#0004 White Out

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by Calle J. Brookes


  CASE FILES #0004






  EST. 2011

  Other books by

  Calle J.



  DARDANOS Paranormal Romance

  The Blood Hunter (formerly Live or Die)

  The Blood Heir (formerly The Blood King)

  The Blood Seer (formerly The Seer’s Strength)

  The Blood Warrior (formerly The Warrior’s Woman)

  The Blood Healer (formerly The Healer’s Heart)

  The Wolf Bitten (formerly Once Wolf Bitten)

  The Demon Queen (formerly Awakening the Demon’s Queen)

  The Wolf Queen (formerly The Wolf’s Redemption)

  The Wolf God (formerly The Wolf God & His Mate)

  The Nightmare God (formerly God of Nightmares)


  The Warrior Soul (formerly A Warrior’s Quest)

  The Darkest Soul (formerly Out of the Darkness)

  The Chosen Soul (formerly Warrior Blind)

  The Reborned Soul (formerly The Witch)

  The Goddess Soul (formerly Balance of the Worlds)

  The Healer Soul (formerly The Healer’s Soul)


  The Outcast One (formerly The Outcast)

  The Forlorn One (formerly The Forlorn)

  The Beloved One (formerly The Beloved)

  The Betrayed One (formerly The Betrayed)



  Beginning (Prequel 1)

  Waiting (Prequel 2)



  Second Chances














  Her Best Friend’s Keeper

  Shelter from the Storm

  The Price of Silence


  If the Dark Wins

  Wounds That Won’t Heal

  Hope for Finley Creek (bonus novella)

  As the Night Ends


  Seeking the Sheriff

  Discovering the Doctor

  Ruining the Rancher

  Denying the Devil



  PAVAD: FBI Case Files #0001

  “Knocked Out”

  PAVAD: FBI Case Files #0002

  “Knocked Down”

  PAVAD: FBI Case Files #0003

  “Knocked Around”

  Calle has several free reads available at


  For my grandfather, the best man I have ever known.

  You will be missed.

  Oct. 2015

  For my grandmother, who gave me the courage to try. Without you and your love of romance, I never would have made it this far.

  Feb. 2016

  For my papaw, whose children loved him deeply, and will always

  miss him.

  Oct. 2017

  Calle J. Brookes is first and foremost a fiction writer. She enjoys crafting paranormal romance and romantic suspense. She reads almost every genre except horror. She spends most of her time juggling family life and writing while reminding herself that she can’t spend all of her time in the worlds found within books. CJ loves to be contacted by her readers via email and at www.CalleJBrookes.com. When not at home writing stories of adventure and wrangling with two border collies and a beagle puppy, CJ is off in her RV somewhere exploring the beautiful world we live in, along with her husband of she can’t remember how many years and their child.


  Copyright © 2018 by Calle J. Brookes

  All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations em- bodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  For information contact:


  Book and Cover design by B. G. Lashbrooks

  First Edition: DECEMBER 2018

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


  CASE FILES #0004





  Sometimes she wondered how long she would be able to do this. Paige stared out the small window of her office to the parking lot next to the FBI’s Prevention & Analysis of Violent Acts Division. Her latest caseload was piled on her desk, threatening to tip into the floor at any moment. Each green file represented another missing kid.

  It was her job as supervisor of PAVAD’s Runaway & Endangered Youth unit to determine which of those cases deserved immediate attention or which just needed notes and guidance to the local offices involved.

  Children’s lives and well-being all hinged on her decisions now.

  She’d sent Leina and Cam, two of her best, to Alabama three days ago.

  It hadn’t gone well, and an eleven-year-old boy was gone. He’d been gone before her people had ever stepped foot on a plane.

  Now she was reviewing cases to see where to send them next. Ezra and Syd would be back anytime. Thankfully, their case had had a better resolution.

  And Paige herself was headed to the director’s office to ask for additional people. Ed Dennis was a reasonable man, but Paige understood budgetary constraints.

  No matter; her people would do what they could.

  But it was like using Play-Doh to plug a swimming pool leak.

  She pressed a hand to her stomach, calming the little kickers inside. She’d only felt movement for a few weeks, and it was still sporadic. But it was infinitely precious.

  The lives in the green files behind her were precious, too.

  Someone knocked on her door and she turned.

  Her sisters-in-law stood there. Al, Jules, and Payton. As well as her sister, Carrie. And Cody.

