Arranged Marriage Mafia: A Dark Italian Novel (Mafia Romance Book 1)

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Arranged Marriage Mafia: A Dark Italian Novel (Mafia Romance Book 1) Page 4

by Madison Klien

  Carmela believes that if she could complete her task without resisting from the pressure of the mafia, she would gain their confidence and trust. She was ready to play the long game that would secure her chance to escape the nightmare of the mafia.


  The mafia got Carmela to work on their books which she did diligently. It was an opportunity she never saw coming and when it came, she knew it was her best option if she had any thought to escape. She worked on their books not because she wanted to help the mafia but because she needed to gain their trust so that she could plan a proper escape from the mafia world. Her impact was immediately noticed as their profits went higher. She saw through their shady dealings and their money flows. She knew the names of those on their payroll and how much they earned. The mafia was earning in millions daily from illegal activities and business they had taken over. She saw through all their money laundry activities but she had no choice to continue with such job for the mafia as it came with the territory. Carmela thought it would be for a short while but rather it started from days then it extended into months. Carmela thought working for the mafia would mean she will get some freedom to go outside as she was confined to the room. She was surprised that they made a workspace for her in the room. She had to do everything manually without using any computer or any sort of internet connection. She worked on papers with a pen and a calculator. Her workspace had a large table and enough lighting to enable her to work at any point in time. All through the time she worked on their books, Carmela was locked up all the time. Carmela began to think if Maria was also locked up before accepting her fate. She kept on working and balancing their books. Checking for discrepancies in their books and identifying them. Those stealing from the mafia got exposed but she had no idea that she did that. All she knew was she saw things that did not add up and reported it to her supervisor who would be her future husband. Carmela had no idea that the mafia executed those that stole from them. She was slowly gaining their trust without knowing it. The member of the mafia did not know who was behind the account but they already gave her a nickname called The Accountant. Once they heard the books were going to The Accountant, those that stole either made a run for it or prayed that they didn’t get caught. Things began to change in the mafia and the stealing from Don Vito stopped. Carmela was able to hide their money flow and also erase their money trails that could expose the organisation. Because she worked in isolation most of the time she could not tell if it was day or night. She could not tell if the sun was up or the moon was bright in the sky. They would not let her see any of these and it sometimes drove her crazy. Maria always made her feel good when she was around. It was the only time she felt like she was not losing her mind.

  She works with no pressure although Salvatore always watched her every step. Carmela knows that he doesn't know what she is up to but the mafia wanted her to always be supervised at all time. Salvatore was never chatty with her while they were always together for most of the time. He sits on the leather chair and observes her while making calls and keeping up with the business. From time to time he would get coffee from the help. Breakfast, brunch or dinner. Carmela could never tell but she could suspect the time of the day depending on the food brought to Salvatore. Days where he took English breakfast could mean it was in the morning. He is her supposed future husband that she expected would want to get to know her. It's been days and months but they barely exchange words or had any conversations. Although whenever he is around, he doesn't lock the door to the room. This gesture alone does not make her feel like a prisoner even though she always felt like one. Sometimes he would step out of the room for a private phone call and still leave the door unlocked. Maybe he trusts her. Maybe he was testing her. She could never tell as for all the times he never engaged her in a proper conversation. Somehow, she felt comfortable under his watchful eye. Unlike Don Vito that scares her with his appearance alone. She could not imagine working and being watched by him. Salvatore is tall at a 5'10 and has an arrogant air about him which she could not decipher but he is a tanned skin man. He looked like his father with his thin eyebrows, flat nose and small lips but unlike his father, he had a long face with a cleft chin.

  But tonight Salvatore didn't pay more attention to her. He was distracted as he puffed his cigar and looked into the distance in deep thoughts. It would seem he was lost but his presence was still in the room as he sat on the leather chair at the corner of the room where he normally sits to watch over Carmela as she worked on the books. Carmela had questions but Maria had warned her not to ask any question that would get her into any trouble. Carmela had been in good nature with the mafia and everyone without causing any trouble. She wanted to keep that going but she was worried about stepping out of line. But she could not help to be concerned about Salvatore that was lost in thought and his face was different from the other times he had been around. Salvatore continued to puff his cigarette which was helped tightly in between his two fingers.

  “Are you alright?” her soft sweet voice travelled to the edge of the room where he was and it got his attention as he snaps back to reality from his distant gaze. It was as though his mind was somewhere else and her voice returned him to his body.

  Salvatore's gaze shifted towards her. His eyes looked into hers and it was the first time he would look directly at her that way. Carmela caught a grip of fear in her heart. She began to get worried that she had crossed a line. She hasn't been struck by fear in a long time since her encounter with Don Vito in that room. She began to think of the worst scenario like her experience with Don Vito that slapped her. Maybe she would end the night with a black eye ws what she thought.

  But all of her fears went away when he smiled back at her brightly. She had never seen him smile and it was delightful and warming. Her worries flew out of the window at the instant.

