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Danger Zone (The Elite Book 1)

Page 6

by Brooke Blaine

  I grinned and slapped a high five before heading back to where I’d dropped my towel, and then I dragged the cooler over to where we’d set up. A couple of the guys were busy building the bonfire for later, a gaggle of girls beside them; some of the others were in the water or grabbing the last of the sun. I didn’t see Panther anywhere at first, but then I saw someone rise out of the waves, black hair glistening, and felt my mouth water.

  Shit, a dripping-wet Panther might be too much for me to take, at least in front of the others.

  Before my dick could react to the sight of him, I grabbed a beer out of the cooler, popped the top, and drained half the bottle. Tonight was going to be a test of restraint. I could feel it. Panther had made sure we were never alone after our first day, so I’d had to settle for ogling him from afar, banking mental pictures to use at night. And while that was seriously hot, I was looking forward to a time when I’d get a taste of the real thing.

  “Y’all ready or what?” Houdini called out.

  I set the beer down and stripped out of my shirt, leaving on only a pair of board shorts.

  “All right, let’s do this.” Gucci gave me a fist bump and we readied ourselves behind the sticks.

  “Ladies first,” Houdini said, handing Whiplash the Frisbee, at which she rolled her eyes.

  “Oh, fuck you.” She threw the Frisbee so hard and fast that it knocked the cup closest to Gucci off before he could try to catch it.

  Houdini gaped at his partner, and then his eyes trailed down her bikini-clad body, covered only in a pair of super-short jean shorts. “Uh…that was—”

  “Hot? Badass?” she asked. “I know. You don’t have to act so surprised.”

  I exchanged a look with Gucci that said Houdini didn’t know what the hell he was in for with that one, and then Gucci threw the Frisbee back, aiming for the cup near Houdini, who was still so stuck on Whiplash that he just let the cup fall to the ground.

  “Are we playing or what?” I called out, and Houdini finally snapped back to attention, allowing the game to begin. Back and forth we went, and as the cups went flying, we dove into the sand for them before they could hit the ground. Whiplash was a beast at the game, as were we, but poor Houdini couldn’t seem to stop getting distracted by his partner, which seemed to frustrate her more and more as the game went along.

  “Oh my God,” she finally shouted when Houdini missed a fallen cup. “I need a new partner. Hey, Panther, come show your guy how to use his hands.”

  “I know how to use my hands,” Houdini mumbled, but I was no longer paying attention, because Panther was walking out of the water, his swim trunks plastered to his body. He ran his hand through his hair as the waves crashed around his ankles, and damn, the man was unreal. I was careful not to let my jaw drop as I took in every wet inch of him, and I would’ve kept staring if Gucci hadn’t coughed, forcing me to look away.

  “You having problems with your aim, Houdini?” Panther’s voice found the three of us as he came closer, and if I thought not looking at him would help the sudden throb between my legs, knowing he was heading this way and I was about to have to face off with him did shit to help me get a hold of myself.

  Okay, wrong choice of words. Right then I really could’ve used a minute to take hold of myself, but since that was out of the question, it looked like I’d be willing my damn cock into submission.

  “So the aim of the game is what, exactly?” Panther walked up beside Whiplash, who handed him the Frisbee.

  “You aim this at their sticks and try to knock the cup to the sand.”

  By this time I felt fairly sure I was decent enough to turn back and join in on the conversation. Plus, I wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to fuck with my opponents. I aimed my eyes in Panther’s direction and reached out to stroke the stick directly in front of me.

  “Yeah, Panther, just focus on my stick.”

  Gucci scoffed beside me, as Whiplash groaned, but Panther, cool as ever, ran his hands over the Frisbee and eyed the pole in the sand. Not a second later, his hand shot out and he sent the round disc flying through the air, but instead of hitting the stick in front of me, it smashed into Gucci’s, sending his cup flying over Gooch’s head and into the sand.

