My Taboo Amish Lover

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My Taboo Amish Lover Page 5

by Jean-Luc Cheri

  My reaction didn’t go unnoticed, and she smiled slightly, obviously enjoying the effect she was having on me. I guess that because of the society she lived in, where guys didn’t react to her sexually, she wasn’t aware of the power she held over them. But she was quickly learning, as she watched the lust in my eyes as she exposed herself to me.

  I began to stroke myself harder, wondering where this was leading. She said she hadn’t come before, but if we kept going, it was obvious it was going to happen. And I was getting close myself. How would she react to seeing that?

  Unfortunately, neither of us got to finish. We heard the sound of a buggy pulling into the barn, and she leapt off the bed, grabbed her towel, and sprinted for her room. I quickly put my pants on, and went down to the twins’ room, watching them play until Mrs. Hupp appeared beside me. She appeared pleased to find me here.

  “I was able to return early,” she said. “Is everything going well here?”

  “No problems. Hannah mentioned she was just about to get dinner ready.”

  She nodded. “Excellent.”

  Chapter 9

  Hannah and I weren’t able to have the house to ourselves like that for a while, but a few months later, another major event occurred.

  I was lying in my bed sleeping, when I awoke to a hand shaking my shoulder, and an urgently whispered voice.

  “Jacob, wake up. Jacob!”

  I slowly regained my senses and focused my eyes in the darkened room.

  “Hannah? Is it time to get up?”

  “Shhhh,” she said, still in a whisper, “Come with me.”


  “Just get up and follow me.”

  I got out of bed and she hurried out of the room. I must have been walking too slowly, because she came back to me and took my hand, hurrying me along. We walked down the hall to her room, and went inside. I wondered if she wanted to play more sex games.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Shhh,” she said again, and moved her finger up to my lips. “Listen.”

  I listened, but couldn’t hear anything. “What?” I whispered.

  “Shhh.” She pulled on my hand again, leading me over to her open closet, which abutted her mother’s bedroom. “Listen,” she repeated.

  I stopped and listened, hearing the quiet of the house. I was just about to ask her what she was talking about when I finally heard it.

  It was a soft rhythmic sound, like the faint squeak of bedsprings compressing. My eyes opened wide in the darkness, and I looked at Hannah. She nodded.

  “Are they together?” I whispered softly.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

  I crept out of her room and across the hall to my father’s bedroom. Holding my breath, I quietly opened his door and peeked inside. His bed was empty. I closed it and went back to Hannah.

  “He’s not in his room.”

  Her face showed concern. “What are they doing? I used to hear that noise sometimes when my father was alive.”

  I couldn’t believe I had to explain it to her. “Well, you know that thing we talked about, where the guy puts his penis in the woman?”

  She stared at me in shock. “No!”

  “Shhh. I think they are.”

  “No! My mother wouldn’t do that.”

  “Shhh. That’s what adults do.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “Does that mean she’s going to have a baby?”

  “No, Hannah. You don’t have a baby every time you do that.”

  “Then why would they be doing it?”

  “Because it feels good. Like when you rub yourself.”

  She was quiet as she thought about this. As I waited for her reply, we both heard a series of soft, muffled, feminine moans from the next room. Hannah’s eyes went wide again. Those cries were followed immediately by a man’s voice joining her, groaning low through the thin wall.

  Hannah and I stared at each other. She looked so vulnerable standing there, tears welling in her eyes at the uncertainty of what her mother was doing. I did the only thing I could think of.

  I kissed her.

  I just slid my arm around her lower back, leaned down, and kissed her softly. Her body froze for a moment, but then she relaxed, and accepted my kiss. She didn’t quite kiss me back, but it was very nice anyway. After a moment, I leaned back up and looked for her reaction.

  Her eyes were wide in the dark. “Why did you do that?”

  I shrugged. “You looked like you needed a kiss.”

  “It felt nice. Could you do it again?”

  I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers, and this time she did kiss me back, sliding her arms up onto my shoulders and holding herself against me. I could feel the bumps of her nipples through the flannel of her night dress as her soft lips moved against mine. Unlike Lori, she didn’t try to shove her tongue down my throat, but there was a point where the tips of our tongues touched lightly, sending a pulse of pleasure through me.

  Our kiss was interrupted by the resumption of the softly squeaking bedsprings in the room next door, and we pulled back slightly and stared at each other. I guessed she was doing the same thing I was, which was imagining what our parents were doing just a few feet away.

  We stood there holding each other, kissing occasionally, and listening to those sounds, each of us knowing in our hearts what they meant to us. Another set of soft cries announced the completion of the act, which was followed by only silence. Finally, I kissed Hannah one last time, and went back to my bedroom.

  The next morning, when I went down to breakfast, Mrs. Hupp seemed to be in a very good mood, greeting me with a cheery ‘Good morning,’ and smiling like a Cheshire cat. When Hannah came down a few minutes later, she noticed it too, and gave me questioning looks as her mother placed our breakfasts in front of us. Finally, she couldn’t hold it in any longer.

  “Mother, are you alright?”

  “Yes, why dear?”

