Tug of War (Legacy Book 5)

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Tug of War (Legacy Book 5) Page 3

by Rain Carrington

  The words hit him in the chest, and he refused to let himself take them too seriously. Things said in the heat of sex were rarely true. “I hope I can do you justice.”

  “Get that mouth on my cock.”

  Chapter Three

  Present Day

  Passing from the city to the plains, Tommy’s mind wasn’t on the plane Daniel had arranged for them, or the flight, or the man driving the black Mercedes. It was on the man they were heading towards.

  The memories were thick. Oh, Tommy had had that schoolboy crush on his best friend all those years, but his first real love was Gary and he couldn’t deny that. A hawk dove in the field next to the highway for his prey. That was what he’d felt like that first time, like prey that was about to be devoured by a lion.


  Ten months earlier

  Tommy’s heart was pounding as he was pushed away from Gary after sucking his cock for everything he was worth. With the taste of his precum still on Tommy’s tongue, he gazed up, dizzy, waiting to see what the big man had in store for him next.

  He didn’t have to wait long.

  “Hands and knees. I want to see what I’ll be fucking.”

  By pure willpower, he kept his jaw from dropping again and showing how inexperienced he truly was. Keeping himself from shaking as he moved was harder, but he managed that too, and got on his hands and knees on the bed, then immediately felt his ass cheeks being spread. Then he heard and felt Gary spit right on his hole, a thumb rubbing the spit around the ring and then pushing through. The other thumb slid in next to the other and then they separated, giving him a nice burn that made him holler.

  “Take it, boy. Take it,” he laughed as he split them again and then jammed them both in at once. Another spit and then fingers replaced the thumbs, Tommy’s head dropping between his shoulders.

  “Fuck! Fuck that hurts and feels good, too. What the hell?”

  “It’s called being thoroughly fucked, Tommy boy.”

  Once the fingers were gone, Tommy panted while he felt Gary moving behind him, but he didn’t become impatient, worried what Gary would do if he thought Tommy was getting pushy. He’d likely get a fist up his ass to the elbow.

  The head of Gary’s cock was cold and shocked him, making him move forward, but Gary pulled him back roughly. “Come on, now, boy. I haven’t put it in yet.”

  “It was cold,” Tommy explained in a laugh. “I’m not running.”

  “Good boy.”

  As he started to push in, however, that was when Tommy regretted his words. He could run far and fast from the girth of that thing spearing him, making his hole burn as if he was getting a red-hot metal pipe inserted inside him, but remarkably, that burn turned him on and he dropped to his elbows, raising his ass higher.

  “Ha, atta boy, Tommy.”

  He was taken roughly, but it wasn’t one sided, Gary out for his own pleasure alone. He brought Tommy up flush against his chest and ran a callused hand down his body until he wrapped his fingers around his dick, jerking him for a minute or two before pushing him back over and fucking him some more. Each time he did that, he got faster, pounding him like a ragdoll.

  Tommy had never been so…to use Gary’s words, thoroughly fucked before. Not that he’d been fucked much at all, but the way Gary was taking over his body, it was taking him so completely out of his head, letting him do nothing except feel, that he rode away on the tidal wave it was.

  The grunts and words of derision were possibly the best parts of the whole thing. He was called a boy several times, told he couldn’t take more, he couldn’t take Gary’s big cock, but he did. He took it all, every thrust, every slap to his ass, and begged for more.

  He screeched out when he came all over Gary’s hand the last time he was brought back against Gary’s chest. The tears that ran down his face were from elation and the overwhelming sexual completion he’d received, but it wasn’t over. Not yet.

  Gary pushed him down and flipped him to his back, spreading Tommy’s legs for him and staring down with a cocky smile playing on his swollen lips. “You came but you’re still hard. I love young guys, man.”

  “Has nothing to….” He couldn’t get out a sentence out without taking a breath. “do with age. It’s your magic dick.”

  “Magic? I like that. Gary the wizard with the magic cock. That’s me.”