  “Hell yes!” Whiplash called out, pumping her fist in the air. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

  Panther aimed a smug smirk in my direction. “I was more inclined to focus on the person with the biggest stick. Sorry, that just wasn’t you.”

  Whiplash busted out laughing. “Maybe the biggest ego…”

  I shrugged, grinning. So that’s how it was gonna be, huh? If Panther thought I was about to get upset or offended by his little jab, he was in for a rude shock. I picked up the Frisbee and looked at the two gloating at the other end.

  “Maybe it’s time to show you who’s got the biggest stick out here. ’Cause I gotta say, I’ve known Gooch a while, and—”

  “Hey, man, not cool.”

  “You know it’s true.”

  As Whiplash pretended to gag, Panther crossed his arms over that powerful chest and gave an arrogant tilt of his head, as if daring me.

  “You two going to shut up sometime soon and play or keep flapping your mouths?”

  Right, game fucking on. By the time I was done out here, there’d be no question as to whose stick was the biggest of all, and it wasn’t going to be Gucci’s.

  13 Panther

  FIVE GAMES LATER, and we kicked Solo and Gucci’s ass. I’m not proud to admit it, but I used the fact that Solo couldn’t tear his eyes off me to my advantage. But hey, what could I say? I was there to win, and by the time we were done with the fifth match, Gucci had thrown up the white flag and surrendered.

  “Okay, I give,” he called out. “My ass hurts from the beating you two just gave us.”

  At Gucci’s choice of words, my eyes wandered to Solo, who brought the beer in his hand up to his mouth, took a long swallow, then said, “Speak for yourself, I like feeling it the next day. Reminds me I was giving it my all.”

  The guy was so blatant with his remarks that he had me looking around to make sure no one was about to call him out—or worse, kick his ass. But as everyone laughed and went about their business, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to feel so comfortable in my skin. Even for one day.

  As we all headed back up the shore to where the bonfire was now roaring, I caught sight of Solo and Gucci talking with Utah. The three of them were laughing about something one of them had said, and when Utah began drawing something in the air with the tip of his finger, it didn’t take a genius to work out the talk had reverted to the legend that was the sky penis.

  It was amazing how one act of rebellion had seemed to solidify Solo’s name forever as a God and mine as the disappointment—at least among the instructors. After that first day there had been a distinct shift in the way my commanding officers treated me, and while I knew I’d done nothing wrong, I could sense the judgment being passed.

  I’d tried to let it go, tried to move on. But after that first day I’d made it a point to pay attention, do my hops to the best of my ability, and be out the door and back to my barracks before Solo had a chance to corner me and start anything.

  Some might’ve seen that as running, but I saw it as self-preservation. The guy was dangerous to my well-being. Not to mention my living. I needed to be one hundred percent locked in and focused on why I was here. Flying. Winning. Proving to myself I was meant to be here. The problem was that all I seemed to be able to lock in on lately was the gorgeous man now staring at me from across the bonfire.

  With the flames flickering between us, I couldn’t help but notice the way the light danced across Solo’s smooth, tanned skin. He’d left his shirt off, as had most of us, the warm summer air inviting us to enjoy it to its full capacity. Some of the guys had found a willing woman to hook up with, and as they enjoyed a freedom I wasn’t able to, I wondered what it would be like if I could just walk over to where Solo s
tood and take him back behind one of the dunes.

  He wouldn’t protest, of that I was one hundred percent positive. But the mere thought of anyone finding out the secret I’d kept so close, of that kind of gossip getting back to my dad, had me reaching for my shirt and tugging it on over my head.

  Once I was fully clothed, I chanced another quick look in Solo’s direction to see him watching me closely. He was cradling a beer in one hand and his other was in his pocket, and as he ran his eyes down over me, he tongued his full lower lip in a way that made my cock ache.

  Fuck, he was hot, hotter than the flames burning between us, and as he brought his eyes back to mine and grinned, I knew I had to get out of there.

