My Taboo Amish Lover

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by Jean-Luc Cheri



  Jean-Luc Cheri


  * * * * *


  Eradygm Publishing on Amazon

  My Taboo Amish Lover

  Copyright © 2013 by Eradygm Publishing

  Amazon Edition License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Note: This story contains sexually explicit material, and is intended only for persons over the age of 18. By downloading and opening this document, you are stating that you are of legal age to access and view this work of fiction. All of the characters involved in the sexual situations in this story are intended to be 18 years of age or older, whether they are explicitly described as such or not.

  Book description:

  An erotic novella. Jacob’s father is a DEA agent infiltrating an Amish community in an attempt to flush out some drug dealers. They move in with an Amish widow and her three daughters, including beautiful Hannah, who Jacob falls for. But as young love blossoms, the widow and Jacob’s dad become involved also, and the two teens soon become step-siblings. Will their new relationship put an end to their love story, or will they cross the line into taboo lust? Adults only due to graphic sexual content.

  (26,292 words / 105 standard pages)

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  * * * * *

  My Taboo Amish Lover

  Note: Because of Amazon’s new stricter policy for book titles, descriptions, and covers, I’ve had to edit several of my books. This story was formerly titled, ‘My Amish Stepsister’. The actual content of the stories haven’t changed. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused for my readers.

  Warning: This story contains step-incest, as do all my books with pink covers and ‘Taboo’ in the title.

  Chapter 1

  I pulled the tractor into the barn, turned off the engine, and jumped off onto the packed-dirt floor. After stretching my back to remove the kinks, I closed the barn door and headed for the house, looking forward to a little relaxing time with my family. It had been a long day of plowing.

  When I opened the front door of the house, I expected my twin boys, Matt and Mark, to come rushing at me and attempt to tackle me to the floor, their usual mode of greeting. Typical three-year-olds, they were full of energy, but were too young to do any work on the farm. So they burned it off wrestling with each other and with me.

  But tonight, there were no little imps bursting out from behind the couch. The house was quiet.

  “Hello?” I called, but no one answered.

  I followed the scent of something cooking into the kitchen, but instead of the usual pots on the stove, or something baking in the oven, the only item giving off heat in the room was a solitary crock-pot. Lifting the lid, I took in the delicious scent of beef stew slowly simmering.

  “Hello?” I called again, as I replaced the lid. Still no answer. What was going on?

  After determining the downstairs was empty, I began climbing the steps. At the top, I peeked into the boys’ room. Their bunkbeds were perfectly made, and there was no sign of them. There was definitely something going on.

  Our bedroom door was closed, and I didn’t see any light coming from under it. Was my wife and kids in there in the dark? I turned the knob and pushed the door open.

  What a wondrous sight awaited me. I was wrong about the room being dark. It was lit with the soft glow of candles, probably about ten to fifteen of them scattered about the room. In the flickering light I could see my wife lying on the bed on her side, wearing a diaphanous baby-doll nightie and smiling softly at me.

  “Hello,” I said, with a question in my voice.

  Her smile spread wider. “Hi.”

  “This is different.” I had a sudden panic of a thought. Had I forgotten an important date? Our anniversary? Her birthday? I went through the list and couldn’t think of anything.

  “I wanted to surprise you.”

  “You certainly did that. What’s the occasion?”

  “I wanted to be alone with my husband.”

  I smiled. “I like the sound of that. Where are the boys?”

  “Spending the night at the Westbrook’s.”

  “So we have the whole house to ourselves, for the entire night?”

  “That’s right. And I have stew in the crock-pot. It should be done in about two hours.”

  I looked at her. “Two hours, huh?”

  She smiled again. “Yes.”

  “Lots of time to fill.”

  “I’m sure we can think of something.”

  “Oh, I’m definitely thinking of something.” My eyes swept down over her, and I could just make out the outlines of her rose-colored areolas through the see-thru material. Moving lower, the gauzy image of her hair-covered pubic mound peeked through the nightie. I felt my cock twitch in my pants and begin to stiffen.

  She giggled lightly. “As much as I love your manly scent, you better take a shower first.”

  “Care to join me?”

  “Just took one. I’ll be waiting right here.”

  “Be right back, sexy.”

  The hot water felt good on my skin, and my cock rose to half hardness as I thought of the image of my wife lying on the bed, waiting for me. Scrubbing the dirt from my body, I no longer felt the weariness of a hard day of work. Instead, I was invigorated, almost as if a tiny electric current was running through me. I quickened my washing.

  After I finished, I quickly shaved, removing my five-o’clock shadow. Then I wrapped the towel around my waist and headed down the hall to our bedroom.

