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Sanction Page 90

by Roman McClay

  “And they talk shit behind his back, they try to fuck his girls. At this point his has two live-in girlfriends, he’s totally honest -for a human- with them, and not at all sneaky or disloyal. He is upfront. They agree to live this way, and they then betray him with malice and brutal shit. Shit I won’t even get into, because you know, this ain’t an asymptote project, we have a timeline, we have other shit to do, right?” Isaiah said with a laugh at how much detail was necessary -and necessarily left out- with this guy.

  “Anyway, he does what no alpha does: he is up front about his need for a harem, instead of sneaking around like 99 out 100 guys. And for this he gets no respect, none. People call him a scoundrel when he is 100-fold more honest than they are. He doesn’t cheat on his girls, ever. He won’t even look at other girls but his girls. He is honest while 99% of so-called alphas are banging chicks behind their girl’s back. Which by the way, no real alpha cheats, only betas cheat; a real alpha does what our inmate does: he commands a harem overtly, honestly, without deception.

  “Ok, next, he is attacked by three Mexican cholo wannabes, he pulls his 45-caliber pistol and warns them to back off; for this he is arrested; not them. He is; with all his white-privilege that he is accused of having, ok, his white-privilege gets him locked up not the Mexicans dirt bags. He spends a night in felony lock up on two counts of felony menacing with a weapon ; to wit: a firearm,” Isaiah read the indictment from the file as his booking sheet populated the screen next.

  “He gets a deferred judgment due to his awesome lawyer Tom Henry and does two years’ probation and it costs him nearly $100,000. Plus, he loses his business again,” Isaiah said quickly and smiled waiting for MO to catch on.

  “Wait, Tom Henry?” MO asked.

  “I told you it got weirder,” Isaiah said. He was smiling at MO.

  “So, due to his plea deal, he can’t work legally in the MMJ industry even though it is legal in Colorado because the courts are federal; so, he must sneak around and work in another man’s shop to keep earning but stay out of jail.

  “He invests all his own money, $40,000 in the business, and while his PO is ragging on him, his therapist -mandatory anger management- is trying to fuck him. Which by the way, she turns out to be as malicious as any predatory bitch ever made. Anyway, as this is going on he gets locked out of the business he paid for, because his name couldn’t be on the lease. He is out, fucked, done,” Isaiah said as he slapped both of his hands together as if to cleanse them of some detritus. MO tags these events to the timeline for 2009-2014 alongside the CNS damage and augmentation.

  “Mike burns him and brings big tough Todd along to scare Lyndon. It does not work, because three months earlier, Russian mobsters tried the same shit; came to intimidate him and Lyndon laughed in their faces. But, that dude, some Russian Jew,” Isaiah said as Jacob’s photo and biometrics appeared on the screen. “Bingo, that guy, so Jacob -who also runs a car dealership- says his name is on the lease too, which it is. So, two guys -Jacob and Michael- are arguing over which of them is allowed to steal our inmate’s business, and finally they win by locking him out.

  “He’s on probation he can’t do shit. He has no legal rights. But in real life, he paid for it, ran it, stocked it, improved it, and ran it 12hrs a day. It was his . The only owner of anything is its commander, as Ahab would say.

  “And this isn’t over, he cannot grow at home anymore because his PO comes around, so he buys into another business and improves that, makes great weed and improves everyone’s lives, then is beset by beta males who unplug his lights and sabotage his shit in the middle of the night; I shit you not. They are jealous and angry and want him out of their warehouse, and again he is fucked. This is bordering on Book of Job shit.

  “Now, many people will say, well he’s too angry and hostile and mean, he makes people not like him . To which I say, yes ; and shit, he agrees he is abrading. But even unpopular people have rights. Barry Bonds and Michael Jordan were hated too. But they won, and they had rights to their teams and their money.

  “Lyndon was one of the best, and he made money for everyone. And they stole his life from him. Unpopular or not, they had no moral right to steal from him. But they did, and they justified it. He appealed to moral authority, he yelled and screamed. All to no avail. He appealed to the law, to the State, and was told he had no standing to even bring suit.