  He leaned forward and stood up from the leather chair tucked in the corner. He took his steps slowly as he made his way over to her in the room. Carmela sat and watched him come her way. His frame was much more seen and appreciate by her and she could see his long arms and short wavy hair. His clothing was no different from other days. He wore his regular black and well fitted high-end clothes that were perfectly pressed.

  Then he asked an unexpected question. It caught Carmela by surprise.

  He says to her, “Tell me. . .”

  “What are your greatest desires?” There was a short silence in the room then he goes further to break the silence by assuring her that whatever her answer would be a secret between the two of them and it will never leave the room.

  Carmela was unsure of what to say but she knew she had to say something. “My answer will be a secret right?” she responded for more assurance as her fingers were dancing on the calculator. Salvatore assured her again and she felt it was a safe space to say what she wanted.

  Salvatore was known to have an egotistical flaw but he somehow was cool with her tonight. The tone in the room was comforting and Carmela knew it was a good opportunity to state her desires.

  Carmela’s fingers stop dancing across the keys of the calculator, as she puts down her pen.

  She looked at him intently to tell him her greatest desires and what she wanted.

  “So,” Carmela spoke with a little shyness. “My greatest desire is to go home. And more, I want to return home with my father. It's not my place to ask but I hope he is still alive so we could return together.”

  He walks over to her side not saying any word yet but he had a smile on his face and his hand still had his cigarette in his finger. He walked over to the side of her desk and moves some books and papers to the side to allow himself to sit on the desk then he crossed his legs. Carmela slowly without being noticed, pushed herself backwards with the chair she sat on such that Salvatore would not hear her deep breath that was obvious as she exhaled deeply. She did it respectably not to trigger Salvatore in any way. Her eyes showed a lot of fear and Salvatore saw through her.

He saw her fears as she was shaken up by what she said. So he reassured her not to be afraid. She had nothing to worry about. This is a safe place and our conversation is just between the two of us and no one else. I assure you that this will never leave the room. Carmela's breathing began to normalise and her heartbeat came to its normal tempo. It was as though a heavy burden was lifted from her chest.

  So he reassured her not to be afraid. She had nothing to worry about. “This is a safe place and our conversation is just between the two of us and no one else. I assure you that this will never leave the room.” Carmela's breathing began to normalise and her heartbeat came to its normal tempo. It was as though a heavy burden was lifted from her chest.

  Then there was a moment of silence in the room. The only sound was the ticking swatch watch on Salvatore's hand followed by their breath which could be heard as the room was silent while they both gazed into each other's eyes for the second time tonight.

  Then he asked her, “Tell me Carmela . . .” he says. “Tell me about your former life. What was life for you on the other side?” he asked her genuinely wanting to know. Carmela could see that he was truly interested in her story. Then he asked further and more specifically, “Carmela,” he calls her name softly as he spoke. “Have you ever been in love? Have you loved someone or are you in a relationship with somebody.” She had never been asked any personal question since she was held captive at Don Vito's house.

  Their eyes were still fixed on each other then she says, “I can't recall ever being in love but I have had a few relationships. There was no serious relationship going but I can only admit that they were all short term relationships. I have never had that feeling of love and I have never had to express deeply with anyone.”

  “What about your mother?”

  Carmela's eyes went off and her countenance changed. Salvatore could tell that she was disgusted at the thought of her mother.

  Salvatore read the room but before he could say anything Carmela answer with disgust. “She is dead to me. I don't want to talk about her. Can we talk about something else?” she asks him as her mood was getting disturbed. Salvatore understood that her mother must have been a deadbeat.

  Salvatore leans back as he puffed his cigarette to let out a smoke ring. Then he says to her, “I have once been in love. I was young and naive. It went well for a while but she broke it off. She broke my heart. For that reason, I had no choice but to kill her.”

  Carmela was shocked and motivated by fear.

  Then she asked him, “Will this be my ultimate fate?” Salvatore puffed his cigarette and lets out another smoke ring.

  Then he said to her, “Time will tell.” He repeated it as though his voice should echo, “Time will tell. . .”

  We would have to wait and see. His response seemed cold and different from the man that seemed concerned earlier and wanted to know about her past life.

  Salvatore looks at his wrist to check the time. “You have to finish up now. I have other pending matter that needs my attention.” He started to walk back to his seat and continued to smoke. Carmela was a little scared about what he said but she continued with her work. Moments later, she finished up wrong on the books and informed him about it. Salvatore checks her out for work completed then he leaves but not without locking her in the room. Carmela was once again by herself as she thought about her plans to gain the trust of the mafia but it would seem Salvatore maybe an issue. He knows her deepest desires. He knows she wants to leave the mafia. Her questions and desires could seem she is not interested in getting married to him. But Maria had warned her of not asking questions and making request. She began to think of what ifs. “What if she had given away her wild car? What if Salvatore goes against his words and tells his father of her desires. What if?”

