Red Eye: Season Three, Episode One: An Armageddon Zombie Survival Thriller

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Red Eye: Season Three, Episode One: An Armageddon Zombie Survival Thriller Page 7

by Eli Constant

  “I said,” he replied, sliding his belt out of the loops on his jeans, “take off your clothes and come here.”

  Chapter Seven.


  Barrett steered me between buildings and I thoughtlessly followed his direction without paying much attention to my surroundings. There was a fog around me, my thoughts lost in a red and gray mist. I’d fallen into an ocean of zombies and crawled out unscathed.

  How was that even possible?

  I knew I was sick, knew there was something inside of me that was different, but up until that point, I’d found a way to ignore the mechanics. Standing in front of one zombie and not being eaten alive was a possibility. There were factors to include: Maybe I was covered in zombie goo so it couldn’t smell me. Maybe it was a “faulty” zombie with no sense of smell? One zombie could be explained, but this… There was no explaining it other than I was fundamentally changed.

  It was hard to put the blinders back on now though, what with Barrett having witnessed a new piece of my…blossoming abilities. Blossoming?

  Decaying was more like it.

  But I didn’t feel rotten. I didn’t feel like my organs were rebelling, or my insides were liquefying, or my brain patterns were slowing down as I died from the virus that was changing me. I felt… stronger. I could deal with the red vision and maybe I could control the bloodlust. But what other alterations were happening inside me?

  I licked my lips, the memory of Jackson’s blood on my knuckles, the taste of it in my mouth. It made my stomach growl, even if it had been tainted with nicotine.

  “You hungry?” Barrett’s voice was focused as he kept moving us forward.

  “Not really,” I mumbled, biting my lower lip, because it wasn’t a hunger for actual food that had made my belly rumble.

  He didn’t say anything else as he brought us to a stop outside of a squat, dark building. He lifted his fist and pounded on the steel door. “Stash, open up,” Barrett bellowed, hitting the door three more times before dropping his arm and waiting silently.

  It took a few minutes before we heard scuffling on the other side of the wall. I could hear several deadbolts being thrown before the door whined open to reveal Stash on the other side, a pair of glasses perched on the end of his nose, a chewed-up black pen between his teeth.

  “What do you want?” the old man said grumpily. “I’ve got a bitch-load of inventory before I send the boys out scavenging tomorrow. I’m going to miss the damn fight tonight as it is. Don’t need you delaying me with nonsense.” His eyes left Barrett’s face and found mine; his gaze widened as he took in the sight of me, and I realized I must have been dirtier and more disheveled than Barrett had let on with his claim that I needed a shower. “Hell happened to you, girly?”

  “I kicked someone’s ass.” I stuck out my chin and tried to look fierce. Stash laughed so hard I thought he might hurt himself. “It’s true,” I protested, feeling my cheeks burn.

  “Oh, I believe you. Just wondering how the other guy looks.”

  “Bad.” Barrett nodded, and I saw his mouth twitch up in a slight smile. Was that pride?

  “Who was it?” Stash quirked an eyebrow.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but Barrett spoke before I had the chance. “You’ll figure it out. Always do.”

  A grin slowly spread Stash’s mouth. “Now, ain’t that the truth. What can I do you for then?”

  Barrett tilted his head in my direction. “She needs new clothes. And shoes, if you’ve got some in her size.”

  “Women’s shoes…” Stash’s voice trailed off, his eyes gazing down at my bare feet. “Don’t have many women’s shoes—you know the rule, Barrett. You a size nine?” he said, looking back up at me.

  Surprised, I nodded. “Narrow.”

  “Can’t do nothing about width, but I’ve got men’s seven and a half that should be damn close.” Stash started walking away from the open door, but when Barrett moved to enter the storage building, he held up a hand. “Wait here. I’ve got shit everywhere and I don’t want you wrecking my system.”

  Barrett stepped back obediently. “Don’t make the clothes revealing,” he called after the older man, almost as an afterthought.

  “You’ll get what I have,” Stash retorted. “Nathan takes most the sexy clothes anyways. Damn shame. Would like to see that woman of yours in something short and sweet.”

