The Play

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The Play Page 3

by William Dolby

  Taoist priestess: abbess of Female-chastity, Taoist Convent in Chin-ling, appears in Act Thirty-six, played by a ch’ou role-type-category actor.

  Two door-gods: of West Palace, appear in Act Thirty-seven.

  Shansi traveller with cloth hat: appears in Act Thirty-eight, played by wai role-type-category actor.

  Shansi traveller in robe and hat: appears in Act Thirty-eight, played by fu-ching role-type-category actor.

  Shansi traveller in tall hat: appears in Act Thirty-eight, played by ching role-type-category actor.

  Female entertainer: a p’i-p’a-lute-player who accompanies the Shansi travellers, especially Shansi traveller with tall hat, appears in Act Thirty-eight, played by ch’ou role-type-category actor.

  Taoist priestess: of the Female-chastity Convent, appears in Act Thirty-nine, played by tsa role-type-category actor.

  Attendant lady immortal: of Empress Yang in Erigeron-chenopodium paradise, appears in Act Forty, played by lao-tan role-type-category actor.

  Crowd of ordinary people of Fu-feng: appear in Act Forty-one.

  Posting-station sheriff:of Ma Wei’s Slope posting-station, appears in Act Forty-two, played by fu-ching role-type-category actor.

  Posting-station lictor: of Ma Wei’s Slope posting-station, appears in Act Forty-two, played by mo role-type-category actor.

  Chou Second-mum: female village-labourer, appears in Act Forty-two, played by a ching role-type-category actor.

  Cheng Fat-aunt: female village-labourer, appears in Act Forty-two, played by a tsa role-type-category actor.

  Granny Wu: female village-labourer, appears in Act Forty-two, played by a t’ieh role-type-category actor.

  Elder Sister-wu: a bearded man disguised as woman worker, appears in Act Forty-two, played by a ch’ou role-type-category actor.

  Chang Yeh-hu: Chang Wild-fox, i.e. Chang Hui, a singer and musician of the imperial Pearch-orchard Conservatoire, appears in Act Forty-five, played by hsiao-sheng role-type-category actor.

  Two eunuch attendants: seemingly supernatural ones, appear in Act Forty-five, played by hsiao-sheng and fu-ching role-type-category actors.

  Pig-dragon: appears in Act Forty-five.

  Two gold-armoured gods: appear in Act Forty-five.

  Yang mystery-accesser: Yang Communing-with-the-Shades, an eminent Taoist necromancer/magician, appears in Act Forty-six, played by ching role-type-category actor.

  Taoist lads: acolytes of Yang Mystery-accesser, appear in Act Forty-six, played by hsiao-sheng and t’ieh role-type-category actors.

  Spirit: appears in Act Forty-six, played by a mo role-type-category actor.

  Heaven maidens: of Moon Goddess, playing musical instruments, appear in Act Fifty.

  Act One: Resumé of the story3

  (Enter Prologue)

  PROLOGUE: (Sings)

  Past and present in Love’s field4,

  who, may we ask, ever stays true to the end?

  But any whose life-essence proves truly undispersed,

  will finally become Love-trees Branches Joined.5

  Myriad miles apart,

  what care they for north or south!

  Two hearts together,

  what matters it them in death or living!

  Laughable that mortal6 boys and girls mope destiny’s begrudging!

  It’s merely that they lack the Loving.

  Affecting gold-and-jade hearts,

  Turning Heaven and Earth around,

  Making the white sun shine resplendent,

  Its fame lasting, in classical Green History7 found:

  See, when ministers are conscientious,

  sons dutiful and affectionate,8

  It’s always Love that’s brought it about.

  The Prime Sage, Sir Confucius,9

  never expunged from Songs classic10

  the lascivious music of Cheng and Wei,11

  And we take our overall mood

  from its notes Kung and Chih in melody alternate;12

  And borrow from Unofficial biography of Grand-truth,13

  for our fresh lyrics’ scoring,

  All just about Loving.

