Traitor: An Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance (Sold to The Don Book 3)

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Traitor: An Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance (Sold to The Don Book 3) Page 2

by Callie Vincent

  I peered over my shoulder. “You know as well as I do that I can take care of myself. Just try not to eat me out of house and home, all right?”

  I tossed him a wink before I slipped out the door and eased myself into my blacked-out town car. I rattled off the name of the restaurant that would be graced by my presence this evening and sat back to enjoy the ride. I crossed my leg over my knee and watched as the vineyards passed us by. One by one, peppering the countryside that ran parallel to the beach while I rehearsed exactly what I’d say once I sat down in that chair in front of him.

  And when I arrived at the restaurant, I barged right into the private room where I knew he’d be and took a seat across from him.

  “Evening, Ronnie. Long time, no see.”

  His eyes slowly rose to mine as I snapped my fingers. “A glass of your driest red wine, please. And I’ll have what he’s having.”

  Ronnie raised his hand. “He isn’t staying.”

  I smiled wildly “Trust me, I really am.”

  I waved my hand at the waiter to go place my order as Ronnie set down his utensils. It wasn’t very often that I came face-to-face with the head of the Lucchese Family, but desperate times called for desperate measures. I was over this little halfling brother of his. Whatever bastard family he came from, I was ready to send him crawling back with his teeth jammed into his skull.

  But, I kept a cool outer façade while Ronnie’s face turned beet red.

  “What the fuck do you want?” he asked.

  My smile settled into a comfortable grin. “To talk, of course.”

  “How the hell did you know where to find me?”

  I watched as a waitress dipped down to refill his wine glass. But, he placed his hand directly onto the woman’s face and shoved her back as if she were nothing but a curious puppy dog trying to climb into his lap.

  That alone would’ve earned him a bullet to the kneecap if I hadn’t come with a need to talk instead of fight.

  “So,” I said as the waiter handed me my glass of dry red wine, “how have things been?”

  Ronnie’s nostrils flared. “You better get to the point, and quickly.”

  I sipped my wine. “Mm, mm, mm. Charlotte would’ve enjoyed this.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Not this again. For the last fucking time--.”

  I set my wine glass down. “He works for you, right? Lorenzo?”

  “Of course. He’s my brother.”

  “Half-brother, actually. So, that means the actions he takes are, in fact, a reflection of the family as a whole. Correct?”

  I thanked the waiter as he sat my food down in front of me, and the entire time I felt Ronnie’s eyes on my face.

  “What is it you’re getting at, Mateo?” he asked curtly.

  I cut into my steak. “Wow, my compliments to the chef. I haven’t even taken a bite and this smells--.”

  He slammed his fist against the table, spilling my glass of wine. “Enough!”

  I clicked my tongue. “Well, now you’re just going to have to get me another glass.”

  He stood quickly, almost pushing the table in my direction. “Whatever you think my brother has done, I can assure you--.”

  I pointed to his chair. “He’s taken something that is mine and you know it, so sit down and listen would you?”

  He growled as he sat back down in his chair, but he didn’t have a word of protest. And that alone was enough for me to settle on my plans.

  I’ll put a hit out on both of you in no time. “There’s a battle brewing between us, wouldn’t you think?”

  Ronnie nodded his head. “More like a war that’s been brewing for some time, yes.”

  “And I would imagine that you’re more jumpy than usual for reasons I’ve already mentioned? Yes?”

  He didn’t confirm, but he also didn’t deny it either. “You better watch your next words, or I’ll--.”

  I took a bite of my steak. “Kill Charlotte yourself?”

  He blinked. “What?”

  I chewed and swallowed. “That’s what you were going to say, right? Kill Charlotte yourself to spite me? Because you know what Lorenzo’s done, and you know what kind of a back-handed slight that is.”

  He leaned forward. “If you want to leave with your life, I suggest you get up now.”

  I took a bite of my mashed potatoes. “Oh, man. Definite compliments to the chef. I need this recipe, too, because the garlic in this is--.”

