorry, Jules. Your parents are the exception.”

  “I think so sometimes, too.”

  Melissa scooted to the far end of the chair, closest to her men’s table. They weren’t even looking over. After Channing made eye contact with her, he’d never looked back. Was something wrong?

  The waitress came over and took the orders. She watched as Connor said a few words and stood. A few words exchanged between him and Channing, and he headed for the door.

  “Jules, I’ll be back. I need-”

  “You want to talk to him. I get it.”

  Channing stood, headed for the door, and she could feel herself panic. She wasn’t sure what she needed to tell them or why she wanted to go to them, but she had to. “Jules, I’m sorry. But I have to go.”

  “Oh, Mel.” She let out a long sigh. “I’ll see you at the house tonight. Do come back. Don’t rush back because of some feeling. Give it time.”

  “I’ll be back.”

  “Here.” Rolling her eyes, Julie handed her a key. “That’s so you can get in if I’m not there. You have my number; call me.”

  Melissa kissed her cheek and ran from the table. The men must have changed their minds. She could see the truck backing out of the parking lot. Running, she threw herself in front of it as Connor started forward. He slammed on the breaks, and she could see his eyes widen.

  Channing jumped out and rushed toward her. “Melissa, what are you doing?” Arms encircled around her, and she clung to him frantically.

  “I couldn’t let you both leave. I’m not saying I’m coming back, but letting you leave, I couldn’t.”

  “It’s okay. Tell me what you want. Anything. Just say the words.”

  “Is she all right? What’s going on?”

  Melissa looked at Connor. Channing held onto her tighter. “She didn’t want us to leave. She’s still not ready, but she had to see us.”

  “Take me somewhere. Let us all go some place, please.” Damn, she couldn’t think. Words were not even coming out the way they should. Was she actually begging? Her body heated to his closeness, and she could feel herself moving deeper into the warmth emanating from him.

  “Connor, come here, will you?”

  Channing’s voice sounded weak as he called for her other mate. Looking confused, he came forward. Connor stopped, closed his eyes, and breathed in deeply.

  “Home. You smell like home.”

  Like gravity pulled her, she unwrapped herself from Channing and came to a stop in front of hazel eyes. “Connor, kiss me?”

  The words came from nowhere, but she couldn’t deny them. She wanted his lips on hers. The need to taste him overpowered any other thought going through her mind.

  “Channing, you’re going to have to drive.”

  Connor’s hands gripped the outside of her thighs and pulled her to straddle his waist. Lips crushed into hers, and she was lost. Movement of them walking and climbing into the truck was nothing but a blur as she massaged her tongue into his.

  “It’s amazing how hours can feel like an eternity. God, I missed you, Mel.”

  “I missed you, too. But this isn’t permanent. I can’t stay. I just needed both of you.” Again, his mouth crushed into hers. Jeans separated them from what Melissa wanted to feel. Hardness pressed between her legs, and she was desperate to feel him sliding inside of her.

  “I’m glad you came to us. We’re always here for you no matter what you need. Listen to your body. It wants both of us, doesn’t it?”

  Melissa moaned into his mouth. “Yes.” She rocked her hips, feeling him push against her. The pulsing in her clit was nonstop. It go
t worse, the further his hands traveled up her back.

  “Fuck, I’m not sure I can wait until we get to the apartment before I taste you.”

  “Two minutes, Connor. I’m going as fast as I can.”

  Fingers eased into her hair at the base of her neck, tilting her head to the side. Melissa pulled her lips away from his mouth and began running her tongue down his neck. A flavor all his own overtook her. Biting his skin, she knew she needed more.

  “Fuck, Melissa. That feels so good. This is the way it’s supposed to be. Just like this.”

  The truck came to a stop, and she was being carried, but where she wasn’t sure. She didn’t care to look around. All she knew was that she needed to continue to take in whatever Connor was giving her, and at the moment that was pure bliss to her senses.

  The sound of the door crashing open registered, but they kept moving. When another door opened and shut, she felt hands lift the back of her shirt up and pull it over her head. Lips traced her spine while Connor pulled her from his neck and plunged his tongue into her mouth.

  She could feel Channing at her back. His hands kneaded the flesh at her sides as he approached her neck. Removing one of her hands from Connor’s head, she reached back and pulled him closer to her. She could feel him shift behind and knew he was removing his clothes. She didn’t wait. Her fingers went right to the button of her jeans.

  “Connor, let me down. I want to undress. I need to feel both of you.”

  “No, I won’t let you down. Channing, take her pants off.” Connor ripped the shirt from his body at his words.

  Melissa’s legs were released as he moved one arm to wrap around her waist while the other pulled at the button and the zipper of his jeans. Channing removed her pants and panties, instantly placing kisses along her skin as he worked his way higher up her thighs. His body pressed into her as he stood.

  “Tell me to touch you, Melissa.” Channing’s breath brushed against her neck as his fingers inched up her legs toward her pussy.


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