  “This woman has a name,” I said loudly, crossing my arms and feeling angry at the world. I wanted to be home and standing in my own bedroom. I wanted to rummage through my own clothing, stuffed into the too-small closet, and pick whatever struck my fancy in that moment. I didn’t want to be here, covered in blood and dirt, waiting for whatever Stash could come up with that might fit me.

  “Here.” Stash came back into view, a pair of black combat boots in one hand and something that looked too dainty for the apocalypse held in his other. “I think this dress will fit her. Should cover most of her important bits.” He winked at me and I felt bile fill my mouth. “And these are the only pair of shoes in her size that I’ve got ready. All the rest still got guts and gore all over ’em.”

  “Guts and gore?” I asked stupidly. “Why would they…” My voice trailed off as I realized why the shoes and other things would be coated in remnants of death. “You scavenge from bodies,” I answered the question for myself.

  “From dead ones and undead,” Stash clarified. “We take what we can get.”

  I held a hand over my mouth, retching a little and thankful I didn’t have anything in my stomach.

  “Don’t worry.” Stash looked annoyed. “Everything’s been cleaned.”

  “Thanks.” Barrett reached for the items and took them from Stash. “We’ll be heading to the showers now.”

  “You know, Nathan would probably pay to let the boys watch that.” Stash crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe. “You always liked a good business opportunity, Barrett. You sure you want to write this one off?”

  “Maybe when I’m tired of her.” Barrett snaked an arm around my waist and jerked me against his side roughly. “Goods like this don’t spoil easy. I got time.”

  They laughed throatily, imagining all the ways to spoil a woman, no doubt. And there was nothing I could say. I had to bite my tongue. Stay quiet, stay safe. Keep acting like Barrett’s plaything.

  We left the storage building and made our way back to the communal showers. To my surprise, Barrett pulled me into the men’s room and not the women’s. His pack was on a built-in bench near the showers, and the tile floor of the shower stall he’d used was still wet.

  “Shampoo and soap’s still in there. Be quick.” He walked over and sat next to his backpack, still in full view of the curtain-free shower I was apparently supposed to use.

  “I’m not showering with you sitting there able to watch me.” I shook my head and squared my shoulders.

  “And I’m not letting you out of my sight this time. So deal with it,” he barked back, a challenge in his eyes. He was daring me to fight him about this… I wondered what my punishment would be.

  I wondered why the thought of being punished by Barrett made me just a little bit excited…

  “Don’t look,” I said tiredly, knowing I wouldn’t win this argument.

  It wasn’t like a man hadn’t seen me naked before. I’d shared showers with my ballet partners after rehearsal. It hadn’t been sexual. I’d shared showers with my boyfriends. That had been sexual.

  But this was different. This wasn’t my choice.

  I took another long look at Barrett, who rested his back against the wall and had pulled his long hair over his shoulder. And then I took a deep breath and started undressing. Because why the fuck not? I wanted the dirt off me. I wanted the taint of Jackson’s blood off me. I wanted the scent of the zombies, with their oozing intestines, off me.

  Trying to move fast, I hooked fingers beneath the hem of the shirt and I lifted it off my body quickly, dropping it to the floor. I raced through everything el
se until I was standing there naked. I didn’t dare glance at Barrett now. I crossed one arm over my breasts and I rushed to the shower, feeling angry with myself for not starting the water while I was still clothed. Now all I could do was turn on the water and hope it got warm quickly. Because I wasn’t standing in my birthday suit waiting for the stream to be comfortable.

  I jumped into the water, shivering at the cold wetness and giving a quiet squeal. I soaked myself, tilting my head back and running my hands through my hair. Blinking, my vision hazy, I looked for the shampoo. I saw a bar of green soap, but nothing else.

  “Shit,” I whispered, checking once again, but knowing that a bottle of shampoo would be obvious. I gritted my teeth and thought about washing my hair with the bar of soap. But, from experience, I knew I’d end up with dried-out, knotted hair. “Barrett?” I finally relented.