  They kissed as Gary’s hips did all the work fucking Tommy more, getting him aroused all over again, and when he came the second time, it wasn’t long before Gary stiffened over him, his teeth sinking into Tommy’s shoulder muscle as Tommy’s insides were painted with Gary’s thick cum.

  Like he was drunk, he couldn’t think or speak right for an hour after it was over, and Gary kissed him and sucked his nipples like he was some nursing baby.

  “That was fucking great, Tommy.” Gary rested his chin on Tommy’s chest, and his eyes were soft for the first time since Tommy had met him. “Like really great. Sorry if I got carried away, but your body is like, made for this. You’ve never played rough before, have you?”

  “No. But I loved it. It was so good.”

  “I think I just found my reason to stick around a while.”


  Present Day

  On the small jet, Tommy watched the clouds out of the windows after they were at altitude and his stomach didn’t feel like it was being left two miles behind them.

  “I know you’re thinking about him,” Diego whispered from beside him.

  “I can’t help it. We’re going to get him. If you’ve got a problem with that, I don’t know what to say, Diego.”

  “Did you mean it?”

  That broke his thoughts and he turned his head to his boyfriend. “What?”

  “That you love me? I mean, I think you did, but…”

  Tommy knew he was being an ass, but he was conflicted and confused. His feelings were a jumble in him. “I meant it. You knew I felt that way a long time ago.”

  “And yet you haven’t wanted to say it before now, to progress in our relationship, or even talk about where we might be headed. You rarely stay at my house, and I don’t keep anything at your place for fear it’ll be in a box next time I see you. And don’t be mistaken, Tommy, I know why. It’s him. It’s your fear of me taking off like he did, it’s fear that he’ll come back, and you’ll have to do more than tell me it’s over so you can be with him.”

  He wanted to argue, but it had started exactly that way. “Not anymore, Diego. The thing is, you two are like night and day. Light and dark, good and evil. If you were similar, it might be easier, but you’re not. I love you for totally different reasons than him.”

  “I don’t want to make this hard on you, Tommy. I know I’m a good guy to you, babe, and that’s because I do fucking love you. That doesn’t mean I won’t fight for you, or if I think it’s a lost cause, I’ll be gone.”

  “I know that.” He took Diego’s hand, his heart breaking at the thought of losing him, ever.

  The tears came then and he didn’t stop them, but he turned his face to hide them from Diego. What he hadn’t counted on was Diego seeing his face reflected in the window.

  Diego gripped his chin and turned his face, his eyes squinted with concern. “Tommy, baby, I don’t want to lose you either. Believe me. But you have to decide. Once we get there, if he wants you, you’ll have to decide.”

  Not for the first time in his life he wanted to scream why. This why was different, however, than any before. This was wasn’t why was he born so poor to shitty parents who’d rather drink than be there for him. This wasn’t the why he’d wonder while Lee was fucking some girl when he could have had Tommy’s undying devotion. This wasn’t the whys he’d cried all his life for the crap it had handed him.

  This was why did he have to choose? Why couldn’t he have both of them?

  Stupid, of course. They weren’t the sharing kind of men. If he were to date them both, neither would be okay with it. In their own ways, they were the claiming a guy
for themselves kinda men.

  He was pulled over to lay his head on Diego’s chest, the subtle murmur of the plane’s engines lulling him to dozing. In reality, it wasn’t the near-silent rumble, it was him wanting to sleep his sorrow away. If he were into drinking, he’d have drowned them in a fifth of whiskey, like his mother had. Being he didn’t much like more than a few beers now and then, that wasn’t an option.

  He woke when they started to descend at a private airstrip near San Luis de la Paz, Mexico. Diego’s hand was in his and the closer the got to the ground, the more he squeezed. It was a plea from Diego. Pick him.

  As Tommy gazed in his light eyes, he wanted that, too. He wanted to pick Diego, go back to Colorado and move in with him, start a life together. It would be so good, so normal. He knew Diego didn’t understand the pull to Gary, but he didn’t, either.