  “He -and this is in 2016 now- he called his own bank to stop a check that Mike had stolen and wrote out for $3,000 and the bank told him to pound sand. He legally fought back against men who attacked him first, shoved him, ambushed him three on one, he followed use-of-force law to the T, he had a CCW and behaved exactly as the law prescribes when under threat, and yet it was he who went to jail .

  “He -once on probation- had even less recourse, he had no legal right to even be in the building, because again, while marijuana was legal in Denver, it was not federally so he was breaking his probation by even being inside. So, he had no rights, and his partners knew this, and they stole it all and laughed in his face. He didn’t merely react, instead, he methodically tried both ways in the world. He explored his environment like any animal would.

  “He tried fighting and he tried being calm. He fought back, and conversely, he took it. He was a hothead and he was calm. And ether way he lost. He lost it all, each time. Eleven business stolen or taken with coercion and lies. Twelve, if you count Zendik and don’t yet include what Tess did,” Isaiah said and paused as each one populated the screen and MO took the data and ran it through Isaiah’s algorithm. Zendik was considered the first theft in this diorama.

  “Most men wouldn’t survive one or two of these, he survived all twelve. And then the 13th with Tess Preston, that was his last fucking straw,” Isaiah said as Teresa Preston’s face, biometrics, and genome populated the screen. Her location was being tracked and MO had -on request from Isaiah- implanted a bot in her to keep track of her corpus indefinitely.

  “She took his equipment and money and breeding stock and intellectual property -his method- and strains, cultivars technically, and she ran it into the ground in 13 months; and she refused to pay him. She told him he was barred from the property, and that it was hers now. She said that her name was on the lease of this house, not his, and the landlord liked her, not him. All of which was true, but it was still theft. And she laughed in his face, daring him to do something about it. MO, she literally laughed in his face. And when I use the word, literally , I know what it means.

  “Now, all this is going on while women are emasculating him, undermining him, betraying him and his own family is unsympathetic and shaking their heads like he is the problem, ok? He has to listen to lectures from daddy’s little rich girl sister-in-law, this silly and insipid woman, he has to listen to her lecture him! It’s like a worm upbraiding the bird.

  “So, long story longer, he built his home on his 35 acres in the wilderness and plotted all their demise .

  “But, until you know how badly he was treated, ripped off, maligned, lied to, cheated on, threatened, emasculated and I didn’t even mention the tattoo shop he put $30,000 into and paid all his profits to the manager who then walked out one day and took the whole crew with him and left the shop dead; oh, while his so-called partner took them all in to his shop in a total betrayal -and that guy was also banging his -the inmate’s- girl behind his back,” Isaiah said as Jeremy Costilow’s file came up. MO measured the brain data on that victim too and saw low IQ; low neural propagation speeds due to low myelination. MO saw three alleles that code for sociopathy as well.

  “And the new girl who came in -Rayne- she didn’t pay her booth rent, she stole his tattoo machines and money and on and on. She had the nerve to insult him as she ripped him off; literally stealing the other employees rent that was due to Lyndon. And again, she insulted him with some unlettered and rambling note she left taped to the shop’s door.

  “And he’s had two motorcycles stolen at this point, $10,000 in guns, and body armor, from his
house -by neighbors- and on and on. It’s risible.

  “MO, this guy has been treated like he is nothing, for decades. He tells his father about it and it turns out his father was the one who told Carey to rip him off and lock him out; and the father didn’t even call Lyndon to tell him. His own father helped his son’s enemies steal his business. And then when Lyndon overreacted, as he does -although I don’t think you can overreact to your own father stabbing you in the back- but then Lee MacLeod makes it all about himself and throws a pity party for himself because Lyndon said mean shit. Nobody, not mom or dad or his brother stick up for Lyndon during any of this. Nobody.