  “Can’t get through a shower without me?” was his egotistical reply.

  “Shut up,” I bit back, feeling completely exposed and still refusing to look in his direction. “Where’s the shampoo?”

  “It should be there.” I heard him stand and begin walking.

  “Don’t come over here.” The panicked words spilled out of me and I turned to face the back of the shower instead of the side.

  But seconds later I heard his footsteps come to a halt. “If you want the shampoo, you’re going to have to look at me.”

  I reached behind me and waved my hand. “Just stick it in my hand.”

  “You sure that’s where you want it?” he growled, inuendo dancing off his tongue.

  Startled, I whirled around, hands going to cover my naughty bits. “Stop it. Just let me shower.”

  I finally looked at his face, and my belly warmed at the heat I found there. He oozed lust and his eyes trailed over my body like he was thinking of all of the things he could do to me.

  Lone wolf indeed.

  With big eyes that saw me.

  And a mouth ready to gobble me up.

  Chapter Eight.


  I watched her as she undressed, doing it quickly and gracelessly.

  The body underneath her clothes was everything I expected it to be: tight, smooth-skinned, perky breasts that were just enough for a good handful to knead. Some guys liked massive tits, but I preferred ones I could wrap my fingers around and suck into my mouth. Thick, meaty nipples were a plus.

  Sam’s body was all gentle curves and dips. Her ass was small, but rounded from dancing. Her legs were thin, but toned and strong.

  I wanted to stand up from the bench the second she was naked, and make her mine.

  But I wasn’t Nathan. The flavor of fear didn’t turn me on. Rough sex any day of the week, yeah, but I didn’t like my pussy truly scared.

  When Sam stepped into the cold shower and I heard her squeal, I smiled. And then I glanced over at the bottle of shampoo sitting behind my backpack.

  It wasn’t exactly a surprise when she called my name.

  “Can’t get through a shower without me?” A grin spread my lips as I watched the way she deliberately kept from looking at me.

  “Shut up,” she snarked. “Where’s the shampoo?”

  “It should be there.” I stood up casually, snagging the white bottle before walking over to the shower stall.

  The water beaded down her back, running tracks to pool in the divots above her ass. My dick throbbed and hardened against my pants.

  “Don’t come over here.” She sounded panicked, shrinking away and facing the back of the shower.

  I held the shampoo bottle out a little way from my body. “If you want the shampoo, you’re going to have to look at me.”

  “Just stick it in my hand.” Sam awkwardly reached back, waggling her fingers hopefully.

  “You sure that’s where you want it?” My voice was a growl. I didn’t try to hide how much I wanted her. The back of her was delicious. If I took a step forward, I could bend her over and have my way with her. I wanted to sink into her, pound her until she begged me to stop.

  I was surprised when she whirled around, hands trying to cover her body ineffectively. The deep blush of her nipples peeked out between fingers and she couldn’t hide the fact that she was a natural blonde. Rig matched the curtains.

  She stumbled back from me, her body pressing into the tiled wall.

  “Say you want me, Sam.” My voice was deep and thick with my intentions.

  She bit her lip, forehead crinkling with frustration and desire. But seconds later I saw anger flash in her eyes. “You’ll take what you want no matter what I say. Isn’t that the way you people are? Take what you want. Take from the living, and the dead. Just take and fucking take some more until the goddamn world is stripped of anything good?”

  Nodding slowly, I replied. “Sins do take what they want. I take what I want. But contrary to popular opinion, I don’t typically fuck without consent.” I paused. “Not that women tend to say no to me.”

  “So even a devil like you has a line in the sand,” she said with disbelief. She scowled through the haze of steam rising from the shower floor, and it took everything I had to keep my eyes trained on her face.

  “Even a devil like me,” I repeated darkly, my eyes finally trailing down the length of her, devouring every inch of perfect pink skin. I took a step forward, holding the shampoo bottle out to her. “But angel, you know it’s going to happen. I can taste how much you want me too. It’s a fucking perfume around you. Surprised we’ve waited this long”

  Sam took a step away from the wall, her hand lifting from her side and reaching for the shampoo. “Just give me the shampoo, Barrett.” Her voice was breathy, her chest rising and falling quickly. “Please.”