  “Enough!” he bellowed.

  And then, I shot up from my chair. “It will never be enough, and let me tell you why, Ronnie: because until you can control the urges of your own family, you’ll never truly rule this island. No matter how many businesses you control and no matter how much money you bring in, if you can’t control your little mutt? It doesn’t mean shit. He’ll always undermine you, and he’ll always go behind your back, because that’s the kind of man he is. But, did you ever stop to think for one second as to why he does that?”

  Ronnie blinked, but he didn’t say anything. And I knew I had him backed into a corner.

  “Waiter?” I asked as I stared the head of the Lucchese Family down.

  He rushed to my side. “Yes, Mr. Emiliano?”

  I stood upright and finally turned to face him. “I’d like a to-go box and the rest of that bottle of wine, please. And a dessert. You can put it on Mr. Lucchese’s tab for the evening as well, I’m sure he won’t mind. Right?”

  His temples pulsed. “You’ll pay for this.”

  The waiter scurried away as I wiped my hands on the silken cloth napkin afforded to me. “Actually, you’re paying for this tonight. But, if you don’t get that mutt brother of yours in line with the rest of the family, you’ll be paying in other ways eventually, too.”

  After acquiring my food, I strolled out of the private room, leaving Ronnie to his thoughts. It didn’t take a genius to understand why Lorenzo was doing what he wanted. Why he kept undermining the head of his own family.

  It was because Lorenzo wanted to sit in Ronnie’s seat. The mutt wanted to be the head of the family. But in order to protect myself—and this city—from the war looming over all of our heads, I would need Char’s help.

  And I hoped my conversation with Ronnie proved to be enough to knock their family off balance.



  I woke up with a start as I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I panicked for a split second as I jolted awake as a pair of arms tightened around me.

  “Hold still,” Lorenzo murmured.

  Then, I felt the bonds around my wrists and ankles fall away.

  “What are you doing?” I asked groggily.

  “Come with me. You’re weak, and you need sustenance.”

  My head lobbed back as the sound of footsteps pitter-pattered below me. The world felt as if it were all swirling together before a bright light made me groan. My arm threw itself over my eyes like it had a mind of its own, and before I knew it I felt myself sitting down on the most comfortable set of cushions I’d ever felt in my life.

  And the smell of food made my stomach hurt with hunger.

  “Is that peanut butter?” I asked softly.

  Lorenzo pulled up a chair in front of me. “It is. Peanut butter and fresh grape jelly on toast. I’ve also got poached eggs on a bed of buttered rice, fried ham, and fresh olives for a nice morning martini.”

  My mouth watered so much I almost drooled. “What did I do to deserve this?”

  He chuckled. “Being a good girl for me, that’s what.”

  My skin crawled at the nickname. “I’m not your good girl.”

  And the second the words shot forth from the tip of my tongue, he pinned me to the couch.

  “Ah!” I shrieked.

  He forced my legs open. “You’ll be my good little girl or you’re going to be snake food, got it?”

  I tried to fight him, but I was much too weak. “Please, don’t do this.”

  I heard the buckle of his pants jingling. “
You think you can turn me down? Refuse my food and rot down there like the stubborn bitch you are?”

  “Help! Someone help me!”

  And when I cried out, I felt him stuff something inside my mouth. A piece of salty-tasting cloth that quickly crept down the back of my throat and made me gag.

  He’s going to suffocate me.

  “If you don’t want to give yourself over willingly,” he said as he pulled out his cock, “then I’ve got no issues taking what’s rightfully mine.”

  I muffled out the words ‘I’ll never be yours’, but halfway through the statement I started to choke. His hand gripped my hair, pulling my head off to the side as a shooting pain worked its way down my neck. I cried out in horror as I felt his leaking dick against my thigh. Tears rushed my cheeks as he smacked my tits, watching them bounce for his viewing pleasure.

  And just when I felt the tip of his dick at my entrance, a burst of energy shot through my veins.