  Shining August-emperor14 in his reign-period15 Heaven-treasure16

  And his Most-prized-empress,17 Jade-bangle,

  Had just the right karma;

  After she was bestowed the privilege of bathing her body in Florescence-purity Pool,18

  She first received the emperor’s lavish Love-favour,

  Beseeching the gods for lasting-life,

  They burned incense and swore fidelity forever.

  When her exquisite dance was but newly accomplished,

  And before her high pure-toned song had finished,

  The kettle-drums in Fan-yang,19 started up,

  noised and rattled.

  At Ma Wei’s posting-station,20

  His Six Armies21 refused to advance,

  And the Scarlet-attired One22 was dispatched.

  Blessing Szechwan23 with tour, he so grieved,

  But, alas,

  Underworld of afterlife24 and mortal world25 were so vastly far from each other removed.

  By good fortune, her roaming soul had of her sins repented,

  And already,

  onto the register of immortals26 ascended;

  When he returned his golden chariot-bells carriage27 there, he had her re-buried,

  One of her perfumed stockings all that remained.

  The God of Heaven’s Grand-daughter Weaving damsel28

  confirmed their Love union,

  A Taoist immortal - Feathered Wayfarer29

  their messages of Love conveyed,

  And, from her sent back,

  a gold-strip-flower flower-design casket30 and a gold hairpin he delivered.

  Their meeting in the Moon Palace,31

  and the lost tales32 of Rainbow-skirts,33

  Have onto the song-stage been strewed and Flowed.


  Shining August-emperor of the T’ang dynasty enjoys Rainbow skirt banquet, Most-prized-empress Yang’s souls are severed in Yü-yang34 upheaval; Visitor from Swan-goose Metropolis35 imperial library guides to a meeting in Vast Cold Palace,36 Weaving-damsel star-goddess substantiates Love-vows in Lasting-life Palace-hall.

  Act Two: Betrothal

  (Enter Shining August-emperor, leading two eunuch attendants)


  I rectify my crown, with Heaven accord,38

  I let my robe trail,39 rule inactive, face south,40 ruler of the world.

  Under my sublime T’ang dynasty,

  mountains and rivers41 are one united land.

  The storeyed empyrean’s42 dew and rain bring spring again.

  In my imperial palace, plants and trees are all forthwith fragrant.

  Ascendant Peace43 is now realised,

  Continued Splendour44 is accomplished,

  Why not make merry!

  I pray I may live till old age mid woman’s warmth and tenderness,

  For immortal realms mid white clouds feel no envy.

  Vernal glow and flourishing enter my Forbidden Palace-interior45 imperial palace,

  Palace trees emit spring splendour;46

  Heaven rejoices, seasons duly succeed,

  People in harmony, no contrary behaviour.

  Nine songs47 boost the political order,

  Six dances court-robes whisk;

  Further, I’ve enjoyed Sunlight Terrace48 pleasure,

  This night past, rain flying at day’s dusk.


  I’m the sublime emperor of the Heaven-treasure reign-period of the Mighty T’ang dynasty. I rose from the obscurity of my princely residence, and came into the imperial palace and took up our sublime dynastic enterprise. I employ men in government who’re without any duplicity, and have deputed Yao Ch’ung49 and Sung Ching50 to run my government, I follow my ministers’ cautionary counsel as unhaltingly as a flowing stream, and have ranked Chang Chiu-ling51 and Han Hsiu5
2 in my Central-secretariat Portals53 as prime ministers. I have moreover the pleasure of ten thousand miles of cool-breeze calm on our frontiers and beyond, and among my ordinary subjects the price of grain is as cheap as three copper coins per bushel. Mine is truly a wholly good government, in an age of Great Peace,54 well nigh a Chaste-survey Era”55 of the early T’ang dynasty, when it became the custom to dispense with penal punishments, no less an age than that of Emperor Civility56 of the Han dynasty.

