The Play

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The Play Page 12

by William Dolby

  (Wrenching at each other, they go into the imperial court and prostrate themselves)

  PRIME MINISTER YANG KUO-CHUNG: I, Yang Kuo-chung, memorialise the emperor:


  An Lu-shan aspires to seize the throne, a dagger in his belly364 concealing,

  Outside, putting on foolish and ignorant looks,

  In his treachery the same as Shih Le365 leaning against the East Gate and whistling.

  He didn’t bow his respects to the Heir Apparent,

  And is openly violent and arrogant,

  Such discourtesy can’t be tolerated in your august imperial court.

  I hope that you, our sublime emperor, will immediately dismiss him and expel him,

  Getting rid of a violent evil,

  And quickly cutting off disaster’s root and shoot.

  AN LU-SHAN: I, An Lu-shan, memorialise:


  I recall that I, your insignificant subject, undeservedly received your lofty kindness, my ruler,

  That then caused loathing of me to arise in him who holds key power.366

  And, in my ignorance having offended him,

  I realise I can’t possibly preserve myself ever.

  (Sobs) Oh Your Majesty,


  I fear that if I stand alone, I’ll end up falling into his snares.

  Your insignificant subject’s

  This inch-heart’s “redness” loyalty,

  Only my sublime emperor discerns like a mirror shining its clarity.

  If you allow me to go out and be a governor,

  I’ll exert my insignificant energies

  serving you, as a dog or horse faithfully.

  (From backstage a voice says:) An imperial directive declares: Yang Kuo-chung and An Lu-shan have memorialised the throne to expose each other’s shortcomings, and if general and prime minister are in disharmony, they can’t possibly operate in the same court together. I specially order that An Lu-shan be made Military Commissioner of Fan-yang, and that he betake himself to his garrison-town there within the appointed time. Thank the emperor for his favour!

  AN LU-SHAN and PRIME MINISTER YANG KUO-CHUNG: Ten thousand years to Your Majesty!

  (They rise to their feet)

  AN LU-SHAN: (Cupping his hands on his breast in salute to Yang Kuo-chung) Venerable prime minister, now that I’m going, don’t blame me any more as putting on grand airs and graces


  Within the doors of the imperial court,

  Let you as you will, stretch your fangs and claws,

  I’m going to set up my regional administrative office,

  And be free and easy on my own terms.

  (Yang Kuo-chung laughs sardonically. An Lu-shan making to exit, turns and faces Yang Kuo-chung once more)

  AN LU-SHAN: I’ve some more words for you: Today now I’m going out to garrison,


  I think, taking advantage of some huge political upheaval,

  I’ll take charge and manipulate things,

  (Raises hand) (Says)

  By your leave!


  I shall just look on with sardonic eyes

  At you and yours.


  PRIME MINISTER YANG KUO-CHUNG: (Watching An Lu-shan exit) Huh, so that’s how it is!


  How am I to dispel all the troubles on my mind?

  I was going to erode his power and authority.

  But, what do you know!

  he’s instead been apportioned tallies and axes, and added to his splendour.

  And the tale of it’s made me a mockery.


  Huh, I only pray that when An Lu-shan departs now, he’ll cause some trouble,


  And that my conscientious counsel was the earliest

  It will be accredited me.


  Our sage emperor! Our sage emperor!


  At that juncture, you’ll repent of this day!


  To be rid of evil, you must act with decision, don’t fox-doubt,367 Disaster will come to a head within the Artemisia Wall,368 your own court, on you unawares, eventually;369 Before one’s bold breath-energy has yet been subdued, it’s futile to exclaim in shock,370 You’re glad to talk of cunning schemes, but it’s just brittle folly!371

  Act Fourteen: Stealing the melody

  (Enter Dame Ever-new and Dame Remember-me, bearing the music-score)

  DAME EVER-NEW: (Sings)

  The Rainbow-skirt music-score’s been finalised,

  (Dame Remember-me joins in)


  In the depths of the damask casement,

  We leaf through and re-check the treasured unique version.

  With perfumed throat and jade-fair lips,

  She’s personally taught us all the superb tune.

  DAME EVER-NEW: I’m Dame Ever-new,

  DAME REMEMBER-ME: And I’m Dame Remember-me.

  DAME EVER-NEW: After Empress Yang composed the new music-score for Rainbow-skirt, we two were taught it by her in person. Today, our emperor’s favouring Pure-florescence Palace with a visit, and wants this melody to be performed this very day. He’s ordered us two to convey the music-score to Li Kui-nien at the upper end of Going-to-the-court-of-the-Origin Villa,372 and overnight to teach it to, the Young Gentlemen of the Pear-orchard Conservatoire, and rehearse it with them.

  DAME REMEMBER-ME: The Separate Prelude’s373 already been passed on and rehearsed. Today we should pass on the Beat Prelude.374

  DAME EVER-NEW: Look, the moon’s as glistening as water, just right for a performance to the emperor. Let me and you carry the melody-score, and go ahead of him into the Villa.

