Chasing the Moon: A Second Chance Standalone Romance

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Chasing the Moon: A Second Chance Standalone Romance Page 30

by S. M. Soto

  End stiffens. I feel him crane his neck to look down at me. I keep my gaze planted on the ground. His touch on my chin is gentle as he lifts my face to look at him. His gaze rakes over my battered cheek. It lingers on the cut that’s just above my cheekbone. He presses his lips together in a grim line, shifting his gaze to get a better view of the flesh there that is scraped.

  A hot tear rolls down my cheek, and with the gentlest of touches, Endymion catches the salty moisture with his thumb. It almost has me breaking into another round of sobs.

  “Everyone all right?” Sheriff Wentworth asks, pausing in front of us. He has Deacon, Landon’s father, who is another officer here in Dunsmuir, with him. When I glance up at both men, sympathy passes over their features when they take in the tear tracks and the rest of my distressed state. End takes my hand and squeezes, as if knowing I need all the extra support I can get.

  I lick my dry, cracked lips before I retell the events of what happened. I start with the confrontation at Rita’s to what happened in front of the building. Sheriff Wentworth sighs. The sound is full of fatigue and disappointment, which makes sense. Thomas is his son, after all. Though he’s now more of the black sheep of the family. He finishes taking down my statement, a contrite expression on his face.

  “I’m sorry about this, Selene. Thomas has done a lot of dumb stuff, but this one…” He shakes his head, glancing away for a few seconds, deep in thought. My stomach cramps at the sound of his name. I’ll never be able to hear his name again, let alone look at him, without thinking about what happened tonight. “This time, he won’t be able to run from this. I won’t let him.”

  “Thank you, Sheriff Wentworth and Officer Scott. We appreciate you guys coming out here,” End says. He takes charge of the conversation, sensing I don’t have it in me to force any more words past my lips. I’m spent. Physically and emotionally drained.

  Once we finish giving statements, End helps me into the car. He’s treating me like I’m made of glass. It’s as if he’s afraid I’m going to shatter at any given second, and he might not be far off. I feel disconnected from what happened with Thomas, but at the same time, I feel incredibly vulnerable. It feels like there is ice swimming through my veins. I can’t stop feeling his breath on my skin, the sensation of his hands gripping and prodding at my flesh.

  After a quick trip to the emergency room (at End’s insistence) to make sure I’m okay, Endymion drives us home. I can practically feel him stewing the whole way. Thankfully, he doesn’t say anything about what happened tonight. I think he knows I need a moment to collect myself.

  “What about Luna?” I ask, the second we step over the threshold into the quiet house. It feels odd, not hearing her soft giggle or her pounding feet as she skids around the corner.

  He keeps his hand firmly planted on my lower back as if he’s afraid I’ll disappear. “She’ll be fine at my parents’ place for the night. I told them to give me a call if there are any issues.”

  My heart twinges at the thought of being away from my sweet girl for a whole night, but I nod. In the bedroom, I bypass his king-sized bed, opting for the bathroom instead. My chest caves, and my lungs squeeze painfully when I look at myself in the mirror. A small cut on my cheekbone is slowly scabbing over, a purple bruise forming around it, and the scrapes on the other side of my face look just as bad as they feel. It’s just on a small portion of my cheek, but it’s there, and I’ll have to find a way to explain to Luna what happened. How do I explain to her that someone hurt me without frightening her?

  I feel End come up behind me, his warmth emanates around me, enveloping me in a secure blanket. His hands settle on my waist gently.

  “Where did he touch you?” In the mirror, his face is blank and impassive, but his tone gives him away. He’s barely hanging on by a thread.

  Flashes of Thomas’s hands on me have bile rising up my throat. My bottom lip trembles, and I squeeze my lids shut.

  “Nothing like that happened. But…I think it would’ve if Landon hadn’t come when he did. Thomas was so angry. About you. About me. And Holly. He was drunk—not that that makes it any better. I should’ve gone straight home after work. I shouldn’t have stopped there. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  “Hey,” End admonishes, gently turning me around to face him. “This is not your fault. You understand me?”

