The Play

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The Play Page 37

by William Dolby


  Kan, li, mao and yu cyclical numerals aligned.971

  TAOIST LADS: And what about its direction?

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: As for its direction, it holds down the Yellow Courtyard972 cosmic centre, and has access to Scarlet-ultimate973 Palace.


  Tzu, wu, chi’en and k’un974 directed.

  TAOIST LADS: How big is this altar-platform, though?

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: Even though it just leans in the corner, and takes up the foundation and steps,


  And the altar-area is only feet and inches.

  It can take in Mount Sumeru,975 hide the world,

  And its length a yojana measures.976

  TAOIST LADS: Ah, so it encompasses such breadth!

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: Above, it contains the three hundred and sixty degrees of Heaven entire, including the stars, and the sun and moon.

  TAOIST LADS: We suppose that the field it governs must also be big?

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: In the middle it governs the Four Great Continent977 the Great Chilocosm978 and Jambu Continent,979


  The Yȕeh-tu980 mountains and rivers are included.

  TAOIST LADS: Who listens for your commands up on the altar-platform?

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: Listening to my commands are those who neither dilly nor dally:


  Master Wind,981

  Master Fire,982

  Master Thunder983

  And Lightning-god Master,984

  TAOIST LADS: Who does the actual tasks?

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: Providing the doing of tasks, are none other than the relevant officers in charge:


  The Hour Officer,985

  The Officer for the Day Entire,986

  The Month Officer,987

  The Officer for the Year.988

  TAOIST LADS: What phenomena encircle the altar?


  In the air circle quark quark honk rocs humming and phoenixes whistling,

  Are lined up grim grim tigers crouching and dragons slumbering either side.

  Truly it’s not stained by one speck of the Dust world,

  And all the many wanton absurdities sidelined.

  TAOIST LADS: Was it not for your boundless cosmic-truth powers, our master, how could this unsurpassed magic Taoist altar have been constructed?


  This is completely owing to the Great T’ang Dynasty monarch’s divine-blessings share,

  To flaunt may I venture my Swan-goose Capital’s little cosmic-law powers’ quality and ardour!

  TAOIST LADS: Please mount the altar-platform, our master.

  (Backstage sound of Soft Music. The two Taoist Lads lead Yang Mystery-accesser up onto the altar-platform.

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: Riding Heaven’s Wind,989 and following the immortal music-performance,


  Led by a pair of roc-banners, on high I step the Dipper,

  (Sound of bells and drums backstage)

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: Gold bells resound, dharma-drums990 cry,


  I reverently raise my ivory tablet,

  and pay homage to the Origin afar,

  (Taoist lads presents him with incense.)

  TAOIST LADS: Please pick some incense, our master.

  (Yang Mystery-accesser takes some incense between his thumb and finger)

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: This incense, is not inferior to that of Green-lion Grotto991 in Sandalwood Forest992 in India in the West.993


  From roots coiling like yȕeh-cho phoenix,994

  Its shape like silkworm-cicada,995

  the “auspicious borneol”996of the state of Persia997 in the Eastern998 Ocean.999

  It’s tied to auspicious clouds. It soars in precious mists.

  It rushes up to the empyrean.

  It penetrates the Pure Obscurity.1000

  It entwines the azure sky

  It universally for the True Darkness1001 makes provision.


  With this first stick of incense,


  I pray that the present Sublime August-emperor

  may enjoy long-life boundlessly,

  Preserving his vast domains and state altars to millet and soil,

  And consolidating the extension on and on of our dynasty’s blessings hereditary.


  With this second stick of incense, I pray that our national territory may be quiet, the nighttime flames and daytime smoke of beacons be extinguished, and in each district, each prefecture, each region of the whole world,


  That the general populace may be tranquil,

  and there be no battles or campaigns,

  and cease all banditry,


  That rice and millet ripen, silkworms and mulberry-trees be luxuriant, that for the ordinary people, whether old, whether infant, whether adult,


  Their families be wealthy

  and their households self-sufficient,

  and they in their farm-fields and gardens happy.


  This third sick of incense is simply for those parted in life or by death, whose love doesn’t get extinguished.


  And relying on this incense-tip once lit,

  I shall fully warm the spirit on Night Terrace.


  In the Shades of afterlife and the Brightness of the living world,1002 they’re cut off from each other, but their love can’t cease,


  I yearn to make this incense-smoke turn a hundred twists,

  Blowing forth the manifestation of the “spring-breeze” love-shone empress’s face.

  (Taoist lad presents him with flowers)

  TAOIST LAD: Strew flowers!