  “That really all you want from me? Shampoo?” I taunted.

  She took another step forward, her hand reaching for the shampoo. I grabbed her extended hand with my free one and yanked her toward me. Her wet, naked body pressed against my dry clothes. She shivered against me, mouth slightly open in shock. Our bodies were so close I could feel her heart beating against my chest, her hands gripping on to me ready to push me away or pull me closer, I wasn’t sure, but I wasn’t waiting to find out.

  I tilted my head down and kissed her hard, tongue pushing between her lips. I dropped the white bottle and grabbed her ass, squeezing hard enough to make her moan against my mouth. She acted like she was going to fight me, her muscles tight and straining, but then she relaxed against me, soft breasts pushing up against my hard chest as she let go of everything and just went with it. I gripped her hair in my hand and tipped her head back, holding her hostage against me as I mercilessly devoured her mouth. She groaned against my lips, her knees trembling with need for more.

  Reaching a hand down between our wet bodies, I found the sensitive flesh between her thighs and slowly pushed my index finger inside of her. I caressed the firm bump between her legs and made her whimper against my lips before slipping deeper inside of her to find her already damp with need.

  “Barrett,” she breathed out, her voice hesitant.

  “Remember, you’re mine.” I began walking her back into the warm stream of water, pushing us toward the wall. I let the water soak into my clothes and hair.

  As I unzipped my pants, dick hard and ready, I heard shouts outside the restroom but decided to ignore them. I’d been waiting for this moment since I’d met her, and I’d be damned if some little fight outside was going to stop me now.

  “Barrett?” she mumbled against my mouth as the shouting got louder and louder. “What is that? What’s going on?”

  “Goddammit,” I growled. “Not got a clue, but it sounds like trouble.”

  “Do you need to go?” she asked, with that sleepy thick voice some women get when they’re lost in the moment and all but begging for it.

  The shouting grew louder, rising above the sounds of the shower and the blood thrumming through my veins.

  “Yeah.” I kissed her again, but couldn’t ignore the increased shouting from
outside any longer. I wanted to fuck her. I’d wanted to fuck her from the second I’d met her. Rage at the interruption flushing through me, I pulled away. “Wash your hair and get dressed. Quickly.”

  “But…” Her voice trailed off and she looked confused. For a woman who didn’t want to fuck me, she looked pretty damn disappointed. And that satisfied the shit out of me. I grinned and stepped back from the water, drinking in her naked, wet body.

  “Later,” I growled. “And nothing on this fucking earth will stop me.”

  I picked up the white bottle and handed it to her, then stepped out of the shower to grab the towel I’d used earlier so I could dry my hair while I waited for Sam. She washed quickly and turned off the water. The outfit she put on was a knee-length sheer dress with a slip underneath that barely covered her from chest to ass. It was an outfit that would have gone to one of Nathan’s girls. It had been picked on purpose to piss me off, but there was nothing I could do about it now. The combat boots made the look even sexier. Fuck. My nostrils flared as I took her in, her hands trailing through her wet hair to pull it free of knots, water spots dripping across the front of the dress and making her pert nipples even more obvious.

  Fucking Stash.

  I grabbed my pack and told Sam to stay behind me as we left the restroom. I had no idea what we were about to find outside the bathroom. The Sins typically kept things under control. Everyone had their jobs, and everyone did their jobs correctly or they got their asses handed to them. There wasn’t room for error. By the sound of it, something had gone wrong.

  Walking out into the artificial lighting of the waterpark, I found a man stumbling between a circle of Sins. Smiley entered the circle, leering down at the bloody figure. He kicked out, catching the beaten man in the stomach. Everyone cheered as his blood-splattered body rolled to the left. Man probably should have been dead, but he wasn’t. He gritted his teeth and drew up onto his knees, looking around defiantly at the circle of men surrounding him. His face was beat all to hell, swollen and bloody, but I still recognized him.


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