  “No!” I shrieked.

  I drew my leg back and caught the heel of my shoe against his gut. I pushed as hard as I could, listening as he groaned in pain. I heard fabric tearing as his grip on me loosened, and I had enough sense to wiggle onto the floor.

  And with my hands freed, I pulled the cloth out from the back of my throat.

  Only to see that he had stuffed a pair of his fucking dirty-ass boxers down my throat.

  “Oh, shit,” I gagged.

  I hit my knees and vomited right there on his marble floors. My stomach caved in on itself as bile worked its way up the back of my throat. It spewed from between my lips, carrying the weight of the world as well as twinges of blood with it. My entire body quivered as urine seeped down my leg. The smell of it alone was enough to curl my nose, but it had nothing on the taste of blood and bile coating the inside of my cheeks.

  “You nasty bitch,” Lorenzo growled.

  And with a grunt, he crashed his foot against my stomach.

  I collapsed against the pool of bile beneath me and felt it eroding away at my cheek. I gasped for air as his hand fisted my tendrils, pulling my head all the way back. I strained for air as pain rushed over my body. I saw his angry eyes upside down before he cracked his hand against my cheek.

  “You’re useless. I don’t know why the fuck Mateo kept you around in the first place,” he hissed.

  He pulled me up from the floor and the smell of food fell behind me much too quickly. I stumbled to try and gain my balance, but I didn’t want to kick off my heels. They were the only weapon I had at my disposal, and I knew that if he took them from me I’d be a goner.

  And that’s exactly what he did once he threw me over his shoulder.

  “Give me these,” he grunted.

  “No, please,” I said through my sobs.

  He cracked his hand against my ass cheek. “Begging won’t save you now, you stupid bitch. Should’ve known your place from the get-go.”

  I felt him slip my heels off my feet as he walked me back over to the doorway. The darkness that opened up beyond it scared the fuck out of me, but not nearly as much as the idea of spending one more second with Lorenzo’s hands on me. He placed me down onto my feet before placing his nose against my neck, sniffing deeply as my skin crawled with disgust.

  Then, his lips found my ear. “I’ve got many people ready to pay a pretty penny for you because of the shit your mother’s done. And I can’t wait to make bank on your head.”

  He shoved me down the concrete stairs and I tumbled into the darkness, lifeless and helpless to the pain that coursed through my body. My body twisted and contorted itself as I splashed into a puddle at the bottom of the steps with a stinging sensation working its way all across my body. I didn’t know which way was up. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see tomorrow.

  But, when I heard something crashing down the stairs, I scurried out of the way.

  Until I smelled peanut butter and jelly wafting up my nose.

  “Have fun eating what the snakes don’t get!” Lorenzo yelled down at me.

  And as he slammed the door closed, I moved as quickly as I could to gather up the food.

  I shoved it all in my mouth and chewed, ignoring the gritty feeling of the dirt from the ground I had retrieved it from. The smell of bog water was heavy against my tongue, as weird as that sounds, and I felt myself gagging. I forced it down, though. I forced the calories down, and with every bite I took I felt myself growing a little bit stronger.

  Give him the same offer you gave Teo. Maybe he’ll let you work for him.

  It was worth a shot, anyway.

  After all, I was a very gifted lawyer, and I knew I could get Lorenzo out of any trouble he’d gotten himself into if he only gave me a shot. And with some of the knowledge I had regarding Teo’s inner workings of his own empire, I could leverage that information to get me into a more comfortable room. My hands worked their way around the puddle, picking up the scraps of food he threw down to me. And with every weary bite I took, a plan slowly formed in my mind.

  Giving me the strength I needed to look ahead.

  After standing to my feet and brushing myself off, I made my boldest move yet. I walked right up those stairs and started knocking on the metal grate. I knocked and I knocked, waiting for someone to open the door just beyond it. And after knocking for what felt like hours, the door finally whipped open.

  Revealing Lorenzo’s pissed-off face.