  She was lying on her back when I came in, but she rolled to her side to face me.

  “What took you so long?” she asked.

  I glanced at the clock. “I was only gone ten minutes.”

  She smiled. “It seemed much longer.”

  I went to the bed and knelt on it, then moved to lie beside her, on top of the covers like she was, face to face. Reaching out, I brushed a lock of hair from her face.

  “You are so beautiful,” I said, causing her to smile widely.

  “Even after two children?” she said, obviously fishing for more.

  “Even after that. You’re even more beautiful.” I leaned in and kissed her softly. Her arms slid up over my shoulders and she pulled herself into me, pressing her body against mine. After a moment, I felt her tongue probing at my lips, and I allowed her entry, sucking softly. I could feel my passion rising, and my cock hardened to full length.

  She pulled back and smiled at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I told you a fib.”

  “You? That’s impossible.”

  Her grin widened. “I did.”

  “What fib did you tell me?”

  “When you asked me what the occasion was, I didn’t tell you the truth.”

  I quickly made another iteration through the list in my mi
nd, and came up empty again.

  “Okay. What is the occasion then?”

  Her smile got even wider, almost reaching her ears.

  “What?” I repeated.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  My eyes opened wide and I stared at her in shock.

  “Are you serious?”

  She nodded. “I was late, so I picked up a home test at the store this morning. It was positive.”

  My grin spread. “You’re pregnant?”

  “Isn’t it exciting?”

  “It’s incredible.”

  I leaned in and kissed her again, pulling her tightly to me. We had been trying since the boys had turned one, and as time went on, we were afraid something was wrong. She was considering making an appointment with the doctor to find out for sure, but now that wouldn’t be necessary.

  I pulled back from the kiss. “You feeling alright?”

  “I feel perfectly fine. Horny as hell though, as you might have guessed.”

  I frowned slightly. “You sure it’s safe for the baby?”

  She laughed and rolled her eyes. “Honey, you have a big dick, but it’s not going to hurt the baby.”

  I chuckled. “I didn’t mean that. I meant for me to be on top, you know, with my weight on you.”

  She laughed again. “Have you forgotten our marathon sessions when I was pregnant with the boys? You wore me out.”

  I grinned. “That’s true.”

  “So,” she said, snuggling closer and smiling up at me, “we have the whole night to ourselves, and I want you to wear me out again.” Her hand slid down to the towel around my waist, and pulled on it until it came loose. Then she reached in again and took my stiff erection in her hand, holding me in her warmth. “Yes,” she whispered, “wear me out, baby.”

  I stared down at my beautiful wife. After five years of marriage, I still couldn’t get enough of her. She was the only woman I desired, and I couldn’t imagine myself with anyone else. I loved her completely, with my mind, soul, and body.

  The fact that she was also my stepsister only added to my love for her.

  Chapter 2

  The journey of our love began almost twelve years ago, three years before we would even meet. It was born in tragedy for both of us, but what grew from those ashes was a love that couldn’t be held back, no matter how hard society tried.

  My dad worked as an agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration, or DEA, in Washington, D.C. My mom was a schoolteacher before I was born, and had planned on going back to teaching when my younger sister and I got old enough. But that plan never happened, cut short by the drunk driver who crossed the center line and smashed head-on with Mom’s SUV, killing both her and my sister who was in the back seat.

  I was in my early teens at the time, and felt confusion and anger about what had happened, especially during the first year. With my mom and sister gone, my dad was numb, walking around the house in a daze, or worse, drunk and smelling like beer or whiskey.

  But to my father’s credit, he pulled himself out of the death-spiral he was in, became my father again, and went back to work. I still heard him crying downstairs sometimes when he thought I was asleep, but he stayed strong when he knew I was watching.

  Two years after my mother’s death, an unusual opportunity arose, and my dad, still searching for meaning to his life without a wife and daughter, jumped at it.

  The DEA had been receiving information that a drug supplier was working out of Amish country in central Pennsylvania, which was just north of D.C. They were able to pinpoint that New Holland, a small town just east of Harrisburg, was where the drug suppliers were working from, and were disguising themselves as local farmers. Because of the distrust the Amish had for the non-Amish, or ‘English’ as they called them, it was tough to get any information from the community.

  Then the DEA caught a break. A local Amish farmer by the name of Johan Hupp, was found murdered beside his buggy on a back road. Murders were pretty much unheard of in the Amish culture, so the DEA wondered if this Hupp guy had run across something he shouldn’t have, like a drug shipment. They went in to ask questions, but they got the usual closed-mouth reply from the locals. Except for one.

