The Play

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The Play Page 8

by William Dolby

(Empress Yang sheds tears)


  Lolling on a balustrade up high, I strew tears,

  Gazing afar at the Nine-layered Imperial-palace Gate,

  It’s within a foot or several inches, but cut off by a blossom cloud carmine.

  I sigh that last night I was still a Person of the Phoenix Bed-curtain,239

  And hope that he’ll renew his love, and once more show me tender comfort and concern.

  Ah Heaven, you’re too cruel,

  Before I’m yet white-haired, you’ve made my monarch’s love finished and done.

  (Maidservant points)

  MAIDSERVANT: Oh, gazing I see a eunuch-mandarin in the distance coming here on horseback. I suppose he’s bringing the emperor’s message to summon you to him, milady!

  EMPRESS YANG: (Sighs) (Sings)

  I expect it’s not a cinnabar phoenix240 a letter in its beak bearing,

  Most likely I fear it’s a crow, a missive delivering.

  (Empress Yang descends from the tower)

  (Enter Eunuch-chamberlain Kao)


  “I secretly bring the news he bears in his bosom his old yearnings, To report to the person who’s lost her love-rejoicings.”

  (They meet)


  I, Eunuch-chamberlain Kao, kow-tow as I meet Your Majesty.

  EMPRESS YANG: Ah Eunuch-chamberlain Kao. What have you come here for?

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: I “this slave-girl” have just now replied to the imperial edict, and Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor has asked me in detail about Your Majesty’s circumstances on returning to your mansion. It seems he’s feeling remorse. He’s now sitting alone in his imperial palace, sighing deeply and soughing short. He’s certainly thinking longingly of you, Your Majesty, and that’s why I’ve made a point of coming here to inform you.

  EMPRESS YANG: Oh no, he’s not really still thinking of me!

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO. I’m too foolish to give corrective advice to a noble-minded person, but you mustn’t be too stubborn in your ideas, milady. If you have something to consign to me to find an opportunity to proffer it to His Majesty the emperor, it might perhaps move his sage heart, you never know.

  EMPRESS YANG: Eunuch-chamberlain Kao, what thing would you have me proffer him for the best?

  (Thinks) (Sings)

  I ponder what object might convey the sincerity of my loving,

  That might move my monarch’s feeling?


  I think, apart from my sole body, everything I have has been conferred upon me by the emperor,


  I suppose I’ve only got a thousand lines of sorrowful tears,

  To serve as pearls tumbling;

  But then they’re impossible to string onto a golden thread,

  And proffer to him on a tray ornamented with carving.


  Oh, I’ve got it!

  (Trims her silver lamp)


  With this one thread of dark-blue silk-strand, my hair, perfumed and sleek,

  I once shared a pillow with the emperor, head next to head, as we cuddled and hugged close,

  And I once faced the emperor’s mirror to put my billowing hair “clouds” in order.


  Maidservant, fetch me a mirror-stand and gold scissors.

  (Maidservant assents and enters, bringing them)

  (Empress Yang loosens her hair)

  EMPRESS YANG: Ah yes, my hair, my hair!


  What a pity:

  you’ve kept me company in my fragrant years,

  And my heart can never bear to scissor you off.

  It’s solely because I want to express my innermost feelings,

  (Cuts hair with scissors)

  That I cut you off, my heart me pities.

  (Stands up, grasping hair, and weeps)


  My hair! My hair!


  I entirely depend on you to send him my eager concern.

  (Makes obeisance)


  Your sage monarch,


  Just a few of my hairs dangle down,

  These the remnant silk-strands of my severed souls torn.

  (Stands up) (Says)

  Eunuch-chamberlain Kao, take my hair away, give it to our sage emperor, and pass on my memorial to him,


  Saying my crime’s such that I deserve ten thousand deaths, and in this life and this existence I won’t be able again to survey his celestial countenance, but that I merely proffer this hair, so as to express my ever-yearning love.

  (Eunuch-chamberlain Kao kneels and receives the hair, putting it over his shoulder)

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: Milady, I beg you to avoid being sorrowful and upset. I’ll say goodbye to you now.


  “So that relying on the thread on thread of your black-silk hair, You may again be tied in love destiny, till white-haired, a pair.”


  (Empress Yang sits down and cries)

  (Enter Queen of the State of Han and Queen of the State of Kuo)


  Heard tell that younger sister Most-prized-empress Yang has been obstreperous to the emperor,

  Heard tell that she’s gone back home,

  Heard tell that her power-losing elder cousin is sympathetic and feels dismay,

  Heard tell that the eunuch-chamberlain’s arrived,

  But we’ve not yet found out what he has to say.

  MAIDSERVANT: The Queens of the States of Han and Kuo have arrived.

  (Empress Yang weeps and says nothing)

  (Queen of the State of Han and Queen of the State of Kuo meet her)

  QUEEN OF THE STATE OF HAN: I beg you to eschew sorrow and upset, Most-prized-empress.

