Ham Taylor: Lost In Time!

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Ham Taylor: Lost In Time! Page 57

by J.P Jackson


  Surrounded by all the stars and dimensions in eternity, Taylor waited on his glowing spot for the disembodied voices to make themselves known. It wasn't a long wait.

  "Your stay of execution is over,” announced a tired old man. “We may have arrived at a decision.”

  "May I ask the meddler of time a question?” a young woman interrupted. “It is not pertinent, but I am curious.”

  The elusive Timekeepers gave permission and the disembodied voice asked her question.

  "Hamilton Taylor, how did it feel to rescue your planet and people? How did it feel to be a hero?”

  Taylor faced the direction of the voice. “Alien. I take it you aint sending me back?”

  The older man tittered. “You will not be going back, Taylor. Your case has been discussed in great depth. There are still conflicting opinions but yes, one thing we agree on is that you will certainly not be going back.”

  Taylor looked at his right arm and smiled. “How about a deal? Send me back to my own time and I promise to put your toys down. No more time travel. No more meddling.”

  Multiple voices grumbled and discussed the proposal as Taylor watched a swirling white hole and all the matter churning inside it.

  "We would take you at your word, Hamilton,” said the young girl, “but we simply do not believe you."

  "He is wily and sly," insisted the elder. "A born liar. Why waste any more time on the matter?"

  "Penelope lives," the girl interrupted. "You know this Hamilton, and we know that you will never give up the search.”

  Taylor turned his back to creation, his throat went dry and his legs turned to jelly as he repeated the words, Penelope lives.

  "I knew it,” he growled through gritted teeth. Suddenly, Taylor let out all the years of frustration and fury in one exhilarated scream: “I knew it!”

  His sound reverberated through the universes as Taylor wavered on his spot.

  "Are you calm?” the girl asked, a moment later. “As you can gather Hamilton, we are still torn about what to do with you. This has been a difficult process for this assembly.”

  “I am not torn at all,” said the elder. “Send him to Nightmare Hall, that is my decision and my mind is made up.”

  Still caught in his own thoughts, Taylor barely heard them. The Timekeepers were right, and he knew it. His wife was out there somewhere, and no matter how many promises he made, it would only be a matter of time before he tinkered with the clock.

  "Just give her back,” he begged. “Give her back and we walk away forever.”

  The understanding female reluctantly replied. “Hamilton, your wife's situation is complicated. Removing her from it may -”

  "Fuck you!” he barked, throwing up his hands. “I've had it with you people, or things, or whatever you are! If you won't kill me here and now then yeah, I'll go after Penelope with everything I've got and fuck your shit so badly doing it!”

  "Do not threaten us!” the older male boomed, his astonishing sound causing Taylor to duck. “This assembly does not believe in death sentences, but I would consider instating one for you!”

  "Let us not make this personal,” urged a new voice, an aged and articulate woman. “We have Nightmare Hall waiting for you Hamilton Taylor, and incarceration for the rest of your life. However my opinion is to work with you, rather than against. You could be extremely valuable to us. I see no point in throwing that asset away.”

  "Ludicrous!” the old man objected. “Not this nonsense again! The human being cannot be controlled. He needs to be contained, not encouraged! Such a plan is folly, both irresponsible and dangerous!”

  "And that,” the older woman interjected, “is why it may work. The plan is audacious, but the forever man will never see him coming.”

  "I have faith” said the young girl. “The Earthling will not let us down.”

  Taylor put two fingers between his lips and blew a whistle.

  "Excuse me?” he said, waving. “What's a forever man? What do you want me to do?”

  His shoulders sprung to his ears at the sound of a hammer smashing wood, as if a judge had settled a case.

  "It is done!” declared the older woman, to many huffs and puffs. “Hamilton Taylor, you are under our employ until further notice. Good luck on your assignment. We will speak again, if you live.”

  "Wait!” Taylor yelled, as the light returned up each leg. “I'll do what you want! I'll complete your mission! Just just give me my wife back! You have the power, you can do that! Give her back! Give her -”

  The light consumed him and Taylor was falling as fast as he had risen. His stomach pressing to his throat as the podium sank into the sparkling light of the universe and Milky Way galaxy, journeying past the sun, planets and moon to arrive back on Planet Earth.


  The bone chilling water woke him from his dream, as did the distress call over the choppy waves.

  “Man Overboard!”

  Taylor raised his arms and rode the waves as a white rubber life-ring splashed near his head. Swallowing several gulps of salt water, he snatched hold of the ring as strangers tugged on the line. Shivering with fever and the onset of pneumonia, and moments before losing consciousness, Taylor read the inscription on the life-ring:



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