  “Why do I feel like it is?” I whisper, feeling a fresh wave of tears sting my eyes. The muscle in his jaw strains, and he pulls me into his arms. My hands wrap around his waist, and I dig my fingers into the material of his shirt, never wanting to let go. Endymion is my safe space at this moment. He’s the warmth I’m clinging onto in the hopes it’ll wipe away all the bad that happened tonight—a clean slate.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  I allow End to help me out of my filthy clothes. He’s careful of my wounds, and once I’m standing before him, completely naked, his eyes rake over my flesh, looking for anything he could’ve missed.

  In the shower, his hands are soft and gentle as he cleans me. He doesn’t explore or grope; he just takes care of me in a way I didn’t know I needed. A way I never thought a man like him would ever be capable of. Under the warm spray of the shower, I tilt my head back, taking him in.

  Standing this close, I’m enthralled by the way the rivulets of water roll down the sharp planes of his face. They stream down his thick, gorgeous hair and eyelashes. I watch the droplets glide down along his angular jaw. His hair looks brown when it’s soaked like it is right now, the blond and light brown pieces hidden. The strands are stuck to his forehead and neck, and when the water sluices down his soft mouth, I want to reach up and drink it down. Sensing the weight of my stare, he pauses, glancing down at me.

  “Thank you.”

  His hand slides around my hip, and he draws my wet body flush against his. “Don’t thank me for this.”

  He cups my cheek, and with the softest kiss that I feel down to the depths of my soul, he presses his lips against mine. There’s nothing heated or crazy about it. It’s soft and oh, so perfect. I find myself clutching onto him like he’s a lifeline. My lifeline.

  We rest our foreheads together, catching our breath. His grip is still secure on me as if he doesn’t want to let go. His jaw grinds back and forth as he works through his anger.

  “I want to kill him for hurting you.”

  My heart squeezes. “I’m okay. I promise.”

  “I’m not,” he grits. “The thought of his hands on you…the idea of him hurting you, it fucking kills me.”

  “I don’t want you doing anything, understand me? We’re letting the police handle this, End.”

  His gaze rakes across my flesh, taking in the scars and the cuts. “You’re mine, Selene, and that means I’m not going to let anyone hurt you. I can’t let this slide.”

  I shake my head, my gut churning with worry. “We have Luna to think about. I can’t… She can’t lose you, Endymion.”

  He seems to understand everything I’m not saying. The muscle in his jaw twitches, and it’s obvious he’s not happy, but he still presses a soft kiss against my lips that steals the breath straight from my lungs.

  I take one last look in the mirror, only wincing slightly at my reflection. The scab on my face is mostly healed, but that doesn’t stop the pitying looks. News of what happened traveled fast, just as I figured it would. Telling my parents was the hardest part of all, mainly because I could see the worry written all over my father’s face. He wanted to tear Thomas limb from limb.

  He wasn’t the only one.

  I think the only saving grace was that Endymion was there with me every step of the way, silently promising he’d kill him if he ever stepped foot in this town again. That was the thing about Thomas. This wasn’t the first time he’d been in trouble here in Dunsmuir. He’d ran off enough times to hide out until the dust settled. He’d always come back when he thought the town forgot about his previous mistakes; only this time, it wasn’t just a small mistak

  “Mommy,” Luna groans, trotting into the bathroom. “Daddy wants to know if you’re done yet.”

  Twisting the lid on the lip gloss, I drop down to my haunches, leveling my gaze with my sweet girl. I braided her hair in a fishtail braid on each side, adding little sunflower bows to each end. We’re both wearing soft blue sundresses with tiny flower prints. I paired hers with a jean jacket and some cowgirl boots. She looks as cute as a button.

  “You look very pretty, Mommy,” she says, cupping my cheek.

  “Thank you, baby. You look very, very pretty, too. Are you excited?”

  Her grin widens. “I am. I’ve never been to a party like this before.”