  With Houdini occupied, having made it clear to everyone not to go near Whiplash, I was able to leave without anyone noticing. Well, almost anyone. I could practically feel Solo’s gaze on me as I straddled my bike and started it up.

  With any luck, he’d stay there and find some random guy to screw. I didn’t want to think about that, but it was what needed to happen. It was clear the attraction between us wasn’t going anywhere, and I needed to keep myself out of temptation’s way.

  It was while I was lost in thought that I heard the purr of a motorcycle and glanced in my side mirror to see Solo catching up behind me.

  Shit. What the hell is he doing?

  Problem was that I knew exactly what he was doing, and it was what I’d been trying to avoid. God, had anyone seen us leave around the same time? The guy was entirely too obvious. What did he think was about to go down by following me? That because everyone was at the beach I’d fall at his feet and go at it? Maybe that was his MO, but I didn’t work that way. Never had, never would.

  I gunned it, speeding through the streets, but if I’d been hoping to lose him, I was shit out of luck. Solo stayed on my tail without missing a beat, the two of us flying through the night, weaving in and out of traffic so smoothly that you would’ve thought our moves were choreographed. For the moment, I tried to put the impending confrontation out of my mind and focus on the sheer power of my bike and the wind whipping around me. Maybe I’d just ride all night, stay away until the sun came up.

  My subconscious seemed to be in control, though, and before I knew it, I was turning into the base. After going through security, I slowed down to a crawl, not wanting to attract attention, but Solo tore past me, glancing over his shoulder and lifting his chin.

  What the hell did that mean? If he was trying to race, he would’ve done it already. If he thought I’d follow him, he was out of his mind.

  But follow him I did, unintentionally, because as I turned into the barracks, Solo was there, his bike idling between his thighs, like he was ready to take off in a moment’s notice if I’d turned around.

  I pulled into my spot beside his, silently cursing the housing gods that had put us together. Without shutting off the engine, I looked over to Solo, who looked right back at me, though with his helmet still on, I couldn’t see his face. If I could, I imagined it would look smug as hell, as though he figured he’d somehow won by meeting me here. Though if he could see past my helmet, he’d probably get off on the scowl I couldn’t seem to stop when he was around.

  For a long time, neither of us made a move. Stuck in a face-off we both wanted to win.

  This is what he wants. Your time. Your attention. Your eyes on him…

  Fuck no.

  With that, I shook my head and killed the engine.

  14 Solo

  PANTHER WAS OFF his bike and halfway to his room before I could blink.

  I wasn’t stupid. I knew about sixty percent of him didn’t want me to follow him back here, but that other forty percent? That was begging me to make a move.

  I’d watched him watch me when he thought I wasn’t looking, even though he was definitely…what was that word he used with me? Subtle.

  Good thing I could read between those subtle lines of his to see he was playing hard to get.

  Panther’s key was in the lock when I reached him, but before he could disappear inside, I slipped into the space between him and the door. That made him take a step back, and he shook his head.

  “You don’t give up, do you?” he said.

  “Not when I see something I want.”

  “Even if they don’t want you back?”

  A smile slowly curved my lips. “Oh, they want it.”

  Panther looked around, paranoid as ever even though the barracks were dead quiet, no one out and about at the late hour. He didn’t meet my eyes again, instead focusing on the helmet in his hand. “You should’ve stayed at the beach.”

  “No reason to if you aren’t there.”

  His head shot up then. “You need to back off. I don’t fuck around on base—”

  “Then let’s go off base—”

  “You don’t fucking get it, do you?”

  “I’m not delusional. I hear what you’re saying, but your eyes tell me something else.” Then I looked down pointedly. “And so does your body.”

  With my back still pressed against his door, I decided to try my luck, and whaddya know? The knob turned easily, and I found myself pushing the door back and stepping inside as alarm crossed Panther’s face.

  “If you think for one second I’m inviting you inside, you’re in for disappointment.”

  “So what are you gonna do, stand out there all night?”