  Of late, having free time from my government arrangements, I’ve applied my emotions to music and women’s sexual attractions. Yesterday, I met one of my palace ladies, Yang Jade-bangle, who’s of a virtuous innate nature, and warm and gentle, with a curvaceous figure, and of elegant gorgeousness. I divined for an auspicious date for her to be registered as my Most-prized-empress. I’ve already sent out my edict that she is, by my grace, to bathe in my Splendid-purity Pool, and have commanded Dame Ever-new and Dame Remember-me to serve her as she changes her attire. Then I told Eunuch-chamberlain Kao57 to conduct her to meet me in me here in my court, and I think she’ll certainly be arriving any time now.

  (Enter Eunuch-chamberlain Kao, leading two palace ladies, who are holding fans, followed by Empress Yang)


  I delight in waves of immortals alighting from Heaven,

  Bathed, attired, I hasten forward my colour-rich cortege;


  Our Six Palaces58 never see one hour59 of sorrow,

  Together we stand neat-ordered on GoldSteps,60

  and our glances edge.

  (They do actions of arriving. Eunuch-chamberlain Kao goes forward and kneels in front of the emperor)

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: I, Eunuch-chamberlain Kao, have come for an audience with Your Imperial Majesty. I have registered and titled Most-prized-empress Yang, and she has now arrived at the palace-hall door, awaiting your edict.

  (Eunuch-chamberlain Kao goes out)


  Our Ten-thousand-year-grandfather61 the emperor has issued his edict, and bids milady Most-prized-empress Yang ascend the palace-hall.

  (Empress Yang goes up to the emperor, and prostrates herself in obeisance to him)

  EMPRESS YANG: Favoured-empress Yang Jade-bangle has come for an audience with your imperial majesty. I wish you, my emperor, ten thousand years of long life!


  EMPRESS YANG: I am from an impoverished lane, am of lowly quality, and was selected for the Armpit Courtyard,62 upon which I suddenly heard that I had been granted your loving command, and feel overwhelmed with fear of falling short or transgressing.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: My empress, you’re of a celebrated family that has included mandarins for generations past, and you have a full complement of virtue and good looks. That you have been chosen to provide duties in my inner palace is extremely pleasing to my heart.

  EMPRESS YANG: Ten thousand years of long life to you!


  (Empress Yang stands up)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Convey my edict for a feast to be laid out.

  (Eunuch-chamberlain Kao transmits the command. Court music is performed backstage. Empress Yang serves the emperor with wine, and the court ladies serve her with wine. The emperor sits in the main position, and the empress sits beside him)


  In my ten-thousand-miles universe,

  I quested everywhere, seeking an alluring beauty,

  But none to head my palace-consorts was suited!

  This day, Heaven’s awarded me a splendidly radiant lady,

  Truly without her like in all the world.

  Just reflect:

  She claims her emperor’s affections in Jasper Palace,63

  Is commended with title in the Jade Books,64

  And three thousand powder-and-kohled palace ladies

  bar none gladly yield her precedence.

  TOGETHER: (Sings)

  We only pray we may gain perfection of love,

  For as long as Earth endures and Heaven lasts.


  Receiving his compliments,

  I ponder for ages,

  Fear my average figure and poor body,

  Are unworthy to consort with Pepper Room65 empresses.

  I receive the emperor’s doting indulgence and loving favour,

  In a trice, I’m as changed as mortal world and Heaven differ.

  I must copy Feng Intimate, who barred the way to the bear,66

  And Bonny-queen Pan who in imperial hand-carriage did demur,67

  And long served him, grasping Red-stemmed Writing-brush68

  in attendance at the side of her emperor.

  I only pray I may gain the emperor’s perfect love,

  For as long as Earth last and Heaven endure.


  Rejoice and be merry:

  May we ask, from now on in this imperial palace

  Who is number one!