  It was Cody who spoke. “Hey, come on. Cake in the break room. It’s birthday-cake time.”

  She looked at the women. Her family. Some by blood, some by marriage—and Cody just by friendship. But they were her family, after being alone for so long. She loved every one of them. Even grumbly Jules, who was not happy to be the center of attention today. “I’m coming.”

  “Excuse me,” someone said from behind them. “I hate to interrupt your fun, ladies, but I need to speak with Paige about a file.”

  “Uh-huh,” Cody said. “That’s what they call it now?”

  “I think she’s helped you with enough files, Mick.” Al, this time, snarking at her brother as always.

  “A copy of the file is on your desk, too, smart-ass. And Cody’s. Internal reviews. The Wade Heathers file. Just read over it, and have it to me by end of the day tomorrow. Now go. I need to speak with Paige.”

  Paige smiled. He
had on his business face—the Internal Affairs demeanor that frightened everyone in his path—but there was a look in his eyes when his gaze dropped to where her hand still rested.

  He stepped into her office, nudged Al out of the way, and closed her door.

  Right in their faces.

  Paige just laughed. “The Heathers file?”

  “Just an audit. Kyra’s actually handling it. I needed the excuse. I’m stuck here until nine—meetings with McLaughlin and McLaughlin and Hellbrook. But I needed to check on you. All three of you.”

  “We’re fine. We’re going to go eat some birthday cake and make fun of Jules. Then we’ll get big brothers and wait for Daddy to get home.”

  “Good. Call me when you get there. In the meantime, here.”

  “Wade Heathers.”

  “That was the case where I first spied on you.”

  “I never did understand why you were there.”

  “I’ll tell you. Later.” He handed her the file, and she took it. Once he had left, she opened the file and read the initial statement. And remembered…

  Chapter 1

  TJ Heathers knew something was wrong the moment the policemen showed up in the middle of the church fellowship hall. TJ was smart for his age—some said he was crazy smart—and when his group leader looked at him, TJ knew something wasn’t right.

  When she came to him with tears all over her face and saying his name, he wanted to run.

  But his mom and dad had taught him to handle problems face-to-face. They’d told him that running caused more problems. So he dropped his arms and put his head back.

  He looked his leader in the eye. “What happened to my mom?”

  His dad was at home waiting for them.

  But TJ’s mom didn’t like to drive at night. And sometimes Dad said it was their job to take care of Mom.

  Horrible visions of his mom’s car sliding in the snow and crashing like Hot Wheels ran through his head.

  Miss Val, his leader, put her hand on his shoulder. “TJ, the police are here to get you.”

  “Why?” Maybe his mom was hurt really bad? Maybe she was dead? Maybe…maybe his dad had her at the hospital?

  Or maybe their house had exploded and they were both dead.

  TJ was smart—he knew parents sometimes died. And the police wouldn’t be there if something really, really bad hadn’t happened.

  TJ liked to watch cop shows. Especially the science ones where they used microscopes to find out who hurt people. His mom didn’t like him watching them.

  She said they were inappropriate and were going to give him nightmares.

  But TJ liked how science worked.

  But every car crash he’d ever seen on those shows replayed in his mind.

  TJ was really smart—he rarely forgot anything he had seen.

  His tears came faster.

  No one had said anything yet.

  They all just stood looking at him. His friends were looking at him, too.

  TJ looked at Miss Val again. “Where are my mom and dad?”

  The policeman looked at TJ. He had really dark eyes.

  The policeman’s eyes had tears in them, too.

  “TJ, I’m Deputy Jacobs. I’m afraid I have some bad news.” He looked at Miss Val. “Is there someplace private we can take him? He doesn’t need to hear in front of everyone watching.”

  “Of course. There’s another Sunday school room that’s empty now.”

  TJ followed. He didn’t know what else to do. So he just followed.

  TJ couldn’t run away, no matter how that little voice in his head was telling him to do just that. “I want my mom and dad.”

  Deputy Jacobs knelt down in front of him. “TJ, I’m sorry to have to tell you this…”

  “Is my mom ok?”

  The deputy didn’t say anything for a long moment. “TJ, someone broke into your house while your mom was gone, and they shot your father. I’m sorry to tell you this, but your dad is gone.”

  TJ’s mouth opened to scream, but nothing could come out. Nothing could possibly come out again.