  There was a car waiting for them, the balding, brutish driver got out to shake hands with Diego then Tommy and told them, “Mr. Montello called with instructions. I’m to take you to the Casa de Lenore, where Colonel Crowley is headquartered. Word is, his right hand, your Gary McIntyre, is with him there.”

  Gary McIntyre, the name hit him in the gut. He seemed like a memory of some dream instead of a real-live man, but hearing his name, knowing where he was at last and how close, it made him all too real.

  They rode off in the blue SUV, the air conditioning on high, blowing freezing air in his face. It was needed, cleaning out the thoughts he didn’t want hanging around his head. Diego’s hand didn’t leave his the entire ride while he questioned the ape driving.

  “What do we know about their job?”

  “Old story, the colonel and his mercs were hired to keep the cartel’s products from reaching the US, which actually means they were hired to bring the products exactly where the US government wants them to be. As far as we know, it’s drugs in exchange for weapons. Who knows what kind of side deals the colonel has done with the cartel? Could be human trafficking, that’s the big money nowadays, computer technology, whatever.”

  “And McIntyre? He’s lead man on it?”

  “Yeah, he’s lead. I guess before he stepped away from Crowley, he was lead on most of the assignments. He’s that good. Go in there carefully. McIntyre could be dangerous.”

  Tommy looked to Diego then, and for the first time, he saw his eyes actually turn cold. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  The city was sprawling, larger than Tommy expected. There were dozens of churches they passed, one tall one with twin steeples rising over everything. The people weren’t rushing around, like in American cities. People there strolled, content with things, it seemed. All he’d ever known were those that wanted the American dream and sought to live in the US, so it took him off-guard.

  “They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”

  Diego was watching out his side of the car as well. “Yeah, they are. Everything is so colorful. Even the buildings.”

  “That’s what they are, colorful. They take pleasure in small things, color and flowers and food. Not food like Americans do, though. Not the amount of it, but the unique flavors, textures.”

  “You sound like you love it here.”

  “I’ve traveled a bit, and yes, I appreciate other countries for their beauty and people.”

  The fact was, he didn’t know Diego as well as he wanted to. If he didn’t stay with Diego, he never would, and that hurt too. There was so much more he wanted to learn, things that would take years to discover.

  “What’s your favorite color?”

  Diego’s lips twitched as he tried not to smile. “What?”

  “I never asked.”

  “Baby, you can’t learn everything about me in a car ride. I’ll let you know in a month, if we’re still together.”

  He deserved that. He knew he did.

  They drove to a huge home on the outskirts of the town where they were let into the gate by two men dressed in camouflage. They knew they were coming.

  “How do they know us? They didn’t even ask who we were?”

  “Arrangements have been made, Tommy,” Diego said then fell quiet, not answering the other question. That was the thing, however. Sure, he was the big boss’s best friends, but he was still just an employee of the family. He was a bodyguard, more savvy to some things, but would never be let into the real meat of anything like Diego would.

  That was something Javi had taught him long ago. He could rise in the family, but likely he’d never rise as far as he thought he deserved. If he held that as a grudge, he would lose all loyalty and receive a bullet in the head for his troubles. That was the harsh reality of life in the shadows of the law.

  The driveway from the gate to the house was long, at least a quarter mile. It was two stories only, but the expanse of it was the thing. The house stretched wide, a full city block wide, and was the perfect color of stone gray, shingled windows, turrets, and surrounding it were palm trees, huge bushes covered with rad flowers. He didn’t know the names of any of them, but he did know he was blown away at how beautiful it all was.

  The back door was opened for them by another huge goon in camo, and Diego got out, then held his hand down for Tommy to take. Once he was out, he brought Tommy close and whispered, “Let me do the talking.”

  “Okay, that’s what I planned.”

  Of course, it was. He wouldn’t know what to say if he was supposed to do the talking, so it was better he stay in the background.

  They were escorted to a small room with one long bench across a wall that looked out into a courtyard right out of a magazine. There was a pergola running the side of the house, pink and purple flowered vines trailing up and over it, making a lovely shade over the benches and table below.

