Brother Billy

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Brother Billy Page 12

by George Bird Grinnell


  Two things puzzled Billy. One was the letter from Aunt Florence,in which she hinted at the possibility of visiting Santa Claus onChristmas Day. Neither Billy's father nor Billy's mother knew what tothink. Mid-winter was not the time to expect company in their part ofthe world.

  "It's some kind of a joke, I guess," was Billy's suggestion.

  The second thing that puzzled Billy was the great change that suddenlycame over the LeBrinn family. He wondered if he had anything to do withit. One day, having overheard a conversation not intended for his ears,he told 'Phonse that Samone was surely going to be sent to the home atColdwater, and advised him to tell his father to "watch out." The nexttime Billy met Antoine LeBrinn, Samone was with him.

  "Come here, little Beely," called the Frenchman, "ole Antoine want toshake hand with you. It's a pretty good little Beely. Samone like Beelypretty good, I tole you that."

  Antoine then explained to the boy that no one should take Samone awayfrom him, because he intended keeping her with him all the time, andfrom that hour until the day soon after, when Billy saw the littleSamone no more, she was always close beside her father. The particularthing that puzzled Billy, though, kept half the village guessing.'Phonse, Buzz, Bud, and Tony came to school just before the holidaysdressed in fine new suits and beaming with smiles. That same afternoonBilly was in the dry-goods store when Antoine bought a red dress forhis wife and wide red ribbons to trim it with.

  "I tole you the ole lady she look pretty good when he get this on,Beely," said Antoine, rattling a pocketful of money for Samone'sbenefit. The jingle pleased Antoine more than it did the little girl.

  Billy wondered where Antoine got his money, and when he learned thatthe Frenchman's own family didn't know, he wondered more than ever.

  For many weeks Antoine had been stage-driver on the evergreenroad,--the winding way across the ice, marked on either side by foresttrees.

  The day before Christmas there was a blizzard. From Billy's home on thepoint nothing could be seen but whirling snow. The nearest trees on theevergreen road were hidden from sight, while the north shore across thefrozen straits seemed for ever lost.

  "Antoine won't go to-day," said Billy; but scarcely were the wordsspoken when the sound of sleigh-bells was heard, and Antoine stoppedhis horses at the cottage door. He asked for an extra shawl or blanketfor the children, and laughed at the idea of being afraid to make thetrip. When Billy's mother knew that 'Phonse and Samone were in thesleigh, she begged Antoine to leave them with her.

  "Samone stay with ole Antoine long as he live in Mackinaw," declaredthe Frenchman, "and Beely she know that. I ain't leave Samone nomore." Antoine went on to explain that he could cross the evergreenroad with his eyes shut, and that there wasn't a bit of danger. He hadpositively promised to meet two passengers who were coming from Duluth,and he was determined to be on time for the train. The children werecomfortable as two kittens, Antoine further insisted, at the same timedeclaring that he would be back at noon to help the "old lady" getready for Christmas.

  Fumbling in his pocket at the last moment, Antoine drew forth anenvelope, in which he declared was his wife's Christmas present.

  "Tell Beely to take care of it until ole Antoine come back, and, if sheain't come home no more, give her to the old lady."

  Every hour the storm grew worse, and at noon the marine reporter'sthree children listened in vain for the sound of sleigh-bells.

  "Antoine must have decided to stay in St. Ignace, and drive hometo-morrow," said their mother, and the family were of the same opinion.

  All the afternoon the children had the gayest kind of a time. Nothought of the storm outside disturbed their fun. Gerald, Betty, andBilly were too accustomed to blizzards to mind their fury. After thelamps were lighted, they gathered around the piano to sing the familiarcarol they loved so well. That Christmas Eve they sang but one verse:

  "'Oh, little town of Bethlehem! How still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep The silent stars go by; Yet in thy dark street shineth The everlasting light, The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee to-night!'"