  Guilt stabs me in the chest. We didn’t exactly know a lot of people in Pasadena. We didn’t have any reason to attend any parties that involved anyone in the city or hang out with friends. It was just birthday parties with the three of us. This is the first time she’ll get to experience this town and the yearly events that happen.

  I wonder idly if that guilt will ever pass. Part of me thinks it will over time, but the other part, I think it’s something I’ll have to deal with for the rest of my life. Something I’ll have to keep making up to her and her father, day in and day out.

  It’s the town’s yearly Summer Fest. I remember coming here with my parents as a kid and dancing under the stringed lights, eating the food, and hanging out with Julia. I used to look forward to these events until Endymion came along. Then I just spent my time watching him from afar. It’s strange to think that now, after so many years, he’ll be the one at my side tonight, with our daughter.

  “We ready to g—” The sound of Endymion’s voice cuts off when he steps into the bedroom, looking our way. A smile lights up his face when he looks at Luna. She does a little twirl for him, making us both laugh. At the sound, his gaze drifts to me, and the smile slowly slides off his face. His eyes alight with heat. The green there is a force to be reckoned with. His gaze has a texture to it, one I can feel roll through my body in waves.

  He closes the distance between us, an unreadable expression on his face as he takes me into his arms. That angry swarm of bees is back wreaking havoc inside of me. I can’t help but wonder if the feeling will ever go away when I’m near this man. Will I ever look at him and not feel the way I do now? His warm hand tightens around my hip, his fingertips digging into my skin, sending electric zaps straight to my core.

  I rest my hand on his firm chest as he stares down at me, the heat in his eyes almost unbearable. His calloused hand cups my cheek, and my heart flutters in my chest.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  “That’s a bad word,” Luna pipes in.

  My smile is instantaneous. Like gasoline on a fire, it starts on one end and spreads to the other. As much as I want to chide him for his language, I can’t bring myself to do it. “Thank you,” I whisper, trying to keep the heat from settling into my cheeks. It’s no use. I should come to terms with the fact that I’ll always be that girl who blushes too hard.

  Endymion swoops down, taking my mouth in a kiss that evokes deep body quakes. The effect he has on me is visceral. I feel the kiss spread through my body like wildfire. He presses my body against his, and heat engulfs us both.

  “Gross.” Luna groans, prompting us to pull apart, resting our foreheads against each other. The laugh that tumbles past my lips is the most carefree it’s ever been.

  Every year Summer Fest in Dunsmuir is held at an old barn that was refurbished years ago. The structure is a historical landmark here, only a few miles away from the famous rail line that was built in the 1880s. Though, most of the town is considered historical. Dunsmuir is a tourist favorite because it is one of the few small towns here in Northern California that has preserved an authentic 1920s and 1930s look and feel.

  My heart thumps with nostalgia as I take in the barn I recognize from my childhood. It’s a weathered brown color that gives the wood character, letting everyone know just how long it’s been here. The front doors are rolled open, and I can clearly spot the wooden tables covered in white tablecloths and the small fairy lights strung across the borders and crisscrossed along the ceiling inside. From my trajectory, I can even spot hay bales, and it takes me back to years ago when I was forced to sit on them and deal with the hay poking me in my thighs.

  A surprised smile lights my face as we walk over the threshold. Even the smell in here is the same. It’s a mix of delicious food and something woodsy. Hints of nature tickle the back of my nose. I spot my parents seated on one of the hay bales at a table and feel emotion grip my chest. Last night I mentioned to Endymion that I was sad that my parents wouldn’t be attending. Dad is only getting sicker, and I knew going out is the last thing he would want. I was still bummed they wouldn’t be here. Somehow, I know this is Endymion’s doing, getting them to go out. There’s no denying how sick my father looks. But the smile on his face as he talks to a few of his friends has tears burning the backs of my eyes.

  I tighten my grip around Endymion’s hand in a silent thank you. He glances down at me, an emotion in his eyes that has heat crawling across my skin.

  “I was wondering if you’d show.” I turn at the sound of Julia’s voice, and my brows disappear into my hairline when I see who she’s with. Griffin has his arm slung around her shoulder, looking all too comfortable.