  “What?” he asked.

  I clasped my hands behind my back. “I wanted to ask you a question, if that’s all right.”

  He looked perturbed. “Make it quick. I’m on a call.”

  “I think I might be able to help you out with some of your troubles.”

  He blinked. “What kind of troubles?”

  I shrugged. “The kind of troubles men like yourself and Teo get themselves into. I’m a very gifted lawyer, and I have information on the inner workings of Teo’s business that I’d be more than willing to hand over, for a price.”

  His eyes fell down my body. “And what price is that?”

  Perfect. You have him right where you want him. “A room, for starters. Doesn’t have to be a nice one, just one with a bed and a place to shower. And, three meals a day. Preferably with you, so we always have a set time where we can talk shop and I can keep you updated on things.”

  He snickered. “And if I don’t take you up on your offer?”

  I shrugged. “All the information I have at my disposal will go to whoever you sell me off to.”

  He chuckled. “It’s cute that you think I don’t already have a lawyer working for me.”

  “But, are they better than me? Because let’s face it, I’m pretty much the best at what I do.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  I blinked. “Yes. I am.”

  His eyes locked with mine. “Well, I can assure you that I employ the only person that’s better at this game than you are. So, if you don’t mind, I need to get back to my business call with the only lawyer I trust. I’ve got a lot of kinks I need to work out, then I need to turn my attention to the highest bidder on your head. Guard.”

  “No, no. No no no, don’t close the door. Just wait a second, Lorenzo!”

  But, his bodyguard closed the door anyway, leaving me in the dark as I stood there in shock.

  Someone better? He already had someone employed that was better? No way. No fucking way. I had confidence in a lot of things, sure, but if there was one thing I knew, it was my talent. My knack for being in a courtroom. My knack for seeing things others didn’t and using them to turn the tides for any client that hired me. There was no way in hell he had hired someone better than me. There was only one person better than myself at this game.

  And there was no way on God’s green earth my mother would work for a man like him.




  I stood on Lorenzo’s front doorstep for a while before I finally knocked. The entire journey here, I thought about my dinner with Ronnie.
I thought about the seed I had planted and I wondered where in the flowering process that idea was. I knew it was risky coming here with the intention of opening my wallet. But, if money and power were the only two things Lorenzo was after, I could give him both.

  Whatever amount he wanted for Char, as well as the ‘power’ over me he wanted to wield with her presence.

  On the one hand, I didn’t like the fact that he wielded actual power over me with Char’s kidnapping. I wanted her back more than I could stand, if anything because I could only imagine the horrors she was putting up with underneath his ridicule and torturous tactics. I wanted to save her, yes, but it was more than that.

  I wanted to whisk her away with me so she’d never have to endure the kind of hardship that came with my life ever again.

  After raising my hand to knock again, the door whipped open, and there he stood in all his suited glory. A cheap suit, of course, but a suit nonetheless. And when his eyes swept over my body, I rolled my shoulders back.

  A tactic I had learned from an incredibly resourceful woman.

  “Come to grovel, I take it?” he asked.

  I blinked. “Aren’t you at least going to invite me in?”

  Lorenzo stepped off to the side. “Join me for a drink on the back porch.”

  I stepped through the threshold and swept my eyes over all of the doors. None of them struck me as a place he’d stash Char, but I didn’t want to cross anything off my list yet. His house wasn’t nearly as expansive as my place, and as long as I could keep him entertained my men could easily sweep this place to find her.

  I just needed to keep him occupied with negotiations.

  “So, how are things?” Lorenzo asked.

  I decided not to answer him and followed him out onto the porch. He poured each of us a glass of whiskey and I picked it up, not bothering to sit down. I threw it back and found him grinning at me from his seated position as he relaxed with his own drink. Sipping it, as if nothing were wrong.

  As if the balance of the entire world hadn’t completely shifted.

  “Won’t you sit and enjoy the view for a few minutes?” Lorenzo asked.


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