  “They just shook their heads like he was the problem. Travis said it was his quote, lifestyle, that was at issue, not that he had been mistreated. Travis, this is the guy who lies to his wife, his kids,” he said as MO brought the family up on the screen, “and pretends to believe in God. This guy is lecturing Lyndon who is radically honest, too honest, this guy -the brother- is lecturing Lyndon about his lifestyle.

  “It’s all too much, and when I compared it to most people’s lives -and except Haitians, and Russians who have endured as much or more- nobody has put up with more bullshit that this guy and he waited until he was 45 to kill them all; that showed forbearance and tolerance in extremis . I would have killed them years before,” Isaiah said as the brain data rolled in and gave a .84 correlation between the phenomena that Isaiah had predicted. He had made as good a case for the malice theory of disease as any in epidemiology.

  The brain structures and gene expression morphology over time, mapped onto each occurrence, each moment of betrayal, were all laid out onto the screen and the corporate cloud in a line now 47 years long.

  MO smiled. Each detail was processed, but he was not yet prepared to come to a conclusion.

  “I’m not kidding, they all deserved what they got. I looked into all this, and he was not wrong. They pushed him, an alpha, a giant Rottweiler, to the brink, and then cried when they got bit.

  “The State didn’t help him, didn’t care about justice, the banks didn’t either. He gets ripped off for $6,400 by a shipping container guy and nobody does shit. His own brother refused to have his lawyer send a demand letter; easiest thing in the world. So, yeah, that guy, Mark Pike, he is dead now and good riddance. He stole $6,400 from Lyndon. Period. For no reason; just because he thought he could .

  “Oh, and Lyndon’s doing business with Alexandra’s brother and he rips him off too. It’s endless. The guy is Job , he is biblically oppressed, and it is all because people are jealous of him; and they think he is so successful that he won’t risk it all to get even. Mike said that to him once. He said that he -our inmate- had too much to lose .

  “And he finally snapped. And anyone would, anyone but Jesus. And he ain’t Jesus. He’s a man, an actual man. Not that epicene, meek and mild faggot on the cross,” Isaiah said as he dared God to fuck with him.

  “Does he regret it?” MO asked; the blaspheme didn’t even register on his CNS.

  “Shit, he hates prison in some ways, but he gets to read, and work out. That is half his day no matter where he lives; and he knows that he got even; that he got the last laugh and that means a lot to a man like him. Any real man would want that over anything else. Vengeance is crucial to positive mental affect.

  “Think of what this shit does to the brain, not just the psyche, but the actual brain of a man, to be betrayed over and over by people you love and trust; and have everyone get away with it. Look, what do brains do? They learn patterns. That is exactly what his brain did; it learned the pattern, the rules. And the rule are: might makes right . The rules are: there are no rules . The rules are: fuck over anyone you can . He didn’t make those rules up; he learned them from everyone else.

  “That is what the world taught him; and then everyone wants to say, oh, well he could have handled it another way. Bullshit, his body was broken, his back and neck and tendons are trashed, he can’t work a regular job. He can write for a living but nobody wanted his essays and novels, so he turned to his best last hope: robbery from those who robbed him and violence to settle all debts.

  “I think he did the right thing. I just don’t think he ought to have turned himself in. He got away with it. He should have laughed into the sunset. But, nobody reached down to lift this guy up, they abandoned him and were glad he was suffering, his family were the worst, and it’s because they were and are jealous and evil. Period.

  “They hated him from day one. And because they don’t know themselves, and think they are good people, they don’t even know they can act maliciously, subconsciously bent on revenge on him; and so they never once doubt their true motives.

  “His dad actually said, how do you steal a business? as if Lyndon was lying about getting ripped off. Lee MacLeod, so dumb and senile and evil now, actually asked that question. His son is ripped off by a family friend, with Lee’s help, and he actually asks if it’s even possible to steal a business.

  “The irony is that Travis is having his business stolen at the same time, in 2017, but can hire a lawyer -because he has standing - because he sells air conditioners for a living, and he acts all high and mighty like he’s a smart and tough guy, when the State is standing behind him.