  “What makes you think I wouldn’t?” I retort, feigning offense.

  She rolls her eyes. “Because I know you like the back of my hand, Selene Drake.”

  “Oh! There’s Valeria. Can I go play with her?” Luna asks us both, vibrating with excitement. Endymion nods, scooping her into his arms, and she giggles.

  “C’mon, I’ll go with you.” End tugs me into his side and presses a warm kiss to my lips that has my stomach fluttering woefully. I watch them go and try to mask my surprise when Griffin presses a kiss to Julia’s cheek.

  “Catch up with you later, babe.”

  Once he’s out of earshot, I grip onto Julia’s arm and squeeze, my eyes narrowing into thin slits. “You gonna make me ask, or you just want to tell me what the hell is going on?”

  She sighs. “I gave in, okay? You were right. I do like Griffin a lot more than I let on. He’s a manwhore, but Jesus Christ, the things that man can do with his tongue you wouldn’t belie—”

  I pretend to gag. “Please stop. I don’t need the dirty details. I just want to know why you didn’t tell me. Is this payback for me not telling you?”

  Julia brushes her booted foot through the dirt beneath our feet, stalling. “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s because I didn’t want to ruin it. If I talk about it, it’s bound to ruin things, right? I figured if I didn’t tell anyone, it would make it hurt less when this all goes to shit.”

  I frown. “Jules, talking about something good in your life, something that makes you happy, won’t make it go to shit. Don’t speak your negativity into existence, only the positive.”

  Julia’s lips quirk. “You’re a goddamn hippie. You know that?”

  I nudge her in the side with my elbow playfully. “Oh, shut it. You love me and my hippie-dippie ways.”

  “You’re not wrong. Now, let’s go sit with your parents. Your mother looks like she’s bored out of her mind.”

  She’s not wrong. My dad’s been talking to a handful of his friends, but my mom is still just sitting there, looking unenthused. I think being in Pasadena changed something in her. I know she misses it there. It’s a completely different way of life. One a big city and the other a small town where no secrets are kept.

  “Looking a little bored there, Cece,” Julia comments.

  My mom sighs. “This town hasn’t changed one bit. It’s all still taking some getting used to.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I spot movement, and a grateful smile takes over my face when I see who it is. Endymion and Luna are heading our way, but in tow is his family. They take the empty tables next to my parents’ table, and Aurora heads straight for my
mother, pulling her into a hug and taking the seat next to her. The two dive into conversation like they’ve been the best of friends their entire life.

  “Well, that was easier than I was expecting,” Julia comments. I laugh in agreement because that is not what I anticipated. I thought Julia and me would have to sit next to my mom for the rest of the night and keep her company so she wouldn’t lose her mind.

  It feels good to watch our families connect and spend time together. It’s sad to think we could’ve been doing this long before now.

  “Selene, can we talk for a sec?”

  My brows draw in, and I tense at the sound of Freya’s voice. I haven’t had a conversation between just the two of us in years. Endymion’s younger sister seems to go out of her way to avoid me, and ever since the truth came out and she’s made her feelings about me known, I’ve done the same.

  Glancing over Freya’s shoulder, I share a look with Julia. She just raises her brows, clearly as surprised by this as I am. Plastering a smile on my face, I nod, following in step beside Freya as she puts some distance between our families and us.

  “Look, I just wanted a moment to clear the air with you. I had no right to give you the cold shoulder the way I did during the barbecue at my parents’ place. I was…angry, on my brother’s behalf, but I didn’t have all the facts. I didn’t know how he felt about you, and I didn’t know about that night. At the creek.”

  My face flames with embarrassment.

  “Did End put you up to this?”

  A small smile quirks her lips. “He did, and didn’t, if that makes sense. He explained everything, and I felt the need to clear the air with you. Despite what has happened, we are family, and I love my niece to absolute pieces. So, thank you for being an incredible mother, and thank you for loving my brother the way you do. He’s never quite felt like he belonged here in this town, with anyone, until he met you.”


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