  “No. You’re going to get the hell out of my room and go back to your own.”

  I turned and scanned Panther’s quarters before looking back his way. “Well, that’s not very team-spirited of you. Here I am wanting to bond with my partner, get to know him better so we can work better together, and you’re being downright hostile.”

  Panther looked down the line of our building, but just like before, it was empty. Then those sharp blue eyes once again found mine.

  “Do I look stupid to you?”

  “Honestly? No. You look like someone I’d like to get naked and fuck, and I don’t really go for stupid.”

  Panther’s fingers tightened around his helmet, and I couldn’t be sure, but I had a sneaking suspicion he was thinking about hurling it my way.

  “Get out of my room.”

  Don’t ask what possessed me—maybe the memory of a half-naked, wet Panther striding out of the crashing waves—but I pursed my lips, took a step back, and shook my head. “No.”

  “Solo,” Panther said through his teeth, as I stopped by the end of his bed and let my eyes wander over it.

  “You know, I think your bed is bigger than mine—”

  “Solo. Get the hell out of my room.”

  I turned my attention back to where Panther still stood at the door, and placed my helmet on the desk. “Here’s a thought: why don’t you come in here and make me.”

  Panther eyed me as though I’d lost my mind, and really, I might have, considering I was holding his room hostage.

  “I’m not coming in there until you get the hell out.”

  “Why? Scared?”

  “That I might kill you and end up in jail? Yes, I’m definitely scared of that.”

  I cocked my head to the side and rubbed a hand over my chin. “You know what I think?”

  “There’s not enough money in the world that would tempt me to guess.”

  I smirked and began to make my way back over to the door, back over to where Panther stubbornly stood. “I think you’re scared to come inside because you know the minute that door shuts, you’ll have no more excuses. No reason to keep your hands to yourself.”

  The twitch at the side of Panther’s jaw made my cock kick. He looked like a man barely holding on to his control, and I wanted to be the one to make him lose it.

  “Tell me, which part of me do you think you’d want to touch first? I have my preferences, but I’d like to know what you’d do. Where would you put your hands first?”

  “How about around your neck?”

  I chuckled and rubbed my fingers across my chest under th
e V-neck collar of my shirt. “I was thinking more on my chest. Maybe you could start there and, you know, work your way down…”

  I smoothed my hand over the tight material of my shirt, and as my fingers trailed down the hard muscles of my abdomen, Panther’s eyes dropped and followed its path.

  “Come on, Panther…no one’s here. Just you, me, and this nice, big bed of yours.”

  “And just what exactly do you think is gonna happen if I come inside? That I’ll throw you down on that bed? That I’ll give in?”

  “Mmm, a boy can dream.”

  “Then keep dreaming.”

  “I plan to. But it’s not all I want.”

  I watched the way Panther’s chest rose and fell, his breath coming faster. Then he looked down at his helmet, and it took me all of two seconds to realize he was planning to run.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I said. “I’ll still be here when you get back, and by then, so will everyone else…”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  Shrugging, I sat down on the edge of the bed, spreading my legs wide, offering myself up. “Try me.”

  Was that indecision I saw on his handsome face? Was he actually considering it?

  I didn’t have to wait long for my answer, because Panther stepped forward, walking into the room, and my breath caught in my throat. Holy fuck, it’s actually happening. He’s giving in.

  I licked my lips in anticipation as Panther slammed the door behind him and locked it, and then he set his helmet down on the dresser.

  Yesss, free up your hands so they can roam over my body instead.

  As I held my breath, waiting for what he’d do next, Panther stepped in between my legs.

  15 Panther

  SINCE SOLO WAS all about playing games, maybe the key to beating him was to let him think he’d won.

  So I stepped up to the bed between his spread legs and looked down at him. Everything about Solo was a temptation, from his insolent mouth that never shut up to the way his shirt stretched across his chest when his muscles flexed, and his board shorts had so perfectly cupped his ass at the beach.


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