  “You seem... very happy.”

  Mrs. Hupp smiled. “And why shouldn’t I be? It’s a beautiful day. And with the help of Mr. Yoder and Jacob, the farm has turned around. Our dark days are behind us.”

  “Yes, but that was all true yesterday too.”

  Mrs. Hupp smiled. “Then perhaps it’s because I slept so well last night. I haven’t slept that well since... well, a long time.”

  “Why do you think you slept so well?” Hannah asked, and I kicked her under the table, wanting her to back off.

  But Mrs. Hupp was too happy to notice. “Oh, I don’t know. Something must have gotten into me.”

  My eyebrows rose and I stared at her, wondering if she meant it as a joke, but she was oblivious, returning to her stove to cook eggs for herself. I glanced at Hannah, and she was watching me.

  We finally got to speak on the way out to the barn. “What was that?” she asked. “I haven’t seen her act like that since Father was alive.”

  I smiled. “I used to see that look on my Mom’s face sometimes. Now I know why.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I turned to her. “Don’t you see? She’s happy because she was with my dad last night.”

  “Really? Doing that makes you that happy?”

  “I guess.”

  She seemed to be thinking about this as she veered off in the direction of her chores.

  Chapter 10

  Months passed, and Hannah and I would play our sex games when we got the chance. Nothing like the time we had been left alone, and she spread her legs in front of me on my bed, but we had our fun. She would occasionally wake me up when she heard our parents in her mother’s bedroom, and she would want me to hold and kiss her while we listened. I think she liked the kissing more than listening, and that was probably the real reason she woke me.

  Mrs. Hupp’s good mood continued, and harvest season came, and we were all so busy and tired that we would have dinner and go straight to bed, then get up in the morning and start it al
l again. That lasted for several weeks, but finally it was over, and we were able to relax a bit, returning to our normal schedules. The first snow came in November, and by December there were several inches on the frozen ground.

  Caught up in life on the farm, I had forgotten all about the real reason we were here. But I was brought back to reality in January, when a knock came at my door one night just after I had gone to bed, and my Dad said, “Jacob?”

  “Yes?” I replied.

  “Come downstairs, I need to talk to you.” His footsteps went away down the hall.

  I got up and went down the steps, and my heart leapt into my throat when I saw him. The farmer’s clothes were gone, and he was dressed in his black, SWAT-type uniform, complete with bullet-proof vest. He wore a shoulder holster, but his Glock was in his hand, as he went through the process of checking it. Mrs. Hupp was sitting in a chair, looking like she had been crying.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, even though I already knew.

  “I’ve determined who the drug dealers are,” Dad said, “and we’re moving on their house tonight. I wanted you to know.”

  “Can’t the others do that? You’ve done your job.”

  He shook his head. “It doesn’t work like that. I have to be part of it. I want to be part of it.”

  “But what if something happens to you?”

  He slid his gun into his holster, then walked over and put his hand on my shoulder, his eyes boring into me. “That’s why I wanted to talk to you. There’s something you need to know.”


  “Mrs. Hupp and I...” He stopped, and began again, “Sarah and I are in love, and we plan on getting married soon. I’m sorry if that comes as a surprise to you, but we thought it best to keep it a secret for now. But with his happening tonight, I wanted you to know. Because if anything happens to me, I want you to stay here and live with the Hupps. They’re your family now, and they’re going to need your help. Do you understand?”

  “Dad, you’re scaring me.”

  His hand tightened. “Jake, I need you to be strong for me. You’re not a child any more.”

  I met his eyes for a long moment, and then placed my hand over his. “Okay. But you be careful, promise?”

  “I will.” He pulled me in for a hug. Mrs. Hupp stood, and after our hug ended, he turned and she stepped into his arms. She was crying as she kissed his face. “I love you,” she said.

  “And I love you. I’ll be back.”

  “You better be.”

  He went outside and got into a black SUV that was parked in front of the house. After it sped away, Mrs. Hupp turned to me, hugging me close as she cried on my shoulder.

  After a while she told me to go back to bed. I said I would wait up with her, but she told me she wasn’t going to be very good company, and she’d wake me when he got home. I went upstairs, but there was no way I was falling back to sleep. I lay there staring at the ceiling, wishing Hannah was with me. Several hours later, I was just about to go down and check on Mrs. Hupp, when I heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. I ran to the window, and saw another black SUV pull up, or it could have been the same one. I watched hopefully, waiting for my dad to appear, but when the door opened, it was another man who got out. Fear leapt into my stomach.

  I bolted out of my room and down the steps, reaching the front door at the same time Mrs. Hupp was opening it. A grim-faced man stood there.

  “Mrs. Hupp?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said meekly.

  “Mark Anderson is in the hospital after receiving a gunshot during our raid this evening. He’s in critical condition, and we want you and his son to come with us to the hospital.”

  “No,” she moaned. I felt the tears filling my eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Ma’am, but I think you should hurry.”

  Mrs. Hupp woke Hannah, and explained what had happened. Her sleepy confusion turned to fright, and she began crying. Her mother told her that she had to stay home and watch the girls. She wanted to go too, but there was no other option, so she agreed.