  She went over to the king sized bed with a clear thought. If he was going to sell her out, he would have done that already. She didn’t worry much as she was set to relax from her day’s work. She had earned the trust of the mafia and soon she would be let out to move freely. Her plans were steadily set into motion and she will not let anything distract her from her goals. She had to stay focus and do what was asked of her by the mafia or anyone. Maria has taught her well, it is up to her to continue in her good behaviour.


  Slowly as she had planned Carmela had no guards on her watch. She was no longer isolated and locked in the room. She could go in and out but not to exceed the limit of the property. She could walk around unsupervised yet she was never alone whenever she had to take a walk. Cameras were watching but she knew better not to make a run for it yet as she was still gathering more information and gaining more of the trust of the mafia. At the centre of the compound is a magnificent statue of a black lion. The lion is surrounded with water and it had its lighting that is colourful at night and the most important and unique feature about it is the fountain. It is just at the middle facing the main entrance and just at the tip of the curve of the driveway that leads up to the main house.

  She was becoming an asset to the mafia. The face of "The Account" was now known. She grew a reputation for herself as the eyes of the mafia in their finances. The mafia grew larger with their assets because of her accounting talents on their funds and investments. She got everything right and spot-on that mafia recorded no financial loss in that quarter. Maria often would walk with her and reminds her that women stick together. Maria was her companion at the house. Carmela was still set to marry Salvatore but she was still in the loop of what was going on and when it would happen. Perhaps she was still being watched. Carmela had done everything as she was sure she had their trust. But she would have to be more consistent to gain their trustfully. The mafia is unforgiving to anyone who goes against them. She knew if she had to escape she must not have a reason to turn back.

  She would walk around the house, the gardens and often time enjoy the opulent view of the scenery.

  She knew her place and what was expected of her. She spoke less and reacted less to anything that bothered her which could come off as disrespect to the men, the mafia, Salvatore and Don Vito. It was hard at a glance but it got easier over time. Carmela detested the mafia and it was hard keeping up appearances like she was one of them and living their home. She saw the woman she was slowly fading away. The woman she used to be was almost gone. She needed saving. She needed to be out of there before she loses who she is to the woman she was becoming, but there was nothing she could do but to be patient and trust the process of her plan.

  Salvatore was always with her whenever Maria was not with Carmela. Carmela knew she could talk to Salvatore just about anything but she would not push her luck. He kept to his word and never spoke about their discussion to anyone from that night. Soon she began to spend more time with Salvatore.

  She had proven her loyalty to Don Vito. The Don approved of her but never showed it. Carmela never knew about this so she kept working harder and behaving herself to be approved.

  As she grew closer with Salvatore, they took more walks and ate dinners together. Maria saw them both and she appreciated it. She like seeing her son with Carmela. At night, Maria would gossip with her son about Carmela while teasing him about seeing them together. She'll pry to try to get some words out of him but Salvatore doesn't say much to her but laugh it off. She would tease some more about their growing relationship and closeness.

  Carmela continued to work on the books for the mafia and keeping it balanced. She needed to keep the money trail invisible. The mafia had created an office for her that she no longer had to work from her room and locked up inside. The difference with her false imprisonment was an upgrade to her privileges. She didn't let it get the best of her that she had freedom. She was still a prisoner of the mafia. On her way to the office on a certain cold night, Carmela began to hear loud noises down the hall. She stops and listens closely. The noise got louder. What could be happening she thought? Should I find out? She began to walk slowly without making any noise. With every s
tep that she took, the foul languages got louder. And as she got closer the noise got familiar as she could make out the voices of the parties involved. She could recognize their voices. It was Don Vito and Salvatore.

  What could be the cause of this heated argument between father and son? Carmela wanted to eavesdrop but she knew the price if she was caught. She began to backtrack in a haste without making any sound to return to the office.

  She sat at her workplace wishing she had eavesdropped on their argument. But she was left only with her thoughts she could never know what it was all about.

  She began to play with the keys of the calculator. She was getting focused with a job trying to mind her business when suddenly the door to the office opens wide and she saw his frame occupying the opened space. Salvatore enters the room and closes the door behind him.

  He looks at her then says, “You heard our conversations.” Carmela turns to him and swears she did not listen to them. Salvatore looks at her then says, “I believe you.” She could tell he was very furious and upset at the same time. He unbuttons the collar of his shirt as though it prevented him from breathing fine. Then he takes the armrest of the leather chair furiously and unconsciously. Carmela notices his gesture but she knew trying to calm him down could worsen the situation and so she was quiet and observing. He continues this way them he looked at her again.

  Carmela could tell he was about to ask her a question.

  Salvatore asks her, first by calling her, “Carmela!”

  “Yes,” she responds

  “How far are you willing to go for your freedom? What can you do to earn your freedom?”

  This seemed like the opportunity she always wanted. This looked too easy and too good to be true. But she replies, “It depends on what I'll have to do.” Salvatore and Carmela had become close that she was confident in their relationship.


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