  The door-bell rang, and Antoine LeBrinn's wife, weeping and wringingher hands, was ushered into the bright sitting-room. She had waitedall the afternoon for the return of her husband and children, and atlast, leaving Bud and Buzz and Tony with neighbours, had walked to thevillage, expecting and dreading to find Antoine at the saloons. No onehaving seen him since morning, she was sure that, unless he had reachedthe marine reporter's cottage, he was lost on the Straits of Mackinaw,and every one knew what that meant. That night the evergreen road wasdrifted full, the trees along the way were blown down, and the icewas a trackless wilderness. Even Billy thought of the air-holes andshuddered.

  It was the little brother who spoke first, after the sobbingFrenchwoman had told her story.

  "Papa," he asked, "why don't you go down and telegraph to St. Ignace?"

  "I'll do it, Billy," he answered, and straightway left the cottage.There was a look on his father's face when he returned that Billy hadnever seen before.

  "Antoine left St. Ignace two hours ago," he said to Billy's mother."Men have already gone to find him, but it is useless."

  Billy's father went away, and in that dreadful time of waiting thethree children listened to the Frenchwoman's despairing talk. Just thatmorning her husband had told where his money came from. The old aunt inCanada was dead, and had left her farm and all she owned to Antoine.They had made such happy plans. The little Samone should be a lady, andthe boys would no longer be ragged and half-starved. Christmas Day thechildren were to be told the good news, and before the New Year theywould be living in a home of their own in Canada.

  The mention of Christmas reminded Billy of the worn envelope left inhis care.

  "Here," said he, giving it to Mrs. LeBrinn, "he said give you that."

  The woman tore open the envelope and stared at the slip of paper itcontained. She couldn't understand; but the instant Betty saw it sheknew the truth. It was the pledge, with Antoine LeBrinn's name signedat the bottom.

  For the first time since she entered the cottage, the Frenchwomanraised her head and looked hopeful. She said Antoine always kept hisword, and, since she knew he had not been drinking that day, unless heperished in the blizzard, he would find his way home.

  A shout from Billy startled every one in the room. "Why, my dog!" hefairly screamed. "He is a St. Bernard, and, oh, Mrs. LeBrinn, you knowwhat St. Bernards are for. He'll find the lost folks!"

  "Billy is right," echoed his mother, as the child ran for the dog."Hero will find them, I know."

  Like a flash, the dog darted into the night when he knew what wasexpected of him, and there were no more tears shed in the sitting-room.The curtains in the bay-window were raised, while the three children,their mother, and Mrs. LeBrinn watched the beacon-fire blazing high atthe beginning of the evergreen road.

  It was growing colder every minute, though the minutes were long. Menwho gave up the search piled timbers on the fire and waited. It was allthey could do. At last Hero bounded toward them, and the faint sound ofsleigh-bells came on the wind.

  Safe was the little Samone,--safe, warm, and sound asleep with 'Phonse.Neither of the children awoke as they were carried into the cottage andplaced upon the couch; but they opened wondering eyes when Betty andGerald and little Billy welcomed their Aunt Florence and their UncleJohn, the passengers for whom Antoine had made that trip to St. Ignace.

  For a few minutes every one, including Hero, talked at the same time,and nobody listened to what anybody else said until Billy's mothersuggested dinner.

  "We'll have our Christmas dinner now," she declared.

  "And another one to-morrow, mamma," added Billy, in a whisper, "unlessUncle John would rather have venison than turkey. I know one thing,Antoine's so happy, he won't know what he is eating to-night, and Ifeel
the same way myself. Aunt Florence looks as if she's pretty gladto get here, too. I guess we'll have a good time to-night that evenSamone will remember long time after she goes to Canada. We are allhappy, mamma; I 'tole you that.'"

  When Antoine saw the candle-light from the Christmas tree shining uponhis little Samone, he did a queer thing,--lifting her in his arms totake her in to dinner, he touched her soft curls and said: "It's a goodlittle Beely."



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