  “Lyndon had nobody behind him. And he warned them -he warned them more than once- and they all looked doe-eyed and stupid and mouths agape. They didn’t help him at all. And he wasn’t lazy or a drug addict or irresponsible; he worked twice the hours as any of them; he built businesses from the ground up with sweat equity and grinding it out and total assiduous dedication, and they took their holidays and weekends and 8-hour work days while he worked 3,500 hours a year .

  “And they refused to invest in him, ran him down, told him he didn’t know how to make money, told him he was a loser; refused to back him. Told him all his misfortune was his fault -not the criminals and scum bags and liars- but that he was to blame.

  “So, he took his capital, his assets and built -by hand- his own home in the forest. He hunted bear and elk and coyote and tried to write essays and stories and nobody gave one fuck. So, he went with plan B. Only a total pussy would have done anything else. He gave the world every chance to appreciate his talents and hard work and they said, no thanks. They said, we’ll take plan B.

  “So, he gave them plan B . He did what any warlord in history, any great man would have done; he drew a line in the sand and once his enemies refused to meet him on neutral ground, he stepped over it. He crossed the Rubicon as Caesar; and did it with relative honesty and some integrity.

  “Now, he is loathed to even speak on this subject; because he feels like it will be interpreted as whining and complaining and acting like a little girl. That -he would say- is ungallant. He would say that a real man just takes it and shuts the fuck up. And so, he prefers to down play it, to not mention it. And in fact, he said nothing for decades, he never mentioned the humiliations, the rip offs, the betrayals. He did just move on. 12 times.

  “That is the irony; he just moved on and built new relationships, new businesses, new modes of being, and did not collapse in a ball and cry. But the whole time the brain, the brain structures are being wrought up, augmented here, attenuated there, and his mindset is a result of these CNS changes that others -and their malice- is creating. The science is clear.

  “Like I said, this last set of betrayals, including his father, were too much, precisely because they were not the first, but the last. They were the twelve labors of Hercules , as if no one knew about the previous 11. Nobody knew about all these rip-offs, so they ignored him when he finally mentioned the 12th . People have no historical knowledge of anything, and so they assume he complained the first time. They assumed that because this is the first time they heard anything, that it was the first time he was totally destroyed. So, they always assumed he over reacted. They had no idea.

  “He underreacted, in my opinion,” Isaiah said. The CNS data, the gene expression in real time, all populated
the screen in a loop. MO slotted it all and made folders for each permutation.

  “And that is why I feel compelled to go into some detail on this. Because he did not complain the first 11 times, he even shrugged off the felony charges he got -in 2012- for defending himself, righteously, from those Mexican scumbags. He told people that he probably overreacted and admitted his mistake and on and on. He was magnanimous. He accepted his defeat at the hands of the state of Colorado in that one. He did not whine. He did not cry. He paid his money, he lost his business, he suffered the indignity. He took it.

  “But, this last one just broke him, and so he finally was vulnerable, he finally told people, and they all assumed it was his first travail! They assumed it was the first time he was ripped off, the first time he had to start over, from nothing, the first time ostensible friends or partners or girlfriends had maligned him, undermined him, taken everything he had. And so, they felt he should buck up and get on with it and stop his goddamn whining. They treated him as if he was the very thing he feared they would think, the thing that had kept him silent over all these years.

  “They say rape victims are afraid to come forward for how they will be treated. Well, mutatis mutandis ,” Isaiah said as MO made more calculations on the amygdala and the dmPFC and cross- referenced studies he had collated once Isaiah had mentioned his theory on malice and brain disease.

  “Jung said that, Nietzsche too: if moral relativism is adopted en masse , then people are going to behave immorally; that people will follow their society to doom. And their victims -their wives they mistreat or their husbands they cuckold, their children they fail to encourage or discipline, their workers or bosses they fail to honor and care for, their fellow man they use as mere tool- if they do this, then people will become dark and vengeful in a cycle now -of malice and vengeance- and a black spiral to Hell.


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