  Hupp’s widow told the investigators that her husband had mentioned that he had seen something odd going on with one of their neighbors. When she asked him which one, he said he wanted to be sure before he made any accusations, and that he would check it out the next day. That was the day his body was found.

  The investigators told her about their suspicions, and she asked if there was any way she could help. That’s when the plan was formulated.

  The DEA realized that they needed to get someone inside the community, and this was their perfect opportunity. They would have one of their agents pose as a friend of the family from Ohio, who was coming to stay with Mrs. Hupp and her family to help work on their farm. She agreed to the plan, but told them that Amish laws forbade her from living in a house with another man for a year after her husband’s death. So the plan was put on hold until the waiting period was over.

  Of course, my dad was the one who volunteered to go in. And since he couldn’t leave me alone, I had to go with him. In the months leading up to the move, I was sent to classes to learn how to act like I was Amish. Since we were from Ohio, we wouldn’t be expected to know the local dialect, but I would have to be aware of general Amish rules.

  It was tough for me to accept, being pulled out of my school and away from all my friends. But I knew my dad needed this, and I also knew that I had to be convincing, or his life might be in danger, so I studied hard.

  The year passed, and on the day we left, Dad went through my suitcase, making sure I wasn’t taking anything I shouldn’t have. Sure enough, he found the mp3 player I had stashed in the bottom pocket.

  “Jake, you know you can’t take this.”

  “I’ll keep it in my room, and only listen to it at night.”

  He walked over and put it on my dresser. “No, it has to stay here. Besides, there’s no electricity in the house to recharge it.”

  “Oh. I hadn’t thought of that.”

  “Who knows, this case might be solved quickly, and we could be back in a month or so.”

  I hoped so. The prospect of living on a farm without electricity, which meant no television or internet, wasn’t very appealing. At least this farm had indoor plumbing, including a wood-fired water heater.

  Chapter 3

  The DEA’s SUV dropped us off outside of New Holland, where a horse and buggy were waiting. Dad had practiced driving one, but I was still afraid the horse was going to bolt as we clip-clopped our way to the Hupp farm. The wooden seat was hard on my butt, and it seemed like we hit every rut in the road.

  When we got to the farm, Mrs. Hupp and her daughters were waiting for us, all of them in light blue dresses and matching blue bonnets. I was shy as we were introduced, and was surprised when Mrs. Hupp gave me a warm hug. She was very pretty, with long dark hair that was up in a bun. She introduced me first to her twin four-year-old daughters, Martha and Miriam, who both had blonde hair that was up in buns like their mother’s. They seemed as shy as I was.

  “And this is Hannah,” Mrs. Hupp said, “my eldest. I believe you two are the same age.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I said, and held my hand out to her. She placed her small hand in mine, and our eyes met. I’m not sure why, but I felt a warm blush on my face as I looked into her light blue eyes. She was a youthful version of her mother, and her long, brown hair was also up in a bun covered by her bonnet. Tall for her age, she was still shorter than me, and she carried herself in an elegant manner. Her body, from what I could tell in her long dress, was lean and fit, with curves in all the right places.

  She seemed to be staring back at me with a curious expression, and I felt my blush growing.

  “I believe you’ve arrived just in time, Mr. Yoder. As you can see, with only me and my three girls to take care of the place for the last year, it’s in
a bit of disarray. The neighbors have been helpful, but they’ve got their own farms to run. I really do appreciate this assistance.”

  My dad, whose real name was Anderson, said, “We’re honored to help, Mrs. Hupp. My boy and I are looking forward to working hard.” He tousled my hair as he spoke, and I inwardly winced at the mention of work. I missed my mp3 player already.

  I realized they were talking like this for the daughters’ sake. It was decided that the less people who knew the better, so they were told the same story as everyone else – we were friends of the family from Ohio.

  “You may call me Sarah, Mr. Yoder,” Mrs. Hupp said.

  My father smiled. “Thank you, Sarah. And you may call me Mark.”

  I should have known right then what was going to happen. The last woman my father had smiled at like that had been my mother. I looked between them as they watched each other, then Mrs. Hupp’s eyes dropped demurely. I glanced beside me at Hannah, and noticed she was watching our parents with interest too.

  Mrs. Hupp turned to us. “Hannah, why don’t you change out of your good clothes and show Jacob around the farm? Jacob, you may want to change also. I’ll call you in for lunch in about an hour.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Hannah replied.

  Chapter 4

  I had discovered masturbation several years prior, but I had never done anything with a real girl, other than kissing one once. When I would jack off, I would usually think about girls in school who may have smiled at me that day, or I’d get on the internet and sneak a peek at websites I knew I wasn’t allowed to look at.


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