  Like Flying-swallow of the Chao69 family

  in Resplendent-sunlight palace?70

  When imperial loving’s received,

  It will surely be by your one person alone!

  Don’t modestly decline:

  When you’ve completed your attire in your Gold Room,71

  And the singing in your Jade Bower’s72 done,

  The Thousand-year Ten-thousand-year emperor

  will cup in his hand your roseate-cloud goblet of wine.

  (Sings together)

  We only pray that she may gain the emperor’s perfect love,

  For as long as Earth endures and Heaven lasts on.


  Gaze ahead, look upwards:

  The sun circles, drawn by scaly dragons,

  The clouds shift their pheasant-tails,73

  His celestial countenance shows delight at her novel attire.

  As she frequently serves the emperor with wines,

  Throughout palace-hall, spring breeze drift perfumes,

  Worthy of admiration:

  The round moon its gold trembles,

  The last roseate sunset-cloud its damask scatters,74

  Where many-coloured Five Clouds75 abound, in the palace,

  yellow sky into twilight eases.

  TOGETHER: (Sings)

  We only pray she may gain the emperor’s perfect love,

  For as long as Earth endures and Heaven lasts.

  EMPRESS YANG: The moon’s risen, I suggest that you, Ten-thousand-year-grandfather break up the feast.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Let me and you, my Most-prized-empress, together pace at the foot of the steps, and enjoy the moonlight for a while.

  (Court music backstage. Emperor takes empress by the hand and stands to the fore, all the others withdrawing to the rear, where they stand together in order)


  As we descend to the foot of Gold Hall,76

  By caged lanterns and moon, I close observe her appearance:77

  The courtyard flowers don’t match up to her dainty-pretty looks.

  Lightly hugging to my side with intimacy,

  This shadow of her side-tresses, the shimmer of her dress,

  Hide and reflect her curvaceous figure’s myriad forms.

  (Laughs softly. Turns to face the empress)

  With our evening’s love-delight and pleasure-making,

  And breeze fresh and moon bright,

  I mock High Pond78 love-making’s fading dreams.


  Wandering after you, feasting, pleasuring,

  Henceforth to be able to be in attendance upon you my monarch is my blessings.

  As I stand on the Jasper Steps a little while,

  Incense-smoke entwines my emperor’s “Immortal Cortege”,

  And the white-jade dew coldly soaks my skirts.

  Turning back, I free
ze my gaze on

  Room after room, mandarin-ducks and drakes overnighting in Gold Palace-hall, in pairs.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Take the lanterns, and head off for West Palace.

  (All assent. The eunuch attendants, palace ladies, each holding a lantern, move along, leading the emperor and empress)

  TOGETHER: (Sings)

  In shining splendour,

  We bustle round, usher her mid thousand-line shadows

  of silver-flamed candles.

  When we look back, we see the pearl door-curtains open aslant,

  And the Silver River79 Milky Way faintly lighting.

  In the doubled paths and winding covered walkways,

  Everywhere there’s the dust of sweet-scented flowers drifting and whisking.

  What’s the aspect of the night?

  The moon’s as high as the Immortal-palm Dew-collecters.80

  This night it’s divined the scenery will be fine,

  Scarlet flowers covering, emerald foliage screening,

  And amid brocade clouds a pair of phoenixes.

  Chalcedon flowers81 and White-jade trees,82

  And Night moon over springtime Yangtse,83

  Note after note are sung in unison,

  As moon-beams pass the imperial-palace wall over.

  The organdie portiere’s lifted up,

  So in last fading wine-fuzz she be helped into her orchid chamber.84

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: May I inform you, Ten-thousand-years grandfather: we’ve reached West Palace.85

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Withdraw and go back, my eunuch attendants.

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: Spring breeze86 opens Scarlet Palace-hall,87

  EUNUCH ATTENDANTS: Celestial Court-music88 descends Pearl Bower.89

  (Exeunt together)


  Blossoms flutter in candle-light,

  Moon shines in casements,


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