  Chapter 2

  Paige Daviess hated snow and ice and places like this little Kentucky town. At least, she hated places like this little Kentucky town when there were ten inches of snow and an inch of ice covering everything. Snow and ice brought back too many memories of the times she and her sister Carrie had spent sleeping in alleys and under bridges during this very kind of weather. Paige had been terrified each and every night that Carrie wouldn’t wake up the next morning. Or that she wouldn’t, and Carrie would end up out there all alone.

  She tried not to visibly shiver as she climbed out of the deputy’s four-wheel drive. Her black boots sank into the snow. She’d be an ice cube before this was finished, no doubt.

  The house was surrounded by crime tape. The lights were still on.

  A child’s soccer goal and a red bike were tucked up next to the taupe siding. It had a rustic country charm—or it would have without the tape. Without the red and blue of the sirens.

  The sheriff’s deputy of the county met them at the front steps. He was average and lanky, with that country, down-home charm she’d seen before. They’d been told he was temporary, filling in for the county sheriff. And that he could be…difficult. “You it? I thought there would be more.”

  His eyes traveled over Paige and her partner Al. Paige knew what he thought with one glance. She wasn’t a profiler, but she didn’t need to be. She and Al were used to being underestimated. “We’re the advance guard. The rest of our team is at your precinct to get set up there.”

  Her team leader, Sebastian Lorcan, was recovering from an injury he’d received during their last case that had resulted in him needing surgery to remove glass from behind his kneecap. He’d be out of the field for a few more days. The rest of their five-member team were with him, getting together everything they knew.

  Someone had come into this home and killed the father. The mother and her son had only been gone fifteen minutes when it had happened.

  The deputy snorted. “I see. Well, I hope you’re prepared, ladies. It’s not pretty in here.”

  It so very rarely was. Paige couldn’t count how many times she’d seen dead bodies now. It was part of the job, something she would just have to get used to. Maybe.

  She doubted she ever would.

  This was her first case back after medical leave of her own. A whack-job she’d once considered her friend had actually been a voyeuristic serial killer who’d targeted one of her close friends.

  He’d targeted her, too. To keep as his pet.

  It might take her a while to get over that.

  No doubt Al was watching to make certain Paige was ready to be back. Al would always have her back.

  Just like her sister, Carrie, would.

  She wasn’t alone. She’d find her feet again.

  Apparently that first opportunity was going to be in ten inches of snow. And blood.

  Some of that blood was on the family’s front porch now. Tracked out by first responders and the wife. Where it had frozen in macabre red jewels.

  The wife had found him in the living room, where he had died.

  Paige couldn’t imagine the horror that woman had felt.

  She and Al were careful not to trample the evidence. The forensics department would ride their asses if they did anything to the evidence.

  Science versus people. It was a long debate in their line of work. She tended to focus on the human element, but her friends in the basement lab focused on the science.

  Together, they told the stories of what happened to people in some of the darkest times of their lives.

  Dark stories, every time.

  She shivered again, this time from the memories of what had happened to her recently. She was healing. Her friend Jules was healing—with the help of Al’s older brother Malachi. Everyone still alive after were healing.

was just going to take her mind longer than her body now.

  “Tell us what you know of him,” Paige said, ignoring the man’s skepticism.

  She and Al were used to it. Paige knew how they looked—Al resembled a living Barbie doll with the face, blond hair, and curvy body. Men stared everywhere Al went.

  They stared at Paige, too. With her height, penchant for black clothing, and the multiple ear piercings, she stood out, too.

  She’d toned down the accessories since her rescue, but she knew she and Al were like night and day. Especially with Paige’s dark eyes and darker hair and lack of real curves.

  Neither one of them looked like the stereotypical FBI agent seen in the movies. But they were good at what they did.

  And that was finding answers.

  The sheriff started with what they already knew. “Wade Heathers, age forty-four. He’s lived in this house for over a year with his wife, Angela, and son, Titus.”

  “We know that from the file. What can you tell us about him specifically?”

  “Not much. They were recent transplants to the county. They came from the one southwest of here. Husband’s family was from there. Wife’s got family here, though. Kid didn’t go to the schools, either. Online school of some type. Parents are both work-at-home types.”

  “They isolated themselves?”

  The deputy shook his head. “I don’t know. That’s something we’re working on. My gut says we’re dealing with a domestic gone bad.”

  “So why were we called in? We’re part of the Complex Crime Unit. I’m not certain this fits our parameters,” Al, second in command of their team, said. Paige knew what she meant. If this was just a domestic violence event, they were better utilized elsewhere.


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