  We climbed into the SUV, and it took off, speeding towards the Harrisburg Hospital, thirty miles away. I glanced over at Mrs. Hupp, wondering if she’d ever been in a car before, but she had her eyes closed and seemed to be praying.

  At the hospital, a doctor came out to meet us, and explained that Dad had been shot in the side. The bullet had gone through his bicep, and entered his body through a gap in the vest, puncturing his lung and lodging dangerously between his heart and spine. He was on the operating table now, and his chances weren’t that good, because he had lost a lot of blood. But the doctor said we would know for sure in a couple of hours.

  Mrs. Hupp and I went to the waiting room, and sat for a while in silence, next to each other on a couch. There was a television mounted on the wall, and despite the fact I hadn’t seen one in eight months, I was too distracted to watch it. And Mrs. Hupp seemed to ignore it entirely, as if it didn’t exist.

  After a long while, she said, “Your father is a good man.”

  “I know.”

  “I love him very much. He’s filled a void in my life that has been there since Johan died.”

  My eyes met hers, and I gave her a soft smile. “He’s been happier since he met you.”

  She smiled back, but her eyes were moist. “Thank you, Jacob. It warms my heart to hear you say that.”

  “I couldn’t think of anyone who I’d rather have as my new mom.”

  She smiled and leaned into me, and I took her in my arms, where she cried softly against my shirt.

  Several hours later, I was lying back against the corner of the couch, with her lying against me, dozing lightly, when a doctor in operating scrubs entered the waiting room. We both sat up and looked at him expectantly.

  He put out his hand, indicating we should stay seated, and then sat in the chair opposite us.

  “First off,” he said, “I believe Mr. Anderson is going to pull through. I’m still a little worried about the rest of the night, but his chances are very good. He’s very strong.”

  Mrs. Hupp relaxed against me, and I let out the breath I was holding.

  “Thank you, God,” she whispered.

  “When he first came in,” the doctor continued, “I honestly didn’t think he was going to make it. But he surprised me. He’s still in recovery, but he should be in the ICU by morning, then you can go in and see him. He’ll probably be unconscious for a day or two, but I don’t see any reason why he shouldn’t make a full recovery.”

  “Thank you,” I said, “for everything.” It felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

  “Yes, thank you,” Mrs. Hupp said.

  The doctor smiled. “You should be thanking Mr. Anderson. He made me look good on this one.” He reached out and squeezed Mrs. Hupp’s hand, then stood. “A nurse will come and get you when you can see him. It will be a few hours at least, so get some sleep if you can.” He turned and left.

  Mrs. Hupp turned and smiled at me, her eyes back to life. We hugged again.

  We did get some sleep, in the same position, with her lying against me. When a nurse finally came to wake us, the sun was up. She led us to his room, where he lay with wires and tubes attached to him. His face was puffy and swollen, and a tube was in his mouth. His dark, farm-tanned skin contrasted with the white sheets. Mrs. Hupp held one hand and I held the other, careful with the intravenous tubes as we took turns talking to him. There was no response, but it felt good just saying the words.

  After a while, another agent came in and pulled Mrs. Hupp and me aside. He explained that he had been assigned to drive us back and forth to the farm for as long as we needed it. Mrs. Hupp told me to go with him and let Hannah know what was going on, because she had to be worried sick. I didn’t want to leave my dad, but she was right, and I agreed to go, telling her I would find someone to watch the twins, and bring Hannah back with me in the evening.

  Before I left, Mrs. Hupp pulled m
e aside. “I want you to tell Hannah about your father and me. Let her know that I wish I could tell her myself, but the circumstances don’t allow it.”

  “I will.”

  She leaned up and kissed me on the cheek. “Thank you, Jacob.”

  Chapter 11

  After the agent and I were on our way, I turned to him and asked, “Well, did you get them?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “The drug dealers my dad was after. Did you get them?”

  He nodded. “Oh yeah, we got them. They were from Romania, and masquerading as an Amish family named Graber. There were seven of them in all. Five are dead and two are in custody. Your dad did a hell of a job rooting them out.”

  “Were you there when my dad was shot?”

  “Yes. It was a freak thing, getting through the vest like that. I thought he was gone.”

  “The doctor said he was strong.”

  The man nodded. “Yes. Bigger than the last time I had seen him. I guess farm living agrees with him.”

  “I guess it does.”

  As we drove up the driveway to the farmhouse, he pulled something from his pocket and handed it to me. It was a cell phone.

  “I know that breaks the rules,” he said, “but you need a way to get hold of me. I’m on the speed dial.”

  “Thanks,” I said, putting it in my pocket. “And thanks for doing this.”

  “No problem.”

  As we pulled up to the house, Hannah came running outside. I got out to meet her.

  “He’s going to be fine,” I said, “He’ll probably be in the hospital for a while, but he’s going to recover.” The relief spread across her face, and I could tell she wanted to hug me, but didn’t want to do it in front of the stranger.

  “Call me, Jake,” the agent said, and circled the SUV and headed down the driveway.


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