  (Yang Mystery-accesser strews flowers)



  Don’t imitate those of Old Gautama,1003 Buddha, who, facing Kasyapa,1004 smiled be-puzzling1005 as he twirled them in his fingers,

  Don’t toil those Heaven-maiden Apsaras1006 to visiting Vimalakirti1007 who strewing flowers unrestrainedly, flew whirling around.1008

  I make a point of picking wild-ginger weeds,

  Trampling through

  High-gate Hunting-park paradise,1009

  And again and again seek the Dream-cherishing Plant,1010 all over the Chalcedon-fields of paradise it to pluck.1011

  To manifest my divine wonders,1014

  I’m going to graft their remnant blooms onto the Love Tree to go back,

  To apply my skills

  And to make fall the wild-ginger1013

  I guarantee,

  And fallen flowers again bloom, a twin-head lotus to make.

  (Taoist lads present him with a lamp)

  TAOIST LADS: We present you with the lamp.

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: (Taking the lamp in his hands) This lamp,


  Effulgent and so gleaming, ever shines its supernatural light1014towards the “thousand autumns” empress,

  Effulgent and so sparkling, a Mind-lamp1015 just for their one Love its light transmitting.

  It so much equals the Constant-distance Stone1016 secretly emitting in the bosom,

  That Body-returning Candle on high within the bed-curtain burning.

  They just want to reconnect their head-over-heels love,

  And receive this lamp’s last flame leftover,

  I , though, am about to light this divine lamp,

  To shine right through that old injustice and error.

  (Taoist lads proffer him a magic goblet1017)

  TAOIST LADS: Please, our master, conjure upon this water.

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: (Taking the water in his hands)


bsp; This water, twin-eyed fish once swam in it,

  Paired mandarin-duck and drake once on it floated.

  Don’t say that that day they were like fish finding water,

  It’s clear that in the end, “not half a dot of water and rice intermingled”,1018

  All interaction ceased.

  The countless ripples of Love’s River and Cherishing’s Ocean

  Were in the end exhausted,

  Than waves of that kind of illusory bubble and floating foam1019 more easy to raise.

  She just thought “the blue sea once found it impossible to produce water”,1020

  Little did she know that I with this one drip from willow twig1021 would penetrate right through to the Nine Springs!

  TAOIST LADS: Our offerings are completed. Might we ask you, our master, how you are going to practice your magic to invoke Empress Yang’s spirit here?


  You for me shall arrange for the spirit-beckoning robe,

  And hang up her Leftover-sunshine Picture,1022

  Sweep the Dragon Steps clean,

  Lift high the Phoenix Curtains.

  Waiting till after the second watch,

  And before the third watch is drummed,

  When sleeping whippets don’t bark,

  And roosting birds don’t noise,

  When leaves are tranquil on tree-twigs,

  And insects quiet on the edge of palace-steps.

  When the stars dim and the dew bright shines,

  And the moonlight leaks and the wind through pierces,

  When so stealthily and so hidden,

  Leisurely progressing, flutter-fluttering,

  Stepping along with jade waist-pendants tinkle-tinkling, isn’t that a beautiful lady who’s appeared,

  At last to confirm her sombre regrets of the mortal world,

  And lingering love-destiny Below the Ground.

  (Sound of Taoist Music being played backstage)

  (Enter Eunuch-chamberlain Kao holding in his hands a Green Statement,1023 which he presents to Yang Mystery-accesser)


  From Ninth Heaven, the emperor, a Green Bird messenger, With one Scarlet-roc Letter!1024

  (Goes up to Yang Mystery-accesser, and kneels)

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: I, Eunuch-chamberlain Kao, in receipt of Grand Sublime August-emperor’s command, respectfully deliver this Green Statement to you.

  (Taoist lad proffers up Green Statement to Yang Mystery-accesser)

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: (Cupping his hands on his breast in respectful gesture of gratitude to Eunuch-chamberlain Kao) Eunuch-minister, I respectfully invite you to wait a little while outside the altar-platform.

  (Eunuch-chamberlain Kao responds with assent)


  I just see the imperial writing-brush’s Green Statement written on Phoenix Notelet,1025

  I, without let, from the beginning with minute care unfold it.

  Simply because that beauty, though separated in life, and in death apart,

  Adamant and so sure, occasioned no changes or crises,

  From her true love’s start,

  I’d like to have her fragrant spirit and her lover meet again,

  And must bring “Queen Li” here, into this curtain her invite.

  That would be so wonderfully better than Royal Mother of the West approaching the palace-hall front,

  And can I but contrive for “young sir Liu”,

  “Emperor Warrior of the Han dynasty’s”1026 fulfilling the prayers of his heart,

  They’ll, at great leisure, of their love-destiny talk this night.

  (Taoist musical instruments start up)

  (Yang Mystery-accesser does his magic, burns amulets, and chants)


  With this Taoist amulet,1027 Let cranes come flying up and rocs gliding, Mandarins of the Ministry of Personnel1028 and Amulet Envoys,1029 Speedily to my altar-area coming.

  (Enter amulet-mandarins Strongman and Yellow Turban1030 on horseback, dancing. They meet)

  AMULET-MANDARINS: Immortal master, what magic command do you have for us?