  “I’d like to do that to my house,” Diego whispered. “Make a pergola, have wisteria or bougainvillea growing over it.”

  “It would look good on your house, like this one, and they’re completely different kinda of houses.”

  “Yeah,” he laughed. “Even if it didn’t, I’d want to do it.”

  To the right of them was a tall set of double doors, and one opened suddenly, making Tommy jump. He hadn’t realized how on edge he was.

  Standing in the doorway was an older man, well over sixty, with camo from the hat covering his white hair down to his ankles and on his feet were black army boots. Tommy felt a nervous laugh coming that he had to squash at how the guy looked in the serene surroundings.

  “Mr. Gomez?”

  Diego had already gotten to his feet and headed over, his arm extended to shake the man’s hand. “I’m Diego Gomez. This is Tom Hathoway, Mr. Norman’s personal assistant.”

  Personal assistant? Well, he guessed it sounded better than bodyguard. “I’m Colonel Crowley. Mr. Hathoway, would you mind if I speak to Mr. Gomez alone?”

  “Of course not,” Tommy replied after getting to his feet and shaking the man’s hand.

  They disappeared into the big office and the door was closed behind them. Tommy was about to return to his seat when he heard someone walking into the alcove. When he turned, he sucked in an audible breath. It was Gary.

  Their eyes met and Tommy took a step backward, but not Gary. His brows rose nearly to his crew cut. “Tommy? What the hell are you doing here?”

  His words left him and all he could do was stare. Gary, however, tore his eyes away fast and he was looking at the closed doors. “Who’s in there?”

  “My…Diego Gomez. He works for the family.”

  “The Montello Family? What’s their business here?”

  It took Tommy a moment to admit it, but he straightened his back and said, “You.”

  “Fuck,” he whispered more to himself and took a seat on the bench, his eyes plastered on the doors.

  Tommy sat down as well, but left space between them.

  “Fucking Javier, man. It’s none of his business.”

  “He’s worried about you. Once he told me what you were doing, so was I.”

  Gary fid
geted his big body and rubbed his hands over his thighs. “Didn’t want to worry you. It’s just a job.”

  “You said you didn’t like this kind of work anymore. Didn’t you leave the colonel because you couldn’t do a lot of the things he expected you to do?”

  “Things change.”

  Getting more frustrated by the second, Tommy had shaken off his nerves and replaced them with anger. “Yeah, I guess so. Suddenly, as it turns out.”

  Still without so much as turning his head, Gary bypassed that comment and made one of his own. “You look really good, Tom.”

  “Then why can’t you fucking look at me?”

  Even that didn’t do it. Gary simple chuckled and sheepishly said, “I fucked up, yeah.”

  “That’s your big revelation? I knew that the minute you left.”

  “So, you came here to drag me back?”

  It was Tommy’s turn to laugh. “Yeah, for Javi and to maybe realize I have it so much better now. And I do. I have it better with that guy in there.”

  Finally, that did the trick. Gary turned to him and his jaw was the one to drop for once. “What?”

  “Yeah, Gary, I got with someone else. Does that shock you? Was I supposed to wait around for you?”

  Chapter Four

  Nine and a half months earlier…

  “And here I heard your hiking skills were good. Why the fuck are you lagging so far behind?”

  Tommy flipped him off but called out, “Maybe I enjoy the view while I’m behind you.”

  “You like my dick, not my ass.”

  They’d gone to Javi’s property in the mountains and were planning on spending the night on the ridge behind his cabin. Tommy hadn’t been hiking in months, but refused to let the older man get the better of him. He hurried to catch up and once he was beside Gary, he slapped his ass and panted, “I like your ass, too.”

  “Out of breath? Maybe that’s from sneaking smokes behind Javi’s house, huh?”

  Busted. He’d been smoking since he was twelve, and while he mostly kicked the habit, one every now and then was nice to take the edge off. “A cigarette a day isn’t bad.”


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