  (They weep together)

  QUEEN OF THE STATE OF KUO: The other day in Gazing-for-spring Palace His August Majesty was utterly love-delighted: why has there suddenly been this massive change?


  I just concluded that for ten-thousand years,

  a thousand autumns, you’d be in endless love-joy,

  I just concluded that all you had to do was smile or frown,

  I just concluded that even if you had some tiff,

  Nobody’d criticise or try to argue you down!

  QUEEN OF THE STATE OF HAN: Younger sister of the P’ei family,


  Don’t keep on talking irrelevant talk, making rambling peroration,




  You encountered scornful anger,241

  What was the reason?

  (Empress Yang ignores her)

  QUEEN OF THE STATE OF KUO: Younger sister of the P’ei family, don’t blame me for saying so, but


  It’s ever been so that over-indulgent imperial love often occasions dislike and rifts,

  You must know an autumn-leaf is monarch’s affectionate favour?

  Being the person you are,

  How did you rush to receive the Most Honoured One, the emperor!


  We your sisters come here to concern ourselves for you in earnest affection,

  Why are you muttering away, barely audibly into our ear,

  Seeming all the time us not to hear?


  It’s actually my lot to have “circular fan in autumn breeze”,242 perfect love union,

  I thank you very much, my joined-twigs sisters for making a point of coming to afford me comfort.

  But though you have ten thousand phrases and a thousand words,

  I’ll just conjecture with my mind and heart.

  (Abruptly exits)

sister, see how things are with her. How will that do?

  QUEEN OF THE STATE OF HAN: Yes, you’re right. With love-troubles on her mind, she’s just gone straight into her own room. Younger sister, if you go to Gazing-for-spring Palace again, don’t copy her.



  This morning she suddenly had an audience, went down to the emperor’s Celestial Gate,243


  Facing each other, how can they not be grieved of mind!244


  Looking at it with sardonic eye, it seems truly ridiculous,245


  There are prickles and thorns246 held in it which are going people to wound.247

  Act Nine: Summoned back by the emperor

  (Enter Emperor Dark-progenitor)


  Without cause, irrelevant bother and vexation were stirred,

  I’ve something to say, but to whom can it confided be?

  I’ve already abolished my support in this love affair,

  And blame to bits the parrot, who ceaseless mentions it to me.248


  Along the path of my hand-drawn carriage, grows spring greenery,249 blossoms of Imperial Forest park all over the twigs are out; from a high point, boundless is my thought, that my attendants no longer know anything about.


  Because Most-prized-empress Yang was spoilt and jealous yesterday, I felt dissatisfied with her, on the spur of the moment didn’t have any other solution, and sent her out of the palace. But I discovered that she was a precious rarity for me, and since she departed, all the scenery, whatever meets my eye, gives rise to my loathing, and facing it there’s nothing that doesn’t stir bitter feelings in me. That Yang Kuo-chung has come into my court to apologise for her, but I don’t have the face to see him.


  Ah me, I want to summon her back into the imperial palace, but then I find it impossible to utter the words. Yet if I don’t summon her here, how am I to dispel my cares! It’s most hard for me to deal with!


  Still is the spring breeze,

  The imperial palace portieres are half opened,

  It’s impossible to while away the slow dawdle of the sun’s shadows.

  I hear the pretty birds still making joyous sounds,

  And survey the new flowers vying in the glow of their looks.

  In remorse for past happenings,

  I repent to-bits I was gratuitously untactful, slapdash as to her finer points,

  Not comprehending she was entirely coquettishly spoilt and temperamental,

  And uselessly neglecting to cherish her lovely perfume and white-jade flesh,250

  And those feelings and moods of hers.

  (Enter Eunuch-supervisor)


  The minced meat goes down into the jade dish, its red threads fine. The wine is opened in the gold vat, its green brew251 rich.

  (Meets emperor and kneels) I beg Your Majesty Ten-thousand-years-grandfather to partake of provender.

  (Emperor doesn’t respond)

  (Eunuch-superintendent asks him again)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: (In annoyance) Tcha! Who asked you to come here and invite me to eat!

  EUNUCH-SUPERVISOR: Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-my-emperor, since the first fresh of dawn you haven’t partaken of any provender, and the Rear Palace urged me to hurry up and arrange some provender for your service.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Tcha! What Rear Palace! Call some eunuch attendants.

  (Two eunuch attendants respond and enter)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Drag this fellow off, give him a hundred strokes of the rod, and dispatch him into the Army-cleansing Institute.252

  EUNUCH ATTENDANTS: As you command.

  (Eunuch-attendants together drag eunuch-supervisor. Exeunt)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Pah, I was yearning for my Most-prized-empress here, and that fellow came and disturbed me! Most vexing!