  (They walk)

  TOGETHER: (Sing)

  The cool Toad Moon’s now rising right above the lofty Villa,

  Of which the portiere’s rolled-up open in fragrant breezes, shimmering its crystal;

  High and clear,

  We precisely correspond to every note of the Vast-cold Palace moon’s court-music immortal.

  (Enter grey-bearded Li Kui-nien)

  LI KUI-NIEN: (Sings)

  Of old I gained fame in the Court-music Ministry,375

  Now grizzled, I’m newly preferred as uniquely experienced veteran,376

  Dawn till dusk, I hasten serving to please,

  Joining the mandarin ranks, entering the inner-palace court I take my turn.


  It’s me, Li Kui-nien. A while ago, I was a court-entertainer official, but Ten-thousand-years-grandfather-the-emperor has selected me to be Troupe-head377 of his Pear-orchard Conservatoire. Now we have milady Most-prized-empress Yangs’s new melody Rainbow-skirt, and, by imperial command, Dame Ever-new and Dame Remember-me are issuing the music-score, and it’s being taught and rehearsed up in Going-to-the-court-of-the-Origin Villa, where it’s due immediately to be respectfully presented to the emperor. So we just have to do an emergency rehearsal of it. I must call together all the “brothers” and go there together with them. Where are you “brothers”?

  (Enter Ma Hsien-ch’i)378

  MA HSIEN-CH’I: (Recites)

  At Hsien-ch’i’s Square Resonators,379 even demons and spirits startle,

  (Enter Lei Hai-ch’ing)380

  LEI HAI-CH’ING: (Recites)

  For Iron Plectrum lute381 they vie Lei Hai-ch’ing to extol;

  (Entre white-sideburned He Huai-chih)382

  HE HUAI-CHIH: (Recites)

  “Old He Huai-chih on the p’i-p’a lute in the music-patch Stage Room does predominate,”383

  (Enter Huang Fan-ch’o)384

  HUANG FAN-CH’O: (Recites)

  I, Huang Fan-ch’o, at the clappers385 am especially expert.

  (They meet Li Kui-nien)

  TOGETHER: We bow our respects to you, our Maestro Li.

  LI KUI-NIEN: Welcome. Gentlemen,


  It’s our monarch’s command,

  That the performance of Rainbow-skirt be brought forward in haste,

  none allowed to procrastinate.

  Dame Ever-new and Dame Remember-me, those two fair beauties,

  are to bring and rectify the little music-score with Red-tooth clappers,

  And already in Going-to-the-court-of-the-Origin Villa they’re awaiting the bright moonlight.

  ALL: In that case, let’s just go there.

  LI KUI-NIEN: Yes, let’s please go there together.

  (They set off together)

  LI KUI-NIEN: (Sings)

  Availing ourselves of the slow dawdling imperial-palace clepsydra and the cool of night arising,

  To tap out, and have the new music-score finalised,

  To tap out, and have the new music-score finalised.

  (Exeunt all together)

  (Enter Li Mo,386 wearing cloth hat and robe)

  LI MO: (Sings)

  Flaunting my wild impulses,

  in my youth I was exuberantly untrammelled,

  And through melody’s wonders my feelings I cultivated.

  The information’s been passed on to me that tonight

  “in the realm of Erigeron-chenopodium paradise”,

  An exquisite music-score has been produced,

  Novel music to be performed.


  I’m Li Mo. My domicile of origin is Yangtse-south,387 and I’ve roamed for pleasure to the nation’s capital. From when a small child, I’ve been thoroughly versed in the rules of music, and have long stood out in fame for my playing of the iron flute.

  Recently, I’ve heard that a new melody has been composed in the imperial palace, called Rainbow-skirt and feather-jacket, and that the musical expert Li Kui-nien and others are rehearsing it each night in Going-to-the-court-of-the-Origin Villa. I hanker after such a new melody, but have no means of obtaining its score, which is kept confidential. I’ve made enquiries, and ascertained that the Villa is located right overlooking the palace wall, so the sounds of the music are heard outside the palace. I felt I had to put my iron flute up my sleeve, and come here to Mount Li,388 and, availing myself of this moonlight as bright as daytime, have a surreptitious listen to the music. Coming here, the scenery has certainly been most attractive all the way.



  The forest draws in the dusk vapours, and the sky’s clear,

  The mountains go up into the wintry air,

  and the moon lies slanting.

  Truly a splendid scene,

  Exactly as if I was wandering through a painting.

  (A scarlet curtain is set up on the stage as the wall, and within it a Villa erected)

  LI MO: As I speak, I’ve arrived just below the palace wall.


  I just see among Five-coloured Clouds,

  The forms of the palace-towers,

  Slender, attractive and delicately pretty in the bright moonlight glimmering.

  In the bright light, they can’t be fixed in one’s gaze,

  In the bright light, they can’t be fixed in one’s gazing.

  Half-hidden through the imperial air,

  Everywhere there are immortal towers,

  And beside the balustrade there’s white-jade-fair person leisurely lolling.


  I’ve heard that that Going-to-the-court-of-the-Origin Villa’s situated at the west end of the imperial forbidden-precincts park. Let me just follow this scarlet wall around, wending my way there.