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: (Handing them an amulet) May I trouble you, messengers, to take this amulet command, and speedily invite Most-prized-empress Yang’s Shades spirit here to this altar-platform.

  AMULET MANDARINS: (Taking the amulet) We accept your magic command!

  (Mount horses, and ride around stage. Exeunt)


  I just see Strongman and Yellow Turban to proclaim her invitation going,

  Brandishing hey-ho their horse-whips, and not even a short while delaying.

  I guarantee to have them dodge Dark Wind1031 and advance to bring-in her whole spirit,

  And while I’m quietly, so noiselessly myself up on this altar-platform waiting,

  She’s patiently fret-fretting in her palace gazes till her eyes have no more power of gazing:

  Huh, why after such an age doesn’t one see her turning back here, on her cloud riding?


  Why hasn’t she arrived here by now? I feel most perplexed.


  Before the mountains and streams vast and so far,

  I gaze at her faint remote fragrant spirit;

  Before the stars and moon dim dull-dully,

  I stare hard at the “fragrant looker” so distant.

  Before the steps and stone stairs cold and so forlorn,

  I hear the spirit’s footsteps quiet.


  I must burn a further batch of urging-amulets to send them off.

  (Burns amulets)


  I ceaselessly burn my foolish cinnabar amulets,1032

  Futilely pluck at my poor Sword-formulae everywhere.1033

  In vain I regurgitate my ineffective True Prophesies.1034

  (Enter Amulet-messenger god)

  (They meet)

  AMULET-MESSENGER GOD: I report to you, immortal master: I, this minor sage, have searched everywhere for Empress Yang’s Shades spirit, but haven’t found any way of inviting her here.

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: Withdraw for now, amulet-messenger.

  AMULET-MESSENGER: As you command!

  (Exit dancing)

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: (Descending from the altar-platform) Novice-lads, invite Eunuch-chamberlain Kao in for an audience.

  (Taoist lads face backstage, and ask Eunuch-chamberlain Kao to please come)

  TAOIST LAD(S): Milord Kao, you are please invited here.

  (Enter Eunuch-chamberlain Kao)


  I hear the jade clepsydra’s pacing long and short, I wonder whether the fragrant spirit’s here or not?

  (Meets Yang Mystery-accesser) (Says)

  Immortal master, has Empress Yang arrived in response to your invitation?

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: Just now the Amulet-messenger arrived here, and he said he’d had no means of inviting Empress Yang here.

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: Oh dear, then what on Earth can we do?

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: You just go and report back to the emperor about his command, eunuch-lord, while I here from this altar-platform, fly forth my Great Spirit,1035 and no matter where she is, whether in Heaven or on Earth, come what may, find Empress Yang. In less than three days I shall definitely have some news to report back to him with.

  EUNUCH-CHAMBERLAIN KAO: Grand Sublime August-emperor yearns for her most fervently, so you, immortal master, really must apply your mind to it.


  For now convey your magician patter, To comfort Sublime August-emperor.


  (String and woodwind music backstage. Yang Mystery-accesser changes into a crane-feather jacket)

  YANG MYSTERY-ACCESSER: Novice-lads, you attend here with care, while I sit cross-legged in meditation, and send forth my spiri

  TAOIST LADS: As you command, sir magician!

  (Bells and drums sound backstage each twenty-four times. Yang Mystery-accesser mounts the altar and sits upright, clicking his teeth together, and, shutting his eyes, sends forth his spirit)

  TAOIST LAD: Look, our master has sent his spirit out. We must just let down the cloud curtain, and wait at the foot of the altar-platform.

  (They let down the curtains on the altar. Exit Yang Mystery-accesser unobtrusively)

  TAOIST LAD: (Recites)

  The sound of bells falls silent up on the altar, Up in Heaven the cloud-forms move at leisure.

  (Exeunt together)

  (Enter Taoist Priest Yang Mystery-accesser’s Great Spirit. Comes round from back of the altar-platform, and proceeds)


  From out of the Dark Shades comes forth my True Origin,

  So much better than wandering in immortals’ dream journey!

  I’m just going to tread and smash through the empty air,

  To seek out the beautiful lady.


  I, this poor Taoist, am Yang Mystery-accesser. Because I’ve promised the Superior August-emperor to seek and find his Most-prized-empress Yang’s spirit, I’ve to that end brought forth my Great Spirit, and am searching for her everywhere. Where shall I now go first?


  Ha, I have it!


  Let me delay calling at Heaven’s Gate,

  Or swiftly seeking Jade Palace-halls.

  I must first beget myself to the Shades,

  And make a big search of Yellow Springs.


  Ah, here I am now at Feng-tu1036 City.

  (Faces backstage)

  At the upper end of Thick-forest-netter Palace-hall,1037 where’s the Hell’s Assessor?1038

  (Enter Hell’s Assessor, leaping, followed by minor demon)


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