  Yearning for her,

  Even though I had Chalcedon nectar253 from up in Heaven,

  And rare delicacies from foreign countries,

  What kind of taste I wonder would they have, what flavour!

  Unless my desirable one stand right before me,

  Only then will I be consoled and modify my hunger.

  (Enter second eunuch-supervisor)


  Before the wine-jars, on the damask mats song and dance are presented, in the scarlet mansion254 beyond the blossoms shawms and stringed instruments are arrayed.

  (Meets, kneels) (Says)

  I beg Ten-thousand-years-grandfather to drink and feast up in Eaglewood Pavilion, to listen to the freshly composed court-music of your Pear-orchard Conservatoire.255

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Tcha! What’s this talk of the Eaglewood Pavilion!256 You deserve a beating!

  (Second eunuch-supervisor kow-tows)

  SECOND EUNUCH-SUPERVISOR: It’s nothing to do with me, It’s the heir apparent and the other princes, who say that Ten-thousand-years-grandfather’s feeling unhappy, and they took it on themselves to dispel his cares.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Tcha! Who says I’m unhappy! Call eunuch-attendants!

  (Eunuch-attendants assent and enter)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Drag this fellow off, give him a hundred strokes of the rod, and dispatch him into the Firewood-cherishing Office257 to serve as a Fire Official.

  EUNUCH ATTENDANTS: As you command.

  (Drag eunuch-supervisor, exeunt together)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Come in here, eunuch attendants.

  (Eunuch-attendants assent and re-enter)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: You two are to guard the palace gates, and not allow anyone to take it upon themselves to come in, anyone disobeying that to receive a heavy beating.

  EUNUCH ATTENDANTS: As you command.

  (They stand at the front of the stage)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Ah me, at such a time what feeling do I have to still go listening to singing and drinking wine!


  When I think of our time in the pavilion, leaning on the balustrade, it will still be that same jade railing,

  And if you ask about “new makeups” beauties, there’s none I’d loll in their company!

  Even if there were freshly composed court-music,

  The knower-of-my-music258 has vanished away,

  She’s a k’un-roc lute-string259 that’s ceased to sound,

  And I’m a jade flute too abashed to play.

  (Enter Eunuch-chamberlain Kao, with the hair from Empress Tang on his shoulder)


  Sadness of separation,

  Thoughts of love-yearning,

  Who knows how they’re rubbing their eyebrows in distress one and the other!

  From the side I’ve fathomed a trick,

  For beating phoenixes to make them unite and fly together.

  (Meets eunuch attendant) (Says)

  Where’s our Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor?

  EUNCH-ATTENDANT: He’s sitting alone in his palace.

  (Eunuch-chamberlain Kao tries to go in, but eunuch attendants bar his way)

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: Why are you blocking my way?

  EUNUCH ATTENDANT: Ten-thousand-years-grandfather’s thoroughly vexed, and he’s had two eunuch-supervisors in a row, who tried to offer him provender and entertainment, beaten, and expressly told us to guard the palace gate, and not allow anyone to take it upon themselves to come in.

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: So that’s what’s the matter. I think I’ll just wait for him.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: I’m truly bored. Let me just go outside my palace gate and leisurely stroll for a little while.

(Walks) (Sings)

  A ribbon of jasper steps and the fragrant flowers still lush I see,

  But no skirts or pearled shoes following along in my company.

  (Eunuch-chamberlain Kao gazes)

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: Ah, Ten-thousand-years-grandfather has come out, I’ll just dodge away outside the gate, and see if an opportunity presents itself.

  (Makes a pretend exit, then straight away renters, and listens)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Here’s me yearning for my Most-prized-empress: I wonder if she’s yearning for me in anyway? This morning I questioned Eunuch-chamberlain Kao, and he said that when she’d gone out, her eyes had been weeping and her tears weren’t yet dry, which makes my inch-heart as if sliced. For half this day I’ve had no way of knowing any more news of her. That fellow Eunuch-chamberlain Kao hasn’t actually come to me. Most detestable!

  (Eunuch-chamberlain Kao meets him)


  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: (Seeing Eunuch-chamberlain Kao) Ah, Eunuch-chamberlain Kao. What’s that you’re carrying over your shoulder?

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: It’s hair from Most-prized-empress Yang.

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: What’s that about hair?

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: Her Majesty says she regrets her foolishness in having offended your sage feelings, and her crime in doing so deserves a thousand deaths. Unable in this world and this life to gaze upon your celestial countenance again, she’s made a point of scissoring off this hair of hers, and told me to proffer it to you, Ten-thousand-years-grandfather, in expression of her loving thoughts.

  (Presents hair)

  (Shining August-emperor grasps the hair, looks at it and weeps)

  SHINING AUGUST-EMPEROR: Oh dear, my Most-prized-empress!


  I recall how the other night by the pillow your hair’s sweet scent I smelled,


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