  (Walks on)


  Beneath the blossom shade,

  The imperial path’s level,

  Keeping tight close to the scarlet wall, I at leisurely pace proceed.

  (Gazes) (Says)

  Right here in the shade of these weeping willows a high tower reveals itself, sticking out of the wall. I think it that must be it.


  Fixing my gaze, I again examine minutely,

  And just see the decorated portieres high, far and faint,

  And the patterned casements flashing in and out of sight.



  Why, up there are lanterns of scarlet!

  (Enter Dame Ever-new and Dame Remember-me, who ascend to the Villa within the wall)

  LI KUI-NIEN and ALL: (Backstage) Today we’re due to perform the Beat Prelude. All of you first rehearse the Non-beat Prelude from the beginning.

  LI MO: Look, up there there’s lantern light, so faint, and there seem to be the voices of people: this must surely be the place. I’ll just eavesdrop for a while.

  (Stands surreptitiously and listens)


  So quietly and so stealthily,

  I eavesdrop, in the shadow of the wall listen.

  (Music plays backstage)

  (Li Mo takes his flute out of his sleeve) (Says)

  I must take my flute out, and play in harmony with the notes, then I’ll just memorise the rhythms in clear minute detail.


  After the moon’s high, in the first watch I hear

  Sure enough, the strings sing in unison.

  Just as I’m delighting that in the walls of the imperial forbidden precincts

  The night’s deep and people still,

  There’s a tinkling of metal musical instruments echoing all in tune.

  My heart suddenly awakes to meaning, comprehends those few notes,

  My heart suddenly awakes to meaning,

  those few notes’ comprehension.

  (The Ten Musical Instruments389 sound out backstage. Li Mo blows his flute in harmony with them.)

  (Court-music stops. Dame Ever-new and Dame Remember-me sing the Latter Melody up in the Inner-palace Villa. Li Mo plays his flute, joining in with them.)


  Li-dragon Pearls390 scattering burst forth,

  It startles only on the Entering Beat.391

  The forms of sleeves tumble like clouds,

  Driftily whirling their snow, in the breeze dancing light.

  Driftily whirling their snow, in the breeze dancing light.

  Briefly sketched their misty moth-antennae eyebrows, their postures unmatched.

  LI MO: (Taking up the singing)

  My heart suddenly awakes to meaning, comprehends those few notes,

  My heart suddenly awakes to meaning, comprehends those few notes.

  (Backstage the Ten Instruments play, as before. Dame Ever-new and Dame Remember-me sing backstage, And Li Mo joins in with them on his flute.)


  Pearls shimmer and emeralds shine bright,

  Phoenixes fly up and rocs alight.

  On Royal Mother’s Jade Mountain392and the summit of Erigeron-chenopodium paradise,

  Dame Upper-origin393 her sleeves is waving.

  Dame Upper-origin waves her sleeves,

  Dame Pair-complete394 she’s guiding,

  And Dame Calyx-dark-green395 whirls her shoulders, to Hsü Chalcedony396 beckoning.

  LI MO: (Taking up the singing)

  My heart suddenly awakes to meaning, comprehends those few notes,

  My heart suddenly awakes to meaning, comprehends those few notes.

  (The Ten Instruments as before again play backstage, Dame Ever-new and Dame Remember-me sing backstage, and Li Mo joins in with them with his flute-playing)


  Notes are profuse, tune gallops,

  Silk strings and bamboo pipes criss-and-cross entwine.

  Gliding clouds settle of a sudden,

  Dancing sleeves are slowly drawn back, played with deft grace,

  And one note of song flies up to Jasper Heaven.397

  LI MO: (Taking up the singing)

  My heart suddenly awakes to meaning,

  comprehends those few notes,

  My heart sudden awa
kes to meaning,

  comprehends those few notes.

  (The Ten Instruments again play a passage backstage, unobtrusively Exeunt Dame Ever-new and Dame Remember-me)

  LI MO: What a wonderful melody! Truly it was like autumn bamboos tapping, like crackling springtime-ice, quite clearly entirely immortal music, truly not existing anywhere in the mortal world. I’ve stolen it all through my flute. I’m so blessed with fortune!


  Rainbow-skirt is music from up in Heaven,

  Outside the wall by the passer-by overheard.

  The rhythms clear,

  The notes precise,

  In the breeze high and low resounded.

  Stealthily through my flute,

  Leaving nothing out, I the music copied.


  Ah, it’s all quiet, not a sound up in the Villa. I think they’re not performing it any further.


  The people have dispersed, the melody’s finished,

  and the scarlet mansion’s quiet,

  Over half the wall, the blossom shadows

  shake in the remnant moonlight.

  (Says) Look, the Milky Way’s slanting, the moon’s falling, the Dipper star’s turning and the Shen asterism lies crosswise: I must go back home, I think.

  (Puts flute in his sleeve, and moves off)


  I turn back,

  Seeking my path homeward,

  And just can hear the jade-fair river’s flowing waters,

  their rhythm elegant and clear,

  Still like Rainbow-skirt’ s soft sinuous sound.


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